The Saga Continues
Edit: David Berger was a theology professor who also taught in the Diocese of Cologne until he was finally fired over his appearances in indecent clothing on an immoral dating website. David Berger has since been campaigning to get removed from the internet. This time he's stepped on a legal land mine.
(Herzogenrath) After intensive evaluation by several attorneys, Dr. Guido Rodheudt, a speaker for the faithful to Rome, Priesternetwerks (Priest Network) has filed a complaint with the District Attorney of Aachen on December 12th, 2012, against Dr. David Berger for abuse, defamation and libel. The object of the complaint were his statements in an interview which were published in the Aachener Zeitung December 15th, 2012, last Saturday.
"I believe he distanced himself so clearly from, because it could have otherwise become dangerous for him. A few months previously, he had not distanced himself and for a long time he used the page as a willing instrument, in order to bring his ideology to the people. An approval of the site is the same thing as a collaboration on the other hand."
When the Aachner Zeitung pointed out that the District Attorney assigned from Berlin was not proceeding against Pastor Rodheudt, Berger said:
"Rodheudt has a close connection with Jolie, who has always had a connection with It's interesting that the homepage posted a Rodheudt organized Liturgical event in Herzogenrah a few hours before it went offline. I am therefore convinced, that there was discussed and that it was a signal to those responsible that the arch was under strain."
The legal case against Dr. Berger became necessary after after the vulgarity of diverse allegations now by many in the local media from him, were inflicted by his statements in the interview and rendered serious damage to Pastor Rodheudt's reputation as a priest. Pastor Rodheudt sees himself as the victim of a campaign that Dr. Berger is directing in his own interest, because he, as a practicing homosexual and therefore as someone who is openly against the moral standards of the Catholic Church, does not hold any official position in the Church anymore.
"But I am not directly or indirectly causally responsible for the professional demise of Dr. Berger, nor are the Christian moral laws, which he has failed at toward myself, despite the fact that I represent as a Catholic priest," says Pastor Rodheudt.
Pastor Rodheudt is exposed as a representative of the Catholic Church a proxy war, the Dr. Berger against the Catholic Church as a whole leads because they have "discriminated against" him from his point of view in that it does not adopt his morals. In this context, David Berger does not hesitate to put innocent people under suspicion in public, without having facts to prove this.
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Showing posts with label Netzwerk Katholischer Priester. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Netzwerk Katholischer Priester. Show all posts
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Friday, October 5, 2012
Loyal German Priest Association Criticizes the German Church-tax Hunt
"It's tasteless to give so much attention to money."
Cologne ( Guido Rodheudt, the speaker for the "Network of Catholic Priests" has leveled a severe criticism in the recent issue of "Christ und Welt" of the Church-tax Decree of the German Bishops and also a "pastoral encouragement" for the Parish priest. This also passes the buck, because first it puts the Paster with the mandated document respectively in contact with the person to approach them, and designate this person as excommunicate.
Rodheudt continues: "The Bishops have created a massive conflict of conscience for Pastors, because there are significant reasons for the faithful, to withhold their Church-tax in its present form and to permit their devotion to the Church in another form. One can be thoroughly Catholic, without paying Church-tax. Why should a pastor refuse the Sacraments to someone who would prefer to give his money directly to a Cloister, instead of giving it to Diocesan Academies, or questionable youth associations. How can someone make it clear to the people of the Church, that the Bishops are struggling on the one hand to make a special allowance for remarried and divorced, and on the other side to excommunicate faithful Catholics because of money?"
He also doesn't understand why Rome has (supposedly) validated this way and why the German Bishops' Conference is celebrating this as a victory. "What should the public perception of the Church be? Two years ago it was the abuse theme, then the "Affaire Williamson", and now it's money -- it's never the Faith. I strongly reject this method of tax-hunting." It is tasteless, to give so much attention to money.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Archbishop Robert Zollitsch Ignores the Traditional 'Priest Network'
In Germany more and more Catholics of the inclination that they are not prepared just to tolerate the leadership which is looking on at the desolation of the faith.
( Dark clouds have gathered over the Church and the priesthood in the past few months.
