Showing posts with label Holocaust. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holocaust. Show all posts
Sunday, May 29, 2022
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Swedish TV Documntary: SSPX Resistance is Hiding Sexual Predators
Edit: this is a documentary by SVT, Swedish TV. They make no bones about their hatred of the Catholic Church, but the claims made about two deviant priests are undoubtedly true. We figured we'd post this here, since you're likely to hear about it elsewhere sooner or later.
The first part of the documentary is a lacrymose revisiting of their sensational hit piece on Bishop Williamson which caused a firestorm of controversy as Pope Benedict XVI attempted to reconcile with the Society in 2009. These Swedish secularists don't hide their essential hostility to the Catholic Faith, especially as it's embodied by the Society.
Fortunately, the journalist, Ali Fegan, admits that the accused priests Father P. and Father M. were exiled to a monastery, which they subsequently left, (if they ever went) to join Bishop Williamson's "Resistance" where they appear to have made a clean slate of their past sins and Father P., at least, who has admitted to his sins, is now doing parish work where he has access to young boys.
It's unfortunate that the SSPX took so long to finally get a handle on this problem with respect to these two priests. Don't they know that such monsters are irredeemable and should be condemned to prison?
We also have to ask: When are they going to do a story about the rampant sexual abuse in their own back yard with respect to their immigrant population? Or how Swedish elites engage in sex tourism? At least the Society dealt with their problem and sought help from the CDF.
The video can be accessed here:
The first part of the documentary is a lacrymose revisiting of their sensational hit piece on Bishop Williamson which caused a firestorm of controversy as Pope Benedict XVI attempted to reconcile with the Society in 2009. These Swedish secularists don't hide their essential hostility to the Catholic Faith, especially as it's embodied by the Society.
Fortunately, the journalist, Ali Fegan, admits that the accused priests Father P. and Father M. were exiled to a monastery, which they subsequently left, (if they ever went) to join Bishop Williamson's "Resistance" where they appear to have made a clean slate of their past sins and Father P., at least, who has admitted to his sins, is now doing parish work where he has access to young boys.
It's unfortunate that the SSPX took so long to finally get a handle on this problem with respect to these two priests. Don't they know that such monsters are irredeemable and should be condemned to prison?
We also have to ask: When are they going to do a story about the rampant sexual abuse in their own back yard with respect to their immigrant population? Or how Swedish elites engage in sex tourism? At least the Society dealt with their problem and sought help from the CDF.
The video can be accessed here:
Monday, September 12, 2016
Benedict XVI and the Case Williamson: "The fault was alone the Ecclesia Dei Commission"
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The New Interview Book of Benedict XVI: The case of Williamson was "alone the fault of the Ecclesia Dei Commission |
(Rome) Over the recent week book by Peter Seewald with Benedict XVI., which went on sale on September 8, already reported, by many of the leading newspapers. One issue that stands out here is the Williamson case and the Holocaust.
Vatican Radio - German section, the Argentine newspaper La Nacion, whose Vatican correspondent is very close to Pope Francis, and others highlighted, an excerpt of the book, which deals with the case of Bishop Richard Williamson. The Briton Williamson was consecrated a bishop in 1988 by Archbishop Lefebvre without permission of Pope John Paul II. for the Society of St. Pius X.
Pope Benedict XVI. in early 2009, declared the excommunication of the four consecrated Bishops void, but statements of Bishop Williamson even threatened to be a stumbling block for the Pope, who was severely attacked for his gesture. Williamson had made statements on the Holocaust and questioned the figure of six million Jews murdered by the Nazis and also the use of gas chambers.
The opinion-leading media generated a storm of indignation, the less directed against Williamson, but was utilized as an additional opportunity by them to attack the little beloved, Benedict XVI. and his understanding of the Church. Benedict XVI. speaks in new interview book of a "huge propaganda war" against the Church.
The Vatican defended the pope at that time by saying that he was unaware of the relevant statements by Williamson who gave an interview for Swedish Television STV. The STV interview had indeed been recorded a few months previously, but was only broadcast in connection with the lifting of the excommunications. Above all, have his decision was unrelated to historical views, but related strictly to spiritual and ecclesiastical matters.
Benedict XVI. said the same to Peter Seewald.
In the interview book Benedict XVI. speaks of the "stupid Williamson case". Seewald on the events of 2009 that the predecessor of Pope Francis defended against criticism that he had lifted the excommunication of the "Holocaust denier" Williamson, who lived at that time in Argentina. Ratzinger now has said that he is not to blame for the Williamson case.
The blame was alone that of the Pontifical Commission erected for communities in the traditional rite in 1988 in the wake of the illicit episcopal ordinations by Pope John Paul II, Ecclesia Dei. They did not inform him about the positions represented by Williamson on the Holocaust. "I see the blame only on this Commission."
Ecclesia Dei was headed at that time by Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, who Benedict replaced a few months later with Cardinal William Levada. Officially, Castrillon Hoyos had reached his 80th birthday, and was expecting the change.
In 2012 Williamson was excluded from the SSPX because of "continuing disobedience," after he had spoken out against reconciliation with the Holy See and the canonical recognition of the Fraternity by Rome.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: MiL
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...
Monday, March 14, 2016
Pope Francis to Visit Poland During World Youth Day
(Rome) Pope Francis will participate in World Youth Day XXXI in July. This is according to the press office of the Holy See on Saturday.
It will be the second World Youth Day of the Pontificate of Pope Francis. The last WYD took place in 2013 the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro. This was a few months after the conclave which had chosen Pope Francis.
As the daily bulletin of the Vatican says, the Pope will travel to Kraków "with the invitation of the most prominent Polish political representatives and Bishops" from the 27th to 31st of July.
