Princess Gloria asks, what everyone is thinking: "Where are the courageous Bishops, who dare, to go against the Zeitgeist and defend unborn lives?" A quiet protest scribble won't do: "Opposition is the duty of a Christian."
( Every year about 100,000 children die from abortion -- "if one believes the official figures".
The Regensburg Princess, Gloria von Thurm und Taxis wrote this in an article for the German magazine 'Focus'.
Death instead of Help
The Princess is angry about the numbers, about "which we have unfortunately grown accustomed to."
"Will we really just look on, as we kill our own children?"
She asks, as many Einsteins, Goethes or Manns about death.
That the State supports "this mass genocide", supporting the cost in over ninety percent of the cases, makes this a perfect scandal .
Mothers, who don't desire their children, can give them up for adoption -- continued the Princess.
It's an objection that a mother will not be able to give her own child away once she's given birth.
But: "It is madness, to kill your own life's blood, rather than to give entrust it to another pair."
Not merely, rather, but because of Birth Control
Princess Gloria insists that most are exposed to condoms at twelve years of age.
For that reason every fifth child in Germany is slaughtered:
"For over forty percent of the mothers, it would have been her first child."
Hence ,insists the Princess, don't learn a responsible approach to sexuality:
"Here, there needs to be a revision of thinking -- also on the part of the State."
The schools and "the entire public propaganda machine" must reestablish the value of an unborn person again -- she insists.
Every child is a wonder of nature.
Today they would have aborted Beethoven
Princes Gloria argues, using the German composure Ludwig van Beehtoven († 1827).
He had nine siblings. Several of them were handicapped.
The brutal reality:
"Ludwig van Beethoven would have been prophylacticly aborted, no one would want to take the risk of bringing a handicapped child into the world."
The Princess bluntly insists that almost every mother willing to have an abortion could be persuaded by money not to kill her child:
As far as that goes, she insists that the State would profit when the number of births climb:
"We should promote our human capital, instead of liquidating it."
All of the Union Parties [supposedly pro-life] are Falsely Labeled
Since the introduction of abortion it has been the case that "all of the Union Parties are falsely labeled" -- stated Princess Gloria.
For her it is "only consequent" that now the Christian Democratic politicians should set themselves against the pre-implantation diagnostic for the selection and killing of artificially implanted children.
Bishops are Cowards
For the Princess it is "absolutely inconceivable", why the Church is not causing a decisive storm against this situation:
"Where are the courageous Bishops, who dare, to go against the Zeitgeist to defend unborn life?"
The Princess knows no one among the Bishops, "Who has made an ongoing outcry against this injustice which cries to heaven."
Hopeless initiatives against the mass slaughter were quickly silenced by the media:
"Then Bishops lose the courage, alone of all the concerns, to become unloved."
The Princess holds the mirror before the irresponsible senior Bishops: The cowardice of the Bishops will still be bitterly avenged -- she reckons.
Chemical Club against Minors
Princess Gloria offers a hard judgement against the "Green" extremists.
She exponsed this as "horribly inconsequential":
"One can not on one side promote sustainable thinking and a back to nature while on the other side proclaiming the right to an abortion."
The anti-child pill she described as "a pure chemical club", which is already prescribed to adolescent girls.
Euthanasia hits old and poor
Finally, the Princess turned against the growing threat in Germany of the euthanasia of lives considered to be unworthy of life.
This is dangerous for the poor and the wealthy -- she continued with her analysis:
"Whoever is poor, must consider, that they will be given a fatal injection, because perhaps the room of the elder home is in need of being used and is too expensive."
And: "Whoever is wealthy, has to deal with an inheritance, who hope for a quicker death."
Princess Gloria recalled on this that there are sufficient elderly from Belgium and the Netherlands who are coming to Germany, because they fear to be killed in their own homelands.
The Princess's Fatal Conclusion:
"As soon as human life is not seen any longer as a gift fromm God, the intent will climb to find methods to end it quickly -- freely or not."
For her it would be high ime that the Church should loudly rebel.
Because: "A quiet scribble of protest won't do. Resistance is the duty of the Christian." auf Deutsch.
Showing posts with label Gloria Thurm und Taxis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gloria Thurm und Taxis. Show all posts
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Friday, April 16, 2010
"The Pope Likes To Name Good Catholic Bihops"

Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis thanked the Pope, that he has taken the old believers from shadowy being of the heart of the Church.
[, Regensburg] The Church is a society in great crisis.
This is the opinion of Regensburg's Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis in an interview with the newsmagazine 'ddp'.
The Church today is only important for a small part of society: 'This needs not to be bad in the long term, for perhaps few real Christians are of more value than a great number of lukewarm."
Benedict XVI has already met the Princess as Cardinal: "I met a striking, worthy gentleman, who is interested in people. I was enchanted."
The Princess found the Motu Proprio, 'Summorum Pontificum' and the lifting of the excommunications against the Society of Pius X, in the Pontificate of Benedict XVI particularly impressive:
"In the terms of ecumenism it is a very important step. These are our closest relatives, fallen from Rome."
Critics of the Pope only interest the Princess, if they have substantial content.
The media scandals of the lat year operate on a "pure polemic" -- "and this doesn't interest me."
Princess Gloria has made the observation, that the Pope has changed in the last few years: "He has become younger and made more dynamic through the Grace of his office."
In the last two years the Princess has been in an audience with the pope among 40 other people: "that was an enormous privilege, rather also a great experience."
The princes has many hopes and expectations of the Pope, "that he names good Catholic Bishops and that he can enforce his will through a powerful Curia."
© Bilder: Angelika Lukesch
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