Edit: While grocery stores, liquor stores and big box department stores have been packing people in for months, Minnesota Catholic Churches will remain mostly empty according to the Progressive Governor's easing of restrictions. That Catholic bishops will continue to do what they're told, or pro-actively serve the power of the state, even when it adversely impacts their own authority and the sanctity of their flocks, is practically guaranteed. The Catholic Church has a habit of losing in conflicts like these. Catholic Bishops are pleading with the governor for the right of public worship much as they have acquiesced for decades ceding areas to the consensus which should have been bastions of Catholic authority ever since the fateful days of Vatican II. The Catholic hierarchy is programmed to lose in all of its conflicts with the state and cultural leaders.
From the Catholic Bishops of Minnesota
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The Catholic Bishops of Minnesota, along with many people of faith [cringe], were disappointed in Governor Walz’s May 13 announcement that he would end the Stay-at-Home order to allow more commerce but prohibit religious gatherings of more than ten people. We have attempted to work collaboratively with the Walz Administration up to this time, seeking the guidance of the Department of Public Safety and the Department of Public Health to help us strengthen our specific safety protocols based on the statewide plan. Along with some Lutheran colleagues, we submitted a plan to the Governor on May 8 that detailed the sanitation measures we would take and proposed a cap on occupancy limited to 33 percent of building capacity. Our proposed protocols are based on the work undertaken by a group of national medical experts and theologians, the Thomistic Institute, and they are consistent with the practices that have already been put in place in many dioceses throughout the United States. We continue our willingness to make any necessary adjustments to our safety protocols upon review.
The Life of Faith is Essential
Edit: if there's a perception on the part of the godless elected officials and lab coats that the public practice of religion isn't essential, that's a perception that has been cultivated for decades by Church officials themselves for one thing, by making many of the prescriptions of Catholic religion optional for "Catholics in good standing" for years, even before the Council. This malaise touches everything from salvation (Non-Catholics can be saved) holy days of obligations, days of fast and abstinence, matrimony, penance and the reception of Communion. (There are even Mass options that allow for the godless humanist to feel more at home at a Catholic Mass, if Catholic Mass it is.) In some cases, the actual practice of Catholicism is opposed by those who have taken oaths to protect it. Witness Dr. E.Michael Jones' public witness in opposition to abortion that led to him being fired from his job.
Given our willingness to coordinate with the Governor, we are especially disappointed that his most recent order (20-56) does not address both the vital importance that faith plays in the lives of Americans, especially in this time of pandemic, and the fundamental religious freedom possessed by houses of worship that allows our country to thrive. The Governor’s remarks today further underscored a failure to appreciate the role of our Church and other faith groups in serving the community. The human cost to this pandemic has been extraordinary, not just in terms of lives lost to the virus but the rapidly growing problems of job loss, depression, crime and violence, and substance abuse. As Pope Francis has said, the church must be a field hospital, ministering to all, but especially the poor and vulnerable. He has cautioned that overly drastic measures that limit church life will have a disproportionate impact on “the little ones” and those who have no one to rely on.
The bishops of Minnesota are united in our conviction that we can safely resume public Masses in accordance with both our religious duties and with accepted public health and safety standards. We can worship in a way that reflects both the love of God and the love of our neighbors (cf. Mark 12:30-31). Therefore, we are giving our parishes permission for the resumption of the public celebration of Mass on Tuesday, May 26, which will give us time to be ready for the celebration of Pentecost on May 31. Parishes will be required to follow the strict protocols we have published for sanitation and social distancing and will have to limit attendance to one-third of the seating capacity of the church. No one will be obliged to attend, as the bishops of Minnesota will continue to dispense from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass.
Showing posts with label Laicism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Laicism. Show all posts
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Pope Dreams of a Communist World
Edit: if there was any doubt.
ROME (AP) — Pope Francis is urging the faithful to use the coronavirus pandemic’s “time of trial” to prepare for a future where inequalities are abolished and the poorest are no longer left behind.
“This is not some ideology,” Francis said. “It is Christianity.”
Francis traveled a few blocks outside the Vatican walls on Sunday to celebrate Mass at a nearby church to mark a special feast day dedicated to mercy. Only a few priests were in the pews given Italy’s strict virus lockdown.
In his homily, Francis said the grave, global toll of the pandemic has reminded the world that there are no borders between those who suffer, no differences in nationalities among those who are struck or spared.
Link: https://apnews.com/f6998ead75b9feea51d48777bc9cc56e?fbclid=IwAR2rjI9CJt9AIknbCBUfEpwjNAWO5q-bJKvdMA4MMAsBDxnHn_qQIoeoHVE
Photo is the public domain, fyi.