This is what three speakers of the 'Netzwerks katholiscer Priester' say - Father Guido Rodheudt from the Diocese of Aachen, Fr. Hendrick Jolie from the Diocese of Main and Pastor Uwe Winkel from the Diocese of Fulda --- in an statement for Holy Week.
The following are not foreseeable
The statement dealt firstly with the abuse-hoax:
"Besides the efforts provided by the official sites, the militant proceedings of the abuse cases, as well as the operation of those responsible before the media, will become gradually more visible at first."
The priestly office suffers precipitous collapses in trust at times.
Its consequence for pastoral work "was generally not foreseeable"
And: "that in a climate of mistrust, the clear hostility and the general suspicion of the priestly occupation could grow, must not especially be mentioned".
Opportunity for Pastoral Care?
The event didn't speak of a "catastrophic situation".
For that reason it is not surprising to the "Priest Network' that celibacy is under fire -- in so far as the various senior leaders who are fully directing the "loosening" of the whole celibacy requirement.
The 'Priest Network' recalled the statement when Archbishop Robert Zollitsch of Freiburg became the President of the German Bishops Conference.
On August 2008, he described the priest shortage as a "chance for pastoral care". He also complained that the ecclesiastical life had concentrated very much on the priest.
He is high time that in the pastoral work that not only male priests, rather also women should be active.
The 'Priest Network' commented: "Here the bugbear of a patriarchal clerical church is confirmed."
Reasons for Concern
The 'Priest Network' is looking on with concern about the four year long dialog process being forced by the Bishops.
For that reason the statement made the following examples:
-the fact that Fr. Hans Langendorfer, the Secretary of the German Bishops Conference, had praised the theological memorandum pamphlet as a "good signal", which supposedly would uncover "deficits and places where reform was needed".
-the fact that the dissident theologians have been teaching for decades at the Universities, who have also been overseen by the Bishops, who were indignant about their pamphlet.
-the fact that the German Bishops in March in a "word to the Community" had made this scolding of the Catholic critics of the Memorandum, "all this with the old, the misery of the Church is not enough to be faithful to its own inheritance and self-understanding is not oppositional enough."
-the fact that Archbishop Zollitsch has ignored an official request mediated weeks ago through the Nuncio by the 'Priest Network' only to by dryly declined: "Is this the spirit of this much promised dialog?"
Sincere Hopes
In connection with the dialog process the 'Priest Network' has in view on the German Bishops the following questions:
Who look on inactively at the destruction of the faith, leaving the faithful priests in the lurch, lacking the courage to protest against the German "sonderweg", "could he resist, if he could see the confrontation of the mob's "demands for reform" inspired by the media?"
The 'Priest Network' explained this optimistically:
"Our hopes are directed in this time of calamity once again on the Holy Father, who will visit our Fatherland in September."
Because the situation of German Catholics is -- says the Network -- not through a vague "demand for inner-ecclesiastical discussion about the quest of God" or to improve through "emotionally disarming ecclesiastical visions".
The Catholics Make It
The 'Priest Network' read from no newspaper:
"Catholicism in German is split in a way, that is what even friendly commentators speak of an openly schismatic situation."
Neither under the priests nor among the faithful is there a consensus about this, about what is really Catholic: "Does this not fall on those who are most responsible?"
Actually, despite this "worst case scenario" the 'Priest Network' doesn't see Catholic resistance [to Church teaching] on a wide front.
"According to some respected journalists who are especially aware of the faithful on the internet from all levels and classes, that they are not ready to accept the senior leadership's inactivity as the faith is desolated.
For that reason it is clear to 'Priest Network', that the mainstream media's sovereignty over Church developments needs to be withdrawn."
( Dark clouds have gathered over the Church and the priesthood in the past few months.
This is what three speakers of the 'Netzwerks katholiscer Priester' say - Father Guido Rodheudt from the Diocese of Aachen, Fr. Hendrick Jolie from the Diocese of Main and Pastor Uwe Winkel from the Diocese of Fulda --- in an statement for Holy Week.
