Bino Bellomo di San Cosimano, a military intelligence agent, wrote a book about world freemasonry with interesting insights.
By Father Paolo M. Siano*
From 1940 to 1944/45, Bino Count Bellomo di San Cosimano (1904–?) was an agent (with the rank of lieutenant, then captain) of the Military Intelligence Service (SIM) . This was the Italian military intelligence service, subordinate to the General Staff of the Royal Army, which existed from 1925 to 1945. As a SIM agent, Bellomo was also an employee of Giuseppe Cambareni (1901–1972), alias "Entity was a spy. After September 8, 1943, Cambareni openly sided with Marshal Badoglio and worked as an Anglo-American and anti-fascist spy, always remaining true to his “creed” as an esoteric, Freemason and Rosicrucian. 1
I have written four articles about Cambareni, the “Magician of Generals.”
During the war, Captain Bino Bellomo was a member of the Masonic group with which Cambareni founded the Democratic Union ( 1944). Cambareni distanced himself from the British Secret Services (which sought the continuation of the Savoyard monarchy in Italy) and preferred instead to work for the American Secret Service OSS (forerunner of the CIA) to promote a centrist Italian republic that was both pro-fascist and was open to communists. 2
The Bishop of Terni (left) helps open the new Masonic house in his episcopal city.
(Rome) Official efforts for a rapprochement between Church and Lodge have existed since the Second Vatican Council . For some, they don't go far enough, others see the border to immorality long since crossed. An example of this transgression was provided by Monsignor Francesco Soddu, Bishop of Termi, who attended the inauguration of the Masonic House of the Grand Orient of Italy on September 27th.
Soddu, who comes from Sardinia, was ordained a priest in 1985 for the Archdiocese of Sassari. He became regent of the archdiocesan seminary, diocesan director of Caritas and finally director of Caritas Italy in 2012 .
On October 29, 2021, Msgr. Soddu was appointed Bishop of Terni-Narni-Amelia by Pope Francis and received episcopal ordination on January 5.
Freemasonry is divided into two major streams, regular or English Freemasonry and irregular or Romanesque Freemasonry. The latter came about in 1773 with the creation of the Grand Orient of France. Formally, the essential difference is that English Freemasonry still presupposes a Christian confession in its constitutions (which, however, was weakened in 1929 to a theistic confession and in 1989 only to a deistic confession), while Romanesque Freemasonry rejects any form of reference to God.
Concretely, this meant that the Romanesque Freemasonry that arose in the Catholic states was radically anti-church. Her struggle to oust the church from public life is a common thread running through her story to this day. English Freemasonry also gives a nobler impression, as it seems to be lacking in anti-clerical leadership. But that is only because the Catholic Church in Britain had already been abolished in the 16th century, so there was no longer any need for an anti-clerical leadership. From this, it follows that in reality there are not two or more Freemasons, but only one, which corresponds to the same thinking that contradicts that of the Church.
Is it all just a misunderstanding?
On September 27th, in Via Roma di Terni, the new Masonic House of the Grand Orient of Italy was inaugurated. On this occasion, an open house was held, at which, in addition to the Freemasons of the city, Grand Master Stefano Bisi also came to cut the ribbon that marked the opening. Bisi was welcomed in Terni by the highest officials, the mayor, as the first citizen of the city, the prefect, as the highest representative of the state, and... by the bishop, representing the Church. The Bishop of Terni, Monsignor Francesco Soddu, was undoubtedly the most important of the guests of honour. In his words of welcome, he thanked profusely for the invitation and expressed his best wishes that initiatives such as these,
All attempts at rapprochement between Church and Lodge since the end of the 1960s can be summarized in the justification that the Church's condemnation of Freemasonry since its foundation in 1717 was only the result of misunderstandings. The historian and Franciscan Father Paolo Maria Siano, one of the best experts on Freemasonry, on the other hand, tirelessly provides evidence of the incompatibility of Church and Lodge, relying exclusively on Masonic sources. Freemasonry became a haven for an old enemy of the Church, Gnosticism. From the beginning, there are strong elements of esotericism and also of satanism. And it has not changed until today.