Friday, February 8, 2019
Cardinal Müller:"I did not like the praise of the Freemasons for the Pope"
(Rome) While Pope Francis was preparing to sign a document on "human brotherhood" in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), yesterday he signed his signature with the Islamic Grandimam of Al-Azhar, an authority of Sunni Islam, Nuova Bussola Quotidiana published an interview last Sunday with Gerhard Cardinal Müller, former prefect of the Roman Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. In it, the German cardinal again criticized the "clericalism" thesis and talked about "the real reason" for sexual abuse by clerics, but also about "the biggest problem" that the Church has today. He rejects allegations that there is "a plot" against Francis and makes no secret of the fact that he does not like the "great praise" Francis receives from the Freemasons.
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Scholas Occurrentes: Pope's Video Message for a "Culture of Encounter" Without Christ
(Rome) In Jerusalem, a multi-day congress was held at the Hebrew University of the Pontifical Schola Occurrentes Foundation. Pope Francis transmitted a video message to yesterday's meeting. The Pope turned to the international audience in Spanish. As in the past, the Embassy lacked any relation to religion. The words "God", "Jesus", "Christ" or "Lord" did not pass the lips of the Pope. He called for a global world of unity in diversity and a "culture of encounter".
Scholas Occurrentes is a project in cooperation with state and private schools founded by Jorge Mario Bergoglio when he was still Archbishop of Buenos Aires. After his election to the Pope he gave the project the legal form of a papal foundation and settled it in the Vatican. In the meantime, more than 400,000 schools in over 80 countries are involved worldwide, according to the Foundation.
The project wants to educate "peace", "dialogue" and "encounter".
Scholas Occurrentes is regarded as a favorite project by Pope Francis, which has been criticized several times in the past. It was known that the pope's name was used for gambling, and that the foundation, on papal instructions, refused a substantial donation by the incumbent Argentine president, apparently because he belonged to the "false party", and finally that the foundation supports gender ideology with its publications in Spanish speaking areas. All in all, doubts about the "pedagogical revolution" that Francis was pursuing with the Foundation were voiced.
"Civil Society" instead of Christianity?
The project is therefore very popular with ministries of education, school authorities and administrators because the religious aspect is completely thrown out. Neither God nor Christianity play a role. They are not even mentioned. The project focuses on "civil society" education on "peace, peaceful coexistence , dialogue and encounter."
In his numerous speeches and messages, which Pope Francis addressed to Schola's Occurentes in the past four years, Christ and the Christian faith never appeared. In his videotape, Francis spoke of "variety" and "diversity" that "breathe all the same air" and "inhabit the same earth", which is "the common house." Everyone has "their history", but "all live together". This is also the model given by Jerusalem. It is about "openness", as the Church chief emphasized several times, and is therefore "without prejudice."
According to the Pope, the goal of Scholas Occurrentes is to create a "culture of encounter". The Pope said "no to unity," but yes to "commonality in cultural diversity".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: CTV/Youtube (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Scholas Occurrentes is a project in cooperation with state and private schools founded by Jorge Mario Bergoglio when he was still Archbishop of Buenos Aires. After his election to the Pope he gave the project the legal form of a papal foundation and settled it in the Vatican. In the meantime, more than 400,000 schools in over 80 countries are involved worldwide, according to the Foundation.
The project wants to educate "peace", "dialogue" and "encounter".
Scholas Occurrentes is regarded as a favorite project by Pope Francis, which has been criticized several times in the past. It was known that the pope's name was used for gambling, and that the foundation, on papal instructions, refused a substantial donation by the incumbent Argentine president, apparently because he belonged to the "false party", and finally that the foundation supports gender ideology with its publications in Spanish speaking areas. All in all, doubts about the "pedagogical revolution" that Francis was pursuing with the Foundation were voiced.
"Civil Society" instead of Christianity?
The project is therefore very popular with ministries of education, school authorities and administrators because the religious aspect is completely thrown out. Neither God nor Christianity play a role. They are not even mentioned. The project focuses on "civil society" education on "peace, peaceful coexistence , dialogue and encounter."
In his numerous speeches and messages, which Pope Francis addressed to Schola's Occurentes in the past four years, Christ and the Christian faith never appeared. In his videotape, Francis spoke of "variety" and "diversity" that "breathe all the same air" and "inhabit the same earth", which is "the common house." Everyone has "their history", but "all live together". This is also the model given by Jerusalem. It is about "openness", as the Church chief emphasized several times, and is therefore "without prejudice."
According to the Pope, the goal of Scholas Occurrentes is to create a "culture of encounter". The Pope said "no to unity," but yes to "commonality in cultural diversity".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: CTV/Youtube (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Public Outcry Against Demolition of Gallican Church in Paris
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The Church's Treasures on the Sidewalk |
From RT:
NT: Expulsion of the holy church Rita: Catholics continue to defend their church face the Socialist police!
Remember, this church was occupied for several months by Catholics to prevent its destruction which was to lead to the construction of a parking place ...
The Church was also in days past a Templar Chapel.