The following are not foreseeable
The statement dealt firstly with the abuse-hoax:
"Besides the efforts provided by the official sites, the militant proceedings of the abuse cases, as well as the operation of those responsible before the media, will become gradually more visible at first."
The priestly office suffers precipitous collapses in trust at times.
Its consequence for pastoral work "was generally not foreseeable"
And: "that in a climate of mistrust, the clear hostility and the general suspicion of the priestly occupation could grow, must not especially be mentioned".
Opportunity for Pastoral Care?
The event didn't speak of a "catastrophic situation".
For that reason it is not surprising to the "Priest Network' that celibacy is under fire -- in so far as the various senior leaders who are fully directing the "loosening" of the whole celibacy requirement.
The 'Priest Network' recalled the statement when Archbishop Robert Zollitsch of Freiburg became the President of the German Bishops Conference.
On August 2008, he described the priest shortage as a "chance for pastoral care". He also complained that the ecclesiastical life had concentrated very much on the priest.
He is high time that in the pastoral work that not only male priests, rather also women should be active.
The 'Priest Network' commented: "Here the bugbear of a patriarchal clerical church is confirmed."
Reasons for Concern
The 'Priest Network' is looking on with concern about the four year long dialog process being forced by the Bishops.
For that reason the statement made the following examples:
-the fact that Fr. Hans Langendorfer, the Secretary of the German Bishops Conference, had praised the theological memorandum pamphlet as a "good signal", which supposedly would uncover "deficits and places where reform was needed".
-the fact that the dissident theologians have been teaching for decades at the Universities, who have also been overseen by the Bishops, who were indignant about their pamphlet.
-the fact that the German Bishops in March in a "word to the Community" had made this scolding of the Catholic critics of the Memorandum, "all this with the old, the misery of the Church is not enough to be faithful to its own inheritance and self-understanding is not oppositional enough."
-the fact that Archbishop Zollitsch has ignored an official request mediated weeks ago through the Nuncio by the 'Priest Network' only to by dryly declined: "Is this the spirit of this much promised dialog?"
Sincere Hopes
In connection with the dialog process the 'Priest Network' has in view on the German Bishops the following questions:
Who look on inactively at the destruction of the faith, leaving the faithful priests in the lurch, lacking the courage to protest against the German "sonderweg", "could he resist, if he could see the confrontation of the mob's "demands for reform" inspired by the media?"
The 'Priest Network' explained this optimistically:
"Our hopes are directed in this time of calamity once again on the Holy Father, who will visit our Fatherland in September."
Because the situation of German Catholics is -- says the Network -- not through a vague "demand for inner-ecclesiastical discussion about the quest of God" or to improve through "emotionally disarming ecclesiastical visions".
The Catholics Make It
The 'Priest Network' read from no newspaper:
"Catholicism in German is split in a way, that is what even friendly commentators speak of an openly schismatic situation."
Neither under the priests nor among the faithful is there a consensus about this, about what is really Catholic: "Does this not fall on those who are most responsible?"
Actually, despite this "worst case scenario" the 'Priest Network' doesn't see Catholic resistance [to Church teaching] on a wide front.
"According to some respected journalists who are especially aware of the faithful on the internet from all levels and classes, that they are not ready to accept the senior leadership's inactivity as the faith is desolated.
For that reason it is clear to 'Priest Network', that the mainstream media's sovereignty over Church developments needs to be withdrawn."
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Father Jolie Takes German Colleagues to Task
Editor: Father Jolie is head of the German Network of Catholic Priests, which has a wide membership. It supports initiatives coming from Rome, particularly concerning the new translation of the Mass which contains the words "pro multis" for the Consecration. He was also a signatory of the petition which is now being presented to the German Bishops in a room at a Hotel where they are meeting. Never mind that.
Why Celibacy Looks Rigid, Anachronistic and Bizarre.
Father Hendrick Jolie: In sex-crazed Germany priests are viewed with a mixture of consternation and sympathy.
The German battle against celibacy always leads back to the laicization of the country's clergy. This was according to Pastor Hendrick Jolie (47) at the beginning of February in an interview with the Catholic portal ''.
