Ask yourself, how much of this has been made possible by the fact that enough of our priests have been acting like rabbis for the past six decades? In the past, tracts like Maria Monk relied on an ignorant Protestant population being shielded from the Faith for success. You can't even pick at minor details in this video. For example, the priest is offering Mass in a black suit and collar. But, I'm sure this has happened at a Nervous disOrdo parish somewhere with a lectern placed in the middle of the sanctuary aping the Calvinists. The only thing that could still leave us incredulous is all of the people going to confession and a priest talking about Hell. That's libelous.
Showing posts with label Liturgical Abuse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liturgical Abuse. Show all posts
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Monday, March 9, 2020
Priest With Chinese Plague Shakes Hands With 500 People at “Mass”
Edit: he probabaly has AIDS too. He certainly has spiritual AIDS! See what Liturgical Abuse gets you?
A DC priest who shook the hands of 500 worshippers during communion has announced he’s contracted coronavirus.
“BREAKING: A D.C. priest has Coronavirus. He offered communion and shook hands with more than 500 worshippers last week and on February 24th,” tweeted ABC7’s Sam Sweeney.
“All worshippers who visited the Christ Church in Georgetown must self-quarantine. Church is cancelled for the first time since the 1800’s.”
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Evil Bishop Cancels Catholic Faith in His Diocese: Abolishes the Creed
Edit: they have been doing this at liberal parishes for ages. It’s also a Liturgical Abuse, but liceity isn’t an important feature of the rule of these dishonest princes of the Church.
ROME ( - A cathedral congregation is expressing bewilderment after the bishop announced he was omitting the Nicene Creed so as not to offend non-Catholics present.
After preaching his homily on the Feast of the Epiphany, Bp. Derio Olivero of the diocese of Pinerolo made the announcement about the omission.
"Since there are also non-believers, everyone will say it silently," Olivero told his flock at the Cathedral of St. Donatus in Pinerolo, a town in Piedmont, near Turin. "Those who believe can say it, and those who don't believe or have other beliefs will silently contemplate the reasons for their beliefs."
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Pope Francis Does the Holy Liturgy
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Pope Francis is to ordain 16 deacons to the priesthood on April 22 |
(Rome) The Holy See yesterday published the texts and chants for the Pope's Mass on the 4th Sunday after Easter, which Pope Francis will celebrate on April 22 in St. Peter's Basilica. On this occasion, the head of the Church will consecrate several candidates to the priesthood.
The priestly ordinations
Pope Francis will ordain sixteen deacons preparing for the priesthood as priests, sincethe 55th World Day of Prayer is celebrated at the same time for priestly vocations.
Five of them come from the diocesan seminary of the Diocese of Rome. The number reflects the situation of priestly vocations in the Pope's own diocese.
The other eleven candidates come from other countries and continents. Six come from the Roman missionary college Redemptoris Mater of the Neocatechumenal Way; four from the Famiglia dei Discepoli (Family of the Disciples) and one from the Opera Don Orione. They come from Croatia, Madagascar, Vietnam, Myanmar, Colombia, San Salvador, Romania, India and Peru. Eleven of them, the five candidates of the diocese and the candidates of the seminary Redemptoris Mater, are consecrated and incardinated for the diocese of Rome.
The words of consecration
According to the announcement, the III. Canon has been chosen. His predecessor Benedict XVI. preferred the Roman canon. [What else is there?] In contrast, Francis varies and also benefits from the new prayers, which were created ex novo only by the liturgical reform of the 60s. Since then, the Anaphora can be said in the vernacular, as will be the case on April 22nd. Benedict XVI. preferred Latin, the language of the Church, and not only at celebrations in the Patriarchal basilicas and in Rome, but also abroad. Conversely, Francis, who also uses the vernacular in St. Peter's Basilica in a solemn Papal Mass and not the Roman Canon.
On April 22, Pope Francis will use the words "for all" to reflect the Latin "pro multis". This contradicts the order of Benedict XVI, who had already prescribed in 2006 binding for the whole world Church as the more appropriate, because closer to the original translation "for many".