Polish Episcopate Distanced From Pope Francis' Course
The polish episcopate has distanced itself from the reigning head of the Church. There was steadfast opposition to it during both of the Family Synods in 2014 and 2016. The eventuality supported by Pope Francis, Tof admitting ecclesially but civilly married and divorced members to the Sacraments was rejected by the Polish episcopate.
On the 19th of March Pope Francis will sign the post-synodal document on the Family. At the time of World Youth Day, his standpoint about the indissolubility of marriage and on homosexuality will be known, just like the reaction of the Polish Church.
Poland is the homeland of Pope John Paul II (1978-2005). World Youth Day is an initiative which he originated. The first WYD took place in Rome in 1984, as the Polish Pope introduced the "International Year of Youth."
Within the closest circle of the Pope's colleagues, and among the most significant papal electors of 2013, the pontificate of John Paul II is viewed as "restorative turn", to which it maintains an inner distance.
Kraków: old coronation city and capital of Poland
The visit to Popand is not without tensions. Pope Francis has used pastoral visits to countries which have been critical of his line in order to herd those bishops to his Church course.
The locations of the XXXIst World Youth Day will be Kraków, which is the most historical city of Poland. Kraków is in little Poland, and was till 1764, the coronation city of Polish kings and from 1596, capital of the homeland.
The Archbishop of Kraków has been Stanislaw Kardinal Dziwisz since 2006, the longtime secretary of Pope John Paul II, whose successor, Nachfolger, Benedikt XVI., named him shortly after his election as Archbishop of Kraków and raised him in 2006 to the cardinal's rank. In the coming month Cardinal Dziwisz will reach his 77th year. His emeritus status is soon to come. The Pope may, according to canon law, accept the resignation with all likelihood after World Youth Day.
The organization of WYD is in the hands of the Pontifical Council for the Laity. The concrete execution will proceed through a local organization committee. Information on WYD 2016 can be found on the international Internet site
Pope and Youth in Auschwitz?
On the 4th of March, the Internet site published: Over 225 thousand pilgrims are planning to visit Auschwitz during WYD." Entrance to the former Nationa Socialist concentration camp, "will only be available to participants in WYD who have booked in advance." The site recalls the prison camp for Poles from 1940 and the "extermination location for Jews" from 1942. Above all, the martyrdom of two saints, Father Maximilian Maria Kolbe and Sister Teresia Benedicta a Cruce (popularly Edith Stein), one of the Catholic faithful who converted from Judaism is recalled.
Two popes have visited the memorial of the former KZ of KZ’s Auschwitz. The WYD site mentions „at least 1,1Million people, mostly Jews, but also Poles, Roma, Soviet Prisoners and people of other nationalities," who "the Germans destroyed in Auschwitz."
At the Auschwitz visit of John Paul II in 1979, he prayed at the memorial plaque from 1969, which describes "4 million" victims. When Pope Benedict visited in 2006, the plaque from the year 1995 counted the victims with the number 1.5 million.
After the end of Communist rule, the first free Polish government had corrected the widely exaggerated numbers. In the meantime, the government has corrected the numbers again. The German Pope avoided any unpleasant mention of the number of victims mistakenly quantified after after the visit of his predecessor.
As Vatican Speaker Father Federico Lombardi said in January, it is "very likely", that Pope Francis will visit the memorial of Auschwitz in the context of World Youth Day. In September 2014, the Pope gifted the organization Auschwitz-Birkenau 100,000 Euro. It is the custodian of the memorials and museums ( on the number of victims and the Pope's Foundation see Papst Franziskus stift Auschwitz-Gedenkstätte 100.000 Euro).
Text: Andreas Becker
Bild: krakow2016
Bild: krakow2016
Trans: Tancred
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Powerful Jewish Interests Cancel Bishop's Visa
Edit: is it meaningless that he's a citizen of the Commonwealth, and that there is such a thing as free speech, supposedly?
[Jewish News] A Holocaust denying Catholic bishop who was due to visit Australia this month has had his visa cancelled after The AJN alerted the government to his views.
British cleric Richard Williamson has described Jews as “enemies of Christ” and claimed there’s no evidence to support the fact that six million Jews were killed during the Shoah.
At most, he said, the number if Jewish victims was 200,000 to 300,000, none of whom were killed in gas chambers.
[Jewish News] A Holocaust denying Catholic bishop who was due to visit Australia this month has had his visa cancelled after The AJN alerted the government to his views.
British cleric Richard Williamson has described Jews as “enemies of Christ” and claimed there’s no evidence to support the fact that six million Jews were killed during the Shoah.
At most, he said, the number if Jewish victims was 200,000 to 300,000, none of whom were killed in gas chambers.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
What Kind of Theology Did Pope Francis Represent in Yad Vashem?
(Jerusalem) To Pope Francis’ address on May 26, 2014 at the Holocaust memorial Yad Vashem in Israel the traditional site "Messa in Latino” published the commentary of a priest. He wrote several theological and less theological comments on the Pope's address, for which we ask for discussion. The full speech of Pope Francis has been published in English translation by the Holy See, as well, the speech will be viewed as a video ( here ). The intertitles are from the editorship.
A Necessary Theological Clarification
by a priest
The first step is to join in the outrage that the Pope participated about the murder of the Jews in the concentration camps during the Second World War . Any form of violence and terrorist oppression no matter by what political direction, or on account of which diabolical intention whatsoever, is to be unequivocally condemned. It is also important to remember again and again, so that the same is not repeated. As far as the connected theory. The practice is unfortunately different. The killing goes on even today in various parts of the world and even among us in the "civilized" parts of the world. The Nazis murdered secretly and illegally, while the scandalous murder of unborn children is done in broad daylight and in a "legal".
