For the firs ttime since the time of the National Socialists the cross of Christ is being banned from class rooms.
The cross as a sign of God is an eyesore to National Socialists, Communists, anti-clericals,
Jacobins and Muslims.
Totalitarian systems have always fought it [Image:]
The Cross is Hung in All Classrooms
The Vienna school law rules that in obligatory schools, in which the majority of the students belong to the Christian communion, a cross may hang in all classes.
What is not ruled is, what will happen to the cross if this majority is no longer present, respectively if this is not in the entire school, or if it is still in the individual classes.
Finally, in Vienna the mother of a female student has successfully appealed for the suspension of the cross. That was last seen during the time of the Nazis.
She feels "religiously imposed upon". Clearly she is unteachable and is still placed in grade school instruction.
The mother has been bullying the school for a long time, till it finally gave in.
The socialistically governed city of Vienna (at present through a coalition of Socialists and Leftist "greens") has already been noticeable through its abolition of St. Nicholas Feast in kindergartens.
Atheist Advance
The Jacobin Atheist-Association is pleased to say "religion is a private matter". Here is another indication that further action will be undertaken.
The president of this Association is Heinz Oberhummer, whipmaster and organizer of the soon to be complaining anti-Church-"people's" desire: "As a humanist I am for service to the humanity, not for service to God."
Counterposition of Freedom
The FPÖ- Education Speaker in the National Assembly was clear in his statement: "It is already astonishing, how an individual person with her minority opinion can boss around the majority. ... Normally such questions must be decided by the school council. That on the other hand a single person can force a silent majority, has nothing to do with civil courage, but with a failure of mature democracy. It doesn't mean that it is only his will what is imposed, who screams the loudest."
Parallel Case in Lower Austria
The attacks on Catholicism are not new.
Already in 2009 a "self-described" lower Austrian atheist demanded the removal of a cross in a kindergarten.
He wanted that his daughter, "be raised to religious maturity without a religious denomination, but committed to be open to the world and pluralism," he waffled.
He would have his human rights violated through this. Through Thanksgiving and the Feast of St. Nicholas, the atheistic upbringing of his daughter was made impossible, although the participation was not mandatory.
Therefore his daughter is really not "open to the world", but raised in anti-clericalism (and even preventing the acquisition of Catholicism by the other kindergartners). Perhaps he probably wouldn't have a problem, that his daughter also learns about Christian holidays.
ÖVP for the Installation of Crosses
At that time the standing ÖVP State representative Johanna Mikl-Leitner (now Interior Minister) in a positive statement for the installation of crosses explained: "It is a proposal which goes against the foundations of the West."
In March 2011 the Constitutional Court recognized the installation of crosses in a kindergarten as constitutional.
Initiative comes from publicly visible advertising?
If the Church haters are consistent, a referendum against advertising in public space may be expected in the near future - so that the children do not "patronized" but can be educated as "open to the world".
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