Showing posts with label German Bishops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label German Bishops. Show all posts

Monday, May 11, 2015

Great Support for the Appeal to Pope Francis -- Little Resonance for the Synod Questionnaire of the German Bishops

(Rome) More than 225,000 Catholics have been greeting the upcoming Synod of Bishops by signing an appeal to Pope Francis on the future of the familyAmong the signatories, the contact with "concerns and hopes about the future of the family" are  Catholic Church leaders, including four cardinals, 21 archbishops and bishops and numerous Catholic personalities from church, politics, science and social issues. The appeal is an appeal and invitation to Pope Francis, for "a clarifying of words" against the "general confusion"  that was caused by hints and announcements: "In fact, we could see a general perplexity, because of the possibility that in the bosom of Church, a breach was torn, which would allow a tolerance of adultery: The admission to the Eucharist of divorced and remarried couples and acceptance of homosexual partnerships, a state is produced which must be condemned categorically, because these are contrary to the commandments of God and the laws of nature."

"Unwholesome Winds of anti-Christian Lobbies"

The reason for the appeal was the course of the first part of the Synod of Bishops, which took place in October 2014: "Holy Father, on the basis of information that was disseminated on the occasion of the last Synod we had found with pain  that for many millions of believers the light of this seems to waver torch, triggered by the unwholesome winds of  the   anti-Christian lobby's championing of the lifestyle, puts it in the appeal, the under was published in the English  (see also report International Appeal to the Pope on the Future of the Family ).
"Our fears arise from witnessing a decades-long sexual revolution promoted by an alliance of powerful organizations, political forces and the mass media that consistently work against the very existence of the family as the basic unit of society. Ever since the so-called May 1968 Sorbonne Revolution, a morality opposed to both Divine and natural law has been gradually and systematically imposed on us so implacably as to make it possible, for example, to teach the abhorrent “gender theory” to young children in many countries.
Catholic teaching on the Sixth Commandment of the Law of God shines like a beacon in face of this ominous ideological objective. This beacon attracts many people—overwhelmed by this hedonistic propaganda—to the chaste and fecund family model taught by the Gospel and in accordance with natural law."

Even in Germany, There is Little Response to the Questionnaire of the Synod of Bishops

Influential media, such as Le Figaro and La Croix in France reported on the great support for the appeal, while barely more responses have been received to the second questionnaire of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops.  As was unofficially reported, for example in the diocese of Mainz Bishop Cardinal Karl Lehmann, there were only 21 replies. In the diocese of Essen of Bishop Franz-Josef Overbeck only 14. "This seems to be the basis of assertions that German Catholics were behind the anti-Roman positions of Cardinals Walter Kasper and Reinhard Marx," said Corrispenza Romana .
Among the first signatories of the appeal to Pope Francis is Jorge Arturo Cardinal Medina are, Janis Cardinal Pujats, Raymond Cardinal Burke, Archbishop John Paul Lenga, Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Archbishop Aldo di Cillo Pagotto, Archbishop Wolfgang Haas, Professor Josef Seifert, John-Henry West (LifeSiteNews), John Smeaton (Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child), James Bogle (Una Voce International), Thomas Ward (National Association of Catholic Families), Jean Pierre Maugendre (Renaissance Catholique), Slawomir Skiba (Polonia Christiana), Mathias von Gersdorff (Tradition, Family, Private Property - Germany), Robert Royal (Faith and Reason) and many, many others.
The appeal and the petition is supported by [and it goes without saying, the translator of this article.]
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Cardinal Müller: "Remarried Divorced? The Teaching of the Church is Clear -- There Will be no Division Among the Cardinals"

