(Rome) The Holy See announced the papal celebrations for the Holy Week, together with the Feast of Easter. As in previous years, the calendar is devoid of the day of the Holy Thursday.
On the morning of the 13th of April, the Pope will be celebrating the Chrism Mass as usual in St. Peter's. The Mass of the Last Supper is not mentioned, the evening of Holy Thursday, with which liturgically, the Triduum Sacrum begins.
Pope Francis will not celebrate the Last Supper of the Lord in the Lateran Basilica, the Episcopal Church of Rome and the "Mother of All Churches", but in a place not yet known. In the fifth year, a central liturgical moment, which is of paramount importance to the Universal Church, disappears from the field of vision.
As in previous years, a "spectacular" foot wash can be expected in 2017 as well. The speculation among Vaticanists is currently looking at whose feet the Pope will wash this year, excluding the public and the Church.
The Mass on the evening of the Holy Thursday is a liturgy of constitutive importance for the Catholic Church and of great concentration. The washing of the feet recalls the sign the Lord made to the apostles. It's a sign that the apostolic succession must always be a humble service. To express this, Popes, Cardinals and Bishops wash feet as direct followers and direct subordinates.
This is just one element. On the same evening, the establishment of the Blessed Sacrament of the Most Holy Sacrament was conceived by Jesus Christ, and inseparably, the establishment of the consecrated priesthood. This dual institution forms the center of the liturgical liturgy and is closely connected with the Church as a sacred sacred space. This really requires that the Holy Mass in Cœna Domini be celebrated by the leaders in their bishop's church with the faithful.
In other words, the establishment of the sacrament of the priesthood and of the altar's Sacrament (Eucharist) are again behind the gesture of footwashing, which appears above all as a social gesture, through the papal visit to an unknown, closed place. It's an aspect emphasized by the circumstance that Pope Francis has also washed the feet of Muslims.
Since the visits to prisons and the refugee home, the question has also been raised as to whether Pope Francis gave Communion to those others than believers. Corresponding inquiries were not answered either by the Vatican or by the chaplains of the institutions visited.
In 2014 an initiative of Catholic media called on the bishops not to leave their cathedrals this evening to celebrate in other places. The absence of the bishop from his bishop's church is an "anomaly". This initiative, however, had to fallen into the void, since it was the Pope himself who left his bishop's church, the Lateran Basilica. Pope Francis has made the central Liturgy of Holy Thursday "invisible", according to Messa in Latino. The Holy Mass in the Lateran Basilica was open to all the faithful and was broadcast on television.
The Missa in Coena Domini by Pope Francis, which exclude the public:
2013: Visit to the Youth Prison 2014: visit to a disabled facility 2015: visit to prison 2016: visit to refugee home 2017 :?
Text. Giuseppe Nardi Photo: Vatican.va (Screenshot)
(Rome) Pope Francis will celebrate the Holy Thursday liturgy today in a refugee center "with young refugees". The majority of the inmates are Muslims. The Pope will wash the feet of some of them. The Pope's rumored "syncretistic tendency" (Secretum meum mihi) is extended to a new chapter.
Pope is now washing the Feet of Muslims in 2016
In January Francis did change the rite of foot washing and allowed the admission of women. He washed women's feet as archbishop of Buenos Aires for years. As the Roman newspaper Il Messaggero reported, it's Muslims this year who are also to be among the twelve elect, who will have their feet washed by the Argentine Pope.
Friday prayers of Muslims before the Milan Cathedral
In the Decree In Missa in Cena Domini the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments on 6 January, 2016 with the Pope Francis, officially allowed women to the foot washing, which is referenced on the headings of the Roman Missal. It says: "The acolyte accompanies those who have been selected from the people of God to ..."
The change in the rite is justified by the decree, "so that the full significance of this rite is made accessible to the celebrants". What the "full meaning of this rite" is, is not explained.
The extension to introduce women is that "the shepherds can select a small group of faithful who represent the diversity and unity of each part of God's people."
Since already on Holy Thursday in 2013 the Pope also washed the feet of members of other religions, specifically, those of Islam, since there is a question in the air: Does Pope Francis also include Muslims among the "people of God", of which we speak in the decree?
"Obviously," for Francis Muslims also belong to the "people of God"
"Apparently yes, although it's not explicitly stated, as today's washing of the feet of women and Muslims is suggesting" said Secretum meum mihi .