Today a priest in sex-crazed Germany is viewed with a "mixture of consternation and sympathy".
Father Jolie warns that this expression appears to be exaggerated:
"I experience it on location where it happens and I tell it factually firmly and without a trace of self-pity."
The Old Liberals Gentrified
The clergyman maintains that many priests are not convinced of the holiness and value of their station:
"You could recognize that already in the outer manner of many priests."
Most don't want to be "anything special", let people call them "Mr. XY" and lead average lives that can be hardly distinguished from an unmarried single burger bachelor.
Fr. Jolie tallies it off: "Home, car, vacation, free time, television, hobby -- most are into sports or a trendy hobby."
The address "Reverend" is painful to most priests:
"One of my colleagues, who upon seeing, for example, that I wear the soutane, makes a deep bow and insists on taking every opportunity to joke about it."
Just Not Priestly
The worst allegation in priestly circles is calling a colleague "clerical" -- "whatever that might mean".
Today a Catholic priest can be anything: "Homosexual, a masher [lecher], an apostate, a bird of paradise or a fantasy priest, just not: clerical."
Fr. Jolie continued: "Then they are socially complete."
In Liturgy he becomes fawning and takes great pains to avoid all appearance of distance or Sacrality:
"The more human, worldly and -- as people say amongst us -- "more charming" the priest's appearance the more beloved and folksy he is supposed to be."
Not a few priests go on vacation in the most common areas without the daily celebration of the Mass and not bringing priestly clothing.
What Father Jolie says then is conclusive:
"In the back ground of this manner of life celibacy appears in fact as extremely rigid, anachronistic and close to bizarre.
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Why Celibacy Looks Rigid, Anachronistic and Bizarre.
Father Hendrick Jolie: In sex-crazed Germany priests are viewed with a mixture of consternation and sympathy.
The German battle against celibacy always leads back to the laicization of the country's clergy. This was according to Pastor Hendrick Jolie (47) at the beginning of February in an interview with the Catholic portal ''.
Today a priest in sex-crazed Germany is viewed with a "mixture of consternation and sympathy".
Father Jolie warns that this expression appears to be exaggerated:
"I experience it on location where it happens and I tell it factually firmly and without a trace of self-pity."
The Old Liberals Gentrified
The clergyman maintains that many priests are not convinced of the holiness and value of their station:
"You could recognize that already in the outer manner of many priests."
Most don't want to be "anything special", let people call them "Mr. XY" and lead average lives that can be hardly distinguished from an unmarried single burger bachelor.
Fr. Jolie tallies it off: "Home, car, vacation, free time, television, hobby -- most are into sports or a trendy hobby."
The address "Reverend" is painful to most priests:
"One of my colleagues, who upon seeing, for example, that I wear the soutane, makes a deep bow and insists on taking every opportunity to joke about it."
Just Not Priestly
The worst allegation in priestly circles is calling a colleague "clerical" -- "whatever that might mean".
Today a Catholic priest can be anything: "Homosexual, a masher [lecher], an apostate, a bird of paradise or a fantasy priest, just not: clerical."
Fr. Jolie continued: "Then they are socially complete."
In Liturgy he becomes fawning and takes great pains to avoid all appearance of distance or Sacrality:
"The more human, worldly and -- as people say amongst us -- "more charming" the priest's appearance the more beloved and folksy he is supposed to be."
Not a few priests go on vacation in the most common areas without the daily celebration of the Mass and not bringing priestly clothing.
What Father Jolie says then is conclusive:
"In the back ground of this manner of life celibacy appears in fact as extremely rigid, anachronistic and close to bizarre.
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Sunday, November 28, 2010
Rome is Powerless in Germany
Most of the colleagues in 'Networks of Catholic Priests' are not prepared any longer to endure the patience-solutions, which have been proposed by the Roman authorities.
( "As the Priest Network was in Rome for the Priestly Year this Summer and we have been in contact with various dicasteries, we were shaken by the powerlessness and helplessness of the Roman authorities in the face of Germany's plight."
Hendrick Jolie (46) said this in an interview in the most recent edition of the Catholic monthly magazine 'Kirchliche Umschau'.
