Edit: such a great feast for a profession as St. Pius V.
Mariawald is the only Trappist monastery in all of Germany.
The powerful Schola of the Gregorian Chorale, the Mass of Angels, of incense, the candles and not least of all the language of the Church transforming the church into the forecourt of Heaven.
(kreuz.net) On April 29th Brother Maria Johannes OCSO made his solemn vows at the Traditional Abbey of Mariawald.
From the Website of the Trappist
Abbey Mariawald With Photos of
Solemn Profession of Vows |
The contemplative cloister is located in the vicinity of the 4,400 population city of Heimbach in the Diocese of Aachen.
Many faithful gathered for the solemn liturgy.
A Forecourt of Heaven
Only for such a joyful feast does the rarely used organ sound out in Mariawald.
The powerful Schola of the Gregorian Chorale, the Mass of Angels, of incense, candles and not least of all the language of the Church transformed the church into a forecourt of Heaven.
Commitment instead of Lust
The profession itself began after the Gospel.
Abbot Josef Vollberg addressed the candidates.
He noted then that the profession is a contradiction to the decadent society, that it is calculated to be of commitment from beginning to end.
Indeed the monk forsakes the lust of the world for riches.
The Profession
Then Brother Johannes sang his Profession, which he had previously been written on parchment.
He then signed it.
The document was laid at teh altar and then presented to the Abbot.
Humbly Prostrated
The newly professed knelt down before the Abbot and his brothers.
Then the Schola sang many verses of the Miserere-Psalms.
Brother Johannes laid himself down as a sign of his humility before the steps of the altar.
In four solemnly intoned prayers the Abbot bid the grace of God for the monk.
The Holy Ghost Rises on High
Finally the monk takes up his mantle and receives the blessed cucullus
It effects, with a distinctive bag formed cowl -- Cucullus -- a striking white monastic robe.
During the vestiture the hymn "Veni Creator" was sung.
The Crown of Life
Additionally, Brother Johannes had received the rite of tonsure in the form of a corona.
It is a sign of conforming, to subjugation to the will of Christ.
The corona symbolizes the hope, from Christ himself, who promises "the crown of life".
Foremost is Prayer
The Pontifical Mass and the solemn Profession were concluded after more than two hours.
Whereupon immediately began the mid-day prayer in choir.
It underscores love and the monks' consciousness of duty, which does not allow that the Liturgy is something to be put off.
The Reception Must Wait
The reception for the celebrating friends and guests had to wait.
The women of the Cloister restaurant provided a vegetarian buffet.
In the future Brother Johannes will be preparing himself for priestly ordination.
In the Dark of Night
The life of the Trappist is completely defined by prayer in choir.
In the deep of night they arise at 3 am and sing in the first of the eight liturgical hours.
The last takes place at 7:15 pm.
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