The satisfaction of the lodge brothers was correspondingly great at being able to welcome Bishop Soddu in the new Masonic house.
Cheerful lodge brothers with the illustrious guest of honour: Grand Master Stefano Bisi from the Grand Orient of Italy (left) welcomes Bishop Francesco Soddu from Terni (right).
Contradictory positions
This approach is supported by the highest church authority. It was Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, President of the Pontifical Council for Culture, who addressed the “Dear Brothers Freemasons” in an open letter on February 14, 2016. The letter was, generously, reprinted in its entirety by Italy's leading business newspaper, Il Sole 24Ore. There was no clarification from the Vatican, no reference to the specification of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith from 1983 under its then prefect Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger that Catholics are forbidden to join a lodge. Anyone who does so will be subject to excommunication.
Even more: In 1981, Pope John Paul II had the then Prefect of Faith Franjo Cardinal Šeper and then his successor Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger answer the question of whether the excommunication by the Second Vatican Council and the new Code of Canon Law had become obsolete:
"It is not for the authorities of the local Church to render any judgment as to the nature of Masonic associations that would overrule the foregoing, in accordance with the statement of this Congregation of February 17, 1981."
Cardinal Ravasi ignored these statements of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in his open letter, while referring to the Second Vatican Council and the Code of Canon Law. In doing so, he followed those pro-Freemason church circles that undauntedly claim that there is no ban on becoming a member of a lodge, and that membership does not entail excommunication. A well-known representative of this direction is the Viennese cathedral priest Toni Faber.
In 1983 Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect of the Faith with the authority of John Paul II, stated:
"The negative judgment of the Church on the Masonic associations thus remains unchanged, because their principles have always been considered incompatible with the teaching of the Church and therefore joining them remains forbidden. The faithful belonging to Masonic associations are therefore in a state of grave sin and cannot receive Holy Communion.
After in the first post-conciliar period, churchmen who were friendly to the Freemasons on the one hand and Freemasons on the other had already raised hopes that the epochal difference could soon be overcome, an abrupt change followed with the election of Pope John Paul II and the appointment of Cardinal Ratzinger as Prefect of the Faith turning point that ruined those plans.
Desired approximation
The Terni incident, while not the first of its kind, represents a new taboo breach. A similar incident occurred in 2011 when the Grand Lodge of France was building a new lodge house in Lyon, to the delight of Freemasons and to the dismay of Catholics Episcopal Vicar Emmanuel Payen took part - on behalf of Philippe Cardinal Barbarin, then Archbishop of Lyon.
Alain-Noël Dubard, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of France, first praised Lyon as a “non-dogmatic, open city”, only to exploit Monsignor Payen's presence to claim that it refutes “the myth of distrust existing between Freemasonry and Church law."
In Italy, Cardinal Ravasi's open letter was the initial spark for an escalation of rapprochement, after a few days before the publication of the Ravasi letter, La Croix, the daily newspaper of the French bishops, had demanded that there should be no more excommunication for Freemasons.
On November 12, 2017, on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of Freemasonry in Syracuse, a conference organized by the Grand Orient of Italy, "Church and Freemasonry - so close, so far?" took place. The main speaker was Monsignor Antonio Staglianò, Bishop of Noto. The question of why this conference took place with the appreciative participation of a bishop remained unanswered beyond general appeals for dialogue.
On May 18, 2019, Lodge No. 119 "Benedetto Cairoli" of the Grand Orient of Italy celebrated its 150th anniversary. The surprising guest of honor was Archbishop Riccardo Fontana of Arezzo. The image of Masonic Grand Master Stefano Bisi and the Archbishop embracing each other inspired lodge circles.
Terni means the last stage of increase for the time being: For the first time, a diocesan bishop was present at the opening of a Masonic temple, if only at the external celebration. The opening of the two lodge temples housed in the Masonic house is carried out by the Freemasons with their own ritual behind closed doors, in that the grand lodge "brings in the light" that indicates the beginning of the "ritual work" of the lodge wheels.
