Ask yourself, how much of this has been made possible by the fact that enough of our priests have been acting like rabbis for the past six decades? In the past, tracts like Maria Monk relied on an ignorant Protestant population being shielded from the Faith for success. You can't even pick at minor details in this video. For example, the priest is offering Mass in a black suit and collar. But, I'm sure this has happened at a Nervous disOrdo parish somewhere with a lectern placed in the middle of the sanctuary aping the Calvinists. The only thing that could still leave us incredulous is all of the people going to confession and a priest talking about Hell. That's libelous.
Showing posts with label Jews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jews. Show all posts
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Sunday, July 5, 2020
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Israel Withdraws Protestant Broadcaster's License Over Proselytism
(Tel Aviv) The Christian television station is called Shelanu TV and, according to its own statements, was “wonderfully” granted a license to broadcast its program in Israel via cable. Shelanu TV started broadcasting on April 29, 2020, but the problems began after only a few days.
Shelanu TV produces its program in Hebrew. However, the crux of the matter from the very first broadcast days was that the television channel, according to the accusation, wanted to convert the Jews to Christianity.The television station belongs to the American company God TV and is Protestant and pro-Israeli. Nevertheless, there were complaints in the past two months, then protests against the broadcaster. It was accused of proselytism.
The discomfort became a political scandal when the station's director, Ward Simpson, emphasized the "importance" that viewers should convert to Christ.
The Israeli broadcasting agency announced to Shelanu TV on June 25 that the broadcasting license had been withdrawn. The drastic measure was justified by the fact that the broadcaster addressed primarily the Jews and not the Christians of Israel.
God TV claims to reach 300 million viewers worldwide by sharing the Gospel in numerous countries on every continent.
Proselytism is not fundamentally prohibited in Israel, at least not entirely. Officially, the law only provides for a ban on minors unless the parents have given their consent.
Shelanu TV describes the cancellation of its license as "unprecedented" and complains of "overt religious discrimination". After the media had already reported on the move by the Israeli authorities on June 28, it was confirmed by the broadcaster yesterday.
Text: Andreas Becker
Image: Shelanu TV (screenshot)
Image: Shelanu TV (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Friday, August 9, 2019
Jewish Press Engages in Anti-Catholic Bigotry
Edit: imagine the furor if a Catholic called a Jew a pied piper.
Rod Reuven Dovid Bryant and Jerry Gordon bring back Dexter Van Zile of the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) to discuss a conservative Catholic E. Michael Jones extolling Jew hatred and racism via the internet misleading young millennials.
[Israel National News] Jones has been promoting his dangerous views since the 1980s. The problem is that millennials are biting into Jones' views in droves. Van Zile first encountered Jones and his Jew hatred views in a YouTube interview with another notorious anti-Semite, Owen Benjamin.
Jones has been writing books since the 1970’s, however, his rise to prominence in podcasts, increasingly viewed by millennials, has occurred within the past decade.
Rod Reuven Dovid Bryant and Jerry Gordon bring back Dexter Van Zile of the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) to discuss a conservative Catholic E. Michael Jones extolling Jew hatred and racism via the internet misleading young millennials.
Jones has been promoting his dangerous views since the 1980s. The problem is that millennials are biting into Jones' views in droves. Van Zile first encountered Jones and his Jew hatred views in a YouTube interview with another notorious anti-Semite, Owen Benjamin.
Jones has been writing books since the 1970’s, however, his rise to prominence in podcasts, increasingly viewed by millennials, has occurred within the past decade.
Monday, August 8, 2016
Do Jews and Muslims Decide the Conditions for the Recognition of the SSPX?
(Rome) The news platform Vatican Insider has allowed the American Jewish Comittee (AJC) to say, "what is negotiable and what is not" on the way to "the Reconciliation of the Lefebvrians with the Catholic Church". The "conditions" are significantly different from those named by he who is in charge of the talks, Curial Archbishop Guido Pozzo.
The article, signed by Lisa Palmieri-Billig, the "representative of the American Jewish Comittee to the Holy See," was published on 28 July. The American Jewish Comittee and Islam representative, Yahya Pallavicini, explained the conditions under which the Catholic Church could recognize the Society of St. Pius X.
The ecumenical [diabolical?] intervention was provoked by an interview by Curia Archbishop Guido Pozzo included in Christ und Welt (issue 32/2016). Archbishop Pozzo is officially entrusted with the talks with the SSPX as secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei.