(Rome)   The Church proclaims what has been entrusted to her by Christ, the indissolubility of marriage. New Ways? But it is not against the word of Jesus Christ.  The problem is not the issue of remarried divorcees, the problem is the divorce. Many Catholics do not adhere to the Magisterium? That is reprehensible. Briefly summarized here are the statements of Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, as he made them in his recent interview, a few days after the speech by Cardinal Walter Kasper on "new ways" for remarried divorcees before the College of Cardinals. Here is the full interview of the Prefect of the CDF.
Last Saturday Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig  Müller of the CDF, raised by Pope Francis to the cardinalate,  presented in Rome his most recent book "Poor for the Poor. The Mission of the Church " (original title Povera per i poveri ). Published in the Vatican publishing house it was addressed by Pope Francis in the foreword. The volume contained several articles of the German Cardinal, and not least by the "father" of liberation theology, Gustavo Gutierrez, a personal friend of the Prefect of the Faith.
The book was presented by Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga and Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi.The Archbishop of Tegucigalpa and coordinator of the C8-Cardinal Council recommended recently Müller via the German media to be "flexible" in terms of the sacrament of marriage. Therefore, the book launch presented an interesting combination.
In the context of the book presentation  Cardinal Müller answered some questions for Vatican Insider about the current discussion on the family and the sacrament of marriage. These issues will be the focus of the upcoming Synod of Bishops in October and were the focus of the ordinary cardinal consistory on Thursday and Friday last week. There, another  German Cardinal Walter Kasper held the only lecture on the discussion and formulated a yes to Catholic teaching on marriage, but. The doctrine entrusted by Christ would not change in the Church and the Church could not change, but ... And this "but" that had previously inspired and demanded by German bishops, now the whole discussion revolves around this. Can there ever be a "but", there should be such, if so, what content should this "but" have. Cardinal Kasper spoke of a second marriage being impossible in the Church, because the indissolubility of marriage according to Jesus, is considered. But he could but imagine the re-admission to Communion for the divorced and civilly remarried after a season of penance.  In contrast, this already excited pages of other strong objections at the Consistory of Cardinals, starting with the observation that for the Church "remarried divorcees" do not exist. The criticism prompted Pope Francis on the morning of the second day Consistory to pronounce unusual praise for Cardinal Kasper. The head of the Church was not bending to Kasper's points, but described it as fundamentally a "theology on its knees" and thus signaled special benevolence.
Can this happen to grant remarried divorcees Communion?
The divorce is not a way for the Church. The Church is for the indissolubility of marriage. I have written a lot, and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has written many documents, the Second Vatican Council has said a lot about marriage and the teaching of the Church is very clear.
So you conclude from that that remarried divorcees can be readmitted to Communion?
It's not about my opinion. We have the teaching of the Church, which is also expressed in the Catechism, in the Council of Trent, in the Vatican Council, in other explanations of our Congregation. Pastoral care can not have a different orientation than  doctrine. Doctrine and pastoral are one and the same. Jesus Christ as Shepherd and Jesus Christ as Master with His Word are not different people.
The Pope spoke of an intelligent, creative family ministry full of love: Can there be new ways?
New ways yes, but not against the will of Jesus. The mercy of God is in no way contrary to the righteousness of God. Marriage is a sacrament that creates an indissoluble bond between the two spouses. New ways need to deepen the knowledge of doctrine. Many  do not know this and think that marriage is a festival only celebrated in the Church. However, the spouses give their word, to live completely  together, in body, sexuality, in spirit, in Faith and God's Grace. We need to help those people who are in a very difficult situation, but if the marriage is indissoluble, we can not dissolve the marriage. Divorce is not a solution, because the dogma of the Church is not any theory of some theologian, but the teaching of the Church is nothing other than the word of Jesus Christ, which is very clear. I can not change the Church's teaching.
The questionnaire prepared by the Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops has been sent to all dioceses of the world, which brought to light that many Catholics in various countries, do not follow the Magisterium of the Church in many things: birth control, marriage ...
It is reprehensible that they do not know the teachings of the Church. We can not reduce the revelation and words of Jesus Christ not  because Catholics, and were there many, who do not know the reality. There are many who do not participate in Sunday Mass because they do not know what value it has for their lives and often do not know that there  is even a duty. But we can not say that  for that reason the Mass is less important! It would be paradoxical if the Church would say, because many do not know the truth, that in the future, the truth is no longer binding.
Can it come  to a split among the cardinals on these themes?
No, the Church's teaching is clear. We must strive to provide pastoral care for marriage, but not just for the divorced and remarried, but for those who live in matrimony. We can not always focus on this single question ourselves whether they are allowed to receive communion or not. The problems and the wounds are the divorce, the children who no longer have their parents but have to live with other than their biological parents: these are the problems.
Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Concilio e-mail Concilio
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Gravedigger of the Church

