(New Delhi) in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu is a Pentecostal pastor who has spent two days in jail because he baptized a woman. Hindu extremists from the Rashtriya Sawayamsevak Sangh (RSS) say he pursuing forced conversions and are bringing the pastor to trial. Pastor Reuben of the End Time Church of Gundur christened a woman on July 18th on her specific request. Hindu extremists took him out to the police by Srinangam for display. The charge was "Pollution of the river Cauvery," in which the baptism took place, and "forced conversions". Police arrested the pastor and immediately detained him.
Sajan George, president of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) protested publicly and spoke of "the persecution of Christians that seems to have become a legitimate practice in the state of Tamil Nadu."
In October 2002, the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) in Tamil Nadu enacted a law banning conversion, which should in principle prevent conversions of Hindus to Christianity. The law was repealed in May 2004 after the defeat of the BJP again. Nevertheless, Christians are under severe pressure as the recent incident shows.
Link to katholisches....
Showing posts with label Hindu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hindu. Show all posts
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Immaculate Conception Parish in Chicago- Holy Week Yoga and Zumba
Above: Roadside sign announcing Yoga and Zumba and pointing to the church.

Above: Immaculate Conception Parish weekly schedule announcing Yoga, Zumba, and Ecumenical Way of the Cross during Holy Week.
Immaculate Conception Parish located at 7211 W. Talcott Ave. in Chicago, IL is offering Yoga and Zumba classes during Holy Week.
A roadside sign outside of the parish announces Yoga and Zumba classes this upcoming week (Holy Week!) Page 8 of the bulletin of the parish (http://icparish.net/bulletins/040112.pdf) and the parish calendar (http://www.mychurchevents.com/calendar/calendar.aspx?ci=G1H2I3I3K5K5O9L6I3) announce these events as well.
Fr. John Hardon, S.J. wrote an excellent article about why Yoga is incompatible with the Catholic faith: http://www.catholiceducation.org/articles/religion/re0275.html
Oh and Zumba? Well here it is on youtube in case you have never heard: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vf0q6qtThF4 Appropriate exercises to hold at a Catholic parish?
Even if it could be argued (it can't) that these are appropriate exercise activities for Catholics to be participating in....aren't there better things to announce on a roadside sign outside of a Catholic Church during Holy Week?
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Orissa: For Christians, the Terror Returns
New wave of anti-Christian violence in India -- no trace of police reaction in the most recent incidents.
Bhubaneshwar, India (kath.net/Fidesdienst) A new wave of violence sparked a renewal of fear and terror in Christian Communities in India: as on the scenes observers of Fidesdienst report since last December in the last year in the district of Malkangiri in the State of Orissa, renewed attacks have been made against Christians by the local tribal people of the region. In the last month the attacks have become more serious: there have been a total of 10 assaults reported, at which a number of faithful were wounded, including even women and children. As the Pastor Vijay Purusu of the Evangelical "Betel Church" reports, Christians were attacked in nightly assaults: at least four Christian families have fled their homes in fear.
The East Indian State Orissa and in particular the district of Khandamal were already in the years of 2007-2008 showplace for a long series of attacks and aggression against Christians, where at least 6.600 homes of Christians were destroyed and over 56.000 people lost their homes. According to reports by local observers from these communities there are feared to be new episodes coming, it is believed that the Hindu formed Militias of the "Rashtiriya Swayamsevak Sangh" (RSS) are concealed behind these attacks. This will mean the spread of renewed fear and terror that will lead many Christians will leave the region, should the local authorities not take action.
The Christians reported the episodes in the recent weeks to the police, but have received in any case no official response. In the mean time, the faithful of have formed "peace committees", which will attempt to defuse the situation. The cause of these recent tensions are the conversions of some of the tribal people inhabiting the villages to Christianity, which the Hindus do not approve of. "The attacks also come because some Hindus do not value to know Christianity in the area of Social and Public Health," said an observer from Fidesdienst.
in the mean time Orissa is further in the middle of the public interest of India: the "All India Christian Council" AICC have delivered a memorandum to persuade the Indian Interior Minister P. Chidambaram and the Premier Minister of the State of Orrisa, Naveen Patnaik, to allow the Christian formation of a "National Investigation Agency", whose intent is to demonstrate the responsibility of the radical Hindu network "Sang Parivar" in connection with the anti-christian violence in Orissa in 2008. John Dayal directing member of the AICC, explains: "There is no doubt that the members of Sang Parivar participated in the violence."
A further more heavy episode of violence has been reported from the State of Rajasthan in Northewestern India: in Jaipur a Christian pastor from the people of Adivasi was forced to run naked through the main street of the city, while Hindu youth followed him on motorized bicycles and ridiculed him. Concerning the incident, about which the local media have not reported, occurred on the 1st of February and for over a month since it was reported to the police, who have still failed to apprehend those responsible.
Link to kath.net...