Friday, March 25, 2016
Traditional Procession on Holy Thursday With Spanish Foreign LegionVeterans Happens Despite Mayor's Ban
The traditional procession of Christ of the Good Death becomes an act of religious freedom that attracts hundreds of people this year
Members of the brotherhood of Old Knights Legionaries have borne the image of Christ of the Good Death, following the custom to the Church of the Immaculate Conception, accompanied by a band of bugles and drums, in a delegation presided, as in previous years, by the pastor, Father Custodio Ballester.
The mayor had banned the procession because of the presence of legionaries in the procession. Their protests to the Archdiocese and the use of municipal plenary to proclaim that the procession is not welcome in the city have failed to deter many faithful who wanted to participate this year in the entourage of the procession.
The event also had a civic dimension, as an act in favor of religious freedom and expression. A banner of the platform for religious freedom MasLibres.org joined the tour with the "Free to show our faith" slogan.
There is an active HazteOir.org petition that has attracted more than 21,000 signatures to the mayor of Hospitalet, Nuria Martin, and Mayor of Palafolls, Valenti Agusti who has also taken prohibitionist measures acts to stop Holy Week and harass religious freedom. The petition is still active, and can be signed here (puede firmarse aquí).
Custodio Ballester the priest had announced that the procession would be held, despite the municipal ban. In this interview by Actuall, the priest of Hospitalet denounces the Mayor's attempt to silence the popular demonstration of faith. [esta entrevista]
Monday, December 28, 2015
French Pastor Threatened by Prefect and Punished by His Bishop -- An Unwanted Truth About the Attacks in Paris
To Contact the Bishop and complain:
Mgr Jean-Paul Mathieu
7, rue de la Préfecture
88025 Epinal Cedex
03 29 82 21 63
(Paris) The minister spoke of an inconvenient truth and was punished for it, and not by those who he had criticized, but by his superiors.
On Sunday, November 29, Msgr. François Schneider, the pastor of Wisembach in the Lorraine Vosges addressed the bloody bombings which had 16 had days earlier shocked Paris in his sermon. He also mentioned that "Satan sang" at the concert in the concert hall Bataclan during the time of the attack of Islamic terrorists, and thus pointed to a link. In the attack 89 concertgoers were killed, hundreds were injured.
Bishop demanded a public apology from the priest
This statement was made immediately by the competent Bishop, Msgr. Jean-Paul Mathieu of Saint Die. This called for the priest to apologize publicly for his statement, and in turn, to do this in a Sunday Mass. A statement, which Msgr. Schneider was to comply with last December 20 at the end of the liturgy. He is to practice "self-criticism" and read a statement, which - according to Riposte Catholique - was drafted by the bishop. In this the priest expressed his regret that there had been outraged media reactions because of his statements to the laity there present.
According to the daily newspaper Vosges Matin the Department Prefect had even threatened the pastor with criminal penalties on the instructions of the French Ministry of the Interior. The Catholics of Wisembach are appalled at the harshness against the pastor by the media, authorities and his superiors. "One wants to put a muzzle on Christianity" said Corrispondenza Romana of their mood.
The pastor also received numerous expressions of solidarity. Parishioners wrote the local newspaper. It says: "He is a good priest, we have always appreciated. What he is going through, in no way changes our attitude towards him. He has been criticized by those who almost never go to Mass. [This is almost always the case that those who are the most ignorant of Catholicism and do not live its precepts feel they have the most right to criticize it and be heard.] "
Lyrics "inspired by Satanism" - parish was ordered "collective transformation"
Pastor Schneider was also defended by Emmanuel Delhourne, the President of the association "Christians in Politics". "What was said by Msgr. Schneider was the truth. The lyrics of the group Eagles of Death Metal is inspired by Satanism," said Delhourne. The American rock band Eagles of Death Metal was playing on stage when the terrorists struck.
The journalist Yves Daoudel expressed the suspicion that behind the whole affair the government desires to suppress unwanted opinions. Also Riposte Catholique wrote: "The Marxist-Leninist dictatorship does not give up, no matter under what name, till the class enemy is destroyed."
The Vicar General of the Diocese of Saint Die which declared: "Our first goal was that Msgr Schneider makes this declaration. Now it is only to wait andd watch the thing to consider further. It is still too early to say anything." He hinted to the fact that the matter had therefore not yet been completed. It became known that a priest who is active in the field of hard rock music, soon to come after Wisembach to provide the Catholic faithful with a "collective transformation" when it comes to hard rock music. "That the Church has such a penchant for self-destruction, is something that not even their most bitter opponents had dared to hope," said Corrispondenza Romana.
At the time when Islamic terrorists struck the Bataclan, the band played Eagles of Death Metal on stage the song "Kiss the Devil". In the chorus of the song, the words repeated in a penetrating way: "Who'll love the devil? Who'll sing his song? I will love the devil and his song! Who'll kiss the tongue of the devil? I'll kiss the devil on his tongue!."