Revolt in the reception center Castelnuovo di Porto in 2014
On Tuesday, Curial Archbishop Rino Fisichella, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization, told Osservatore Romano the previously secret location where Pope Francis is to celebrate, outside of his Diocese, the Holy Thursday liturgy. The place of celebration is the refugee center of Castelnuovo di Porto, just outside Rome. The refugee center is operated by the Christian cooperative Auxilium.
It was in the past that in 2014 and 2015 that this reception center was inflamed to revolts, in which the migrants violently demanded their recognition as refugees. The Mass, according to Il Messaggero, "would include participation by the employees of Auxilium, the pastor and the refugees (mostly Muslims)."
"According to the reports of the Osservatore Romano and the Messaggero , it is clear that the Pope actually counts the Muslims as the 'people of God,'" said Secretum meum mihi .
This redefinition of "People of God" is in open contradiction of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (paragraphs 781-786 ).
"Is it time to rewrite the Catechism?" Asks Secretum meum mihi .
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: Youtube (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com Link to Katholisches...
(Rome) The only real change in the liturgy which Pope Francis has introduced in the three years of his pontificate relates to the washing of feet on Holy Thursday. Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi told the Catholic weekly Famiglia Cristiana about the background of the first foot washing of the feet of the Argentine pope in 2013 and weaves it into a legend.
Other interventions in the liturgy remained informal and concern the Pope's gestures: not to give Communion at public Masses or not to kneel during the consecration.The only formal change, with a decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship, concerns the Missa in Cena Domini, which begins the three holy days.
Problematic shift in axis
The official change relates to the admission of women to the foot washing. It's a problematic axis shift for those - and among them is of course the Pope - who know the importance of this gesture by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper. This involves the establishment of the Eucharist and of the Sacrament of Holy Orders by Jesus, who washed the feet of the Twelve Apostles in this context - only men. He washed neither the feet of everyone, nor members of a marginalized, despised or discriminated groups. For the masses, it involves a nice gesture of humility, which is why the admission of women just seems like an overdue measure of what is already supposedly a "misogynist" and "exclusive" Church.
Prison Chaplain Father Gaetano Greco
As Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio washed the feet of women and also girls several times on Holy Thursday. As Pope, he went far beyond the now adopted Decree and also washed the feet of the unbaptized. Nothing of this can be found in the new standard-setting, however. The papal model remains and urged to follow suit. The foot washing as a social spectacle?
"As he had already done it in Buenos Aires"
Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi wrote to the Catholic weekly Famiglia Cristiana :
"The freedom of the gesture and its concrete physicality immediately and deeply touched the hearts of people. In this sense, the Mass of the Last Supper in the youth prison of Casal del Marmo was one of the first important experiences that I experienced personally. According to the usual liturgical custom, the foot-washing should take place only for young men. I I allowed myself to send the Pope a discreet message about the discomfort of the young inmates and the prison chaplain, and the answer was in fact immediate.As we all know, he washed and the girls and the Muslims feet, as he had already done it in Buenos Aires ... "
Vatican spokesman fabricates a legend
According to Vatican spokesman Father Lombardi, the desire that even the girls, one of them a Mohammedan, should have their feet washed, was fed to the prison chaplain by Father Lombardi from the Pope. Thus, the Vatican spokesman is woven into a legend.
It is common practice in the Church that a pope formally, usually acts through requests of others. A bishop retires by the Pope when reaching the age limit. Officially, this is "only" the resignation of the bishop in question. The Pope does not dismiss him, but releases him, if desired. The bishop, however, is forced by the Church law to this resignation.
Vatican spokesman Lombardi reported facts but omitted some details. The fact is that the prison chaplain, Father Gaetano Greco, a third Order Capuchin, officially expressed his wish. But the fact is that the instructions came from the Vatican, including the request, that the chaplain - even on behalf of youth inmates - expressed a corresponding request.
Father Lombardi confirmed it indirectly to Famiglia Cristiana: "As we all know, he washed the feet of girls and the Muslims, as he had already done it in Buenos Aires ...". The idea for the gesture was neither spontaneous nor did it originate in the prison. Young prisoners would not have such an idea.
Chaplain: "Religions are important, but when it comes to the human reality ..."