The majority of Italian bishops had in prounced for the retention of "for all" in 2010. Benedict XVI. patiently conducted persuasion seemed to bear fruit in early 2013. One of the most persistent opponents, Archbishop Bruno Forte, had assailed Benedict's camp with waving flags defending the "pro multis / for many."
The rebels
Shortly thereafter, Benedict XVI. made his surprising resignation known. Since then, there has been a standstill in the rebellious states. Although at that time the Vatican Recognition of the new version of the Italian translation of the Missale was almost complete, it has not been published until today.

Cardinal Karl Lehrmann (Mainz) and Archbishop Alois Kothgasser (Salzburg) complained of Vatican "interference". In April 2013, one month after the election of Pope Francis, the Austrian bishops published a "clarification" that the only admissible translation was "for all" because the only approved German translation of the Missal was that of 1975. The admonition was addressed to the liturgically most sensitive part of the clergy, who began to complain that seven years after Benedict's change, nothing had yet happened.
Pope Francis sent out contradictory signals. From them one could read a supposed support of every position and also the opposite. Most appropriately, his attitude is likely to be reflected in a both-and-also, as he showed it in 2015 within a few days at the Mass celebrations in Cuba and in the US. In both countries he celebrated in Spanish. In Cuba, because it is the national language, in the US once for the large number of Spanish-speaking immigrants. In Cuba he used the words of change "for all" (por todos), in the US the words of change "for many" (por muchos).
The same pope, the same Spanish language, and yet such a difference?
The reason is that the English translation of the Missal was already published at that time, and for pro multis that of Benedict XVI. wanted "for many", while the new Spanish translation was not available at that time and in the old formula the pro-multis was still presented as " for all".
Everyone after his Façon ...?
In other words, every country and its episcopal conference should decide for themselves. A similar instruction was issued by Francis in September 2017. Shortly before he declared the Liturgy reform of 1969 as "irreversible."
His words can be seen at the memorial mass for the deceased cardinals on 3 November 2017 as a confirmation of the position of Benedict XVI. In his sermon , Francis said:
"The 'many who awaken to eternal life are to be understood as the 'many' for whom the blood of Christ was shed. It is the great number of those who, thanks to God's merciful goodness, may experience the reality of eternal life, the perfect victory over death achieved through the resurrection."But even the Pope does not abide by the law, because in his celebration of April 22, Francis is opposed to the order of Benedict XVI. will say not "many", but "all." An anachronism. The Pope, by virtue of his authority, declares that the words of change are to be pronounced "for many" - that was 2006 -, and 2018, twelve years later, even the Pope does not abide by it, because the responsible Episcopal Conference has not yet re-translated and published the Missal? Absurd.
Francis, however, behaves this way and signals that the question is rather unimportant to him. There would be another way. Those whom Benedict XVI, by deferring to Church Latin, which is unique and includes both "for many" and "for all". But for that, Francis, according to Roman insiders, obviously lacks the necessary liturgical sensitivity. In addition, severe prejudices prevent him from consistently considering such a step.
Regardless of this, the Office of the Liturgical Celebrations of the Pope is adamant that the pamphlets for the consecration should state that the pope "shows the consecrated host to the people and kneels adoringly" and "shows and adores the chalice to the people performing a genuflection."
It is well known that the adoring genuflections have not occurred since the election of Pope Francis. As is well known, it should be known that this is due to knee problems. The fact is that neither Pope Francis nor the Vatican Press Office has made a statement in more than five years of this pontificate. And that despite the importance of the question. The assumptions, allegations or even well-intentioned explanations of individual Vaticanists can not replace an official opinion. However, such is not forthcoming, which is why the Pope standing before the Blessed Sacrament will remain an ambivalent picture of this pontificate.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Trans: Tancred
Thursday, July 6, 2017
New Archbishop of Milan Will be General Vicar Mario Delphini
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Cardinal Angelo Scola should be retired tomorrow due to age. His successor in all likelihood is to be Vicar General Mario Delphini |
The appointment of Monsignor Delpini will be announced by the Vatican, "subject to a change in the last hour", on Friday. This is reported by the papal House Vaticanist Andrea Tornielli on Vatican Insider.