Some demands of the German bishops, but also the reaction of Cardinal Schönborn on the occasion of the ad limina visit of the Austrian bishops, the task of the foundation as well as the meaning of the supernatural life of the Church.

Rome ad limina visit of the Austrian episcopate, 2014.[Bildschirmcopie ORF / ZIB]

The Foundation: natural law and divine law

All matters, marriage and the family and in a wider sense including ethics, belong in the area of ​​natural law and therefore also apply to non-Catholics and even the unbaptized.
Thus, the indissolubility of marriage, for example, anchored in natural law and not even a specific feature of the Catholic Church, such as Pope Pius IX. noted at the time (1864).
How much more are Catholics  who are also bound by  revelation and the Divine Law.
Also, the questions on the orderly transmission of human life at the latest by the encyclical Humanae Vitae of Pope Paul VI. (1968) definitively magisterial, so it would not have questionnaires or  still require a special debate.

The German Bishops' Demands: Theoretical Undermining the Natural Law

Therefore, when the German bishops demand, citing the result of the "questionnaires" in their dioceses, to question the attitude of the Church with regard to premarital cohabitation, birth control, remarried divorcees, and even homosexuals, not to be "unnatural", and so they replace natural law by the "explicit outreach" for mortal sins.

Cardinal Schönborn's Demand: Practical Disobedience and Creeping Protestantization

Although Cardinal Schönborn notes that for the doctrine of the Church, nothing will change. For him it's all about how to deal with "situations of failure."
But in practice the result is the same as the German bishops: They want - to put it in the words of Bishop Krenn in his opinion on Maria-Troster Declaration - an erroneous, deviation of conscience from the teachings of the Church  to grant a certain universality.
Thus,  this episcopate moves in the footsteps of the reformer Martin Luther, who put his ego and his personal opinion above doctrine and tradition.
The result was not only a schism with devastating consequences, but the reduction of the Church to a humane society without supernatural character.

Monday, November 25, 2013

German Bishops Test the Situation and Want to Extort the Pope

Guest commentary by Winfried Boniface

(Stuttgart) Coercive pressure by a significantly de-Christianized society, political extortion by the state governments turn off the money tap for Catholic hospitals and institutions (the morning-after pill decision of Cologne after the Green Health Minister waved the rod is in recent memory) for insubordination; a lay apparatus in the Church service, which is not infrequently Protestant to the bone after celebrating 50 years of the Council; a part of the clergy, who after decades of attacking the sacramental priesthood, are working as imperceptibly as possible for the "general" priesthood of the baptized; frustrated faithful Catholics, priests and religious, who are tired of being neglected or treated as pariahs because they interfere with the Bishops and Ordinaries attempting to give themselves a world-compatible appearance.

A small, honestly answered test of faith predominantly of priests, full-time church staff, parish councils and Catholic associations would probably unearth a frightening picture. Bishops incidentally are not the exception. Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that the Catholic Church has no more power for influencing the society of German-speaking countries, its appearance is distorted and  Catholic doctrine is confused by many voices. The de-Christianization here follows no law of nature. It has causes, an origin and strands of retraceable historical development. Much of it is the responsibility of the Church due to the mistaken thesis of the need to reflect the diversity of society in the Church, rather than as a Church to be a homogeneous, solid faith and a decisive factor in society. Something like this, the situation of the Church in German lands represent a Church where everything has to be taken "with joy" in  platitudes and pretending to see "a chance",  even if it is something ever so far from the Church.