All Crimes Condemn - None Worse Than the Other
Neither the crimes against the Jews, the crimes of National Socialism, the crimes of Bolshevism, the crimes against the Christians by the Ottoman Empire and Turkey, crimes against Christians in Mexico, the crimes of the military dictatorships in Latin America, the crimes in the Far East, the crimes in Libya, Syria, etc., may be forgotten. There is no crime for the victims, which is worse than the others.
Nevertheless some of the Pope’s statements serve that no matter how good the intentions may have been, that they perhaps meet certain expectations, also giving rise to possible misunderstandings.
On Monday, Pope Francis at Yad Vashem literally:
“Adam, where are you?” (cf. Gen 3:9). Where are you, o man? What have you come to? In this place, this memorial of the Shoah, we hear God’s question echo once more: “Adam, where are you?” This question is charged with all the sorrow of a Father who has lost his child. The Father knew the risk of freedom; he knew that his children could be lost… yet perhaps not even the Father could imagine so great a fall, so profound an abyss! Here, before the boundless tragedy of the Holocaust, That cry – “Where are you?” – echoes like a faint voice in an unfathomable abyss…
Daring Heterodox Exegesis
Allow me humbly to point out that God, if He in the Book of Genesis asked this question, certainly thought neither of the Holocaust nor about Yad Vashem. Such exegesis is more than just a heterodox venture.
May I also humbly point out that God addresses His message to the people and not to the Son (just because the singular is used), because the (single) Son of the Father (the Trinity should be sufficiently present to a pope) is Christ. But man is an adopted son of God and not of the Father, understood as the first divine person. Man is God's adopted son through the redemptive Incarnation of Christ. For the Jewish theology, God is neither a trinity nor does the adoption apply to all men, but only for a people, namely them. But that has been defined for two thousand years by the rejection of Jesus Christ and thus God. Theologically considered, blessings can hardly grown out of this rejection. Did the Pope at Yad Vashem present Jewish theology instead of Christian?
Conspicuous and Manifest Heresy?
To say that, as Pope Francis at Yad Vashem, that "perhaps not even the Father could imagine such a fall, such a precipice" "imagine" the humanity could provide an even more demonstrative and overt heresy dar.
God knows everything, that much Pope Bergoglio should at least know from the Catechism. To say that God was even prematurely to give free will to the people because he "could possibly not imagine" the consequences, is a downright obscene heresy and especially blasphemy.
Through the modal adverb “maybe" the heretical contents of the statement is in no way weakened. The assertion that there it is only a possibility, or one does not categorically exclude the possibility that God could not be omniscient, opens the door to doubt and is with certainty not Catholic.
The Past is Passed, But Prevent Suffering Today
I finally allow myself, even if only in passing, also to point out that the "bottomless pit" of racism and state terrorism by Israel against the original indigenous people of the Holy Land, but also engaged against the present population of the occupied territories, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, is certainly well known to the Father and the whole Holy Trinity. But "maybe" Pope Bergoglio is not informed, though he stood at the new "Wailing Wall", who built the State of Israel. Instead of losing a word about the expulsion, oppression and harassment of Christians by Israel, or of the whole people of the Holy Land, the Pope laid a wreath on the grave of the founder of Zionism.
It’s also a dubious act, the new Papaboys do not want to see.
Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Messa in Latino
image: Messa in Latino
Trans: Tancred
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Jewish Serial Murderer Delivers "Justice" as the Austrian Media Cheers
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Working Class Son of Vienna is proud to have been a participant in murders, of people identified as NS-criminals by Communist Partisans |
Leftist Prole from Vienna Working Class Neighborhood Ottakring
"Inglorious Basterd" is how broadcaster "3sat" described the multiple, extrajudicial murderer, Zionist Alfred Müller, drawing from the Quentin Tarantino film.
Alfred Müller was born in 1921, after a break in school in 1935, began his study as a locksmith. By his own admission, he was "kicked out" on the day of the invasion of German troops in Austria. Maybe because he was of Jewish descent, perhaps because absentee students are done little good by school.
His father was an active Socialist party member and active in the Schutzbund, the political wing of Austria's Socialists. In February 1934, the Schutzbund tried in vain to launch a coup in Austria.
Like many Jews he was "never interested" in religion. His Jewish parents would not survive the time of the National Socialists.
At 17 years old, he leaves his parents remaining in Austria in March 1939, and moved to Palestine with the Zionist youth, where he settled on Kibbutz Kfar Menachem (a kind of collective farm Communist model), and was called, Chaim Miller.
"Jewish Brigade Group" sings songs SA
The British recruited around 40 Jews for acts of sabotage behind the German front lines. Chaim Müller reported for the "Jewish Brigade Group," from 1944 it was part of the 8 British Army.
It was then that they were "'trained' as real Nazis, sang SA songs, which Chaim Müller still has mastered. He has kept to this day the swastika armband.
Right after the war ...
As the (apparently perennial) training was completed - the war was at an end. This only reinforced Miller's anti-fascist struggle. As the British used the heroic Zionist troops, it was not on German territory, but in the "Italian" Camporosso ("Campo Rosso") is stationed in Tarvisio, they decorated their trucks with the battle cry "Deutschland Kaputt! Kein Reich! Kein Führer! The Jews are coming!".
In a solemn flag-raising ceremony the "Twelve Commandments of the Hebrew soldiers on German soil" were read. It went: "do not smirch the honor and do not mix up with the Germans."
Broadcaster "3sat" continued: "Chaim Miller, he is now 24 years old and recognizes that his parents have probably not survived the Holocaust. He wants to do something. [...] So he chose members of the, German Detachment 'to take revenge together'. 'Because it can not be that easy to get away with.' The planned vigilantism is voluntary, 'But there was no one there, who did not want to join..' "
Communist partisans provide lists of names
The revenge troops received a list of 700 "named perpetrators" from the Communist Yugoslav partisans (currently the northern region of Slovenia) which at that time made of Lower Styria a slaughterhouse and a variety of mass graves (in 2009, 600 them were found) with an estimated 100,000 to 300,000 killed, alleged Nazi collaborators and anti-Communist (usually Catholic) class enemies, while here the 700 aforementioned in the south of Austria fell apparently to no consequence.
