The "Confession Mobile" has is a converted VW Bus, which has been under way as a traveling confessional for seven years in Germany. The vehicle has received the blessing of John Paul II as well. This blessing is valid also for all the faithful, who seek encouragement and absolution in the "confession mobile".
The "Confession Mobile" can be visited on the 20th of February in Halle B5 of Munich Messe on Platform 463.
With the traveling confessional, "Kirche in Not" recalls the tradition of "Chapel Wagons". With these traveling converted trailers, the founder of the charity, Father Werenfried van Straaten, helped after the war to secure pastoral care among the homeless Catholics. Later "Kirche in Not" also has provided floating churches in the Amazon as on the Volga and Don, that the Church can come to people in difficult to reach areas.
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Kirche in Not
Lorenzonistr. 62
81545 München
Telefon: +49 / 89 / 64 24 888 – 0
E-Mail: kontakt@kirche-in-not.de
Kirche in Not: Spenden online
Foto: Das Beichtmobil im Einsatz in der Erfurter Fußgängerzone (c) KIRCHE IN NOT