Archbishop Cerro, the Primate of Spain, accuses the Spanish government of acting totalitarian. In the picture, Minister of Education Isabel Celaà.
The Archbishop of Toledo and Primate of Spain, Msgr. Francisco Cerro Chaves, accuses the Spanish left-wing government of "totalitarian" action - a statement that makes people sit up and take notice in the midst of the Corona crisis.
The primate criticized the latest educational reform, the so-called Celaà law, named after the Basque socialist Isabel Celaà. Celaà since 2018 Education Minister and spokesperson of the Popular Front government of Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez (PSOE) that from which Socialist Worker's Partty (SOE), the radical left party Podemos, the Communist Party of Spain (PCE) and the left-wing United Left (IU) is composed.
The educational reform resolved by this parliamentary majority at the end of 2020 provides for the cancellation of funding for private schools and the abolition of religious education. The first measure is to strangle the private schools, which are mainly Catholic-sponsored, and to remove them in favor of a state monopoly. A monopoly that, according to leftist ideas, should in any case be designed without religion and remote from the Church in the educational canon. The second measure is aimed directly against the Catholic Church. Both measures aim to weaken the influence of the Church and ban it from public life in Spain.
It is late, but the resistance to the law is begginning to rise. This includes the scathing criticism by the Spanish primate Archbishop Cerro. He accused the government of "calling themselves democrats and calling for freedom", but in reality acting "totalitarian".
What the government is presenting as a step towards a “modern education system” is in reality neither modern nor new, but rather “very old”, said the Archbishop. All of the pedagogical approaches contained therein come from the day before yesterday and have strong ideological connotations, said Msgr. Cerro. They have been "repeated for decades" by the Spanish left.
Since the early 19th century it has been a "constant" that almost every Spanish government has changed the education law. But not every reform was a win. The current governing parties would “stubbornly” insist on repeating the same mistakes in education “over and over again”, the Archbishop said.
"Ideological interests take precedence over the real purpose of education."
The primate takes particular offense at "many articles and interventions" by the government, which more or less openly deny or attack the right of parents to have their children raised according to their own moral and religious convictions. This is a serious and blatant attack on parental rights.
The primate therefore demanded a right for parents to be able to choose between state and private schools with a denominational background. This does not call for the private schools to be stiffled, but for their equality in order to ensure a real choice. After all, the money for the education budget comes from the taxes of all citizens. An education that does not meet the expectations of the parents cannot claim to fulfill its educational mandate.
Minister Celaà had announced that religion would no longer be a subject of instruction and that the subject where it was still taught would no longer appear in the certificate. The government has disregarded the society's desire to respect parental rights, the Archbishop said.
"This right is concretized in the right to choose a school and in the right to choose religious instruction."
In conclusion, the archbishop named with reference to Pope Benedict XVI. the fundamental problem on which the current education discussion is based:
“The great basic problem of today's education has its roots in the current anthropological crisis. We live in a deep anthropological crisis that manifests itself in an educational crisis. The deeper and more precise the understanding of people, the better educational measures can be developed. "
Cardinal Canizares in the sights of a radical left that many Spaniards suspect are dreaming of dictatorship and persecution of the church – as in 1936.
(Madrid) In Spain, parts of the left yearn for the anti-church Popular Front climate of 1936. The pretext and instrument of Church persecution today is the Corona crisis. The left-wing government effectively repealed parts of the constitution, including the right to freedom of religion, thereby massively incorporating the public, social and private lives of citizens. It took a few weeks, but more and more people are realizing that Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez (PSOE) and other members of the socialist PSOE and radical left-wing Podemos government have justified the radical measures with absurd claims. Statements that were claimed to have been made by government representatives of other countries. The suspicion of central authorities and hidden puppet masters make the rounds. The result is increasingly vociferous protests throughout Spain, which the media in Central Europe do not report. This selective reporting, too, is increasingly aroused suspicion and mistrust. The lasnt barrel to overflow was brought on by the attack against Antonio Cardinal Canizares Llovera.