One of the two temples of the new Masonic house in Terni
The Apostasy of the Bishops
In relation to Terni, the historian Roberto de Mattei, writing for Radio Roma Libera ( Radio Free Rome), recalled Jean Madiran's 1968 book, “L' hérésie du XXe siècle” ( “The Heresy of the 20th Century”). Madiran meant the bishops, namely the heretical or hereticizing positions held by bishops, especially the French, after Vatican II were represented. They gave in to the thinking of the world because, according to Madiran, they were convinced that they had to open up to modernity and leave traditional belief behind because social development also made it necessary to change the understanding of the salvation brought by Christ.
According to de Mattei, Madiran's analysis has lost none of its validity after more than half a century. However, today it is no longer so much a question of heresy, but of an apostasy by the bishops, a comprehensive denial of the Catholic faith. This is shown not only in the heresies and errors common among bishops, but also in a fundamental attitude of gestures and words of strong symbolic meaning.
"One of the first acts of the new bishop of Terni was therefore to visit a seat of Freemasonry, a secret organization condemned in countless documents by the Church, which represents a worldview diametrically opposed to that of the Church."
De Mattei clarifies the contradiction:
"The Masonic House of Terni, just opened, will be a place where the candidate Mason will abandon the Catholic Church to be assimilated into an anti-Christian sect in which he will lose his soul."
All men are "brothers", even "children of God", because it "doesn't matter" what religion one belongs to, because after all, even the condemnation of Freemasonry is just a historical misunderstanding made clear by the Second Vatican Council and the new code of the Canon law was overcome. Or not? It is this relativism that runs through the current pontificate that makes events like that in Terni possible. This attitude is not far removed from the first constitutionsFreemaurerei of 1717, which from its origin presents itself as an ideology that excludes any religious and moral truth, reducing traditional religions to subjective opinions.
What the brothers in the lodge wanted, they put down on paper in the instruction of the Alta Vendita written in 1818:
“We do not intend to win over the popes to our cause, to make them new initiates of our principles, propagators of our ideas. That would be a ridiculous dream (…). What we ask for, what we must seek and expect, as the Jews expect the Messiah, is a Pope according to our needs.”
Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image : MiL/Il Sussidiario (Screenshots)
Yves Marsaudon (1899-1985), High-Level Mason and Minister of the Order of Malta.
Edit: doing some housework as it were, and posting up some articles whose information didn't seem to get much circulation beyond Infowars and Alex Jones' resident Freemason, Leo Zagami., who discussed Msgr. Weninger. It sure looks like someone publicly declared that Masons aren't excommunicated and no one said anything about it after, at least not anyone in authority.
Update: Well, Complicit Clergy had an article up on him in February when this first came out., and this from a normie agglomerator site run by "academics".
by Father Paolo M. Siano FFI*
On 2 February 2017, the journalist Riccardo Cascioli summed up the contents of a letter from Pope Francis sent to Raymond Cardinal Burke, Patron of the Sovereign Order of Malta, on 1 December. In it, he issued "a call for vigilance against the affiliation of Members of the Order of Malta to Freemasonry and to take decisive action to stop those responsible for the distribution of contraceptives through aid programmes in poor countries." It seems that the letter does not speak directly of "freemasonry", but of "associations, movements and organizations that are against the Catholic faith or of relativistic imprint". Cascioli would do well to see at least an implicit reference to Freemasonry.
I was asked: "How is it possible for a Freemason to enter the Order of Malta?" I must confess that I have no further knowledge of the current situation in the Order of Malta, to which I wish in any case that they prosper in complete Catholic fidelity to their religious and charitable charism.
Yves Marsaudon, 1926 entry into the lodge, 1946 to the Order of Malta.
What I know with certainty, however, is that, in the distant past, some cases of dual membership in the Order of Malta and Freemasonry have become known. Probably the most sensational case was that of Baron Yves Marie Antoine Marsaudon (1899-1985). Important details to get to know his life and his thinking, are present in his books "L'Ocuménisme vu par un Franc-Maon de Tradition" (The Ecumenism from the Point of View of a Traditional Freemason, Editions Vitiano, Paris 1964), "De l'initiation masonnique l'orthodoxie chrétienne" (From the Masonic Initiation to Christian Orthodoxy, Dervy, Paris 1965) and "Souvenirs et Réflexions. Un Haut Dignitarie de la Franc-Ma'onnerie révéle des secrets" (Memories and Thoughts. A high dignitary of Freemasonry reveals secrets, Editions Vitiano, Paris 1976).