But this part of the story does not seem to fit into the image of the French government, which is why it the Prefect makes his threats, to apply pressure to the diocese and the media rushing against a country parson.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Inotos / Corrispondenza Romana
Image: Inotos / Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Crosses Have Been Removed from Information Signs to Montmartre in Paris Metro
(Paris) The separation of church and state is ironclad state doctrine in France. It means that there is no place for religion in the public sphere. This goes so far that crosses are removed from signs.
The corresponding State law has applied already for 110 years.The Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (RATP) shows particular zeal in this. It is the state-owned enterprise, which is responsible for public transport in Paris. The RATP operates the Paris metro lines, trams and buses, rapid transit routes and the funicular to Montmartre.
Last spring, RATP was willing to accept advertising for a benefit concert of "Les Prêtres" in favor of the persecuted Christians in the Middle East only after protests.The image of Catholic priests was a nuisance to the corporate director. Last summer, the sign of Sacre Coeur Basilica on the RATP had the crosses removed from its domes and towers.
At the metro station Anvers, which is the closest to Montmartre, signs with the stylized silhouette of the famous Sacred Heart Church appear and passengers can get out there when they want to visit Montmartre. Neither the principal dome nor the side domes or the facade towers show a cross.
Stylizations minimize the details. The crosses would but increase the recognizability in the particular case. Above all, are the crosses are the central component of the object being advertised. But Christian symbols are a problem for the RATP.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Mil
Image: Mil
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Monday, July 20, 2015
Socialists Want to Block Establishment of "Fundamentalist" SSPX Capuchins
Edit: as Tiberge at Galliawatch notes, it's as if the Devil has commanded his minions to take action against a small settlement of good natured Capuchins who want to take over an abandoned Capuchin friary with the blessing of the local mayor. Not even the mostly harmless local Ordinary doesn't seem to mind. He'd prefer to avoid conflict.
What is interesting to me is the similarity between the tactics, objections and what motivates the Socialists and those within the Catholic Church who use such strident language to attack the Society.
The councilor, Noëlle Aznar-Molliex explains herself at the Osons-Albertville website:
During the City Council meeting of July 6, mayor Martine Berthet had intended to put to a vote the turning over of the Clos des Capucins, a city property situated on mount Adolphe Hugues, at the entrance of the medieval village of Conflans, to the association of the Convent of Saint-François de Morgon, that hopes to renovate the site and install there a community.
Osons-Albertville strongly opposes this plan. The truth is that the community of Capuchin monks of the Morgon convent, said to be "of traditional observance", is part of the line of thought of traditionalist and fundamentalist churches, that of the SSPX, and is not recognized by the church of Rome, because it has been in a state of schism since the Second Vatican Council. These communities reject ecumenism and all initiatives favoring inter-religious dialogue.Link to Galliawatch...
Monday, July 13, 2015
The "Humanistic" Network -- An Example

The winner of 2015 is Alain Simoneau. But who is Alain Simoneau? One might reply: Any Canadian citizen who lives in the city of Saguenay in Quebec State. Less known are the reasons why Simoneau was honored with acclaim and a prize worth 5,000 dollars.
According to the Humanist Foundation, which has officially presented the award for several years, the atheist Alain Simoneau has accomplished "greatness". He persuaded the Supreme Court of Canada, supposedly for the benefit of all mankind, to abolish the traditional prayer at the beginning of the council meeting of his hometown.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Church in Canada: Campaign for Life and Against Secularism
(Ottawa) hardly noticed by the Catholic public is a major confrontation between Catholic faithful on the one hand and modernist shepherds and their secular apparatus found in Canada on the other.
This is particularly striking, since Canada was once upon a time, despite being long problematic, a fertile area for the Roman Catholic Church.
In the East, for more than four centuries of French-speaking Catholic presence there were many great missionaries, including many Jesuits, many martyrs, there was active missionary activity and deep roots in the French-Canadian population.
In the western part of Anglophone Canada there is a strong presence of immigrants from Catholic countries with strong influences from the United States and Great Britain, both religious and typical characteristics as usually occurs through contact and dealing with Anglican and Protestant denominations.
Blooming Church under Pressure
Over the past 50 years, this structure was put under very severe stress, such as is well documented on the website www.dici.org.
In the French-speaking areas, a vast laicization of the population occurred. The 2nd Vatican Council and its local "implementation" ensured a huge disorientation among the local clergy and the absence of substance and liturgical debauchery brought great alienation underway of the original majority portion of the devout Catholic population of the Church.
Many churches, including cathedrals are closed, sold, profaned, often demolished. Nevertheless, the main activity of many now numerically very small dioceses (up to 8,000 believers) appears to be combating the Society of St. Pius X (as it is now in the diocese of Chicoutimi, where the bishop has never had a zeal for new evangelization.)