Besiege Rome Without Armies,  But With Six Billion Euros

And who is surprised that the German bishops attempt open revolt. They do it on the subject of remarried divorcees and while raising their voices loudly against their former brother, the former Bishop of Regensburg and present Prefect of the CDF in Rome, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller. He doesn’t particularly like the current rebels much anyway. The rebellion is directed in reality against the Pope as the Vicar of Christ, the Church's teaching and discipline.

The German bishops have long ago lost their armies, but they can try to extort the Curia and the Pope with a bulging wallet (6 billion euros in 2012, church tax). Maybe even with a small threat of schism in the package? In fact, they have already done this on a small scale. An Austrian archbishop and cardinal have some experience with this. The bishops have their knowledge of rebellion in the German language area. The declarations of bishops in  Koenigsteiner, Mariatroster (Austria) and Solothurn (Switzerland)   send their regards. A disobedience that was is still not overcome today and spreads its poisonous blooms. This also explains why the bishops are so passive, compared to the disobedient priests around the former Monsignor Helmut Schüller.

Benedict XVI.’s Attempt To Make The German Church Less Worldly Meant a Break

It needed not the media favorite Francis to be reminded by a pope to poverty, although such a desecrated impression by the media was conveyed to the masses. The dramatic call by Pope Benedict XVI. in the Freiburg Concert Hall in September 2011, that the German church should become less worldly is unknown in modern church history. But the German church apparatus refused, any discussion was suffocated immediately and a good part of the bishops broke, if not openly, behind the scenes with the Pope. He had been already more tolerated than loved, as long as he did not too meddle too much in German affairs. Ultimately, however, he was in the way of the pandering to the Bundesrepublik cartel.

New Pope, New Attempt

The extortion of Benedict XVI. on the issue of remarried divorcees was a complete non-starter. Cardinal Lehmann knew that. When Pope Francis, the fleet footed Latin American, which by his Romanesque origins seemed to lack German dogmatism, gives cause for hope. And you're ready, behind the media fueled enthusiasm, to put the Argentine to the carrot and the stick, like the angry reactions to the reaffirmation of Catholic doctrine in matters of marriage sacrament shown by Archbishop Müller. The proverbial checkbook policy of the German Federal Government has its parallel in the German church. And that, unfortunately, is not always to the advantage of the Church. The Rhenish alliance, which called the shots at the Council, knew to gather votes in the Third World.

It is becoming apparent that much will depend on the employees in the looming tug of war that threatens to surround the Pope. The Roman Curia, which some residential bishops so would like to weaken or at least to bruise has yet to fulfill important tasks. Pope Francis has been exposed to some danger in recent months by some over-zealous and some little sense of the importance and dimension of the papacy. He has opened doors that were closed with good reason. The German bishops are now trying penetrate with their list of demands for the Church. Pope Francis does not seem impervious to advice, so the hope is that it gives the right consultants his ear, as was the case in recent weeks. Whether it was only a wave motion that knows the tides, is yet to be seen.

Much Will Depend on Vatican Employees, Even More For Those who Pray

Francis may not have been aware of some dangers. However, it is time that he becomes aware of them. The rumblings among Germany's bishops will be brought hopefully to his ears. We can only hope that he finds better counselors than those who told him last summer, to submit to questions in two Scalfari articles and the need to recommend a "dialogue" with the atheist opponents of the Church. A "dialogue" which, while it harvested much fruitless applause, yet caused substantially abundant confusion.

