Bundestag vice-president Kubicki "If we consider that many people are marked by these terrible deeds for life, then such a sum, which a bishop earns in half a month, appears maximally unjust.”
Berlin (kath.net) An abuse victim is typically paid only 5,000 Euros for compensation in Germany in the past few years by the Catholic Church. This was reported by BILD, citing the Central Coordination Office. This had been recommended until autumn 2017 for 1788 applications of 8.7 million euros in compensation, which on average is only 5,000 euros per victim. Bundestag Vice-President Wolfgang Kubicki made heavy criticism of these compensatory payments: "If we bear in mind that many people are marked by these terrible deeds for life, then such a sum, which a bishop earns in half a month, appears maximally unjust." Those affected are outraged by these low payments. "For years, the richest church in the world has been offering ridiculous compensation payments to its victims. 1000, 3000, 5000 Euro are a new humiliation for those affected," says Matthias Katsch of the victim association Eckiger Tisch. "In the US, victims were awarded millions of dollars, but there the state carries out the proceedings, in Germany because of the statute of limitations, the church itself.
Edit: it has more to do with the German Church being a spiritual, welfare arm of the Bundesland.
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com