Since believers have thus organized a visit by a priest of the SSPX there in Saguenay, nerves are on edge. First, in the journey was the visitation of the aging Augustinian monastery where a 90 year old nun almost collapsed with joy, because for after over half a century, at last there was a Catholic priest in cassock at the door (so much for the ordinary pastoral care).
Second, Father has celebrated a Mass in the traditional rite on 15 February 2015, which caused a lot of interest among the people thirsting for religion, but in the diocese, it lead to the worst threats and has led to imprecations not to participate in this.
A very strange reaction, the secularization in the French-speaking Quebec once the most Catholic place in the world, with a 95% decline of practicing Catholics from 1965 to now. Many religious retreat, or merge with the Anglo-Canadian brothers and sisters. Consider as a particularly significant example since the once very great and proud Jesuit province of Quebec had its own seminary in the English Jesuit province of Canada.
Evaporation of the Catholic Order
The Canadian Conference of Religious numbers at the moment its number of communities / religious houses to 200, with approximately 16,000 members, of whom 94 percent were older than 60 years and not less than 50 percent were older than 80 years!
In Anglo Canada, however, the Roman Catholics are significantly closer to their faith and Catholic doctrine with her younger tradition of immigration (Irish, Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese, Filipinos). The members are on average younger and there is also a higher percentage of young religious.
At the same time there, through, the neighborhood with the USA and by a common language, close contacts and similar conduct cause problems and threats. The clergy and the bishops especially, are usually very progressive and very interested in dialogue and understanding of the world. Also some orders with a focus in Canada are very modernist leaning: particularly known here are the "Basilian Fathers".
Secularization pressure by the State
For several years, an aggressive campaign for the right to abortion, gender, for early and rabid sex education in schools and the special feature of the man-woman-child family is now run by the secular state, very similar to the US and in France. In contrast, strong protest has developed, for example by the Campaign for Life Coalition, by PAFE (Parents as Educators First) by REAL Women of Canada. Legally, they fight their way through with the CCRL (Catholic Civil Rights League) against the paternalism of the state.
The bishops, however, has surrendered long ago. Cardinal Thomas Collins of the Archdiocese of Toronto, to dialogue with the world and avoid conflicts and understanding modernity, announced recently in the statement: "Schools have a responsibility to teach the curriculum set out by the Ministry of Education" (Schools have an obligation to inform the curriculum of the Ministry of Education). He thus revealed the identity of the free Catholic schools.
Surrender of the bishops, opposition of parents
The secular state justifies itself that the Institute of Catholic Education had (founded in 1986 by the Episcopal Conference) demanded this and (occupied by progressive loving people) a committee has given its consent by Cardinal Collins' feedback and advice. "
Meanwhile, tens of thousands of parents have signed a protest petition to the government and to the Canadian episcopate.
There are very detailed and engaged reports on the internet. The website www.LifeSiteNews.com has provided an extensive article and linked it with the statement of Cardinal Robert Sarah: "Detaching pastoral practice from catholic doctrine is a dangerous schizophrenic pathology." The statement comes from the book "Dieu ou Rien" (God or Nothing) by Cardinal Sarah, published in Paris by Fayard, from the strange to say disappearing of the previously mentioned foreword by Pope em. Benedict XVI. (see separate report ).
Feeble episcopate
The Synod of Bishops on the Family 2015 is awaited in Catholic Canada with the eyes of Argus.
Much attention was given an obscene insult upon Cardinal Raymond Burke on 7 February 2015, produced by Father Timothy Scott, the longtime spokesman for the Basilian Fathers . Only after massive protests was the tweet deleted on 22 February 2015. To date, it is unknown whether this priest continues as a spokesman for the Basilian Fathers. This order only offered a short "Sorry too".
The Canadian episcopate is silent (as the French episcopate is in the Manif pour Tous and the Veilleurs ). From the Vatican you can hear nothing.
Abuse scandal
A particularly explosive situation in Canada is related to some of the largest and most heinous mass abuse cases in the Church took place here. A native of West Flanders, Oblate missionary Eric Dejaegher was sentenced to a very long prison sentence just as the end of January 2015. Another hearing against him will take place in Edmonton Alberta. At the St. Joseph's College in Edmonton, incidentally, the aforementioned Father Timothy Scott was rector.
Many diocese have come to penury because of large payments of compensation for abuses by church representatives. In 2013 the closing reports of two churches in the Archdiocese of Antigonish were due to financial problems that involved giving compensation.
See the current picture
Highly sensitized and motivated militant believers; serious wrongdoing within the church; fundamental threat to the Church's teaching; Contempt and obscenity against brave reputable cardinals; feeble shepherds, articulated for the world spirit; serious financial problems and pastoral withdrawal across a broad front. In Canada, there seems to be no longer a local skirmish engagement before the main argument. Instead, here is already an enormous pitched battle in a minefield.