Thus Pope Francis chose the candidate who had been the favorite among the consulters in the diocese. According to Tornielli, it was Cardinal Scola who had asked the Pope to make the appointment before the summer so that after the summer the "pastoral year could begin with the new Archbishop."
Mgr. Delpini entered the Archdiocesan Seminary in 1967 and was ordained priest in 1975 by the then Archbishop Giovanni Cardinal Colombo. He studied Patristics at the Augustinianum in Rome and taught Greek and Patristics at the Milan seminaries.
Cardinal Martini made him the rector of the Seminary. Under Cardinal Tettamanzi, he became auxiliary bishop in 2007. Cardinal Scola, who was Patriarch of Venice until Pope Benedict XVI. in 2011 called him to the bishop's chair of St. Ambrose, made the auxiliary bishop his Vicar General. In 2014, he also entrusted him with the training of the clergy.
Tornielli emphasizes that Delpini is a "choice of continuity." He had served the "last three archbishops," Martini, Tettamanzi, and Scola, "spiritual, humble but not submissive, a great worker, but far from the type of manager bishop, and he attaches great importance to personal relationships with priests," says Tornielli. He was on the road in the city.
"Group elevation" to make adolescents "actors"
The Auxiliary Bishop Delpini engaged in liturgical relativism for World Youth Day 2013 through liturgical relativism. Delpini celebrated a Holy Mass with the young people of the Archdiocese before their departure for Rio de Janeiro. reported at the time:
"At the end of the high feast, the episcopal 'superintendant' of the celebration celebrated not only with his priestly concelebrants, but youths, specially called to the altar, to elevate the chalices with the Precious Blood of Christ and the Hosts with the Body of Christ. Apart from the fact that normally only one chalice and a ciborium with the consecrated hosts are raised, even if several are used: the group elevation was not carried out by priests or deacons, who stood idly in the background, but by young laymen, girls and fellows who had previously been fished out of the church nave by the coordinating priest.
The embarrassed facial expressions of the young people in the pictures are quite telling. You clearly are in the wrong place. There is no cross on the altar. It was forgotten in the zeal of a conspicuous priesthood of all believers. The Lord is hanging on the side wall in the background. The photo was even published on the website of the church newspaper IncrociNews of the Archdiocese of Milan, among the official reports on World Youth Day 2013 .
The example shows that they are priests who behave like elephants in the liturgical china shop.
The Archbishop's Liturgy Commissioner tried to defend the Auxiliary Bishop and Vicar General against the criticism, which did not exactly improve the situation. Msgr Pierantonio Tremolada wrote:
"I am absolutely convinced that the gesture was intended to give the young people the feeling of being actors during the week of World Youth Day" (as the Pope said yesterday). Moreover, we are not sure that it was decided by S. Ex. Mons. Delpini. The leaders of the celebration do not always decide the liturgical gestures, sometimes at the last moment they execute them at the instruction of others."
The liturgy commissioner did not go into the gesture. On the contrary, the reference to the pope made it clear that he did not bother.
By tomorrow's appointment, Pope Francis will have appointed the metropolitans of the three largest, most prestigious and wealthy archbishoprics in the world within three years with Cologne, Chicago and Milan.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Photo: (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Archbishop-Coadjutor of Guam Demands an End to Liturgical Abuse -- Deadline: Two Weeks
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Michael Byrnes, new Archbishop of Hagatna on Guam |
(Hagatna) The Archbishop-Coadjutor of Hagatna at Guam, headed by Michael Byrnes, who had been in office since 30 November 2016, formerly Auxiliary Bishop of Detroit, has criticized the liturgical abuse on the South Sea island, which is a non-incorporated territory of the USA.
Archbishop-Coadjutor Byrnes, in fact, heads the Archdiocese as the official in charge of an ecclesiastical process against Archbishop Anthony Apuron. Monsignor Byrnes has urged all parts of his archdiocese to comply with liturgical regulations for the celebration of Holy Mass. Specifically, his reservations are directed against the Neocatechumenal Way. The charismatic group, counted among the "New Communities," was asked by the Archbishop to suspend the formation of new groups for a year and to celebrate the Mass according to the General Instructions.