Specialty of the Communist Partisans: The "condemned" class enemies, were bound with wire, thrust into a mine shaft, while hand grenades were thrown in, then the access was closed with gravel and paved over (see: A Gruesome Discovery in Mine )
Zionist war crimes - The Secret Action "Nakam" (revenge)
In the following weeks, the revenge Zionists go in threes, disguised as a British military policeman, nightly in Austria to "visit" the people who were named by the partisans.
"We have invited them as British soldiers for interrogation," said Chaim Müller. As soon as the men climbed into the truck, they were tied up and covered, returned to Italy across the border. There they are 'held' out in the woods near Malborghetto where the Jewish soldiers were stationed.
"We had no witnesses ..."
An "ordinary" Jewish war criminal court requires only a truncated investigation: "We had no proper tools, we only knew what we were told. But in most cases the perpetrators did not deny"- just perfect persuasion.
Who Sees the Difference to the Concentration Camp Thugs?
After the interrogation, the vigilantes take the "condemned" out of the hut where they dig their own graves. "If it was deep enough, I said, stand up in there ', then I pulled the gun, the shot falls and he lays down, then we cover him and go back."
"We Only Regret That We Didn't Do More."
How many National Socialists were murdered in this way has not yet been explored. "We only regret that we have not done more. But we were just too limited in our actions", reports the proud Jewish serial killer.
And what did he feel? "Well, that's it!"
Celebrated Serial Killer
While former concentration camp cooks are taken from old age homes and brought to justice, the self-described serial killer Alfred Müller aka, Chaim Miller, lives unmolested by the judiciary and boasts of his deeds.
In an ORF visit to the kibbutz south of Tel Aviv, Chaim Müller dons the Nazi swastika armband and sings the Horst Wessel song , which he also demonstrated for visiting magazine "Profil" in 2009.
Understanding [if not sympathy] for the murders was clearly explained by Jewish immigrant Doron Rabinovici in the pro-Jewish newspaper "Der Standard", "He sought immediate justice. [...] What Miller did was not revenge. " In 2009 Chaim Muller was guest of honor on a May 1st parade held Vienna, by the Austrian Socialist Party. In the context of "Letter to The Stars" he was brought to a number of Austrian schools to report of his "exploits".
Link to
Another article about the slaughter of Germans in Yugoslavia by Tito's government after the war, which included also, Archbishop Zollitsch's own brother.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
[Update] Bishop Williamson Visits the “Resistance” in Germany
(London) Bishop Williamson, who was expelled from the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. , wants to visit Germany in the next few days. He wants to meet priests and laity of the SSPX to encourage them to break away. The plan seems to include the consecration of a chapel in a small monastery in houses. Similar to the Carmelite Sisters of Brilon, the chaplain had urged the separation from the Fraternity of St. Pius X, but took place years ago, because the Society of St. Pius X. rejects sedevacantism.
Bishop Williamson is to visit also the sisters in Brilon Forest, which recently by parted from the Society of St. Pius X. Another stop is expected to be Wigratzbad. There was recently a priest in the 25th Year of his consecration a sedisvakantistische community, about over 50 people. Previously, he worked for the Society of St. Pius X. believers in Überlingen. In Constance, he founded the club Saint Thomas Aquinas and V. to get established. He has been the Spiritual Director of the monastery for years in close contact with the sisters there and he preaches the spiritual exercises regularly. He left the Society before, but returned once more to her. For some time he hasn’t prayed for the Pope during Holy Mass, which was viewed very critically by his superiors and confreres.
Bishop Williamson is expected to be a private visit to Ober-Ramstadt, where he attended a newlywed couple, originally from him in a chapel of the Society of St. Pius X. wanted to get married. This was forbidden by the German District Superior of the Society of St. Pius X, Father Franz Schmidberger, whereupon the Prior of Rheinhausen wed the couple.
The dispute between the leaders of the Society of St. Pius X. and the situation around Williamson continues to escalate. A splitting or separation of this group is imminent. At a wedding, which took place recently, a German Prior openly criticized the Superior General of the SSPX, Bishop Bernard Fellay as a “traitor". The same has been said by a priest during last year's Pentecost pilgrimage. Observers interpret this as a threat of force to impose the upper a particular opinion without wanting to leave the SSPX itself.
Many priests were present at the aforementioned wedding who had left the SSPX years ago, well before the talks with the Vatican and priests who left the Society recently and officially denounce the present course of the Fraternity as "modernist". Some of these priests, went after their departure initially, surprisingly to communities standing close to the Vatican, but left it again quickly to seek out "vagantes".
Laymen, who openly position themselves sedisvacantist, earned a ban by the German District Superior. You may in specific cases currently still receive the sacraments in the chapels of the SSPX, but not distribute leaflets and not to incite unrest. Such measures are nothing special and were immediately imposed by district leaders since the founding of the SSPX.
Layman who’ve been banned are supposed to have co-organized Bishop Williamson’s trip. Bishop Williamson is clearly testing how much and what kind of support he can expect in Germany.
Most of the "priests in the resistance" were already expelled years before for disobedience and intemperate criticism of superiors. Transfers and composition of priory communities were often the main points of criticism. Whether the "resistance priests” themselves are under an authority or establish their own initiatives where they are the only authority themselves remains to be seen.
Since the "theological" justification for the "resistance" moves on thin ice and the talks between the Vatican and the Society of St. Pius X. seem to be misinterpreted, the conflict provides the current [? Father Firmin Udressy?] superior of the German district, Father Franz Schmidberger, more on a personal level: described the behavior in a preface of his newsletter in April 2013 as "stubbornness, self-righteousness, condescension, addiction to criticism, false dialectic, mockery and malice".