The political left has targeted Cardinal Canizares who is being accused of violating the Corona requirements. In 2014, shortly before the first Family Synod, Pope Francis promoted him to archbishop of Valencia and thus away from the Roman Curia. Previously, he was Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Order of the Sacraments by Pope Benedict XVI. Before Benedict appointed him to the Roman Curia, he was Bishop of Avila from 1992 to 1996, then Archbishop of Granada until 2002, and finally Archbishop of Toledo and Primate of Spain until 2008. As such, he was called the "Blade of Toledo" because of his clear language.
The political left is crying out for an investigation into the Archbishop of Valencia, whose "crime" is to open the gates of a church on 10 May and to have blessed his episcopal See with a merciful image of Our Lady at the threshold.
Hue and cry was made that the Cardinal, called "the little Ratzinger" in his Roman time, had violated the Corona emergency measures imposed by the Socialist government.
The Archbishop's office replied that there had been no injury. Nevertheless, the Archbishop was reported and an investigation was launched by the city government.
Every second Sunday in May, it is a tradition in Valencia to celebrate the feast of the Mare de Déu dels Desamparats, according to the Catalan title under which Our Lady is invoked. In Spanish, the Virgen de los desamparados is Our Lady of the Abandoned in English. She is the Patroness of the city.
The Cardinal with the festively dressed image of Our Lady on May 10, 2020
The year 1409
This devotion and feast date back to 24 February 1409, when the priest Joan Gilabert Jofré, a Mercedarian, saw children on their way to the cathedral mocking and tormenting a homeless mentally ill man. Father Jofré, who had been ordained a priest in 1375, had spent his life following the charism of his order, with efforts to buy Christians out of Islamic slavery. When he returned to Valencia, he saw another need. He recognized the double need for protection of the man who was harassed by the children. In his homily in the cathedral, he denounced the gratuitous, irrational and cruel persecution of vulnerable, innocent mentally ill people and decided to form a brotherhood to serve people like the man whom the children had mocked as "El loco" before his eyes.
In 2010, the Brotherhood celebrated its 600th anniversary
With his Society, founded in 1410, the Lloable Confraria de la Verge Maria dels Innocents, the "Blessed Society of the Virgin Mary of the Innocents", he established the world's first institution for people with mental illnesses and placed it under the special protection of Our Lady in 1414.
Father Jofré and members of the Society, which consisted equally of women and men, along with some priests, erected a chapel in the hospice in honour of Our Lady of the Abandoned. When the chapel was completed, according to tradition, three young men in pilgrim clothes came and offered to create a picture of Our Lady within three days, if they were given a room for it that no one was allowed to enter. This happened, but there was no noise from the room. When nothing happened on the fourth day, the brothers opened the door and found in it the honored image of Our Lady, at whose feet two innocent children can be seen. But the young pilgrims had disappeared. Then the blind and paralyzed wife of the fraternity member who lived in the hospital and had taken her in, was healed. The image of Our Lady with which Cardinal Canizares blessed the city, is therefore said to be el feren el àngels, it was "made by the angels".
Soon the Society also took care of street children, then also homeless sailors and prostitutes. The Fraternity institution became a model for similar foundations, the first of which was established in the Iberian Peninsula in 1438 in Barcelona and in Spanish America, in Mexico City in 1567. In Valencia, Father Jofré's hospital became the city's general hospital.
In 1489, the image of Our Lady was transferred to the city's cathedral. In 1652, the construction of his own basilica in his honour, which was consecrated in 1667, was established directly adjacent to it. The Basilica of mare de Déu dels Desemparats, a collegiate monastery, is connected to the Cathedral of Valencia by a bridge. In 1923, the image of grace was crowned in the presence of King Alfonso XIII and the Apostolic Nuncio on behalf of Pope Pius XI. In the unofficial anthem of the city, the Mother of God of the Abandoned is sung.
The Basilica of the Mare de Déu dels Desemparats, built for the image of Our Lady
The Rage of the Socialists
On the second Sunday in May, on her feast, a procession from the basilica to the cathedral, a distance of 200 meters, traditionally takes place with the great participation of the people. Because of the coronavirus, it had to be cancelled this year. Cardinal Canizares therefore celebrated the Mass behind closed doors, but at the end of the celebration he stood with the image of Our Lady at the threshold of the basilica and blessed the city, while a canon sang the national anthem of the Autonomous Community of Valencia.