Celebration of the Neocatechumenal Way on the Island of Guam.
According to Monsignor Byrnes, Holy Mass is to be celebrated on Sunday (after the First Vespers) and not systematically on Saturday, on a consecrated altar in a parish church or approved chapel, and that Holy Communion would be immediately consumed after the reception.
Criticism is concerned with the special liturgical forms of the Neocatechumenal Way, with a judaizing, actually a pseudo-Jewish, character. The groups of the Neocatechumenal Way celebrate Holy Mass on Saturday (Sabbath) in their own rooms outside the churches and as a closed group. Holy Communion is not immediately taken at the reception, but taken back to one's place.
The Coadjutor also criticized the separation of this community, which is isolated from the parishes and leads a special life in the Church. Bishop Byrnes says that his concern is to restore the Archdiocese. The Neocatechumenal Way was recently accused of splitting the diocese.
On 15 March, Monsignor Byrnes presented his concerns and his demands in a pastoral letter addressed to the Archdiocese. This calls for the suspension of the establishment of new groups of the Neocatechumenal Way for a year. The Archbishop-Coadjutor announced the appointment of a delegate with the task of visiting all the communities of the Neocatechumenal Way next year to ensure the correct celebration of Holy Mass and to examine the catechists of this community for their preparation and suitability.
The bishop granted a period of two weeks to cease liturgical abuse.
The pastoral letter was published by the Pacific Daily News.
The Neocatechumenal Way is known as a lifelong "Way" (itinerarium) of the faith instruction. It includes more than 40,000 groups worldwide with more than one million members.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Church Militant (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Diocese of Fargo Forbids Mass Said Facing Liturgical East
Update: in the last few hours we've got one denial, but we've heard from a very reliable source that this is very much in the works.
[Fargo, North Dakota] At least four priests of the Diocese of Fargo, North Dakota have been forbidden by edict [at least a letter] from saying Mass the way Catholics have been praying it since the times of the Apostles. It's not difficult to look for the source of such a diabolical animus against the traditions of the Church and the desire to confuse the laity.
The Diocese of Fargo was established in 1889 and includes 30 counties of approximately 35,786 square miles in eastern North Dakota. It has a population of 71,211 Catholics out of a total population of 408,101 (17.5%). There are 132 priests (including active, retired and those serving outside the diocesan area), 42 permanent deacons, 89 religious sisters and 131 parishes in the diocese. (The Official Catholic Directory 2015).
It is headed by Bishop John Thomas Folda, who was ordained for the diocese of Lincoln Nebraska and consecrated bishop on 19 June, 2013. He attended St. Charles Borromeo in Philadephia, which might be the source of his problem. One wouldn't think a protege of Bishop Flavin wouldn't be this bad.
We've gone through the motions and contacted the chancery, but they have not contacted us.
Feel free to contact the diocese about their deplorable ignorance of the traditions of the Church, if you can get through their menu maze. Diocese of Fargo: Liturgy "Expert" 5201 Bishops Blvd. S., Suite AFargo, ND 58104-7605 Phone: (701) 356-7900
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A Mass said the way it's supposed to be. |
The Diocese of Fargo was established in 1889 and includes 30 counties of approximately 35,786 square miles in eastern North Dakota. It has a population of 71,211 Catholics out of a total population of 408,101 (17.5%). There are 132 priests (including active, retired and those serving outside the diocesan area), 42 permanent deacons, 89 religious sisters and 131 parishes in the diocese. (The Official Catholic Directory 2015).
It is headed by Bishop John Thomas Folda, who was ordained for the diocese of Lincoln Nebraska and consecrated bishop on 19 June, 2013. He attended St. Charles Borromeo in Philadephia, which might be the source of his problem. One wouldn't think a protege of Bishop Flavin wouldn't be this bad.
We've gone through the motions and contacted the chancery, but they have not contacted us.