The Society of St. Pius X. has endured since its inception from attacks on the top, on the one hand of progressives, on the other side from sedivacantists. Therefore regular articles on the part of the SSPX are regularly published like Rightful disobedience to authority and Mgr Lefebvre: About the negotiations with Rome.
Bishop Williamson extended the position of sedevacantism for weeks in his periodical Eleison Comments and the direction begins to differentiate itself from Archbishop Lefebvre. Presumably he is trying to found the St. Marcel Center of the global initiative to expand sedevacantism the future.
Since its founding in 1970 by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the Society of St. Pius X has lost two or three priests per district every year, because they were dissatisfied with their superiors, or they were excluded because they refused, “to pay their rightful leaders due respect and obedience. "
The SSPX claims to have 569 priests worldwide according to its report in 2012. The number of faithful, who are connected to it should include, according to Cardinal Darío Castrillón Hoyos in 2007, about 600,000 people, including 100,000 in France. Other sources mention 150,000 followers.
Blogs and forums of "resistance" currently claim there are 22 priests who are supposed to be associated with this initiative worldwide.
Bishop Williamson was convicted in January in Regensburg court on the charges of incitement for a fine of 1800 Euros.The district court justified the relatively small fine with the fact that Williamson currently enjoys no income according to the court. Williamson is appealing against the judgment before an appeal.
[Update 17:06 clock: Williamson's visit in Germany is making the process of reconciliation between the Society of St. Pius X.and the Vatican enormously difficult, if not halting it entirely, which is most certainly his intention.
He writes in his column of 9 March ""We think that lifting the excommunications would set in motion an irresistible process of drawing closer, with a view to an agreement between the Holy See and the SSPX, or at least an agreement with a large part of the SSPX priests and faithful." Comment: indeed the friendly contacts between Rome and the SSPX were setting such a motion in process in January of 2009, and only an outburst from within the SSPX of the most horrible heresy of modern times - "anti-semitism" - stopped that process. But either Catholic reconciliation with Vatican II is no problem, or one has to say that that outburst was providential, because it also stopped, at least for a while, the false reconciliation.” In the article published in February’s column he writes: And historical truth goes by evidence, the most reliable kind of which is the material relics of the past, because these are in principle quite independent of human emotions.
Bishop Williamson is indifferent, in his own words, to whether his statements could be used in Germany or not, even if he refrained from publishing his words, because he pursues another goal with the help of Holocaust "denial", namely the torpedoing of the talks between Rome and the Fraternity. This intention should correspond to the so-called Dolus eventualis, according to which the offender holds for the possible success of its commission as a result of the seriousness of his actions and condones it to hazard the conditions and accept it. In other words, Bishop Williamson has deliberately committed a crime as a provocation in order to achieve a different purpose, the torpedoing of the talks between Rome and the Fraternity.
That Bishop Williamson cites in this context on the one hand the truths of divine revelation, and on the other hand sees his actions as inspired by the Divine Providence, it is an interesting insight into his state of mind.]
Text: Linus Schneider
Photo: Jens Falk
Photo: Jens Falk
Link Katholisches...
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
News Stories -- Honored by Slanderers
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Kardinal Elia Dalla Costa († 1961) © gemeinfrei |
Honored by Slanderers
Israel. The slanderous Holocaust Museum Yad Vaschem has declared the Italian Cardinal Elia Dalla Costa (+1961) of Florence as "Righteous Among Peoples". This was made known yesterday. The priest saved countless Italian Jews as well as Jewish refugees from France and Yugoslavia from deportation by the Germans. He hid refugees mostly with the help of his priests and Monastery. There is a cause for his canonization since 1981.
Democracy in English
Great Britain. The English Anglicans are seeking -- after the failed vote -- a new way to impose Lay-Bishopesses. One will simply change the concluding hearing. According to current rules the earliest that women Bishops can be voted on is 2014. For that reason the Lay-Bishops are already deciding next week over another legislative procedure. The Synod supposedly doesn't represent the majority of Anglicans, explained its General Secretary without further adieu.
AIDS is and remains a Homosexual Disease
Germany. The venereal disease AIDS is spreading more in Germany. This was according to the estimation of the Robert-Koch-Instiute. Till the end of 2012 there are about 78,000 HIV-infected in Germany. Coming from that, believe it or not, are 51,000 -- therefore 65 percent -- who are from the tiny homosexual population group. In 2012 3,400 people are expected to be infected -- about 100 more than last year.
"No One Told us THAT"
Switzerland. Bishop Bernard Fellay -- the General Superior of the Society of St. Pius X -- described his encounter with a young, Argentinian priest, in his All Souls sermon in the priestly seminary in Econe in Switzerland. He had no understanding of the actual Faith. He saw the Mass of All Ages for the first time with the Society. Until shortly before that, he had no idea that this Rite existed. The priest was angered that this treasure had been hidden from him: "That is the Mass? No one told ever us about it."
Frustrated Conciliar Priest Stages Himself by the Enemies of the Church
German. Pastor Reinhold Hubschle of the Trinity Church in the West of the 50,000 population city of Ravensburg has decided not to continue in the priesthood. This was trompeted by the anti-Church 'Schwabische Zeitung'. Fr. Hubschle has been a priest since 1984. It has been for him really the best "job". Actually it was out of his hands. The older he became, the more he longed for a wife: "Someone to have and share my life with me, that was already my true desire." On the altar he was "never conscious, of speaking in the person of Christ in the [Novus Ordo] Eucharist." He put his heart's blood into a project for migrants. Perhaps he will find a suitable position there.