That was enough to turn the left-wing city government against him. It launched an investigation to determine whether the cardinal had violated the Corona regulations. Video footage of the event shows that the cardinal did not leave the basilica with the image of Our Lady. Meanwhile, rumors were spread in the city, which could be refuted by the archdiocese thanks to the direct video transmission. But it was of no use. The Socialist City Councillor Aamen Cano (PSOE), responsible for civil protection [Public Safety?], accused the Cardinal of "fraud" because he had blessed the city, even though he had no "permission" to do so. The Cardinal had acted "irresponsibly" by opening the basilica. This was particularly serious because he acted "with intent and treason."
On the instructions of the city government, the basilica was closed by the city police.
The Cardinal's Opinion
Cardinal Canizares responded with clear words. In a statement, he asked the city council:
"Why are you lying and complaining?"
What law or provision prohibits opening the door of a church?
"In all clarity, truth and firmness, and with the freedom that you seem to want to restrict and suppress, I am sorry to tell you that you are lying without mitigating reasons, while at the same time informing you that legality has been faithfully respected and strictly kept by the Church."
The Cardinal informed the city council and its comrades:
"If you had been in the basilica [what Cano would have been able to do as a city councillor] or if you had watched the broadcast of the Mass on television, you would know what happened and what I said."
And further:
"For my part, you are forgiven, and I am sure that the Virgin will forgive you too, because you did not know what you had done on this occasion, and I ask the Valencians, most of whom are not with you, to forgive you and to ignore your words and gestures. The damage you wanted to do has been done against you, even if in some media the damage and slander persists and the lie is spread: this does not contribute to the common good, which has to be the basis for every policy and everyone in politics. This creates damage and hatred."
And even more clearly:
"I note that Marxist ideology is still at large: lies are a political weapon based on the motto: the worse, the better."
And a serious reminder:
"Do not forget that in the countries of our region and in almost all the countries of the world, an inalienable fundamental right is recognised, which is also guaranteed by our Spanish Constitution: the right to religious freedom, which you seem to disregard because you want to dictate what you can and cannot do in a church. Think about it and learn to respect this inalienable and inviolable right."
Das Year 1936
For those who do not know what happened in Spain in 1936, a brief review: on September 14 of that year, Pope Pius XI received 500 Spanish refugees who had to leave their homeland because of the persecution of the Church by the Popular Front. The Pope expressed his sorrow at the persecution and his admiration for the persecuted and the mistreated, especially for those Catholics who had suffered martyrdom.
Manuel de Irujo, Christian Democrat, Basque nationalist, 1937 Minister of Justice of the People's Front
In order not to let the opposite side of General Franco, who is still hated by the political left today, be quoted as Manuel de Irujo (1891–1981), a Catholic from Navarre, representative of the Basque National Party, who was Minister of Justice of the Republican People's Front government in 1937. On 7 January 1937, in Valencia, because of the struggles at that time in the capital of Republican Spain, he presented a memoir:
"The de facto situation of the Church throughout the pro-government area, with the exception of the Basque Country, is as follows:
– All altars, paintings and cult objects were destroyed with a few exceptions, most in a vile way.
– All churches have been closed for the cult, which is totally and absolutely reviled.
The majority of the churches of Catalonia were set on fire, as if it were a normal thing.
– The institutions and the official organs of the state have confiscated bells, chalices, ciboria, candelabra and other cult objects, and material has been extracted from their melting for war or industrial purposes.
All monasteries were evacuated and the religious life in them was eliminated. The buildings, the cult objects and goods were looted, burned, occupied or demolished.
The priests and religious were arrested, imprisoned and executed, thousands of them without trial. These are facts that continue to happen today, not only in rural areas where they were hunted and brutally killed, but also in cities. Hundreds of arrests have been made in Madrid, Barcelona and the other major cities for no reason other than being priests or religious.