If the Vatican will "sacrifice" Conciliar Documents for SSPX?
The author summarizes what is clear from the interview that the "Society is no longer excommunicated, but has not yet been reintegrated canonically, and despite some initial concessions, continues to reject some important documents of Vatican II." This raises "more questions", say Palmieri-Billig. The "obvious", but so far unasked questions are:
"On what specific points is the Vatican willing to compromise?" And "If the Vatican is prepared to sacrifice the authoritative nature of some documents of the Second Vatican Council, which - although not a dogma - have become valuable tools for Interreligious Dialogue"
Two key areas are in play. The first area concerns the "Pope Francis' very strong desire for pastoral unity within the church and for reconciliation of theological breakthroughs." This precludes the second region, namely "the important impact on the future of basic documents of the Second Vatican Council". Palmieri-Billig explicitly names the document Nostra Aetate , particularly "the relationship of the Catholic Church and the Jewish people", and Dignitatis Humanae on religious freedom.
The authors complained in the statements about Archbishop Guido Pozzo's "complete absence of any reference" to the historical roots of these documents of Vatican II and "thus the reasons why John XXIII., Paul VI. and the Council Fathers felt it was important." Specifically, Palmieri-Billig referred to "Paragraph 4 of Nostra Aetate on relations between the Catholic Church and the Jewish people". This "omission" was all the more serious because of the "seemingly entrenched theological anti-Semitism" of the SSPX.
"Distorted indoctrination" and "ingrained theological anti-Semitism"
The representative of the American Jewish Comittee then insists that Nostra Aetate of John XXIII. was intended finally to "extinguish the distorted indoctrination" of the charges of "deicide", an accusation that "had already been declared false and absurd by the Council of Trent." The "need for this decision" by John XXIII. was beause he had "become aware through an encounter with Jules Isaac, a survivor of the Holocaust" where Isaac had convinced the pope from the fact that "this rhetoric circulating in Europe had created a suitable environment for the development of wild anti-Semitic stereotypes, which in turn fueled the hatred that made the Shoah possible."
Then the American Jewish Commitee comes to the point: If the SSPX can be canonically recognized "before" talks "about the validity" of Nostra Aetate found a "satisfactory solution", it "would create serious questions".
Palmieri-Billig extensively cites Chief Rabbi David Rosen, the international director of the American Jewish Comittee for interreligious relations with the words:
"I have every confidence in the declaration of Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, who explained that the adoption of Nostra Aetate as a binding document by the SSPX, is a necessary step to ensure that the members of the Society may be formally recognized by the Holy See; and I can not believe that Pope Francis could accept less than that. In addition, I hope that the Holy See, regarding Judaism and the Jewish people, insists in the addition to recognition of the teaching of the Magisterium, on the denial of anti-Semitism that was part of the culture of the SSPX. It was not just about Bishop 'Williamson and a couple other people: The website of the organization has been full of anti-Jewish rhetoric in the past. I want to hope that there is a formal recognition of the statement of Pope Francis in line with his predecessors, which states that it is impossible to be a true Christian if you have anti-Semitic opinions." [David Rosen gets to decide who's Christian.]
The Crux: SSPX or Dominus Iesus ?
Palmieri-Billig shows themselves further concerned about the differing levels of dogmatic binding, which is applied to the various conciliar documents, as Archbishop Curia Pozzo explained in his interview. Pozzo appealed to the will of the Council Fathers on this issue. On November 18, 1964, the secretary for Christian Unity on Nostra Aetate explained that his secretariat had no intention of adopting dogmatic declarations about non-Christian religions but only practical and pastoral norms, which is why Nostra Aetate has no dogmatic commitment. It is therefore, says Archbishop Curia Pozzo, not possible to ask someone, to recognize this document as "binding."
The American Jewish Comittee representatives were also offended at the finding of Archbishop Pozzo, that any interpretation of Nostra Aetate, must include the Declaration Dominus Iesus , on the unicity and salvific universality of Jesus Christ and the Church 2000, which is "without foundation and should therefore be rejected." The Secretary of Ecclesia Dei warned explicitly in this context against a false interpretation of the "Spirit of Assisi".