Link to
Monday, July 11, 2011
Now the German Muzzle Still Demands 6.500 Euros from Bishop Williamson
The German Heil-Hitler Regime have rendered an illegal judgment, according to International Law, against Hero-Bishop Richard Williamson.
(, Regensburg) The District Court of Regensburg has punished Pius-Bishop Richard Williamson (71) still with a 6.500 Euro fine today.
This was according to the German media bosses.
For this reason, the court was affirming a judgment of the British Hero-Bishop from 2010 in what is, according to International Law, illegal.
That was the point at which the free Brit was fined for a combined 10.000 Euro fine.
The District Court is clearly still under the direction of the Nazi-crazy State Bar. They were seeking a punishment of 12.000 Euro.
The Bishop's defense severely criticized the German laws against free speech to the court.
It cast serious doubts as to whether a German court could condemn a British Citizen, merely because he gave an interview for Swedish television on German soil.
Further, the interview was conducted as a deceptive set-up with Swedish journalists on the Internet and for that reason, not subject to the German muzzle-laws, said the defense.
The German Nazi-mad Regime will not be able to collect this illegal judgement in Great Britain, where Msgr Williamson lives.
Link to original...
Correction: "The Regensburg appeals court on Monday confirmed the 2010 incitement conviction of Bishop Richard Williamson, though it lowered his punishment to a fine of €6,500 ($9,136)from the original €10,000, according to DAPD news agency."
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Bishop Williamson Bows to God, Not Germany |
(, Regensburg) The District Court of Regensburg has punished Pius-Bishop Richard Williamson (71) still with a 6.500 Euro fine today.
This was according to the German media bosses.
For this reason, the court was affirming a judgment of the British Hero-Bishop from 2010 in what is, according to International Law, illegal.
That was the point at which the free Brit was fined for a combined 10.000 Euro fine.
The District Court is clearly still under the direction of the Nazi-crazy State Bar. They were seeking a punishment of 12.000 Euro.
The Bishop's defense severely criticized the German laws against free speech to the court.
It cast serious doubts as to whether a German court could condemn a British Citizen, merely because he gave an interview for Swedish television on German soil.
Further, the interview was conducted as a deceptive set-up with Swedish journalists on the Internet and for that reason, not subject to the German muzzle-laws, said the defense.
The German Nazi-mad Regime will not be able to collect this illegal judgement in Great Britain, where Msgr Williamson lives.
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Correction: "The Regensburg appeals court on Monday confirmed the 2010 incitement conviction of Bishop Richard Williamson, though it lowered his punishment to a fine of €6,500 ($9,136)from the original €10,000, according to DAPD news agency."
Monday, June 20, 2011
Bishop Williamson Fires Attorney
The hearing of appeal of hero-Bishop Williamson is being understanding now by an honorary professor of the University of Marburg.
(, Regensburg) Society Bishop Richard Williamson (71) has separated himself from his council now just before his July 4th hearing. This is according to 'dpa'.
In April the Court of Regensburg fined hero-Bishop Williamson for an offense of Holocaust denial in muzzleland Germany for 10.000 Euros.
He is challenging German legal clauses, which according to International Law, are illegal.
The Fourth Attorney
Msgr Williamson is taking his fourth attorney before his appeal.
First of all, he separated himself from the Extreme Left, Green Attorney, Comrade Matthias Lossman.
This one resigned his brief in November 2010 in a mutual agreement.
After the Comrade, followed the race conscious attorney Wolfram Nahrath.
The Society of St. Pius X protested this choice. They threatened their Bishop with ouster in case he didn't fire this new attorney.
Thereupon Msgr Williamson engaged the Heilbron prosecutor Norbert Wingerter (72).
Msgr. Williamson has no separated himself from him.
This Brit doesn't Want to wear a German Muzzle
Wingerter explained that between himself and his brief there are different positions about the defense strategy.
The attorney sees good prospects for free speech, "if one were to argue to the court, that the expression for the camera of a Swedish television crew were not intended for broadcast in Germany".
Actually, Msgr Williamson repudiates this kind of argumentation: "He believes that one could put the Holocaust in doubt."
Wingerter sees this strategy as senseless before a German court.
As his successor, Wingerter has named a practicing honorary professor of the University of Marburg.
'Dpa' doesn't name this individual.
He doesn't want to give any information about the case.
The Court of Regensburg also is giving no ruling, if a delay to the appeal hearing will be permitted.
(, Regensburg) Society Bishop Richard Williamson (71) has separated himself from his council now just before his July 4th hearing. This is according to 'dpa'.
In April the Court of Regensburg fined hero-Bishop Williamson for an offense of Holocaust denial in muzzleland Germany for 10.000 Euros.
He is challenging German legal clauses, which according to International Law, are illegal.
The Fourth Attorney
Msgr Williamson is taking his fourth attorney before his appeal.
First of all, he separated himself from the Extreme Left, Green Attorney, Comrade Matthias Lossman.
This one resigned his brief in November 2010 in a mutual agreement.
After the Comrade, followed the race conscious attorney Wolfram Nahrath.
The Society of St. Pius X protested this choice. They threatened their Bishop with ouster in case he didn't fire this new attorney.
Thereupon Msgr Williamson engaged the Heilbron prosecutor Norbert Wingerter (72).
Msgr. Williamson has no separated himself from him.
This Brit doesn't Want to wear a German Muzzle
Wingerter explained that between himself and his brief there are different positions about the defense strategy.
The attorney sees good prospects for free speech, "if one were to argue to the court, that the expression for the camera of a Swedish television crew were not intended for broadcast in Germany".
Actually, Msgr Williamson repudiates this kind of argumentation: "He believes that one could put the Holocaust in doubt."
Wingerter sees this strategy as senseless before a German court.
As his successor, Wingerter has named a practicing honorary professor of the University of Marburg.
'Dpa' doesn't name this individual.