– An absolute ban was imposed on the private expression of religious representations and cult objects. The police carry out house searches, turn apartments upside down and dig into intimate, personal and family life, destroy statues, pictures, religious writings and everything associated with or reminiscent of the cult with ridicule and violence."
Call against Pedro Sanchez's left-wing government: "No to oppression. No to dictatorship"
Meanwhile, "freedom, freedom" calls are making protests against the government's radical measures, the restriction of fundamental rights, the persecution of the people, and the impression of remote control by the vaccination cartel around Bill Gates. The media in Central Europe do not report on this. In Spain, there is concern that parts of the political left are once again dreaming of dictatorship and the persecution of the Church.
A video of the protests against the government's radical measures:
Text: Giuseppe Nardi Picture: MiL/Wikicommons/Youtube/Twitter (Screenshots)
(Madrid) While verbal and physical attacks against churches and religious leaders accumulate in the heated election climate in Spain, Pope Francis will meet Pablo Iglesias, the current irrepressible leader of the radical left Spain in September. With this meeting Pope Francis continues his unilateral contacts with representatives of the radical left.
Acts of vandalism against churches and religious institutions, but also verbal attacks against high church officials, have characterized the time before the early Spanish general elections which are to take place on 26 June.
One of the most prominent victims of the attacks is Antonio Cardinal Cañizares, Archbishop of Valencia and former Cardinal Prefect of the Roman Congregation for Divine Worship. In mid-May he had defended the natural family of a man and a woman with children against gender ideology. The cardinal had called "the family founded on marriage," a "precious asset" which need to be defended against attacks. At the same time he criticized the gender ideology as "the most insidious that there has been in the whole of human history."
Since then representatives of the Left parties have romped against the leading church representative.The attacks and the anti-Church propaganda are of such hardness that observers see it as a test run, for those who want to muzzle the Church and silence it. At the same time the same parties are pandering to the followers of Islam.
Among the attackers, there are representatives of the socialist PSOE, which last ruled from 2004-2011 Spain and during this time one of the most liberal abortion laws, which introduced "gay marriage" and muzzling laws that allow freedom of expression was restricted.
The sharpest attacks came from the ranks of the new radical left party Podemos by Pablo Iglesias. The architect of the Party founded in 2014, Juan Carlos Monedero, insulted Cardinal Cañizares as a "Monster" and mocked him by belittling his attitude as "repressed homosexuality". Monedero is a professor at the Pontifical University of Comillas and thus employee of the Church, which make the attacks particularly explosive.
Vatican spokesman has denied meeting with Podemos boss
In the parliamentary elections in December 2015 Podemos with 20.7 percent was straightaway the third strongest. Since formation of a government failed, early elections will be held on 26 June. Podemos has formed part of a list combined with the traditional radical left around the Communist Party of Spain (PCE). Under the name Unidos Podemos, Podemos is forming part of the United Left and Green as a radical leftist united front with the aim, if not then at least to be the strongest force in the country, to be strongest left force before the PSOE, which looks realistic according to opinion polls.
When rumors were circulated that Podemos boss Pablo Iglesias would be received by Pope Francis, Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi SJ denied it. It was a denial with a quick expiration date. Directly from the Pope's circle, InfoVaticana has received confirmation that Iglesias, "as planned", will be received next September by Pope Francis.
The incident with the wrong denial further undermines the already fragile authority of Vatican Spokesman, Father Lombardi in this pontificate.
Podemos represents - like the entire radical left - positions to the field of "non-negotiable values" that are in open contradiction to the teaching of the Church. They represent on the subject abortion, artificial insemination, contraception, euthanasia, homosexuality particularly open and radically, a "culture of death".
"Abortion. Podemos promises that the abortion in the public health system will be guaranteed. Likewise, all women will have access to all contraceptive methods. Artificial insemination is available to all women without restriction. "
This deadly opposition to the teaching of the Church and the nature of man does not seem to be disturbing to the Church's head. The precondition for the alliance forged with the radical left was the extensive disposal of "non-negotiable values" in the storeroom of the papal programmatic. It was declared by Pope Francis in September 2013, and so it has since been maintained the Church leader.
