Showing posts with label One Peter Five. Show all posts
Showing posts with label One Peter Five. Show all posts

Friday, September 18, 2020

Holy Skojec in Tizzy Condemns Catholic Church

 Edit: if he feels he has to sell the Catholic Faith, did he really have it in the first place? 

What do you expect from a petty narcissist who identifies with Tyrian Lannister, a vicious dwarf who betrays and murders his family for power and revenge in the famous Game of Thrones series. (Another source of his vanity is his inordinate interest in fantasy and science fiction crap.)

Well, now His Steveness has finally realized (or is positioning himself to reveal to the world) that Bergoglio probably isn’t Pope and is looking desperately for a life preserver, or at least that’s the impression he’s attempting to give.

I’ve always thought Holy Steve was a smug, self-important ignoramus since I first read one of his early blogs circa early 2000s. He’s spent much of his Internet career journaling about his feelings, how things seem to him as if it should be important to you, his reader and customer. This is another one of those situations. 

Right now he’s “asking the hard questions,” or having a temper tantrum, like a larva, agonizingly transforming into an even more loathsome cockroach, we’re likely to be shown his final form.  Steve feels completely incapable of restoring tradition, he’s so over the Church, and getting attention from another huckster, Rod Dreher. Perhaps Holy Steve will become Deacon Steve, in the Orthodox Church of America? Then he can shill for Orthodoxy.

Quo Vadis, Stu?   Who cares, as long as he calls himself something else besides Catholic.

I saw this this morning. Would you rather go to Hell than have Ann Barnhardt be Right?

Of course, Holy Steve never stops grifting.  I can't sit around all day playing video games and watching the Scifi channel without your help folks!  My wife just lost a load of cash playing penny stocks!

And... all of this is having an effect.