Fr. Jolie is a Pastor in the Diocese of Mainz and member of the Spokesman Committee of the 'Network of Catholic Priests' [Netzwerks Katholischer Priester].
"It is not even so, that one doesn't know in Rome, what is going on in Germany." -- he continued.
The 'Network' has been on a visit to Rome preparing an appeal, as it brought its own dossier on conditions in the German Church: "The opposite was actually the case."
A Congregation answered that it is "still much worst" than portrayed in the dossier.
In Germany The Problems Pile Up
Especially in connection with the British Hero Bishop Richard Williamson Rome was schoked, that the Bishops themselves were not too shy to distance themselves from the Pope rather than defend him.
Fr. Jolie counted numerous problems in the German Church:
- The Pro-Abort organization 'Donum Vitae'
- The ecumenical scandal- 'Kirchentag' with its homosexual propaganda
- The distribution of Holy Communion to unbelievers.
- The 'Central Committee of German Catholics' with its unspeakable President
- The infamous ‘Königsteiner Erklärung’
- The so-called pastoral teams which bury the office of shepherd.
For Fr. Jolie it is "always the same little game": "Rome writes an instruction, a reprimand or the Pope admonishes the Bishop personally, to correct certain erroneous developments, and what happens -- nothing!"
The Thread of Patience is About to Break
In Rome they feel powerless to go publicly against the powerful German Church-tax apparatus:
"Letters, reprimands and directions from Rome are met by the local authorities with so much disinterest, that it takes your breath away, is what someone in the Secretary of State Office told us."
For Father Jolie nothing else can be done, "than either to wait for the disintegration of the German Church-tax Monster or even waiting for a >>biological soluion<< in expectation on a decision maker."
Then he finally adds: "Most colleagues in the Network are not ready to put up with the "Patience-Solution" being proposed by the Roman authorities.
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There are still only old Liberals coming in German, unscrupulous careerists in mitres. |
( "As the Priest Network was in Rome for the Priestly Year this Summer and we have been in contact with various dicasteries, we were shaken by the powerlessness and helplessness of the Roman authorities in the face of Germany's plight."
Hendrick Jolie (46) said this in an interview in the most recent edition of the Catholic monthly magazine 'Kirchliche Umschau'.
Fr. Jolie is a Pastor in the Diocese of Mainz and member of the Spokesman Committee of the 'Network of Catholic Priests' [Netzwerks Katholischer Priester].
"It is not even so, that one doesn't know in Rome, what is going on in Germany." -- he continued.
The 'Network' has been on a visit to Rome preparing an appeal, as it brought its own dossier on conditions in the German Church: "The opposite was actually the case."
A Congregation answered that it is "still much worst" than portrayed in the dossier.
In Germany The Problems Pile Up
Especially in connection with the British Hero Bishop Richard Williamson Rome was schoked, that the Bishops themselves were not too shy to distance themselves from the Pope rather than defend him.
Fr. Jolie counted numerous problems in the German Church:
- The Pro-Abort organization 'Donum Vitae'
- The ecumenical scandal- 'Kirchentag' with its homosexual propaganda
- The distribution of Holy Communion to unbelievers.
- The 'Central Committee of German Catholics' with its unspeakable President
- The infamous ‘Königsteiner Erklärung’
- The so-called pastoral teams which bury the office of shepherd.
For Fr. Jolie it is "always the same little game": "Rome writes an instruction, a reprimand or the Pope admonishes the Bishop personally, to correct certain erroneous developments, and what happens -- nothing!"
The Thread of Patience is About to Break
In Rome they feel powerless to go publicly against the powerful German Church-tax apparatus:
"Letters, reprimands and directions from Rome are met by the local authorities with so much disinterest, that it takes your breath away, is what someone in the Secretary of State Office told us."
For Father Jolie nothing else can be done, "than either to wait for the disintegration of the German Church-tax Monster or even waiting for a >>biological soluion<< in expectation on a decision maker."
Then he finally adds: "Most colleagues in the Network are not ready to put up with the "Patience-Solution" being proposed by the Roman authorities.
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