Text: Amand Timmermans
image: Wikicommons
image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Oil Baron Threatens to Destroy Faithful Ordinary of San Francisco
Edit: another layman steps in on behalf of an infernal agenda of secularism.
San Francisco, Calif., Feb 27, 2015 / 05:20 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Sam Singer’s public relations firm spun a Chevron oil refinery disaster in California and fought back a legal ruling in Ecuador that could have awarded billions of dollars to indigenous people for the company’s alleged pollution damage to the Amazon.
Now he’s been hired to attack San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone. He even wants Pope Francis to do his work.
“Everyone is praying that the Pope will remove the San Francisco Archbishop and these priests,” Singer said in a Google+ post on Feb. 18, Ash Wednesday.
Read more:
San Francisco, Calif., Feb 27, 2015 / 05:20 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Sam Singer’s public relations firm spun a Chevron oil refinery disaster in California and fought back a legal ruling in Ecuador that could have awarded billions of dollars to indigenous people for the company’s alleged pollution damage to the Amazon.
Now he’s been hired to attack San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone. He even wants Pope Francis to do his work.
“Everyone is praying that the Pope will remove the San Francisco Archbishop and these priests,” Singer said in a Google+ post on Feb. 18, Ash Wednesday.
Read more:
Friday, February 13, 2015
France: Marian Statue Must be Removed --- It "Violates" the Separation of Church and State
(Paris) In 2011 a statue was built in a park of the French community Publier dedicated to Our Lady of Léman (near Lake Geneva). High up on a slope the statue has since looked down on Lake Geneva. Now was the Administrative Court of Grenoble, says the statue of Mary "violates secularism". It has stood on public land in France since 1905, but strict "separation of state and the Catholic Church" has rules. And because this is so, the statue has to be "removed". According to the Administrative Court, the local government should never have to issued a permit for the erection of the statue.
France's Don Camillo and Peppone Could Erect Statue of Mary
Publier is a town with 6,500 inhabitants. The town is located on the south shore about 120 meters above Lake Geneva in the midst of a wine region. With a wonderful location, the sunny-mild climate and suitable infrastructure, Publier has grown rapidly during the past decades. In 1962, the municipality had only 1,871 inhabitants.
Amazingly, Mayor Gaston Lacroix, a non-party leftists who belongs to the Divers Gauche in France. He has lead since 2002 the fortunes of the community. He was able to defend the mayor's office in the local elections in 2014. In the council, he has a lush majority of 22 seats, and is faced with only five representatives of the opposition UMP and two independent rightists. His current term ends 2020th
The Mayor with the pious name Lacroix (the cross) describes himself as a "freethinker" and socialist and a member of the Association de la Libre Pensée de Haute-Savoie , as Lorenz Jäger in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported.
"Our Lady of the Lake Geneva Watch over your children"
He is disappointed abou the decision of the Administrative Court: "I did not think it would come so far. The statue is a reference point for all. All have supported me, even the Muslims." Pastor Robert COLLOUD is also disappointed. He had organized together with Mayor Lacroix moving the statue. It is a modern remake of Don Camillo and Peppone.
The free thinker and the priest knew the perils of secular state doctrine, which applies in republican France as an untouchable taboo. Since there was broad consensus for the relocation of the statue, they were looking for a way to satisfy any applicable law and still be able to put up the statue. And they believed this path has also been found.
The municipality leased a few square meters of public parks with the symbolic rent of three euros per square meter at a private club. Then on the other hand priest COLLOUD could locate it on the parish. The club was set up to make the statue and the small area in the park with the pedestal inscription: Notre-Dame-du-Léman veille sur tes enfants (Our Lady of the Lake Geneva watch over your children).
"Free thinkers" Insist on Secular State Dogma
However, not all "free thinkers" and socialists think like Lacroix. The Fédération nationale de la Libre Pensée (National Freethinkers Association) went against the statue before the Administrative Court. It is a disgrace that non-Christians would have to pass the statue in the park. The Administrative Court agreed in their favor. Of course, the judge did not address the question of reasonableness, but referred to the applicable rules. This prohibits the establishment of religious symbols on public property.
Mayor Lacroix is one of the "false" freethinkers club. Its Association of libres-penseurs de France (Union of Freethinkers of France) founded in 1901 was divided from the Fédération in 1995. The latter sees itself as the "guardian" of the law on separation of church and state. Its guiding principle is "to promote the rational and scientific principles to overcome the dogmas" led in fact to establish a secular dogma which the municipality Publier is experiencing.
"Je suis Marie"?
The freethinkers society celebrated the verdict: "A victory for secularism. Now the mayor must remove the statue. This will be a good example for youth. I wonder if the Catholic religion is indeed compatible with the Republic," said the representative of the Federation of Upper Savoy.
For now, it is unclear where the statue is to be placed. The freethinkers have already called for "the mobilization of all the forces of the Republic", should the mayor Lacroix not quickly implement the Administrative Court's decision.
