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There are still only old Liberals coming in German, unscrupulous careerists in mitres. |
(kreuz.net) "As the Priest Network was in Rome for the Priestly Year this Summer and we have been in contact with various dicasteries, we were shaken by the powerlessness and helplessness of the Roman authorities in the face of Germany's plight."
Hendrick Jolie (46) said this in an interview in the most recent edition of the Catholic monthly magazine 'Kirchliche Umschau'.
Fr. Jolie is a Pastor in the Diocese of Mainz and member of the Spokesman Committee of the 'Network of Catholic Priests' [Netzwerks Katholischer Priester].
"It is not even so, that one doesn't know in Rome, what is going on in Germany." -- he continued.
The 'Network' has been on a visit to Rome preparing an appeal, as it brought its own dossier on conditions in the German Church: "The opposite was actually the case."
A Congregation answered that it is "still much worst" than portrayed in the dossier.
In Germany The Problems Pile Up
Especially in connection with the British Hero Bishop Richard Williamson Rome was schoked, that the Bishops themselves were not too shy to distance themselves from the Pope rather than defend him.
Fr. Jolie counted numerous problems in the German Church:
- The Pro-Abort organization 'Donum Vitae'
- The ecumenical scandal- 'Kirchentag' with its homosexual propaganda
- The distribution of Holy Communion to unbelievers.
- The 'Central Committee of German Catholics' with its unspeakable President
- The infamous ‘Königsteiner Erklärung’
- The so-called pastoral teams which bury the office of shepherd.
For Fr. Jolie it is "always the same little game": "Rome writes an instruction, a reprimand or the Pope admonishes the Bishop personally, to correct certain erroneous developments, and what happens -- nothing!"
The Thread of Patience is About to Break
In Rome they feel powerless to go publicly against the powerful German Church-tax apparatus:
"Letters, reprimands and directions from Rome are met by the local authorities with so much disinterest, that it takes your breath away, is what someone in the Secretary of State Office told us."
For Father Jolie nothing else can be done, "than either to wait for the disintegration of the German Church-tax Monster or even waiting for a >>biological soluion<< in expectation on a decision maker."
Then he finally adds: "Most colleagues in the Network are not ready to put up with the "Patience-Solution" being proposed by the Roman authorities.
Link to original, kreuz.net...