The Pope who is being assaulted with a breakaway rush of rebellious German bishops like Reinhard Cardinal Marx (Munich-Freising), who is also tragically a member of the C8 Cardinal Advisors, or the bishops Stephan Ackermann (Trier) and Gebhard Fürst (Rottenburg-Stuttgart), to call a few by name, have some work to do. Whether and how he will be able to repel the intent of this Fronde and to preserve the Catholic doctrine intact, will be decided by how he will go down in Church history. The despised and oppressed faithful Catholics should be ready to talk. They will be very persuasive, especially in prayer, atonement and sacrifice, but also by their voice to the world to participate in this struggle to fight off and defend the Church.

Picture: Papa Benedetto
Trans: Tancred

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Monday, November 4, 2013

60 Million Euro Church Tax For Porno- and Esoteric Store Weltbild

Edit: it's like an infestation of cockroaches. They just won't go away.

(Augsburg) The Archdiocese of Munich and Freising is till now the second-largest shareholder, will put 30 million euro of Church tax into  the little Catholic publishing and mail order firm, Weltbild. The Diocese of Augsburg will pay 15 million in church tax, although you would actually bail out as a shareholder. The diocese not been involved in Welbild, Mainz and Hildesheim, will now be a new partner and pump together with the Catholic Chaplaincy of  Soldiers Berlin ,15 million Church tax into the company.
Weltbild is one of the largest porn and esoteric-order companies in Germany and was already been heavily criticized by laymen, Protestant Christians and Pope Benedict XVI.. At times, the product range is partially adjusted, then after criticism has faded, the full load of porn and esoteric comes back in the catalog and in the stores. Porn bestsellers like Shades of Grey - Geheimes Verlangen   are  actively sold and advertised. This approach was recently endorsed  even by the Vice-Chairman Prelate Fuchs for the Tagespost (Edition July 15th, 2012).
In addition to the criticism of the product range, the Group is also criticized as an employer.  Recently, 140 people were dismissed from the customer service area on the one hand, but on the other side vacancies were advertised with an expensive branding campaign.
Even the retail book trade in the cities does not speak well of Weltbild. Of the booksellers, the displacement of their business is viewed critically by the Group. Normal booksellers have no church tax for their businesses, and personnel don't receive any grants.
Text: Linus Schneider
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, October 24, 2013

German Bishops Will Pump Almost a Billion Euro into Its Porno and Esoteric Book Store Weltbild

(Augsburg) The Diocese of Augsburg is ordering liquidity support of 15 million euros for the battered Weltbild publishing group in which it holds a 11.7 percent interest. This was decided by the Diocesan Advisory Committee and the Diocesan Tax Committee, on the initiative of Bishop Konrad Zdarsa.

The envisaged contribution of the diocese to "restructuring of the publishing group" is numerially far in excess of Augusburg's shareholder share, they say. But now we hear that the other partners have provided assistance in view as Augsburger Allgemeine has reported.

Prelate Fuchs, Vice-chairman of Weltbild, declared, after previously strong criticism of the German Bishops' porn business became very loud, on 07-15-2012 according to the Tagespost ( see separate report "German Bishop's Porno Business Continues to Hum") that they would continue operating in the business of pornography, especially violent pornography. The disgusting "novel" Shades of Gray - Geiheimes Verlangen is still available in Weltbild and is sold there without age verification.

Text: Linus Schneider Image: screenshot 24.10.2013 12:00 clock Trans: Tancred

Link to Katholisches... AMGD

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Archbishop Zollitsch’s Battle for the Centrist Dictatorial Regime in Brussels

The Honorable President of the German Bishop’s Conference
has preserved an anti-Catholic model of a centralized
pseudo-Europe. [photo: Kirche in Deutschland]
The anti-German "German Bishops' Conference” is calling for the dissolution and disintegration of the German state and prescribed a devout political propaganda, as has not been in 75 years.

Eurozentralismus-Tümmelei The "Badische Tageblatt" said the chairman of the "German Bishops' Conference," Archbishop Robert Zollitsch: "Our future is in Europe and not in its return to the national states."