He doesn't want to give any information about the case.
The Court of Regensburg also is giving no ruling, if a delay to the appeal hearing will be permitted.
Friday, December 10, 2010
New Attorney for Hero-Bishop Richard Williamson
On the telephone Bishop Williamson asked his new attorney if he would want to take the case and if he's really Catholic.
( Richard Williamson has a new attorney.
This is according to the Online-edition of the newspaper 'Heilbronner Stimme".
Bishop Williamson's case will be taken up by defense attorney Norbert Wingerter (72). The attorney is five times a father and works half days in his office still.
Wingerter quickly explains that there is no denying the so-called Holocaust and -- in Germany-- the official numbers.
Msgr Williamson asked him on the telphone if he would take up his defense and if he were really Catholic.
Wingerter said yes to both.
The attorney is according to the "Heilbronner Stimme" a percise specialist in appeals.
He has already successfully defended two other Holocaust cases before the Federal Courts.
Msgr Williamson could have researched that and chose him for that reason --- surmises the attorney.
To assume the mandate is for Wingerter a matter of professional ethics. Every client has the right of a defender he can trust.
Till now Wingerter has never assumed briefs from Regensburg.
He has spoken already several times with the Bishop by telephone.
Wingerter expects the case to begin at the earliest in March.
The attorney sees a defense strategy as, to ask, if Msgr Williamson was certain that his statements would be broadcast to the German public.
In addition Weingerter wants to establish the sum of 100 Euro as a daily rate.
He doubts that the Bishop has the "money in his coin purse", in the amount of 100 Euros per day.
The German process against the hero-Bishop is illegal according to international legal standards.
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Martyr Bishop Richard Williamson |
( Richard Williamson has a new attorney.
This is according to the Online-edition of the newspaper 'Heilbronner Stimme".
Bishop Williamson's case will be taken up by defense attorney Norbert Wingerter (72). The attorney is five times a father and works half days in his office still.
Wingerter quickly explains that there is no denying the so-called Holocaust and -- in Germany-- the official numbers.
Msgr Williamson asked him on the telphone if he would take up his defense and if he were really Catholic.
Wingerter said yes to both.
The attorney is according to the "Heilbronner Stimme" a percise specialist in appeals.
He has already successfully defended two other Holocaust cases before the Federal Courts.
Msgr Williamson could have researched that and chose him for that reason --- surmises the attorney.
To assume the mandate is for Wingerter a matter of professional ethics. Every client has the right of a defender he can trust.
Till now Wingerter has never assumed briefs from Regensburg.
He has spoken already several times with the Bishop by telephone.
Wingerter expects the case to begin at the earliest in March.
The attorney sees a defense strategy as, to ask, if Msgr Williamson was certain that his statements would be broadcast to the German public.
In addition Weingerter wants to establish the sum of 100 Euro as a daily rate.
He doubts that the Bishop has the "money in his coin purse", in the amount of 100 Euros per day.
The German process against the hero-Bishop is illegal according to international legal standards.
Friday, November 26, 2010
British bishop agrees to drop 'far-right' lawyer < German news | Expatica Germany
Editor: Checking on the effectiveness of this attorney. In Bishop Williamson's defense, it must be said that this attorney might be exceptional at getting his clients a fair shake in the German Courts when it comes to these kinds of cases.
British bishop agrees to drop 'far-right' lawyer < German news | Expatica Germany
Additionally, it seems that the hiring of this particular attorney was a good idea in terms of Bishop Williamson's defense. He's been very effective. Here's a response from Ignis Ardens forum:
Yes, he has handled such cases: This is from a friend of mine:
British bishop agrees to drop 'far-right' lawyer < German news | Expatica Germany
Additionally, it seems that the hiring of this particular attorney was a good idea in terms of Bishop Williamson's defense. He's been very effective. Here's a response from Ignis Ardens forum:
Yes, he has handled such cases: This is from a friend of mine:
Dear friend,
I am following the news regarding the upcoming hearing of appeal. The decision to employ Wolfram Nahrath was a good one. Nahrath is the only one who dares to submit factual evidence as evidentiary motions in such trial. And he is very versed and defended recently Kevin Kaether. The court dropped eventually the case in order not have official witnesses being questioned.
The bishop, no doubt, is a hero. The higher echelons of SSPX are a despicable bunch, unfortunately.
May Jesus be with the bishop in the months to come.
We do think of this man every day and wish him all the very best.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Bishop Williamson to Appear in Court Against his Alleged Holocaust Denial Conviction.
Editor: is not friendly to Traditionalists very often, and their editors are almost invariably hostile to the FSSPX.One of the other news services had already covered the story in English, but is Catholic (and very reliable) and the other news service isn't, so we translated the article you see now.
Munich ( British Bishop Richard Williamson will stand before the court for the judgment he received from the Regensburg Court for sedition and "trivializing" the Holocaust. The appeal against the April fine of 10,000 Euro is set for the 29th of November. The speaker of the National Court of Regensburg, Johann Piendl, verified this for the German Catholic News Service, KNA. "I am pretty certain, that my client will participate", explained Williamson's attorney, Mattias Lossmann, on Thursday.
In April Williamson, who belongs to the Society of Pius X, which is not recognized by Rome [ just had to throw that in there], has been living in London and had not personally appeared at his trial. Representatives of the Society had ordered him not to come. According to Lossman's estimate this will not happen again, because the Society had "not captured any good press".[For not allowing him to appear]
The Bishop, not recognized anywhere in the world, had an interview with a Swedish TV-Station where he estimated the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust at 300,000 and doubted the existence of gas chambers. The interview happened at the end of 2008 at a priest seminar of the Society in the Bavarian town of Zaitzkofen.