Hindu Convert to Christianity Slain.
Elephants of Orissa.
Video of the Brutal Beating of Christians by Hindus in Orissa.
Bhubaneshwar, India (kath.net/Fidesdienst) A new wave of violence sparked a renewal of fear and terror in Christian Communities in India: as on the scenes observers of Fidesdienst report since last December in the last year in the district of Malkangiri in the State of Orissa, renewed attacks have been made against Christians by the local tribal people of the region. In the last month the attacks have become more serious: there have been a total of 10 assaults reported, at which a number of faithful were wounded, including even women and children. As the Pastor Vijay Purusu of the Evangelical "Betel Church" reports, Christians were attacked in nightly assaults: at least four Christian families have fled their homes in fear.
The East Indian State Orissa and in particular the district of Khandamal were already in the years of 2007-2008 showplace for a long series of attacks and aggression against Christians, where at least 6.600 homes of Christians were destroyed and over 56.000 people lost their homes. According to reports by local observers from these communities there are feared to be new episodes coming, it is believed that the Hindu formed Militias of the "Rashtiriya Swayamsevak Sangh" (RSS) are concealed behind these attacks. This will mean the spread of renewed fear and terror that will lead many Christians will leave the region, should the local authorities not take action.
The Christians reported the episodes in the recent weeks to the police, but have received in any case no official response. In the mean time, the faithful of have formed "peace committees", which will attempt to defuse the situation. The cause of these recent tensions are the conversions of some of the tribal people inhabiting the villages to Christianity, which the Hindus do not approve of. "The attacks also come because some Hindus do not value to know Christianity in the area of Social and Public Health," said an observer from Fidesdienst.
in the mean time Orissa is further in the middle of the public interest of India: the "All India Christian Council" AICC have delivered a memorandum to persuade the Indian Interior Minister P. Chidambaram and the Premier Minister of the State of Orrisa, Naveen Patnaik, to allow the Christian formation of a "National Investigation Agency", whose intent is to demonstrate the responsibility of the radical Hindu network "Sang Parivar" in connection with the anti-christian violence in Orissa in 2008. John Dayal directing member of the AICC, explains: "There is no doubt that the members of Sang Parivar participated in the violence."
A further more heavy episode of violence has been reported from the State of Rajasthan in Northewestern India: in Jaipur a Christian pastor from the people of Adivasi was forced to run naked through the main street of the city, while Hindu youth followed him on motorized bicycles and ridiculed him. Concerning the incident, about which the local media have not reported, occurred on the 1st of February and for over a month since it was reported to the police, who have still failed to apprehend those responsible.
Link to kath.net...
Hindu Convert to Christianity Slain.
Elephants of Orissa.
Video of the Brutal Beating of Christians by Hindus in Orissa.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
18 Bishops in a Hunger Strike -- 56 Churches Destroyed, And Government Exonerates Perpetrators
(New Delhi) Thousands of Christians from Karnataka are protesting with demonstrations and hunger strikes against a government report. Instead of reaffirming justice for the Christians, it vindicated both anti-Christian Hindu organizations who were behind the unrest in 2008. At that time, 56 churches were burned or destroyed. The president of the Global Council of Indian Christians greeted the report as "a bundle of lies that will misinform and confuse people." A counter-report was sent today to the Governor and the Prime Minister of Karnataka.
18 Bishops [13 Catholic] participated in a silent hunger strike on the property of St. Mark-University of Bangalore, among them the Archbishop of Bangalore, Msgr Bernard Moras. At the protest and the hunger strike the Bishops present, the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) and the Christians of Karnatakas have forged a counter-report with the title: "1000 Day Government, 236 Attacks, 1000 traumatized people".
The official report of the Somsekhar-Investigative Commission exonerated the radical Hindu organizations Bajrang Dal and Sangh Parivar. The Bishops called a press conference to make note of this, that this exoneration is "politically motivated". At the end of the report, where both Hindu organizations were exonerated, was a listing of the 56 churches destroyed by the perpetrators. In 12 cases Bajrang Dal was named, in one case Sangh Parivar. For that reason it was inconceivable, say the Christians, how the report came to its final ruling.
Te President of the GCIC, Sajan K. George, reiterated the complaint which the Christians have been making for two years: "28 attacks, which took place between August and September 2008, were accomplished by Hindu extremists, in the first line of Bajrang Dal. The Somakeshar-report made the exact opposite report after a year of published investigations, which named the leaders of the Hindu National Party and National Hindu Organizasions as responsible for the anti-Christian excesses of the police. At that point the contacts between the radical organizations and the Hindu government party of Karnatakas were proven.
Sajan K. George portrayed the Somasekhar-report during the press conference, as the "exoneration of unjust violence of the police against women and children in the churches of Kulschekara and Vamanjoor."
(Asianews/Giuseppe Nardi, Bild: Asianews)
As the Guardian reports, they are also protesting that charges against 150 Christians who were injured in the attacks be dropped.