Growing up in a Catholic family, Yves is only vaguely a believer and at the age of 16-17 and falls into a philosophical and religious indifference. In 1926 he was accepted as a Freemason in the Grand Lodge of France (GLDF). At the time, he was a young entrepreneur who worked in trade with South America. In 1936 he received the 33rd and highest degree of the Old and Adopted Scottish Rite (AASR). In 1937 he became a member of the High Council, the highest authority of the AASR in France, to which the Grand Lodge is attached.
As a high-level Freemason, he turned his back on the Catholic Church and converted to the Orthodox Church in France. He described himself as a Freemason of the (Freemasonic) "tradition" and as a "spiritualist".
In 1964, the High Council of the Old and Adopted Scottish Rite (AASR) split. A group of 33rd-degree freemasons established a new High Council of the AASR for France and joined the Grande Loge Nationale Francoise (GLNF), the only Masonic obedience recognized as regular by English Freemasonry. Marsaudon 33° belongs to this group that crosses. Since this year, he has been a member of the new High Council of the GLNF. He is even (perhaps 1976 or earlier) appointed Sovereign Grand Comtur, the highest honorary officer of the High Council of the Old and Adopted Scottish Rite.
In 1946, at a time when Marsaudon was already a 33rd-grade Freemason, he joined the Sovereign Order of Malta. As Magistral Grand Cross Knight in gremio religionis, he was directly under the leadership of the Order in Rome. In the same year he became Extraordinary Envoy and Plenipotentiary Minister of the Order in France. He maintained close diplomatic contacts with the then Apostolic Nuncio in Paris, Monsignor Angelo Roncalli, the future Pope John XXIII and Saint. In 1951, after criticism of the "integralist party", as the staunch Freemason Marsaudon calls his critics of the Roman Curia, he resigned from his post as Plenipotentiary Minister of the Order of Malta, but remained its Emeritus Minister. This at least until 1976, the year in which his "memoirs" appear in book form (perhaps longer). In this book he revealed that he was not the only Masonic Knight of Malta.
Ecumenism from the point of view of a Freemason
Let's take a quick look at some of the ideas of the Freemason Marsaudon, which he presented in his books. In the aforementioned book of 1976, he describes himself as a pupil of the 33rd-grade Freemason, Oswald Wirth, whom he calls a "Great Initiate". Wirth (1860-1943) is an occult Freemason who had moved from the Grand Orient of France to the Grand Lodge (GLDF). In the same book by Marsaudon 33° there are various esoteric images typical of the books of his master Wirth. Marsaudon is convinced of the Templar and Rosicrucian roots of modern Freemasonry and claims that the Rosicrucian is "Christian" and "cabalistic". In his 1964 book, he praises the thinking of Teilhard de Chardin (p. 60).
Marsaudon writes that the Church is a "prisoner of dogmatic texts". To underline this assertion, he describes the situation of a remarried divorcee in a way that is as exaggerated as it is erroneous, but sentimental: "he must not be admitted to the sacraments and will die without absolution, unless he denies the mother of his children ...". Therefore Marsaudon justifies the divorce and cites as positive examples the Protestant "churches" and the Orthodox Church, while in the Roman Church he sees only dogmatic and inhuman intransigence (p. 63f).
Marsaudon despises the primacy of the Roman Pope and shares the view of André Gide (1869–1951), an aberrosexual Nobel prize winner from Calvinist upbringing: "What counts is not to be Catholic or Protestant, but simply to be a Christian".
Marsaudon makes fun of certain dogmas, such as Hell (p. 65). He rejects the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, as well as the mediation role of Mary and the infallibility of the Pope in matters of faith and morality (p. 85f)
Marsaudon sees ecumenism in the Masonic sense as over-dogmatic and relativistic. As late as 1976, he wished that Roman Catholicity would open up to the equality of all Christian denominations ... Marsaudon asserts that "the Orthodox Church is closest to the Gospels, while the Vatican must bow to Freemasonry and take a step towards rapprochement, not the other way around" (p. 363).