The Regensburg court evaluated it as a fact that Williamson had denied the Holocaust on German soil and also trivialized it. The Judge saw this and accorded that the Bishop with the publication of his ideas in Germany and that with these he attested that he had appealed to Germans. Williamson's attorney, Lossmann will appeal to his client's free speech, that this "had been denied". After the judgment he filed an appeal. The State Prosecutor also did the same, which now seeks a penalty in the amount of 12,000 Euros.
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Munich ( British Bishop Richard Williamson will stand before the court for the judgment he received from the Regensburg Court for sedition and "trivializing" the Holocaust. The appeal against the April fine of 10,000 Euro is set for the 29th of November. The speaker of the National Court of Regensburg, Johann Piendl, verified this for the German Catholic News Service, KNA. "I am pretty certain, that my client will participate", explained Williamson's attorney, Mattias Lossmann, on Thursday.
In April Williamson, who belongs to the Society of Pius X, which is not recognized by Rome [ just had to throw that in there], has been living in London and had not personally appeared at his trial. Representatives of the Society had ordered him not to come. According to Lossman's estimate this will not happen again, because the Society had "not captured any good press".[For not allowing him to appear]
The Bishop, not recognized anywhere in the world, had an interview with a Swedish TV-Station where he estimated the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust at 300,000 and doubted the existence of gas chambers. The interview happened at the end of 2008 at a priest seminar of the Society in the Bavarian town of Zaitzkofen.
The Regensburg court evaluated it as a fact that Williamson had denied the Holocaust on German soil and also trivialized it. The Judge saw this and accorded that the Bishop with the publication of his ideas in Germany and that with these he attested that he had appealed to Germans. Williamson's attorney, Lossmann will appeal to his client's free speech, that this "had been denied". After the judgment he filed an appeal. The State Prosecutor also did the same, which now seeks a penalty in the amount of 12,000 Euros.
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Friday, March 5, 2010
Former Concentration Camp Vandalized in Linz
Abuse was scrawled on the outer wall of the Mauthausen camp near Linz overnight and no culprits had been found, Michael Tischlinger, head of the provincial anti-terrorism police, told the Austrian Press Agency.
"Such a desecration is not a prank, the culprits had a select target," said Willi Mernyi, head of the Mauthausen Committee which helps oversee the site where around 100,000 people died during Nazi rule in Austria in 1938-45.
"There is an active far-right scene in Upper Austria that does not even shrink away from vandalizing a former concentration camp," Mernyi said in a statement.
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"Such a desecration is not a prank, the culprits had a select target," said Willi Mernyi, head of the Mauthausen Committee which helps oversee the site where around 100,000 people died during Nazi rule in Austria in 1938-45.
"There is an active far-right scene in Upper Austria that does not even shrink away from vandalizing a former concentration camp," Mernyi said in a statement.
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Monday, February 1, 2010
Bishop Williamson Reveals the Democratic Deceit of Free Speech
Bad boy Bishop Williamson is being pelted by the press again. He's being accused of the greatest sin a modern man can commit in this age of unreason, denying the sanctity of the Jewish race and the numbers (accountancy) related to the so-called "Holocaust". In its passion for reification and easy villains, the world press has levelled its guns on one man whose life has been a singular rejection of the liberalism who's cult they adore, as he speaks out against their consensus of depravity.
We agree with Bishop Williamson on attire, is it enough that so many daughters complain of the immoral men that the behaviors that contribute to it can't rightly be castigated? We think that the editors of these propaganda organs want a nice docile population, enslaved to its lusts and caprices, who will enjoy the pillorying of one man who stands against their Orthodoxy and their frequent and unchecked deceit and malice. So much for freedom of speech and the values of "democracy". We should thank Bishop Williamson, whether we agree with him or not, for revealing this democratic deceit.
We agree with Bishop Williamson on attire, is it enough that so many daughters complain of the immoral men that the behaviors that contribute to it can't rightly be castigated? We think that the editors of these propaganda organs want a nice docile population, enslaved to its lusts and caprices, who will enjoy the pillorying of one man who stands against their Orthodoxy and their frequent and unchecked deceit and malice. So much for freedom of speech and the values of "democracy". We should thank Bishop Williamson, whether we agree with him or not, for revealing this democratic deceit.
Williamson has noticed female fans wearing even shorter skirts. "Aren't there are any men left who tell their daughters, sisters, wives or mothers that this sort of outfit is only meant for the eyes of their own husbands?"
Monday, January 25, 2010
Polish Bishop Accuses Jews of Using Holocaust as Propaganda
[Haeretz] A leading Polish Catholic bishop caused a stir on Monday when he was quoted as saying that Jews had "expropriated" the Holocaust as a "propaganda weapon".
The comments by Bishop Tadeusz Pieronek, a former head of the Polish bishops' conference, prompted concern among Jewish leaders in both Poland and Italy after they were published on the conservative Italian Catholic website www.pontifex.roma.
Pieronek later went on Polish television to say his comments had been manipulated and he denied one phrase in which he was quoted as saying "the Holocaust as such is a Jewish invention".
He also said that he did not "authorise" the publication of the interview, which was still on the website on Monday evening.
"It is undeniable that the greatest number of dead in concentration camps were Jews but there are also Polish gypsies, Italians and Catholics on the list," he was quoted as saying.
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The comments by Bishop Tadeusz Pieronek, a former head of the Polish bishops' conference, prompted concern among Jewish leaders in both Poland and Italy after they were published on the conservative Italian Catholic website www.pontifex.roma.
Pieronek later went on Polish television to say his comments had been manipulated and he denied one phrase in which he was quoted as saying "the Holocaust as such is a Jewish invention".
He also said that he did not "authorise" the publication of the interview, which was still on the website on Monday evening.
"It is undeniable that the greatest number of dead in concentration camps were Jews but there are also Polish gypsies, Italians and Catholics on the list," he was quoted as saying.
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