Contact by Pope confidant Gustavo Vera
Pope Francis with Gustavo Vera
According InfoVaticana contacts between Iglesias and the Vatican were prepared by Argentine deputies Gustavo Vera, a close friend of Pope Francis. The social activist Vera belonged to 2014 the now broken left-liberal Frente Amplio UNEN . Two years ago he founded the party Bien Común (Common Good). The choice of name go, according to his own account, back to a quote attributed to Pope Francis:
"The power is common good. If it is self-interest, it is corruption."
Vera represents his party in the city council of Buenos Aires.
He met recently with Íñigo Errejón, the Group Chairman of Podemos in the Spanish Congress of Deputies, to discuss the last details for the meeting with Pope Francis.
Errejón's father, José Antonio Errejón, was active in the Maoist Workers Party of Spain (PTE), belonging to the founders of the Greens in the mid-80s and in the mid-90s among the founders of the Anti-Capitalist Left . This leftist group belonged, until 2007 to the Communist led United Left (IU). In 2014 he joined the new radical left party Podemos where his son made a brilliant career.
Sanchez Sorondo: Architect of the Pope's radical left axis
The fine work of the meeting between Podemos boss Iglesias and the pope was accomplished by the Argentine Curial Bishop, Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, who met a few weeks ago with the Mayor of Madrid since June 2015, Manuela Carmena. Carmena belonged to the party which was only legal until after the end of Franco's rule, the Communist Party of Spain (PCE). As a lawyer her membership was dormant until she got a job as a judge in the 80s under the PSOE government of Felipe Gonzalez. In 2015 she was the victorious top candidate of the left electoral alliance Ahora Madrid between Podemos and the PSOE.
With the reception of Pablo Inglesias, Pope Francis continues his intensive international contacts with representatives of the radical left, while ignoring representatives of the political center and right. The architect of the contacts is the Pope's close confidant and Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo.
Sorondo applauded with obvious satisfaction, as the radical left, gay, Italian philosopher, Gianni Vattimo on 13 March 2015 Teatro Cervantes in Buenos Aires in front of all the prominent left radical figures, to form a new Communist International, which he dubbed the "Papal International" because was supposed to be led by Pope Francis.Vattimo said at the time:
"Pope Francis is the only one who is capable of a political, cultural and religious revolution to lead against the superior power of money in the Civil War, which is already raging in the world, and is disguised as 'the fight against terrorism' , but in reality is the class struggle of the 21st century against the large number of the critics of capitalism."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: InfoVaticana / La Alameda (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.clom Link to Katholisches...
(Madrid) The designated Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez of the socialist party PSOE and the President of the Liberal Party Ciudadanos, Albert Rivera, have signed a "parliamentary agreement" in the course of forming a government.
In it they explain the agreement in a set of objectives, which is to implement a joint government. These include a "revision" of the Concordat with the Catholic Church and the legalization of euthanasia and "surrogacy".
"The new legislature in the beginning looks bleak. The key points of the agreement are working in open contradiction to Catholic doctrine and worship of the non-culture of death ", as the Catholic Spanish columnist Francisco Fernandez de la Cigoña said.
The "parliamentary agreement" will enable the formation of a government "of progress and reform", stressed Sanchez and Rivera. Rivera has agreed to a choice of Sanchez as the next Spanish Prime Minister. The new center-left government will ask for a vote of confidence to the Parliament next week.
PSOE and Ciudadanos come together in the crucial House of Representatives, however, only 130 of 350 seats in the Senate, however, provides no weight for the formation of a government, since the Christian Democrat-Conservative People's Party (PP) has the absolute majority of seats. It's a majority, which might impose itself against any constitutional amendment.
Without the consent or abstention of the radical leftist Podemos, Sanchez can not be elected prime minister on March 2. Podemos has 42 MPs. Another 27 MPs are members of Podemos Group, however, they were elected on regional community lists with other leftist regional parties in Catalonia, Valencia and Galicia. Their voting focus and party discipline I have yet to witness.
Parliamentary elections took place in Spain in 2015 on 20 December. They shifted the political landscape to a great extent, so that neither a government nor a left mid-left or center-right or right-wing government is possible. If Sanchez fails, there is likely to be new elections.