Archbishop Zollitsch probably wanted to insinuate the following:

-EU Europe would have something like a future.

- The future of Germany and its homeland is not Afghanistan, but somewhere on the Western Eurasian landmass.

- There are no nation-states (not "return to the nation-states").
It is more than obvious that the Catholic Church in Germany only serves mammon. It serves the abolition of moral nation-states and the realization of the claim to power of the Brussels subculture.

Eurocentralism brings about the destruction of the values

Just as in Europe, the institution of the family is destroyed on purpose, and the nation-states (such as curved cucumbers) are destroyed. The resolution of family and state brings the atomization of de-christianized wage slaves who are then collectivized into a larger unit.

Mammon instead of values

This new collective, which is nothing more than an oligarchy of the unscrupulous, called the hypocrites, for example, "European community of values" - actually it's all about mammon . Globalist politics and the Church in Germany to serve the international private banks and not their own people or the will of God.

Only when it comes to Mammon (or homosexuality), does the tax-Church suddenly become present and with a vengeance.

Whom does Zollitsch so serve, is solely the financial feudalism.

When Archbishop Zollitsch is for the centralist dictatorship in Brussels, then he is concerned that the big capital is subsidized with tax money and citizens who are systematically dispossessed and impoverished.

The barbaric regime in Brussels has managed to combine the bad side of capitalism with the bad sides of communism - and Archbishop Zollitsch apparently wants to be the prophet of this oversupply of the bad.

Honorable President of the tax-Church

For reasons of age, the tax-Church regime will of Robert Zollitsch will mercifully end in March 2014. Then nothing will be better, because the Masonic Temple at work on Europe will continue undaunted in the de-Christianized communities of the tax-Church.

The EU shatters and destroys the autonomy of EU nations worse than in Ancient Rome, that they can spread their wicked rule and the smell of a new world order on everything.

The nucleus of the homeless and senseless society of Europe are now in the back room of the Brussels power ghetto - and not our children. These are like lab rats, the euro makes the European people a sacrifice to scientific investigation - if it goes according to the plans of the president of the anti-German "German Bishops' Conference.”

Mr. Zollitsch (as the modern man speaks to his Archbishop)! Take note that all empires will pass away - only Christ's kingdom is everlasting!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Weltbild Business Manager Resigns

The ecclesiastical business has been under criticism for some time, because among other things they offer thousands of products on line with esoteric and erotic contents.

Augsburg (  Weltbild- Business Manager Klaus Driever is leaving the company.  AS the Catholic publishing group has informed on Thursday in Augsburg,  he is leaving his responsibilities for the second largest internet book seller's online part by his own desire for personal reasons.  The man from Emslander has worked for more than 14 years for Weltbild, since 2001 he has been a member of management.

Driever has left the firm prematurely and separated in the most amicable terms, it said.  The publishing group laments his departure.  Driever's responsibilities will be divided between the two other business managers.  Weltbild has been under criticism for the longest time, because it offers  thousands of products with esoteric and erotic contents for sale.

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

GLBT: Auxiliary Bishop is OK With Committed Relationships

Edit: echoes of Cardinal Schonborn.

German Bishops are actively participating in supporting the homosexual decadence of their land. 

( The Old Liberal Hamburger Auxiliary Bishop Msgr. Hans-Jochen Jaschke (70), he does not want to weigh in on the planned privilege of homosexual couplings.

The Homosexually disturbed supposedly ought to have the "right" of a "appropriate treatment and equality in our society."

The Auxiliary Bishop would not explain why everyone doesn't have a right to the privilege of marriage.

A meaningless bending of the knee

The concrete form of homosexual privilege is something Msgr. Jaschke want to be "well thought out and balanced".

He is "not in any case a friend of homosexual marriage".  Marriage must remain something "completely special".

It is related to a society of man and woman, to which belong children.

