The Benedictine convent is biritual. Internal monastery only maintains the traditional rite, while for the pastoral care the Novus Ordo is celebrated. The request of the abbey to the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, to celebrate the Holy Mass in Utroque Usu was approved in 2009. The Benedictines of Norcia emphasize a liturgical apostolate in the Old Rite.
The Benedictines currently live in Nursia, where they are plagued by lack of space. Therefore, they work on gradual reconstruction of ancient monastery ruins outside of Nursia, which will house the abbey in future.
The Benedictines of Norcia have worthily transformed the presbytery, despite only modest resources that are available to them. The first picture shows the presbytery of the basilica after the liturgical reform. The second picture shows the first stage of the liturgical restoration at the solemn vows of a monk. The direction of celebration was changed to ad Deum. The third picture shows the second stage of the liturgical restoration of the the extension of the chancel and nave, with ceremonial vestments, showing the facing the apse, and altar in the direction of celebration ad Deum, apsewards towards the rear wall, which was also redesigned solemnly. The picture was taken at the solemn profession of two monks from the monastic community was celebrated this past 3rd of August.

Website of the Cloister.