Even prior to the papal visit to Casal del Marmo the cue was, according to instructions by the Vatican communication sites, all on the foot washing. The washing of the feet was the central, world mediated, "social, humble and humane" gesture, as with TV2000, the television channel of the Italian Episcopal Conference, was ready days before Holy Thursday in 2013. The day before, Chaplain Greco was even invited to a broadcast. The liturgical significance of foot washing has been deliberately distorted by this emphasis, because the far more important institution of two sacraments was ignored.
In the TV2000 broadcast, the emphasis was made that even members of other religions should have their feet washed. "That's very nice," said the moderator. On the question of whether the twelve people were already selected, the prison chaplain answered: "Everyone asks that. I have compiled a list, but a final decision has not yet been made."
On the washing of the feet of the unbaptized Father Greco said:
"It seemed to me well from the beginning to support such a hypothesis, precisely because of this sense of community, that it should be among all people. The religion is important, but when we come to the human reality, I think there are more important things."
"Of course," said the moderator of the Catholic radio station.
Father Lombardi on the election of Pope Francis: "I was just simply shocked"
In Famiglia Cristiana the Vatican spokesman Father Lombardi also told of his reaction as the election of Cardinal Bergoglio was announced on 13 March, 2013:
"When I heard the announcement by Cardinal Tauran from the loggia of St. Peter's, I was speechless. I knew that the announcement of the name of the new pope would be moving, but not to this extent. He was a Jesuit, a brother of mine, but I did not know him, only indirectly, apart from a very brief encounter in the days before in the corridors of the general congregations of cardinals before the conclave. Even if his name had been mentioned a few times among the papabili, I had never taken him into consideration, because the appointment of a Jesuit as Bishop or Cardinal, much les the Pope, is far outside the expected! After the announcement, everyone who stuck his nose in my office found me jubilant, because the Pope is a brother of mine. But they were surprised by my helplessness. I was neither happy nor sad. I was simply just shocked."
Next Father Lombardi said:
"I was in my office in the press office and the conference room, colleagues were waiting on me and my first comment. I felt speechless ... Then I took courage and said that two things that were immediately clear to me, as to highlight the big news: the name of Francis - firstly - and the fact that he is Hispanic. Choosing a name that no one elected had chosen so far - and what a name! - pointed to an extraordinary freedom, of a courage and clarity. Poverty, care for creation, peace, which is as the pope should himself say even a few days later. The origin from the end of the world, of course, 'brought a new perspective to be in a different way of looking at situations and issues facing humanity and the Church in the world today, which was soon heard. It seems I am not to have been mistaken."
Pope Washing to feet of Juvenile Delinquents of Different Religions in 2013
Edit: who cares about liturgical norms and rubrics?
(Rome) On Holy Thursday, Pope Francis will visit the Roman prison Rebibbia and wash and kiss the feet of twelve prisoners. After the Holy Thursday liturgy in the youth prison in Rome in 2013, and a center for the disabled 2014, Pope Francis will visit the great Roman prison Rebibbia on April 2, 2015. There are pre-trial prisoners and prisoners serving sentences or under five years.
At 5:30pm he will celebrate the Lord's Super in the prison church. It takes place in the framework of the foot washing, which dates back to the direct model of Jesus Christ at the Last Supper.
Pope is to wash the feet of twelve male and female
As the chaplain of Rebibbia, Don Sandro Spriano, told Vatican Radio, the Pope will wash the feet of twelve male and female. "We are very happy that the Pope has accepted our invitation which we have spoken of at a meeting at a Mass in Santa Marta last September. He told us that he would like, if possible, to come to us on Holy Thursday. We will repeat the experience of three years ago with Pope Ratzinger in a different context and with another person," said Kaplan.
"For the prisoners it is certainly an important sign of attention by the Church of Rome to their situation. We always say that they are the most unhappy. To show them that they are children of God who are loved by the Church and especially of the Pope, is very very important for them. Moreover, in this celebration, male and female prisoners will come together for the first time. The occupants of the women's prison will be brought to us. This has not been done before.It is a beautiful thing," said Don Spriano.
Meeting with Benedict XVI. in other settings still vividly remembered
"I have vivid memories of the meeting with Benedict XVI. because it was a dialogue with questions and answers of the Pope himself at the time. It was a truly fraternal meeting," said the chaplain.