Society would be poorly advised, if married people "were equated" with gomorrists.  The comes the big but.

The Auxiliary Bishop Doesn't think Much of Abstinence

The Auxiliary Bishop wants "to do justice" to those who are homosexually perverse.

Actually, for that he should invite them to his confessional and recommend a good psychiatrist.

But Msgr Jaschke expressly doesn't want "everyone"  --- thus no one -- "to say to homosexuals:  you must reach the goal of abstinence in any case."

A gomorrist must see how he might live and embrace "Christian responsibility" -- he said beating about the bush.

The dirty fairy tale of committed homosexuals

Msgr Jaschke told the dirty fairy tale of homosexual fidelity.

He considers it better if a man lives in a "secure, stable relationship", in "responsibility for each other, than when he lets his sexuality tramp around."

That is a complex and supposedly completely personal question.

That must be "something for each individual to decide for himself".  With his lewd manner of speech, the Auxiliary Bishop contradicted Holy Scripture.

He rites about homosexual privilege:  "If a homosexual pair find themselves in love, fidelity, preparedness to commit, then it must be recognized in accordance with the law."

Eager Beaver: is he for homosexual adoption as well

Msgr Jaschke didn't shrink back from the child abuse of handing over of children to homosexually disturbed individuals.

He is indeed supposedly against it essentially.

But: "It would surely involve exceptions, that with homosexual partners can recommend or enable them at once for adoption."

It may only "in no case" be the rule.


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Germany's Catholic Publisher 'Weltbild' Sells Sadomasochistic Tripe

Who can wonder?  In the area of sadomasochism the German cringer and Church-persecutor Bishops have no limits.

(, Augsburg)  Since the 9th of July the English publication of  the pornographic "Shades of Grey" is available in German.

The violence dominated piece of tripe has appeared at the tripe publisher 'Goldman'

The private fantasies of a house wife

The author of the book is Britin Erika Leonard (49), who is also known as E.L. James.

She is the mother of two sons and worked briefly for a television broadcaster.

Time Magazine indentified Mrs. Leonard in 2012 as one of the 100 most influential people in the world.

The more primitive, the better

From 2009, Mrs. Leonard published her tripe on the Internet.  The it appeared in a small publisher in Australia.

Since April she has been operating from a US publisher in grand style.

In English there are already 10 million copies that have been sold.

Depraved History

The porn involves a literature student (21) who becomes enslaved to a millionaire (27).

The millionaire was abused as a child and is psychologically disturbed.

The book excessively describes the violence, with which the student is inflicted.

Sado-Rubbish in 'Weltbild' branch

In German the book is also available from one of the affiliates of 'Weltbild'.

At the same time the publisher has distanced itself then as it writes in its website:

"The description of the oppression women in this book is contrary to the world- and human image, which we want to portray as a book seller."

This hypocritical distancing will hardly interest anyone.

On the website of '', which belongs to 'Weltbild' in any case, the tripe is available without a hypocrisy warning.

Slaves of the Market

A speaker of 'Weltbild' sees that her publisher for the Old Liberal 'Katholischen Nachrichtenagentur' (Catholic Information Agency)  is in a dilemma.

The sadomasochistic book is 'omnipresent' on the market.

'Weltbild' will not promote the title and its distribution in any way.

They have distanced themselves from its content and given critics room.

But it will be sold all the same.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pope Launches Broadside Against German Bishops

Papst ermahnt die ungehorsamen deutschen Bischöfe

Vatican.  The German Bishops must decide to proceed against pornography.  Pope Benedivt XVI said this yesterday in a reception for Reinhard Schweppe, the new German Ambassador to the Holy See. The Holy See is concerned on this account, that the necessary action against the dissemination of pornography on the part of the Catholic Church in Germany "must be decisively and clearly pursued".  It is clear that with this the Pope was implying the scandal surrounding the Catholic 'Weltbild'  publisher.

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