18 Bishops [13 Catholic] participated in a silent hunger strike on the property of St. Mark-University of Bangalore, among them the Archbishop of Bangalore, Msgr Bernard Moras. At the protest and the hunger strike the Bishops present, the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) and the Christians of Karnatakas have forged a counter-report with the title: "1000 Day Government, 236 Attacks, 1000 traumatized people".
The official report of the Somsekhar-Investigative Commission exonerated the radical Hindu organizations Bajrang Dal and Sangh Parivar. The Bishops called a press conference to make note of this, that this exoneration is "politically motivated". At the end of the report, where both Hindu organizations were exonerated, was a listing of the 56 churches destroyed by the perpetrators. In 12 cases Bajrang Dal was named, in one case Sangh Parivar. For that reason it was inconceivable, say the Christians, how the report came to its final ruling.
Te President of the GCIC, Sajan K. George, reiterated the complaint which the Christians have been making for two years: "28 attacks, which took place between August and September 2008, were accomplished by Hindu extremists, in the first line of Bajrang Dal. The Somakeshar-report made the exact opposite report after a year of published investigations, which named the leaders of the Hindu National Party and National Hindu Organizasions as responsible for the anti-Christian excesses of the police. At that point the contacts between the radical organizations and the Hindu government party of Karnatakas were proven.
Sajan K. George portrayed the Somasekhar-report during the press conference, as the "exoneration of unjust violence of the police against women and children in the churches of Kulschekara and Vamanjoor."
(Asianews/Giuseppe Nardi, Bild: Asianews)
As the Guardian reports, they are also protesting that charges against 150 Christians who were injured in the attacks be dropped.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Interfaith is a Crock and Carmelites Should Know

Liberal Catholics love "interfaith" but I don't know anyone else who does. It's more like something you're supposed to do, but invariably don't do, like eating granola, recycling or respecting diversity. No wonder real men don't go to church these days. Anyway, we can't blame these fine sisters too much since Archbishop Nichols, among others, has led the charge on interfaith by going to a Hindu Temple himself.
Catholic nuns and Hindu leader pray together for a better world
In a remarkable interfaith gesture, Carmelite nuns and well-known Hindu statesman Rajan Zed prayed together in Reno (Nevada, USA) today for making the "world a better place".
Zed, who is president of Universal Society of Hinduism, prayed from Rig-Veda, the oldest scripture of the world still in common use, dated from around 1,500 BCE [wow, man, inclusive], with lines from Upanishads and Bhagavad-Gita (Song of the Lord), both ancient Hindu scriptures. The nuns prayed from Songs of David and Intercessions, and read from Gospel of Luke in New Testament.
According to Sr. Susan Weber, Prioress of Carmel of Our Lady of the Mountains Monastery, where the prayers and dialogue was held, it was always nice to share the prayers and have dialogue. It was second year of such joint session of Carmelite-Hindu prayers in the Monastery. Sr. Rosey Klupfel led the prayers.
Read further...
Photo= Guardian
Monday, November 23, 2009
Archbishop Nichols visits Europe's first traditional Hindu temple
After wagging an admonishing finger to the incoming Traditionalist Anglicans that they may not "pick and choose", Archbishop Nichols chooses to go to Europe's first Hindu temple to receive a pagan blessing.
Archbishop Nichols with the Temple's spiritual leader Yogvivek Swami
The Most Rev Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster and President of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, has made an official visit to the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Europe's first traditional Hindu temple in Neasden, north London.
The visit took place on Saturday, 21 November during Interfaith Week and on the birth anniversary of the worldwide spiritual leader of the Hindus who pray at the Mandir (Hindu Temple) at Neasden, His Holiness Pramukhswamiji Maharaj.
Archbishop Nichols was greeted by the Mandir's spiritual leader, Yogvivek Swami, ( Head Sadhu, BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha (UK & Europe)) and the Trustees of the Mandir. He was welcomed in traditional Hindu style - with a red vermillion mark applied to the forehead and the tying of a sacred thread on the wrist, symbolising friendship and goodwill.
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Archbishop Nichols with the Temple's spiritual leader Yogvivek Swami
The Most Rev Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster and President of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, has made an official visit to the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Europe's first traditional Hindu temple in Neasden, north London.
The visit took place on Saturday, 21 November during Interfaith Week and on the birth anniversary of the worldwide spiritual leader of the Hindus who pray at the Mandir (Hindu Temple) at Neasden, His Holiness Pramukhswamiji Maharaj.
Archbishop Nichols was greeted by the Mandir's spiritual leader, Yogvivek Swami, ( Head Sadhu, BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha (UK & Europe)) and the Trustees of the Mandir. He was welcomed in traditional Hindu style - with a red vermillion mark applied to the forehead and the tying of a sacred thread on the wrist, symbolising friendship and goodwill.
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