Palmieri-Billig represented the statements of Imam Yahya Pallavicini, vice-president of the Italian Islamic Religious Community (COREIS) to the contrary, who is considered to be the "internationally recognized representative of a temperate 'traditional Islam'." Pallavicini had in turn warned the Vatican:
"The international Islamic community follows closely the development of this convergence process of the SSPX for reintegration into the Catholic Church. It is about the sensitivity to find a coherence regarding the pastoral implications of the outcome of the Council and of the document Nostra Aetate. While Pope Francis and the Catholic Church, together with the spiritual authorities of many other religious denominations, celebrate the prophetic value of this Council that initiated the historical cycle of 50 intense years of inter-religious and ecumenical dialogue on providential way, the SSPX appears to downplay at least the this path and this orientation to maintain a traditionalist interpretation that actually denies the spiritual need of respect and fellowship with believers and other confessions believing in a God. In a moment of dramatic international crisis in which the manipulation of religion becomes a hostage of some fundamentalist groups, there seems to arise a claim of 'legitimate violence' against Muslims, Christians and Jews, concerns us and the anachronism and the lack of sensitivity of movements that the Society even wants to force the Church or to teach a different hierarchy of values, than the Council and obedience to the saints and the popes."
"Vilification and delegitimization of the 'Aggiornamento'- John XXIII's Will."
Although the AJC representative noted that Society, representing 70 countrieswith 750Mass locations in the "enormous Catholic world" has only a "relatively small influence" ... "but nothing that happens in this world without effect". Concessions to the SSPX "could easily" lead to a "return of the old prejudices" against other confessions and to "transform to the militant conviction of possessing the only true way to God".
That would be a further step towards the "insulting and delegitimization of the burning desire of John XXIII. according to the 'aggiornamento' of the Catholic Church and to return to the pseudo-religious, anti-Semitic stereotypes that provoked immense suffering of many centuries and ultimately led to the diabolical persecutions and genocides of the 20th century. "
After the authors thundered against SSPX , using the Antisemitism club, they praised "the deeply meaningful silence" of Pope Francis in Auschwitz as "deafening".
Director of Vatican Insider, the papal house vaticanist Andrea Tornielli, explains why his articles and products published by his platform are of particular attention. This also applies to this article by the AJC representatives to the Holy See, where Tornielli allows Jews and Muslims to designate the conditions about which the Holy See should conduct a canonical recognition of the SSPX. Vice versa this means: Should these conditions not be met, it would open up "serious questions". It's a statement in the article of the American Jewish Comittee that someone could read as a threat. Anyway, Tornielli offered the American Jewish Comittee and the Islamic Religious Council the opportunity to be the warning sign for the Vatican. It's an "unusual procedure", because they revolve "around internal Church matters" which are also to be clarified within the Church. It's an "interference" from the outside which must be "considerations rejected in principle" ipso facto, so Messa in Latino .
It is also dubious indeed that the American Jewish Comittee and the Islamic Religious Council are pulling together, to warn the Catholic Church of a "return" to their traditional claim that it was entrusted by Jesus Christ as the "only way to salvation."
Lisa Palmieri-Billig and Yahya Pallavicini
Lisa Palmieri-Billig was born in Vienna. With her Jewish family, she emigrated in 1938 as a small child to New York. During the Second Vatican Council, she worked in the Roman branch of the World Jewish Congress (WJC). She was 25 years, Deputy Chairman of the European section of the World Conference of Religions for Peace, based in New York, founded in 1961 and is today Chairman of the Italian section of this organization. Since 2005, she is the Jewish Vatican expert AJC representative in Italy and the Holy See.
Yahya Pallavicini, born in 1965, is the Imam al-Wahid Mosque of Milan. His mother is Japanese, his father, Felice Pallavicini is from Milan, descendant of a branch of a famous Italian noble family [With strong Masonic connections, fighting against the Church in the 1860s], converted in 1951 at the age of 25 years in Lausanne to Islam. He prefers to speak of a "convergence" and "realignment". Since then, he calls himself Abd al-Wahid and has traveled 30 years in the Islamic world, where he was in Istanbul, Jerusalem and finally introduced in Singapore to Islamic Sufism. In 1980, he himself became a Sheikh (Master) and as such, head of the Sufi brotherhood, Ahamadiyyah Idrissiyyah Shadhiliyyah in Europe. Abd al-Wahid Pallavicini represents a syncretic religious view that all religions lead to "a god". In a chronological sequence have revealed this, the Hinduism, according to Pallavicini, the first link in this chain of revelation that leads to the three monotheistic "Abrahamic" religions, whose perfection is Islam.
