Is Hans Küng in Danger of Suicide? |
(Rome) The left-liberal Italian daily La Repubblica flirts with being the "house paper" of Pope Francis. It also wants to set the "standards of value" from this position. This includes effusive praise for Hans Küng's latest book on euthanasia. The theologian suffers from Parkinson's whome Repubblica has presented as the "exegete of the Pope". Küng seems seriously suicidal. More than that: His book dedication sounds like an imminent suicide. Will Küng savor his rebellion against the Church until the bitter end?
The newspaper founder Eugenio Scalfari, in his well-known atheist and anticlerical from Masonic tradition, has been granted generous access, correspondence and interviews of the Argentine Pope. The other, trendsetting left media throughout the world is influenced by La Repubblica. Reciprocally La Republica forms the Italian link to an international media chain with ideological affinity.
La Repubblica "Papal" Steering Committee?
It is unclear, still, how the unusual contact came exactly about. Neither Pope Francis nor Scalfari has hinted so far, to have met each before the conclave. According to the representation of the doyen of left-liberal journalism Pope Francis was looking for the contact after Scalfari had written rhetorical questions to the Pope in the summer of 2013 in two editorials.
The pope reads La Repubblica ? What caused the Pope, to "request" to respond precisely to Scalfaris? The use of this style means ultimately belongs to the everyday routine in media, as just proved. Or put it another way: Who has Pope Francis and why come to this contact?
Whatever the case. La Repubblica benefits heartily since it is the nimbus of a "quasi-papal" steering committee. So also when it comes to those "Catholic" positions and to showcase people who are Scalfaris' lodge mates. This includes both the German theologian Hans Küng and the "newest" concern: the legalization of euthanasia.
Hans Küng's Pamphlet: "Die Happy?"
La Repubblica announced the appearance of a new book by the former Conciliar Peritus in a one page article . "The decision of Hans Küng: 'I, a German theologian will alone decide when and how to die,' said the grandiose headline. It was followed by the subtitle that Küng has 'newly opened' with his new book, the "discussion about the good death". Scalfaris' Daily employs its considerable propaganda effort, in which it has admittedly rich experience. Much effort for the 160 page pamphlet published on September 1st, entitled "Die Happy?" (Piper, Munich, 2014), which ultimately contained the easily predictable cud of the usual undigested and indigestible, relentlessly boring catho-progressive positions. But for La Repubblica there is no fanfare critical of the church that is too weird, too insignificant to be untenable, as that they had not broadcast it loudly in text and image.
The international left-liberal media chain works. Finally, the West German counterpart, Süddeutsche Zeitung has already published a mega review by Matthias Drobinski. The domino effect of Hans Kung's book has passed around the globe. The book also includes a discussion by TV presenter Anne Will with Hans Küng. Will offered an interview with the chairman of the euthanasia organization Dignitas in 2007 and 2009 the German "death helper" and former Hamburg Senator, Roger Kusch, on her talk show as a platform for their euthanasia theses. In November 2013, she broadcast the interview with Hans Küng under the "cute" title ""Euthanasia - the Good Death ", which has now been printed in the book.
The "Exegete of the Pope" and the Dark Evil Prefect of the CDF
Since La Repubblica not stand back, but - "ennobled" by special papal benevolence - lay it on a bit. Repubblica author Andrea Tarquini presents Hans Küng as "one of the greatest Catholic theologians of our time, the great rebel (but exegete of Pope Francis)" . Thus it is written, literally: Hans Küng is the "exegete" of the Pope. La Repubblica must know. Until now, the Vatican was quite shy about denying the paper. And yet when it has happened, then in the form of a rather ambiguous balancing act. Vatican spokesman Father Lombardi SJ is not an enviable man.
In fact, Hans Küng had announced last spring, that he no longer has to be one of the "Pope's critics" since the election of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio. For Pope Francis had "overcome" that "unnecessary doctrinal pettiness" of the indissolubility of sacramental marriage, and was already ready to finally justify the killing of unborn children and to consider the admission of women priests. In short, all the best under the starry sky of Küng and Scalfari? Yes, if not for the dark evil, backward-looking pressure of the CDF and its prefect" Gerhard Cardinal Ludwig Müller. Is Cardinal Müller even blame that Hans Küng is suicidal today?
Who is Surprised by Hans Kung's Euthanasia Support?
What did the "exegete of the Pope" proclaim ex Cathedra that progressive theologian who'd quite come to the heights of glory for the future? What is it, what is La Repubblica announcing in a dramatic production with drum roll and fanfare? Küng argues in terms of suicide for a "differentiated attitude" to unblock the discussion between Christians and non-Christians. One is amazed. The unilateral disarmament on the Catholic side is music to Scalfaris' ears, it is not new though, and certainly not from Hans Kung's mouth.
One marvels at La Repubblica: do Scalfaris' editors really believe this, that it was a sensation and would breathlessly tear off the stool, if someone like Hans Küng, the "great theologian" and "exegete of the Pope", who, is already for the murder of unborn children has for women priests, for free sex with a condom, for the Communion for all, for direct democracy in the Vatican and so on so forth, and so persistently, has now arrived, sick at the end of his life, to also promote euthanasia?
For 20 years and Still For "The First Time"
In La Repubblica they seem to be convinced or at least seem to be doing that. Without blushing he states: "It is the first time that a great Catholic theologian has "spoken out" for the euthanasia. The explanation was delivered just like this by Tarquini. A few lines later he writes: "Hans Küng suffers from Parkinson's disease. He is located in Switzerland in an institution and was already understood to want to end his life when the symptoms of a mental and physical decline are clearly noticeable. For a long time he has been a member of the Swiss organization 'Exit', perhaps the most infamous in the world to those that it helps, because they are exposed to a decline in physical and mental abilities and intolerable pain who want to die without care. "
Apart from the fact that modern palliative care today has good pain control, Hans Küng proclaimed in 1994 that there needs to be "death with dignity". So there have been at least 20 years since Hans Küng weighed against the Church's teaching on euthanasia. For La Repubblica 20 years but are just "for the first time".
Hans Küng "prophet" of the attack on the right to life
To the contents? It is anticipated: The reading is not worthwhile. According to Hans Küng the "right to life" is in no way derives "a duty to live". "Since when is it derived from the right to freedom, that there is an obligation to make stupid remarks?" was the question in the weekly magazine Tempi . No surprise there: The argumentative Salto of the justification of abortion to justify suicide is just a leap in logic. Not to mention: For those who euphemistically employ describing "euthanasia" as the "sweet death", are doing the same as killing. The attack on the right to life of people is always radical, brutal, categorically and ultimately boundless. Hans Küng is its "prophet".
Thinking Acrobatics: Küng Compares Martyrs with Suicides
Küng naturally knows the preferences for linguistic acrobatics of his time. In always formulating a "positive" urge, he describes the word euthanasia with all seriousness: "Euthanasia is understood as an extreme life coaching". He doesn't shrink from his dialectical swoop, the willingness of the early, persecuted Christians in the Roman Empire presented martyrdom as a form of euthanasia. For the early Christians would have preferred to die rather than to betray their brothers and sisters. Why should suicide, insists Küng, also be "a way to hell"? In all seriousness, Hans Küng equated the Christian martyrs with the ideologically motivated suicide of Piergiorgio Welby.
So in the end the tragic statement remains that euthanasia advocates in fact have a (nearly) Catholic theologian on their side. "But not for long if Küng wants to be a serious man", says Tempos .
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: La Repubblica (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail..com