Marsaudon considers himself tolerant of philosophical and metaphysical questions. He lets a certain panvitalism seep through when he declares to respect every way of life (environment, oceans, plants, animals) because "life is one". He is against abortion, but accepts contraception. He also reveals esoteric convictions when he claims that the animals are our "unknown superiors", a term typical of the hierarchy of the esoteric movement of Martinism, and that "we must reclaim paradise on earth" (p. 380ff).
The Marsaudon case is indeed irritating: a 33rd-degree Freemason is granted admission to the Order of Malta and given a high dignity that guarantees him diplomatic immunity, while at the same time advocating divorce (and implicitly advocating Communion for the remarried divorcees, until he eventually even transitions to the Orthodox Church) and advocates contraception, which is anti-Catholic and anti-Roman , and who acts as an anti-dogmatic and relativistic ecumenist as well as an esoteric animal and environmentalist.
Whether there is anyone in the Order of Malta today who shares all or part of Marsaudon's heretical beliefs, I do not know. But even if this were the case, I would not be surprised by the current ecclesial situation.
*Father Paolo M. Siano is a priest of the Order of the Franciscans of immaculates. He is considered one of the best Catholic connoisseurs of Freemasonry.
France's Masons want to take advantage of the devastating fire of Notre-Dame de Paris to profane the cathedral and benefit the state.
(Paris) The year is 2019. In Cameroon, politics and business are secretly controlled by Freemasonry. In France, Masons are increasing the pressure to take the ruined cathedral of Notre-Dame church and rebuild it into a "secular" cultural temple.
This was decried by the episcopal conference of the country in a public appeal. The first signatory is the chairman of the Episcopal Conference, Msgr. Abraham Boualo Kome, Bishop of Bafang and Apostolic Administrator of Bafia.
The appeal of the bishops expressly includes the request to stop the Lodge Members, Rosicrucians and Sorcerers.
"At this very moment, in some parishes of our diocese, in the parish councils and even in some diocesan bodies, there are more and more people of increasing responsibility belonging to Freemasonry and the Rosicrucians or dedicated to witchcraft. Such a situation requires clarification. "
The bishops emphasize that they will not only "recall the fundamental lines of the Magisterium" but to "want to impart precise, pastoral directives" over such more or less secret and occult groups, "to faith in Jesus Christ, dead, buried and risen, to proclaim and to fortify."
Freemasonry controls politics and business in Cameroon
Only last July 5, the United Grand Lodge of Cameroon wrote to the Prime Minister of the country with the demand to use their lodge brother Desiré Mama Ndjikam as responsible for the important project of Manoun Lake.
The Freemason Ndjikam already holds numerous influential posts that are heavily used, including Conaroute, the National Road Construction Council.
The bishops are concerned about the increasing influence of the Masons in the African country and the ever-new and always unabashed demands.
The Grand Lodge of Kamerung was formed in 2001 from four lodges which were then combined in the District Grand Lodge of Cameroon under the Grand Lodge of France.
The bishops recall that "the Christian religion is not our invention, but the religion revealed by God Himself to Moses, fulfilled and completed in and by Jesus Christ. Our faith is based on the truths revealed by the Lord. The truths are called dogmas. No Catholic can contradict them without denying his faith. It is about the dogmas of the Most Holy Trinity, the Incarnation, the Resurrection, the Ascension, the Immaculate Conception and the Assumption of Mary into Heaven. "
The bishops also affirm that it is strictly forbidden for Catholics to belong to the Rosicrucians and similar groups, as their teachings contradict the truth of the Gospels. The Rosicrucians, according to the bishops for explanation, see no person in God, but only as a kind of spiritual energy, the source of all material vibrations. The path to declared pantheism is not far away.
The bishops call for a solid teaching of the faithful in the truths of faith, which must be free from ambiguity. The reason for this, according to the bishops, is that ignorance is the most common reason that people fall prey to sects and Gnostic associations.
The faithful are called by the bishops to "unceasingly" profess their own faith in Jesus Christ, who died and rose again.
The call of the bishops knows no false compromises. Such a stance is, unfortunately, seldom found among Europe's bishops, which is why they hardly resist the Freemasons any more.