Feel free to contact the diocese about their deplorable ignorance of the traditions of the Church, if you can get through their menu maze. Diocese of Fargo: Liturgy "Expert" 5201 Bishops Blvd. S., Suite AFargo, ND 58104-7605 Phone: (701) 356-7900
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Msgr. Antonio Livi: "This Pope Lets Public Opinion Break Within the Church"
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The Epistemology Professor Msgr. Antonio Livi, Contributor to the Encyclical Fides et Ratio (1998), on some questions about this Pontificate |
Msgr. Antonio Livi was Dean of the Faculty of Arts of the Pontifical Lateran University where he is professor emeritus of epistemology. He is president of the International Science and Common Sense Association (ISCA), editor of the theological journals Fides Catholica and Divinitas , president of the Scientific Advisory Board for the publication of the collected works of Cardinal Giuseppe Siri and founder of Unio Apostolica Fides et Ratio for the scientific defense of Catholic truth.
Still missing in the fourth year of the Argentine pontificate is an official explanation of why Pope Francis does not genuflect during the consecration. It is often heard that it was a health issue, but there is no evidence. The Vatican expert Antonio Socci was even accused of "lying" by other Catholics, as he criticized Pope Francis for this. Attempts by the Catholic media have published rebuttal images of the kneeling pope, without realizing that they therefore, have not weakened doubts about why the Pope does not genuflect even during the Eucharistic Prayer, but strengthened them. The pope kneels on Holy Thursday at the most "spectacular" Washing feet, he knelt in a prayer meeting of the Charismatic Renewal, he kneels, if he confesses and he has even knelt at Eucharistic adoration. All the more incomprehensible and oppressive is the question is still asked why he consistently omits the prescribed genuflection in the celebration of Holy Mass.
Still missing in the fourth year of the Argentine pontificate is an official explanation of why Pope Francis does not genuflect during the consecration. It is often heard that it was a health issue, but there is no evidence. The Vatican expert Antonio Socci was even accused of "lying" by other Catholics, as he criticized Pope Francis for this. Attempts by the Catholic media have published rebuttal images of the kneeling pope, without realizing that they therefore, have not weakened doubts about why the Pope does not genuflect even during the Eucharistic Prayer, but strengthened them. The pope kneels on Holy Thursday at the most "spectacular" Washing feet, he knelt in a prayer meeting of the Charismatic Renewal, he kneels, if he confesses and he has even knelt at Eucharistic adoration. All the more incomprehensible and oppressive is the question is still asked why he consistently omits the prescribed genuflection in the celebration of Holy Mass.
"Pope flattered the world for self-promotion after"
FQ: In the Return from Armenia Pope Francis said in the traditional flying press conference among others, that the Church should apologize to homosexuals. What is your opinion?
Monsignor Antonio Livi. I think that is the statement of Pope Francis on this point causes too many different interpretations and misunderstandings on a pastoral and doctrinal level. Incidentally, what Bergoglio says in a conversation with journalists while returning from an apostolic journey, though interesting and important, yet certainly can not ascribe itself to the value of a magisterial act. Still less is such a discourse that is of such doctrinal soundness, that it could be opposed to the actual documents of the Magisterium. When the Catholic Church officially would take a stand on this issue, they always had - and it has today - a coherent line which is guided by the Word of God and the doctrine which interprets this word in an infallible way. The doctrinal tradition of the Church (the dogma and the moral standards that follow from it) can now be easily gleaned from any Catholic faithful if he has recourse to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, desired and promulgated by St. John Paul II. Also, in terms of the judgment of the Church on homosexual acts, I would not have much to add to what we read in the Catechism, which contains a safe, definitive and very clear teaching. The Church has always warned all, who wanted to learn from her the revealed truth of God, about the seriousness inherent in voluntary and conscious homosexual acts that are and are among the abominations, a sin against nature, according to "which cry out to God for vengeance." It is therefore impossible that the Pope wanted to abolish a conversation on the plane the entire tradition of the Church and the applicable provisions of canon law. Rather, I think that Pope Francis - as usual - might be trying to send a message that is agreeable to the culture, which now occupies a hegemonic position in the Western world, a culture that is characterized by absurd demands for legitimacy, yes to claim that homosexual behavior has public role models, including the imitation of the true, natural marriage. It is obvious that the Pope, in this as in many other occasions, talking to the journalists from the international media, followed criteria that are not expressed by the Magisterium, but only the Vatican diplomacy and the media policy. He wanted to flatter the world. He has said yes, which these people like, when you speak politically correctly. It is a kind of self-promotion by putting down the Catholic Church. From this viewpoint, it is not to dare to say that this Pope (without thereby pointing fingers or trying to assess the non-negotiable decisions of the supreme authority of the Church) is not so much the Church as such, but public opinion has certainly collapsed within the Church. In fact, this kind of spontaneous speech leaves many people - who now get their information almost solely from secular and Masonic media - think that the Church really has changed opinion on these issues and has set aside the everlasting doctrine. But this is not so, because the can not be so.