From politicians he expects that "the prison is simply not a place of punishment and revenge by society on those who commit crimes, but - as required by the Constitution - is a place of rehabilitation and reintegration, a basis in order to live better when you come out," said Don Sandro Spriano, the prison chaplain Rebibbia in Rome, where Pope Francis will visit the prisoners on April 2, on Holy Thursday.
Concerns: overshadowing the institution of the Eucharist and the priesthood by reduction to the social aspect
The Lord's Supper is one of the few important events in the church year in which the popes have traditionally celebrated in the cathedral church of the bishop of Rome, San Giovanni in Laterano, the mother of all churches. Considering the change of location, which Pope Francis is making on this day, there are significant concerns within the Church. This includes the discomfort that the Pope celebrates a central Liturgy of the Paschal Triduum, the three holy days, again excluding the faithful.
Humble Foot Washing With Large Media Contingent: Cardinal
Jorge Mario Bergoglio 2008 in Buenos Aires
(Rome) The Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Pope published the calendar of the celebrations of the Pope to the Second Sunday after Easter. For the day of the Paschal Triduum all celebrations of the Chrism Mass in St. Peter's Basilica in the morning of Holy Thursday until the Apostolic Blessing Urbi et Orbi scheduled on Easter Sunday at 12 noon clock. Not mentioned is the Mass of the Lord's Supper on the evening of Holy Thursday, where the Paschal Triduum begins liturgically. The calendar was published in the Wednesday edition of L'Osservatore Roman (see picture below).
Vaticanists Speculate About "Spectacular" Washing of the Feet 2015
Bets are being made by Vaticanists, about who "spectacular" would Pope Francis wash in this year's feet washing.
Liturgical Calendar of the Pope in the Osservatore Romano on 01/28/2015
The exhibition on the evening of Holy Thursday is constitutive of meaning for the Catholic Church and its content is heavy with meaning. It is thought the washing of the feet, which the Lord undertook for the apostles. is a sign that the apostolic succession must always be a humble service. To express this, popes washed cardinals' and bishops' feet as it had been directly relegated.
But this is only one element. That same evening, is the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Which is so inextricably linked, the establishment of the ministerial priesthood through Jesus Christ. This double appointment is the center of the Maundy Thursday Liturgy and is closely bound up with the consecrated church as a sacred space. This requires that the Holy Mass of the Lord's Supper is celebrated by the pastors in their episcopal church with the faithful people. In 2014 an initiative was launched by the Catholic media to the bishops not to leave their cathedrals on this evening to celebrate elsewhere.
This initiative had a reason and at the same time had to fall into the void because of this reason, as it was the Pope himself, who, left the Lateran Basilica, his Episcopal Church. Some media-savvy bishops announced that they want to follow the papal "model".
Axis Shift Away from the Holy Eucharist Towards the Washing of the Feet
Jesus washed the feet not just anyone, but the apostles
In 2013 the Pope visited a juvenile prison in Rome. He celebrated there with the exclusion of the faithful people in a multi-purpose hall and washed the feet of young prisoners, including girls and Muslims. It looked like a humanly sympathetic, but highly controversial liturgical gesture. It is still unclear whether the Pope indiscriminately gave Holy Communion as well. The Holy See Press Office did not take a position.
In 2014 Pope Francis repeated "his" way and celebrated the Missa Lord's Supper in a sheltered facility in Rome. He washed the feet of the disabled. Again, in the absence of the faithful people, but not to the public. The media reported eagerly over the papal trip, while the Episcopal Church of Rome, the Lateran Basilica, was orphaned for the second year. This solidified Francis in a shift in axis of perception away from the Holy Eucharist towards the washing of the feet, which was also subject to reinterpretation. It also raises the question of the Eucharistic understanding.
Pontifical Activism
The Last Supper
The Vatican media adapted themselves willingly to the papal activism and reported in 2014 in advance, the Pope will wash the feet of the disabled of "different beliefs, ethnicity and age'.
The gap in today by L'Osservatore Romano's published calendar of papal celebrations suggests that Pope Francis is in search of an exclusive Mass of the Lord's Supper, but heavily publicized context for the humble washing of feet. Among the Vaticanistas there are already are some highly quotable ideas, because the Vatican secrecy is also quite irritating.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: AciPrensa / Osservatore Romano / Pagina Catolica