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Mother Church is One and Not Divided |
(Kreuz.net) The 'Catechism of the Catholic Church' from the 90s is not in touch with other works since the Counter Reformation in terms of faithfulness. This is what Bonn philologist, Heinz Lothar Bart stated in an article for the orthodox monthly magazine 'Kirchliche Umschau'.
Barth refers to the important Dutch Dominican, Father Johannes van der Ploeg (+2004).
Reality is Silenced to Allow Error
Father van der Ploeg noticed that the texts of the traditional Liturgy are not mentioned in the Catechism -- as if this Liturgy had never existed.
Although it is an excellent source of Church doctrine.
In place of this the Catechism chose the Pastoral Council as the main source.
Father van der Ploeg criticized the unclear language of the Council and the Catchism. This manner of expression is dishonest.
Luther as a Master Teacher
Barth warned of an overemphasis on the universal priesthood.
As the source for this, he described the schismatic, alcoholic and polygamist Martin Luther (+1546).
Barth cited Rainer Maria Cardinal Woelki of Berlin. He spoke in November 2011 about this that Martin Luther's concerns had been taken up by the Church.
As an examples he described the stress on the priesthood of all the faithful as well as so-called religious freedom.
The Church contains the Unity in Itself
Barth also takes note of the fact that the Catechism writes that the Church was divided. As it says in paragraph 1398: "So you feel the painful divisions in the Church" -- in Latin, "Ecclesiae divisiones".
Catholic Faith had -- says Barth -- spoke of a "division fo the Church -- in Latin, "separationes ab Ecclesia".
Because the Church, as opposed to Chiristendom, as well as the Community of the baptiszed, is divided.
Unity is a mark of the Church. It is indestructible.
Barth cited St., Cyprian of Carthage (+258):
"The unity can not be rendered, the body can not be torn apart by the loss of its structure, can not be fragmented through inner tearing."
What is separated from the womb, can not survive alone, and loses the most important precondition for holiness -- said the Saint.
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