In 1986 he took part in the very controversial Assisi Meeting for Peace as the Islam representative, which was organized by the Community Sant'Egidi with the participation of Pope John Paul II.. His son was counted among the 500 most influential Muslims in the world of 2009. In 1998 father and son negotiated as Islamic representatives for the recognition of the Islamic religious community by the Republic of Italy. In 2000 he created the organization called the Islamic Religious Community (COREIS). He is a member of the State Islamic Council of the Italian Ministry of Interior.
In 1986 he took part in the very controversial Assisi Meeting for Peace as the Islam representative, which was organized by the Community Sant'Egidi with the participation of Pope John Paul II.. His son was counted among the 500 most influential Muslims in the world of 2009. In 1998 father and son negotiated as Islamic representatives for the recognition of the Islamic religious community by the Republic of Italy. In 2000 he created the organization called the Islamic Religious Community (COREIS). He is a member of the State Islamic Council of the Italian Ministry of Interior.
Both are part of the elite interreligious establishment.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: SSPX / ajc / coreis (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches....
Image: SSPX / ajc / coreis (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches....
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Cardinal Vingt-Trois "Violent" and "Homophobe" After Attacks
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France's Socialist President Hollande and the Catholic Archbishop of Paris, Cardinal Vingt-Trois |
(Paris) During the Office for the soul of Abbé Jacques Hamel, Cardinal André Vingt-Trois denounced secular ideology yesterday, which is promoted by France, and where Islamic terrorism thrives in its soil. For this truth that the Archbishop of Paris dared to utter, he was insulted and ridiculed.
Since the attacks of Islamic State (IS) on the editors of the radical leftist satire sheet Charlie Hebdo and the Jewish supermarket Hyper Cacher was perpetrated by French citizens with immigrant backgrounds, France now asks how it is possible that "Frenchmen" can so despise their own country.
Thought Control
Even those who alone registered cautious doubts about the question, were brought abruptly to silence. The question of Islam in France and mass immigration should not be raised in the official media segment anyway. The accusation is promptly "Islamophobia" and acts as a murder weapon. The corresponding, ideologically motivated changes to the criminal justice system through the introduction of opinion offenses, make it possible to make whole sets of questions largely taboo.
Those who, despite the bombings, dared to talk about a loss of identity of France, because the identity is replaced by a secular emptiness and a wild nihilism, was attacked at best as "extremist crusade nostalgics" and mocked.
The freedom of speech is stifled in France by thought control. It is no wonder that one of the most lucid comments about the evil that Europe has spread, originated from a Muslim, Hind Fraihi. As a Muslim, he enjoys a special treatment the Frenchman is not allowed.
Fraihi complains not only against radical Islam, he also questions what Europe has to offer young Muslims that came or were brought by their parents into the country. "Europe must offer these young people an alternative. The problem is that it has none. It has no recognizable identity any more. There is only individualism, but it separates the people, it does not join them. Europe must change. As long as it has just materialism, capitalism and individualism to offer, the situation is hardly better. "
Even after the umpteenth attack in which a priest was murdered in Normandy at the altar of the church as he celebrated Holy Mass, the muzzle is still in place. It is also prohibited to name the great evil which has befallen France by name. Cardinal Vingt-Trois, Archbishop of Paris tried to scratch on the Tabu in his requiem for the murdered priest, Jacques Hamel. For this he was "crucified" by the nomenclatura and insulted.
"The Crisis of Our Society Demands Relentlessly Rethinking Our Values"
The cardinal criticized the politician buzzword of "values" that are apparently worthy to "defend," but no one knows and explains what "values" they are because this is, which one is supposed to use, which since the incumbent since 2012 socialist government of France, but even their predecessor governments, has actually undermined the supporting values in corporate and social policy and in part openly oppose them.
On Wednesday, a day after the brutal ritual murder in Rouen, the cardinal said in his homily:
"The crisis that has gripped our society, urges us inexorably to reconsider our views, which are our most valuable possessions. Often the 'values' are invoked as a kind of talisman for which we should stand up, no matter what it costs. But we are less verbose when it comes to the content, and that's the problem. [...] For what values we are ready to sell everything that we possess in order to acquire and protect them? Maybe our aggressors have finally compelled us to identify the object of our resistance?"