Lorenz Jäger recommends: "Don Camillo should order buttons at the expense of the municipality: Je suis Marie".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Tempi
image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Monday, December 15, 2014
Is the Creche Subversive? --- Student Action Against the Banning of Natvity Scenes by "Ayatollahs of Secularism"
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Crib Flashmob in France Against State Censorship |
(Paris) Is the Christmas crib subversive and seditious? This question is being decided in France according to the judgment of an Administrative Court in Nantes. For years radical secularist circles are increasingly trying to ban Christian symbols from the public space. This includes the removal of Nativity scenes from public. A few days ago an administrative court of Nantes forbade the building of a crib in the General Council Building of the Vendée. The initiative Touche pas à ma crèche has engaged itself against this displacement process. The initiative can be translated into English with "hands off my crib!"
France is experiencing a flash mob this Advent as the nativity scenes appear in public spaces. In response to the anti-Christian efforts of recent years is trying set up cribs large and small in prominent places to reconnect with old traditions in squares and alongside churches.
Student Group Responds to Ban Ruling of an Administrative Court
The initiative Touche pas à ma crèche was founded by a group students from the Vandée, that northwestern French land in which the Catholic people rose against the Jacobin dictatorship of the French Revolution. The backlash will be an answer to the "ayatollahs of secularism" as it says on the Facebook page of the initiative. The students make living nativity scenes in public spaces and mime the "mighty in charge," whom they name "the Ayatollahs of Secularism", as an expression of the censorship, staging a performance Mary, Joseph, of the angels and the shepherds with sealed mouths.
Crèche partout against the "Ayatollahs of Secularism"
The initiative was triggered by an administrative court judgment of Nantes, which prohibited the establishment of a Nativity scene in a public building of Vandée. The well-known French website Le Salon Beige called for action Crèche partout ("crib everywhere"). The appeal is a reference to the name of the famous rallies Manif pour tous.
According to the Administrative Court of Nantes a nativity scene is a "religious symbol" and therefore incompatible with the "neutrality of the civil service." The Child Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the ox and the ass must not be placed in the building of the General Council of the Vandée this year. An antii-Christian association had complained against the annual erection of a crib and won their case.
"Then the Christmas Lights Should be Banned"
Many people are outraged. "Then one would have to ban the entire Christmas lights adorning the streets of our cities and towns," angrily responded Bruno Retailleau, the chairman of the UMP in the French Senate. His predecessor, Philippe de Villiers described the court decision as a "totalitarian". France is "Christian soil, and this decision is an expression of poisonous secularism, which disdains our traditions and customs. Will they also prohibit the ringing of bells in the name of dogmatic secularism?"
1905 witnessed the anti-Christian force enact a law that introduced the separation of church and state in a radical form. In 2004, the veiling of Muslim women was banned. Since then, the ruling Socialists insist in this provision as a general ban on religious symbols in public space. A Christian teacher must no longer wear a Cross with a necklace in France, if he wants to keep his job.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: tempos / Facebook
image: tempos / Facebook
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Bishop Vorderholzer and the New “World Christian” of the “Climate Neutral” Katholikentag
(Regensburg) Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer of Regensburg is of the opinion that the term layman should be replaced by “World Christian" in the parlance of the Church, which should mean as much as Christian in the world and Christian to the world. This would better reflect the teaching of the Second Vatican Council of role and mission of the laity.
Bishop Voderholzer, a new member of the Congregation of the Faith in Rome, considers that the term "lay" for baptized but not consecrated Catholics, probably with a view to the universal priesthood, to be discriminatory. The bishop made this statement on 31 May at the Katholikentag, [Catholic Day] which was held in his diocese. That’s when a controversy arose in the context of a discussion of the role of the laity in the Church. The organizer of the Catholic Conference is the Central Committee German Catholics (ZdK).
The bi-annual Catholic Day serves as a platform for all Catholics of Germany, or at least nearly all. The restriction is necessary because the big event is dominated by progressive to radical progressive groups. Those looking for a truly Catholic, offer true to the faith, will not find it at Katholikentag right away. Seriously faithful Catholics have disappeared for several years from such new events, such as the Congress Joy of the Faith of the Forum of German Catholics or the Congress Meeting World Church or the Church in Need. The Katholikentag is primarily a diluted, a disintegrating on the margins Catholic milieu that maintains its more anti-Roman sentiment, constantly talks about “structural" reforms "struktuelle" because what it lacks in content, it compensates by hyperactivity.