"Hand Communion is Protestant and to be avoided"
FQ: The Holy Communion: how is it properly received?
Monsignor Antonio Livi. The consecrated Host, which is the body of Christ is to be received in the mouth and while kneeling. It has been prescribed this way for centuries by the Church. This is the only form that has respect for the sacrament of the Eucharist, the reputation of the liturgy and the feeling of adoration which arises from the true faith in the real presence of Christ, the incarnate God under the species of bread and wine, appropriate when the priest has consecrated it in the Mass. Hand Communion, which is somewhat Protestant (because they wants to emphasize the dimension of the meal, which the Eucharist has) should be avoided, and was in fact granted by Pope Paul VI. only as an exception, to appeal to some Catholic episcopates in Europe, and Pope Benedict XVI. was clearly against it. The practice of hand Communion trivializes the sacrament, and then sometimes it comes actually leads to mass profanation as has happened in Manila on the occasion of the Mass of Pope Francis, attended by two million people, and reduced the moment of Communion to an indescribable chaos. Communion is to be offered in the mouth and if possible to the faithful, kneeling to receive. By kneeling, we bring all our worship to expression. Today one kneels only slightly because the Lutheran spirit has penetrated, and also because the consciousness of the sacred is disappearing. One forgets that the Gospel says: "Therefore God has highly exalted / and gave him the name, / which is above every name, so that / every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, before name of Jesus and every tongue confess that /, Jesus Christ is Lord' -for the glory of God the Father." (Phil 2:9-11).
"Omission of the genuflection probably not for a health problem"
FQ: Pope Francis omits genuflecting during the consecration: Why?
Monsignor Antonio Livi. One has to ask him. The "sections" of the Roman Missal (also of Paul VI., which is currently in force for the ordinary form of the rite) stipulate that the celebrant after the consecration of the bread and also after the consecration of the wine has to genuflect to mark worship. No one can deliberately ignore what is required by applicable liturgical rules. It seems to me, at least according to the published images that the show the Pope on Holy Thursday kneeling for the ritual washing of the feet, makes me think that it is, therefore, not an orthopedic problem, nor is it a matter of health. I fear that this behavior is a bad example, but I'm not going to make a drama out of it and it does not scandalize me. Church history is full of popes in one way or another (always coincidentally, never substantially) gave a bad example. The same Popes also gave at the same time good examples of holiness and especially, they were never lacking because they preserved the despositum fidei intact, which neither originated with them or was dependent upon them, but the word of God himself, Who loves us and wants our eternal salvation.
Introduction / translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Corrispondenza Romana / Fides et Forma
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches....
Image: Corrispondenza Romana / Fides et Forma
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches....
Sunday, April 3, 2016
The Blood of Christ in a Champagne Glass -- Liturgical Abuse Between Aesthetics and Plastic Plates
Edit: most of the time, liturgical abuse and bad taste are interlocked.
In the parish of the Assumption of the 50-year-old parish priest Fr Antonino Costa celebrated Holy Thursday liturgy in the garb of a prelate or abbot. On what, exactly was the excavated privilege he appealed to for this, nobody really knows.
Roiate, a village of 750 inhabitants, picturesquely situated southeast of Rome, on the slope of Ernici can look back on an impressive history. Since the 4th century, the town belongs to the Diocese of Palestrina. St. Benedict of Nursia is said to have left here a footprint in the rock on which the parish church is built. Many pilgrims flocked to it earlier times, therefore.Over the centuries, the foot print is "sweating" again. Popular piety saw it as a "bad omen" for the future. A drop of fluid emerging from the rock has been collected and used for the last rites of the dying. In the past century the rock is said to have only "sweat" three times, in connection with the First and Second World War and the earthquake in Irpinia in 1980.