He continued: "We have never had such prosperity, such a comfortable life and known such security in France as it is today. So many produced and - albeit unequally - distributed goods but it doesn't prevent that we are afraid. Is that fear stirred therefore that we could lose so much of it?" Then the cardinal lamented the spiritual void, the "silence," in which the threat from the jihadists is mixed that paralyzes the country. "The Silence of the parents towards their children and the failure of the transmission of values. The Silence of the elites against the decline of morals and legalizing of aberrations [He could have said abominations.]. Silence at work, at home silence, silence in the city. For what purpose should we talk? The many fears create blocks, a collective fear and anxiety. The anxiety urges us to hide and hide. Where will we find the strength to face these dangers? For those of us who believe in Jesus Christ, hope lies in trusting in His Word."
Cardinal Denounced as "Homophobic" and "Violent"
Attention was ensured only for the references to moral decay and legalizing aberrations. Esther Benbassa, Senator of the Greens, of Jewish faith, born in Istanbul and with French, Turkish and Israeli passport, insulted the Cardinal of having pronounced "outrageous statements."
Corinne Narassiguin, spokesman for the ruling Socialist Party and who specializes in "gay rights" and immigration, said she was "outraged" over the way in which the cardinal could "attack gay marriage in a sermon of hope in the face of terrorism."
The former UMP minister of Youth, Health and Solidarity, Roselyne Bachelot, even spoke of an "unprecedented violence" that had been exercised through his words, and announced that "the fight against any and all discrimination" would be continued.
"Polemic Perfect Proof for What the Cardinal Wanted to Say"
From the side of the Cardinal, it was noted that Vingt-Trois did not specifically mean "gay marriage", but a whole series of legal actions on issues of bioethics, of life beginning and the end of life.The Socialist government of President Hollande has been in power since 2012. Within a few years a number of measures in these areas, including so-called "gay rights" as well as the "gay marriage" and adoption rights for homosexuals, or like surrogacy and euthanasia. The government advertises aggressively for the killing of unborn children and fights life rights organizations. France registered in 2015 218,100 abortions. It created public places where drug addicts can shoot up legally. Gender ideology was adopted to be the official foundation of the entire education policy. It is already taught in the nursery and to children where they are early sexualized and aberrosexualized.
Cardinal Vingt-Trois criticized this "secular offensive" and put them in a context of Islamic terrorism, which has shaken France, because it relates to the question of what the foundations of the state are, how good are these and what causal, direct or indirect connections there to the attacks. For this he was denounced as "homophobic" and "violent".
Vincent Neymon, spokesman for the French Bishops' Conference , responded by saying:
"Cardinal Vingt Trois had the courage to say what he thinks. This polemic is the perfect proof of what the cardinal wanted to say."
Saturday, January 2, 2016
The "Miracle of the Red Thread" -- The Talmud Confirms the Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross
The Talmud, next to the Tanach, is considered the normative text in both versions, the Babylonian and Jerusalem, to justify the execution of Jesus, as an entire counter-narrative, an anti-Gospel and contains a variety vile statements against Christ and Christians. Nevertheless, it also unintentionally confirmed the sacrifice of the Cross of Jesus.
Monday, August 10, 2015
Nablus: Father of 18 Year Old Girl Killed in Arson Attack Succumbs to Burns
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Photo of 18 Month Old Child Killed in the Fire |
(Jersualem) On Saturday morning, the father of an 18 month old child has died, who herself was killed as a result of the arson attack by Jewish settlers in Nablus. The 32-year-old man died as a result of the severe burns he had suffered the attack. In critical condition are his wife and first-born child of four years.
On July 31st, the House of the Dawabsha family had been set in fire in Duma near Nablus by Jewish settlers in the occupied territories. The younger child in the family died instantly in the flames (see Palestinian child dies in attack by Jewish settlers in Nablus ). The parents and the elder son were taken to hospital with serious burns.The father, Saad Dawabsha has now succumbed to serious injuries. He suffered second-degree burns all over his body. The condition of his wife and four year old son is still critical.
According to witnesses, Jewish settlers threw firebombs against the family home. On house walls were the slogans "revenge" and "Long live the Messiah."
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the attack as "terrorist".
Text: Asianews / Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Asianews
Image: Asianews
Trans: Tancred
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
U.S. Secretary of State Attends Latin Mass in Vienna
Edit: certainly he's continuing his practice of sacrilegious Communions.
Vienna ( U.S. Secretary of State popped into the Saint Stephen's Cathedral on Sunday just before the conclusion of his Austria trip. "Kerry came just before 11 by the side door into the Cathedral and took part in the Latin Mass.", said Sacristan Georg Rejda for "Kathpress" (Monday). About an hour before the start of Mass officials of the Federal Police and the U.S. Delegation checked out the situation in the Cathedral. The visit of the U.S. Representative was unremarkable, a private person - as stated. The political significance of the important guests, was only revealed by the security detail.