Fire as an excuse to turn Norte-Dame into a temple of culture
Last June 17, the French newspaper L'Opinion published an interview with Jean-Philippe Hubsch, Grand Master of the Great Orient of France, the country's most influential Masonic leader.
In the interview, Hubsch proposes nothing less than to profane the cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris, which on 14 April fell victim to a fire of unknown cause, and to turn it into a public temple of culture.
The quirky lodge brothers in France immediately plunged into activism to raise funds to rebuild the cathedral, which is the country's best known national landmark. The Masons speak of a "gesture of republican solidarity," but do not mean disinterestedness.
The Archbishop's Press Office of the Archdiocese of Paris, and even Archbishop Michel Aupetit of Paris, have personally spoken out since the conflagration to emphasize the Church's indispensable role as a place of worship.
In June, Archbishop Aupetit said in a sermon:
"Separating culture and worship is the result of ignorance or ideology. A culture without cult becomes an unculture. It reveals the abysmal religious ignorance of our contemporaries by excluding the concept of 'divine' and the name of God from the public sphere by invoking a secularism that excludes any visible spiritual dimension."
But the aproned brothers in the Masonic lodges will not let up. The cathedral of Notre-Dame is to be taken from the church and converted into a "secular" [Laicistic] temple of culture. Not cultus, but culture, the motto can be summarized with the small difference of only one letter, which is crucial.
Do you hear about it in the big media?
Were there public voices in the big media supporting the Church in France and in Cameroon?
There is nothing more to be heard.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred
Freemasons: new attempt to come closer by Lodge Members and Church Representatives
(Rome) Next October 19, an elite study conference between members of the Catholic Church and Freemasonry will take place in a medieval castle near the central Italian city of Gubbio, now a luxury hotel.
The city of Gubbio, whose name is mainly associated with St. Francis of Assisi, belongs to the diocese of Assisi. On the website of the diocesan website it describes the conference:
"In a delicate phase of the pontificate of Francis, the [...] event arouses special interest in a historic moment in which more open positions within [the Church] are coming forth, such as those recently received by Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, the President of the Pontifical Commission For Culture.”
Lodge-Church Conferencein the Diocese of Assisi
Specifically, with the open letter "Dear Brother Freemasons", which Cardinal Ravasi published on 14 February 2016 in the Italian business paperIl Sole 24Ore, declaring himself “more prepared to dialogue and more open to different positions.” Overall, Freemasonry shows amazing satisfaction about the administration of Pope Francis, who is mentioned in the diocesesan statement (see The Bishop "Veryclose" to the Pope Congratulates the Masons). These include more recent attempts at "dialogue". First attempts of this kind came after the Second Vatican Council, especially in the 70s. For the Church, membership in the Church of Jesus Christ and membership in a Masonic Lodge is considered incompatible.
The Bishop of Assisi is Msgr. Domenico Sorrentino, who was secretary of the Roman Congregation for Divine Worship and the Order of the Sacraments from 2000 to 2005 (Pope Francis' Mysterious Liturgy Commission).
The Catholic Church is not represented in Gubio, but a certain part of the Church. Among the speakers is a pastor of the Waldenses. Their origin dates back to the High Middle Ages. Since the 16th century, however, Italian Calvinism is actually forming. Especially in Piedmont, but also in Tuscany, the Waldenses have traditionally had close ties with Freemasonry. The press release of the diocese of Assisi uses the term "church" for the Waldenses. According to the doctrine of the Church, as it is written down in the catechism of the Catholic Church, only those communities that have apostolic succession have a share in the Church of Christ, which was never the case for the Waldenses.
Other speakers include the Catholic priest, Don Gianni Giacomelli, prior of the Camaldolese monastery Fonte Avellana; the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy, Stefano Bisi and the President of the College of the Reverend Masters of the Masonic Lodges of Umbria, Luca Nicola Castiglione.
The conference's motto is: "Church and Freemasonry: Is Dialogue Possible?"
Organizer of the meeting is the Association of Catholic Workers ACLI in the Catholic Action. But the final word will be Stefano Bisi’s, Grand Master of the Grand Orient, Italy's most influential freemasonry.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Diocese of Assisi
Trans: Tancred