The name of Roiate has its origins in the Lombards, who came in 568 to the country and played a role here - at least some of their noble families - until the High Middle Ages. In 962, Emperor Otto I gave the town rights. The same emperor confirmed in 967 the already ancient territorial dominion of Benedictine Subiaco. But the secular rule of Subiaco was ended in 1753 by Pope Benedict XIV., and Roiate fell to the direct management by the Congregatio boni regiminis of the Roman Curia. All this is not sufficient to explain the "Prelatization" of the pastor.
Liturgical "pastiche"
Roiate was the scene of a bizarre spectacle on Holy Thursday the past few weeks. Don Costa had built a huge canopy and a throne on which he sat during the liturgy. His rise in rank, he expressed by wearing a Rockett and a dalmatic under the chasuble, as is customary for bishops and abbots. All this may be irritating and doubtful, but the real problem it is not.
"The liturgical pastiche connected to it is unacceptable," said Messa in Latino . Don Costa had erected a square table in the sanctuary, where he set up a plasticated Last Supper, in which "plastic" is to be taken literally in the transferred sense. Besides, magnificent candlesticks stood beside the twelve red plastic plates on the table, which was stocked as well with all kinds of fruit filled cups, a plate of sliced bread, a carafe of red wine and two cups [sic] with hosts.
The pastor did not celebrate Missa in Cena Domini at the altar, but at this strange draped table.
"In the colorful Catholic world we had already seen it all. What in the infinite collection of liturgical abuses is still missing, the blood of Christ was served "in champagne glasses," so Messa in Latino .The "prelatized" pastor did not use a chalice for the Eucharist, but a glass of champagne, which he elevated over the plastic plates and the fruit.
On the website of the Diocese of Palestrina the Liturgical Office writes that it was his duty, " to promote a deeper understanding of the immense treasure of liturgical rites and the liturgical magisterium, according to the tradition of the Church and in obedience to the Holy Spirit to promote."
"The pity is that this in-depth unders'tanding' in Roiate seems not yet arrived," said Messa in Latino .
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The Money Shot. |
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Messa in Latino
Bild: Messa in Latino
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...(See more photos at Katholisches)
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Father Spadaro and the Confusing "Minister of the Eucharist" -- The Introduction of Calvinist Hand Communion
The editor is very active on Twitter and sends short messages several times a day, including on the Pope's Mass in Ecatepec in Mexico City. So he also sent the above picture and wrote: "Ministri dell'Eucaristia" (Minister of the Eucharist). Such designation is explicitly rejected by the current provisions.
"Ministers of the Eucharist" are priests only, as the instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum 2004 reaffirmed. Did Father Spadaro mistake the "minister of the Eucharist" with communion helpers? A lapse or Freudian slip?
The picture shows namely without doubt extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, which are briefly mentioned in the German extraordinary minister of holy communion. It is to lay people who may be appointed in urgent need case, what the Pope's Mass was the case yesterday in Ecatepec.
Extraordinary ministers of holy communion: precedent for current interest?
The introduction of the extraordinary minister of holy Eucharist is regarded as a precedent for a mechanism to establish changes in the Church.
In 1964 the Berlin Ordinarienkonferenz, the forerunner of the later Berlin Bishops' Conference, which included the bishops of the Communist GDR, issued by Rome's permission to employ "suitable laymen" the diaspora areas for Communion at home worship. The measure was justified to serve the far-flung areas. In 1966 the exemption was extended. But then something amazing happened.
Although the measure for a given area was granted on the basis of a specific "emergency", it was dealt with in 1967 by the Pope Paul VI. approved instruction Eucharisticum Mysterium in its extension to the entire world Church. The GDR with its diaspora situation was atypical of the Catholic world. Because of the communist dictatorship and the isolation by the Wall, the situation there was also withdrawn from the direct view of the world public. Nevertheless, it served as a trial run which was totallly justified with a total ecclesiastical decision.