Kerry was occupied for a good two weeks negotiation in the nuclear dispute surrounding Iran between the 5+ 1 group (the five UN voting powers and Germany) and Iran. The dispute surrounded the West's concern for ascertain able and believable guarantees that the Islamic Republic will not develop nuclear weapons and only use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. In return, Western sanctions will be discontinued.
The 71 year old travels with his 50 man entourage from the noble Hotel Imperial zum Coburg, where he is negotiating, and unleashes a chaos of traffic. Kerry is the first Catholic Secretary of State since the early 1980s. The Democrat from the eastern State of Massachusetts is considered to be a friend of Europe in Washington. Kerry visited Pope Francis initially last January.
Kerry has family roots in Austria: his father's family is from Bennisch in former Austrian Silesia (today Horni Benesov in Czech Republic ). His grandfather Fritz Kohn (1873-1921) converted in 1901 from Judaism to Catholicism, emigrating with his family to the U.S. and changed his surname to "Kerry".
Copyright 2015 Katholische Presseagentur KATHPRESS, Wien, Österreich
Monday, June 22, 2015
Bishop of Aachen: Eliminate the Prayer for the Return of the Jews -- Break Discussion with SSPX
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Bishop Mussinghoff |
Bishop Mussinghoff is not a good friend of the traditional form of the Roman Rite nor does the situation of the verb "entering into" with the Good Friday prayer for the Jews. Benedict XVI. introduced in 2008 a reformulated Good Friday prayer. Bishop Mussinghoff insisted that he would fundamentally eliminate the prayer for conversion of the Jews, even in the traditional rite.
President of the Central Committee of the Jews for Complete Elimination
It was Josef Schuster, the President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany , who had demanded in Frankfurt, the complete elimination of the Good Friday Prayer. Bishop Mussinghoff who in the German Bishops' Conference is in charge of relations with the Jews, tried to second him.
The bishop agreed with Schuster because he "desires" a "withdrawal of reformulation". Mussinghoff also made to understand that he is concerned not only with Jewish sensibilities, but also an end to the "negotiations with the SSPX".
The Bishop Aachen told the public that were it up to him, he would conclude the negotiations with the SSPX and this would end. In other words, if it was up to Mussinghoff, it would not have come to any negotiations.
Suspicion that the Church Wants to "Continue Mission to the Jews"
The rejection of the reformulated Good Friday Prayer was founded by the Central Council President on the suspicion that it address the Jews, and the Church would "ultimately continue the old Jewish mission" and emphasize a "sense of superiority" over the Jews. Such formulations have been promoted for centuries in "Christian anti-Judaism. And what comes then we all know," said Schuster as quoted by the Catholic news agency KNA. The Central Council President was allowed to suggest the complicity of the Catholic Church in the Nazi racial anti-Semitism and the crimes committed by the Nazi regime.
Mussinghoff, whose distancing from "traditionalist circles" came lightly on the lips, described the Good Friday Prayer in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite as a "burden" to the Christian-Jewish dialogue.
In the original version of the Good Friday prayers were prayed for the "blind" and "perfidious" Jews by conversion, because they do not recognize Jesus Christ as the Messiah and Son of God, and thus reject the offer of salvation of God through the sacrifice of the Cross of Christ.
Change with Post-Conciliar Liturgical Reform in 1970
With the post-conciliar liturgical reform of 1969/1970 the request was redrafted on controversial manner and hidden Jews from the fact of salvation, as if they were not in need of healing. "Let us also pray for the Jews to whom God, our Lord, first spoke. He shall keep in faithfulness to his covenant and in the love of his name, so that they reach the goal to which his counsel wants to lead them." This intercession is still the formulation commonly used in the German church on Good Friday.
Although the wording corresponds to the Jewish self-understanding, neither Christ's message nor the consequent Christian understanding of salvation needed by all people is present. In Frankfurt he touched on the word formulation, however, ignored the substantive level, rejecting it as an inclusion of the Jews in the mission of the Church openly (Schuster) or implicitly (Mussinghoff).
Are not all people in need of healing?