"Catholic Lesbian" Instead of Pro-Lifers
A glance at the program of the Katholikentag "in which the taboos fall” confirms any apprehension. While the non-negotiable values whose defense Pope Benedict XVI. had urged were at best marginally represented, there were "Catholic lesbians", "gay Catholics", "women against the celibacy" and other groups, by definition, anti-church groups who were given a lot of space. The ZdK supports the government bill for abortion counseling system of women determined to have an abortion, whose hypocritical government neutrality allowed and accepted the funded killing machine. Bishop Voderholzer initially had refused the participation of the Association Donum Vitae following Rome’s guidance, but then quickly caved in before ZdK. In a joint statement by Bishop and ZdK it was said: "While maintaining different fundamental views" recommended by both sides, Donum Vitae will be allowed at Katholikentag. The position demanded by Cardinal Raymond Burke that Catholics be “uncompromising” Pro-lifers would be hard pressed to find at Katholikentag. Zdk does not want to offend the zeitgeist because shows pro-lifers the door. Tellingly would therefore translated better as "Toothless German Catholics" ZdK, or more accurately with “Zeitgeisty German Catholics.”
Some years ago the ZdK published a declaration on the Jews, which states that Jews need neither Christ nor the Church, as they are already members of the Old Covenant which has never been repealed. Finally, a heresy, but above all a fraud against the Jews, who are deprived of salvation.
Trying to Garner Applause
The question remains, what Bishop Voderholzer with his proposal would like to express exactly beyond activism and zeal for reform. Why should the terms "Catholic" and "Christian" no longer be sufficient? Since the claim in the self-designation of Christian has always been universal and transcends all boundaries of nations and states, the complement appears as "World Christian” is just as bulky as it is a superfluous pleonasm. Or should priests and religious who leave the battlefield in the world a new type "World Christian"? Will it be said that the consecrated representatives of the Church give up the fight for the non-negotiable values, and the final decision is left to the “worldly Christians"?
Ultimately, the proposal of Bishop Voderholzer seems a rather unsuccessful attempt to garner applause from ZdK and other disaffected progressive laity. Perhaps the anti-Church Association We are Church, which recently hit the headlines with the excommunication of its president Martha Heizer, is adopting the proposal of the Bishop of Regensburg.
What remains of the Katholikentag in Regensburg than to “to touch a bishop"? Despite the "new openness" with the "Francis" effect, which the ZdK conspicuously benevolent "welcomed", enter in the "mature Christians”, who will in the future be possibly named "World Christians", even after several days of Katholikentag are frustrated by the same “unresolved problems of the Church”. It’s a burden that they do not get rid of, if they do not accept the Church's teachings in faith, but believe they are justified here and there bending it according to their wishes. Bishop Voderholzer would have had a large audience, had he called upon some basic things of being a Christian to memory. As an aside, and it is noted in passing on the ZdK, that a Holy Mass in the Old Rite was not allowed in the Katholikentag extravaganza despite its more than 1,000 events.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Corrispondenza Romana
image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Monday, March 3, 2014
Cardinal Kasper Encourages Increased Laicization of the Curia
Edit: laicism has ever and always been a vice condemned by the Church in previous days, identified with materialism and atheism. From Divini Redemptoris:
If we would explain the blind acceptance of Communism by so many thousands of workmen, we must remember that the way had been already prepared for it by the religious and moral destitution in which wage-earners had been left by liberal economics. Even on Sundays and holy days, labor-shifts were given no time to attend to their essential religious duties. No one thought of building churches within convenient distance of factories, nor of facilitating the work of the priest. On the contrary, laicism was actively and persistently promoted, with the result that we are now reaping the fruits of the errors so often denounced by Our Predecessors and by Ourselves. It can surprise no one that the Communistic fallacy should be spreading in a world already to a large extent de-Christianized.
(Rome) Cardinal Walter Kasper has moved through his intended Pope Francis speech to the College of Cardinals to put remarried divorcees in the center of attention. Now, the cardinal has said, in an interview with the Italian Catholic daily Avvenire, that he is in favor of transferring the management of the Pontifical Councils to women: "At the Curia there are too many bishops," said the cardinal, who thus clears the path for a "reconstruction" of the Church with enthusiastic applause. Is Cardinal Walter Kasper one of the stooges for Pope Francis or one of the mouthpieces of Pope Francis for new ideas? Kasper, who verbally pleaded before the Cardinals for the indissolubility of the marriage sacrament, but at the same time actually encourages its softening, worries in an Avvenire interview about the "abuse of the sacraments” because the bishops are engaged with their administrative tasks to the Roman Curia. The Cardinal seems to permit nothing else to be included in the keyword abuse of the sacraments.
The “Role of Women" and the “Synodal Dynamics" of the Church Under Pope Francis
"The role of women in the Church is to rethink and integrate them into the perspective of the dynamics and the synodical missionary orientation which was commissioned by the Pope," said the German cardinal. Women could occupy leading positions in the Pontifical Councils and the future Congregation for the Laity. At the Roman Curia there are too many bishops. In order to curb the phenomenon of careerism, could, such is Kasper’s excitement, award temporary contracts and call priests to bring their experience in pastoral care.
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