The situation is reminiscent of today's Amazon workshop and the attempt to receive permission there to allow married "viri probati" ordination because of the alleged lack of priests. According to the ideas of the promoters, the "Amazon model" could be just as quickly extended to the entire Catholic Church. An exceptional situation serves to introduce an exemption. It's a breach in the wall that will quickly lead to the complete dam break.
As a result of the introduction of Communion, priests in some churches no longer distribute Communion to let the layman take precedence. More often, there is no clear need for an extraordinary minister of holy communion, yet they are used. Even when in papal liturgies it already comes to an undignified treatment of the body of Christ, as the World Youth Day 2013 in Rio de Janeiro or at the Pope's Mass in Manila in January, 2015.
The Effective Rules for Communion Helpers
The Roman permission stressing the exceptional status: the layman is only an "extraordinary" minister of holy communion, to be used only "if necessary".
In 2004, the Congregation for Divine Worship called with the instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum the provisions of achievement:
[88.] The faithful should normally receive sacramental Communion of the Eucharist during Mass itself, at the moment laid down by the rite of celebration, that is to say, just after the Priest celebrant’s Communion.[172] It is the Priest celebrant’s responsibility to minister Communion, perhaps assisted by other Priests or Deacons; and he should not resume the Mass until after the Communion of the faithful is concluded. Only when there is a necessity may extraordinary ministers assist the Priest celebrant in accordance with the norm of law.
[154.] As has already been recalled, “the only minister who can confect the Sacrament of the Eucharist in persona Christi is a validly ordained Priest”.[254] Hence the name “minister of the Eucharist” belongs properly to the Priest alone. Moreover, also by reason of their sacred Ordination, the ordinary ministers of Holy Communion are the Bishop, the Priest and the Deacon,[255] to whom it belongs therefore to administer Holy Communion to the lay members of Christ’s faithful during the celebration of Mass. In this way their ministerial office in the Church is fully and accurately brought to light, and the sign value of the Sacrament is made complete.
[155.] In addition to the ordinary ministers there is the formally instituted acolyte, who by virtue of his institution is an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion even outside the celebration of Mass. If, moreover, reasons of real necessity prompt it, another lay member of Christ’s faithful may also be delegated by the diocesan Bishop, in accordance with the norm of law,[256] for one occasion or for a specified time, and an appropriate formula of blessing may be used for the occasion. This act of appointment, however, does not necessarily take a liturgical form, nor, if it does take a liturgical form, should it resemble sacred Ordination in any way. Finally, in special cases of an unforeseen nature, permission can be given for a single occasion by the Priest who presides at the celebration of the Eucharist.[257]
[156.] This function is to be understood strictly according to the name by which it is known, that is to say, that of extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, and not “special minister of Holy Communion” nor “extraordinary minister of the Eucharist” nor “special minister of the Eucharist”, by which names the meaning of this function is unnecessarily and improperly broadened.
[157.] If there is usually present a sufficient number of sacred ministers for the distribution of Holy Communion, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion may not be appointed. Indeed, in such circumstances, those who may have already been appointed to this ministry should not exercise it. The practice of those Priests is reprobated who, even though present at the celebration, abstain from distributing Communion and hand this function over to laypersons.[258]
[158.] Indeed, the extraordinary minister of Holy Communion may administer Communion only when the Priest and Deacon are lacking, when the Priest is prevented by weakness or advanced age or some other genuine reason, or when the number of faithful coming to Communion is so great that the very celebration of Mass would be unduly prolonged.[259] This, however, is to be understood in such a way that a brief prolongation, considering the circumstances and culture of the place, is not at all a sufficient reason.
[159.] It is never allowed for the extraordinary minister of Holy Communion to delegate anyone else to administer the Eucharist, as for example a parent or spouse or child of the sick person who is the communicant.
[160.] Let the diocesan Bishop give renewed consideration to the practice in recent years regarding this matter, and if circumstances call for it, let him correct it or define it more precisely. Where such extraordinary ministers are appointed in a widespread manner out of true necessity, the diocesan Bishop should issue special norms by which he determines the manner in which this function is to be carried out in accordance with the law, bearing in mind the tradition of the Church.Text: Giuseppe Nardi
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