But is there evidence in Christian doctrine that there are two groups of people, one being the need of salvation and the other Jews? From a Christian perspective, a continuation of a post-Easter bond for the Jews is just as absurd as being undefined. What there is, rather, is those Jews who have accepted God's offer of salvation through Christ and have accepted for two thousand years and therefore are Christians, and those Jews who have rejected the offer of salvation of God and stand therefore outside communion. The fact remains that, of course, they see it differently, as Mormons view their relationship with God differently than they see the Catholic Church. For Christians it is unthinkable to exclude a group from their request for conversion. It would be a serious breach of the principle of love of neighbor and love of God.
The two debaters, Bishop Mussinghoff and President of the Central Council Schuster are agreed that the Christian-Jewish relationship is "very good overall". But "encumbrances" should not be overlooked.
"Only in Germany is it a problem"
The defense of Benedict XVI. fell to Fr. Norbert Hofmann, secretary of the Pontifical Commission for Relations with Judaism. He read out a statement by Kurt Cardinal Koch, who emphasized not only the "good intentions" of the pope emeritus, but pointed out that the Good Friday Prayers were formulated as "theologically correct." Finally, the older formulation would "have been much worse." Father Hofmann was, however, to understand that the question is only in Germany because of its history, but not for the rest of the world.
Father Hofmann advised Schuster to finally put forward his concerns directly to the Vatican.
Text: Andreas Becker
Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches....
Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches....
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Chief Rabbi Complains About Synod Paper: "We Jews Live in Sin? Our Era is at an End?"
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Di Segni with Pope Francis |
(Rome) Riccardo Di Segni, the Chief Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Rome has complained that the "dialogue" with the Catholic Church was difficult. He is concerned with a sentence of the final document of the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops on Marriage and Family, which ended last Sunday. The Chief Rabbi is troubled by two statements of the document, which he interpreted as an "unfriendly" critique of Judaism.
The two points which concern the Chief Rabbi, he summarizes this way: once the idea that the Jews would live in sin; on the other hand the statement that their era was over. Such is the interpretation by Di Segni. And what is in the final report?
In the Relatio Synodi states in paragraph 15: "This connection [between man and woman . Anm.d.Red ] was damaged by sin and was the historical form of marriage among the people of God, for which Moses oversaw the possibility to issue a bill of divorce. This form was predominant at the time of Jesus. With His coming and upon the reconciliation of the fallen world, thanks to the redemption through Him, the era initiated by Moses ended. "
This is part of the Synod report that was adopted with 167 votes to 13 by the Synod Fathers.
Chief Rabbi Di Segni is certainly angry: "With a certain hardness in form and substance, the bishops come, therefore, to us today, we follow the Torah of Moses, to say that we were in sin and that our era is over. How difficult is this dialogue! "
The doctor Riccardo Di Segni Shemuel has been Director of the Collegio Rabbinico Italiano (Italian Rabbi College) since 1999 and since 2002 Chief Rabbi of the Jews of Rome. When Chief Rabbi Zolli Italo 1 became thanked, after the end of World War II, in an event publicly broadcast to the Jewish community of Rome, Pope Pius XII. for what he did to help the Jewish community, and was later baptized in gratitude and admiration for Pope Pius XII. (Eugenio Pacelli) accepted Eugenio Pio as his new Christian name, and Chief Rabbi Elio Toaff (1951-2002) defended Pius XII against criticism, charging him with having been silent persecution of the Jews, Chief Rabbi Di Segni has repeatedly expressed criticism of beatification of Pius XII.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: UCCR
image: UCCR
Trans: Tancred
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Powerful Jewish Interests Cancel Bishop's Visa
Edit: is it meaningless that he's a citizen of the Commonwealth, and that there is such a thing as free speech, supposedly?
[Jewish News] A Holocaust denying Catholic bishop who was due to visit Australia this month has had his visa cancelled after The AJN alerted the government to his views.
British cleric Richard Williamson has described Jews as “enemies of Christ” and claimed there’s no evidence to support the fact that six million Jews were killed during the Shoah.
At most, he said, the number if Jewish victims was 200,000 to 300,000, none of whom were killed in gas chambers.
[Jewish News] A Holocaust denying Catholic bishop who was due to visit Australia this month has had his visa cancelled after The AJN alerted the government to his views.
British cleric Richard Williamson has described Jews as “enemies of Christ” and claimed there’s no evidence to support the fact that six million Jews were killed during the Shoah.
At most, he said, the number if Jewish victims was 200,000 to 300,000, none of whom were killed in gas chambers.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Rabbi Skorka: Pope Francis and Judaism -- “We Dreamt, We Embraced in Front of the Wailing Wall"
(Buenos Aires / Jerusalem) Will Pope Francis meet the “mother of his personal faith" in Judaism? That, at least is what his Argentine friend Rabbi Abraham Skorka in an interview with the Jesuit magazine Civilta Cattolica. Pope Francis arrives in a few days with a colorful entourage to the Holy Land.
The Catholic Church leader is not only accompanied, as usual, by cardinals and bishops of the Catholic Church, but this time also the honorary chairman of the Orthodox Churches, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I. However, the most importantly will be a personal friend of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the Argentine Rabbi Abraham Skorka. The Vatican soon made aware of a risk. The very obvious presence of a Jewish representative in the entourage of the Pope, who has direct access to the Pope, boasting numerous interviews, could trigger irritation in the Muslim world in the Middle East. Above all, the Muslim Palestinians could feel resentment . So there was a search for an additional, Muslim travel companion. It is Omar Abboud, who will be the representative of the Islamic community in Argentina. Abboud is a former Secretary General of the Islamic Center of Argentina .
Two Argentine Friends: Rabbi Skorka and the Muslim Representative Abboud
Vatican spokesman Father Lombardi said the Pope was accompanied by a Jewish and a Muslim agent with whom he is already in “a friendly dialogue” in Argentina . In fact, Archbishop Bergoglio, Rabbi Skorka and Abboud took part as head of the Islamic Centre in the last ten years prior, as the Pope's choice in numerous joint events part that stood as a sign of inter-religious dialogue and were largely initiated by Cardinal Bergoglio.
Skorka About Francis: “We Dreamed of Embracing Before the Wailing Wall"
While Abboud was invited in April to come along on the trip has so far refrained from publicity, Rabbi Skorka has engaged in intense media activism since the election of Pope Francis. In his recent interview for the Jesuit magazine Civilta Cattolica (Volume 3934 v. May 17, 2914: D he Pope, the Rabbi and the Holy Land ), he said: "Since the election of Francis we have met three times in Rome.” In one of these meetings, "we began to dream of standing together in front of the Wailing Wall, embracing, to give you a sign despite the two thousand years of disagreements between Jews and Christians, and that I accompany him to Bethlehem to be close to his mind in such an important moment, as a gesture of friendship and respect, to give all peoples and nations of this region an indelible sign of peace."
The interview with Rabbi Skorka led chief editor Father Antonio Spadaro, who led a now famous, but also controversial interview with Pope Francis last fall. Skorka also spoke of how Pope Francis see Judaism: "At the first meeting he said, pointing to me and pointed with his hand up: 'Our friendship and dialogue is the sign that it is'. And I added: 'You can create the path that leads to peace and the Rome and Jerusalem brings together more closely.' "
Skorka: "Bergoglio sees in Judaism the Mother of his Personal Beliefs"
In a conversation between Father Spadaro and the rabbi several names are called as witnesses for the Jewish-Christian dialogue, including the retired Archbishop of Paris, Cardinal Lustiger. There are also publications mentioned considered by the Pope as fundamental to the Jewish-Christian dialogue. According Skorka prevails in Pope Francis especially "an expectation of the church to a Jewish response to the document Nostra Aetate of the Second Vatican Council, an adopted by the majority of the Jewish people manifesto, which answers the question: What does a Christian for a Jew ? "
When asked Spadaros, as Pope Francis see the Jewish religion, Skorka replied: "The many things that I have seen and experienced around Bergolio additionally prompted me to say that he sees Judaism as a mother of his faith. This is not merely an intellectual exercise, but a feeling, which is an important component in his personal faith.” This statement is in need of explanation. according to the Catholic understanding of pre-Christian Judaism (Israel) has risen in Christianity and found its completion. Post-Christian Judaism, however, is that Pharisaic cleavage of the original Judaism that rejects Christ as the Messiah. But what Judaism did Skorka mean?
Pope Reads Rabbinic Writings and is Shaped by Them?
The Rabbi pointed at the same time then that "some viewpoints and findings of Bergoglio" obviously agree with rabbinical writings, which he wants to suggest that Pope Francis has read rabbinic or is reading and was influenced by them.
Other parts of the conversation related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Of this Skorka said: "I do not expect that Pope Francis will solve all problems between Palestinians and Israelis, nor all the conflicts of the Middle East and the world." The "true power of the Pope is the credibility that he has in his family and the understanding of this awakened in others."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Vatican Insider / Centro Interreligioso Buenos Aires
image: Vatican Insider / Centro Interreligioso Buenos Aires
Trans: Tancred
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