What Remains of the Franciscans of the Immaculate?
(Rome) How far has the destruction of the Order of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate progressed? This is the updating of a chapter that is like a dark shadow on the pontificate of Pope Francis.
In 1969 two Fathers Minor, Stefano Maria Manelli and Gabriele Maria Pellettieri, asked the Father General of the Order, after a thorough study of Fontes Franciscani, to be allowed to start a "new experience of Franciscan life" back to its original rigor. In 1970 an abandoned monastery of the Order was made available to them where they gathered more men over time, and with the establishment of a female branch, women also joined. In 1990, the Community was canonically recognized as a separate order.
The Peculiarity of the Young Order
The Order represented an anomaly of Catholic orders until July 2013. While the old religious orders steeped in tradition suffer decline and waste away, the young Franciscan Order saw a veritable blooming of vocations.
The Three Commissars who succeeded the late Father Fidenzio Volpi. (r. P. Sabino Ardito)
(Rome) Apostolic Commissioner, assigned by the Congregation of Religious, and his two assistants have published "strange" Easter greeting on the website of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, says Messa in Latino.
After the first Apostolic Commissioner, the Capuchin, Father Fidenzio Volpi, who died in June 2015, the Congregation of Religious assigned a new Commissioner, the Salesian, Sabino Ardito. Unlike Volpi he was assigned two assistants. They are the Capuchin, Carlo Calloni and the Jesuit, Gianfranco Ghirlanda.
Ardito, Calloni and Ghirlanda have together signed the Easter congratulations and their words have triggered some astonishment:
So that faith can exist, it needs the evidence of the empty tomb. It is necessary, like Peter and John, to lose one's own artificial certainties: then you will have the courage to enter into the void. It is necessary that we find the courage to enter into the "grave of God," which we built as the alleged possession of the truth. The faith in the resurrection in and with Christ is the basis for the emptiness of ourselves.
The Gospels not about "emptiness"
Cryptic Easter message from commissioners to all convents and institutions of the Order
"The link established with the entrance of the Apostles Peter and John to Christ's grave can not convince them," says Messa in Latino . There is never any mention in gospels of "emptiness", not even an "empty grave". Going to the grave, they found there an "angel of the Lord" who descended from heaven, approached the grave and moved the stone. "His appearance was like lightning, and his raiment was white as snow" (Mt 28.2 to 3); "Two angels in white" (Jn 20:12). Whoever enters the grave, "looked to the right to see a young man sitting, who was dressed in a white robe" (Mk 16.5); "Two men in dazzling garments" (Lk 24,4).
The women had gone to the grave early in the morning, "but the body of the Lord Jesus, they found it not" (Lk 24:3). They reported to the apostles that "angels appeared who said that he was alive" (Lk 24:23).The apostles thought it was "nonsense and did not believe them" (Luke 24:11). Peter hurried himself to the grave and "saw only the linen cloths" laying there (Lk 24:12). John reported that he was with Peter there, "leaned forward and saw the linen cloths lying," but initially did not go into the grave, while Peter went in and "saw the linen cloths lying and the cloth that had been around Jesus' head but it was not with the linen cloths but wrapped up in a place by itself "(Jn 20: 5 to 7). Then John entered the grave and "saw and believed" (Jn 20:8).
The evangelists all testify that Christ was no longer among the dead, but is risen. But why we can not speak of "emptiness", because the resurrection means well, materially speaking, an empty grave, but no "void," because of the Evangelists "mentioned a scene full of light, angels and divine presence," said Messa in Latino .
The disciples and the women had to lose any "certainties"
The talk of "certainties" may not convince what according to the Commissioners how "Peter and John" must "lose."
From the Gospels it shows that neither the disciples nor the women had any certainty, neither a natural nor an "artificial" one. As Saint Mary Magdalene first went to the grave was "it was still dark" (Jn 20:1). Nobody thought of the resurrection. The Gospels speak of no certainty, but of darkness, doubt, fear, which are reconciled only by going to the grave. You will not find there the body of the Lord, but they do not find there a "void," but a light, an angel, a divine presence and as a sign, the folded linen cloths. You will find the exact opposite of "emptiness" for they saw, and believed even if they did not quite understand. Mary Magdalene even met Jesus at the grave.
As women and disciples went for the grave, they were full of doubt, emptiness and anxiety, but no longer, as they came to the grave. At the grave the doubts were transformed into certainty. Before they came to the grave, they had no certainty, not even a "human", which they could give up.
"This is the question in the room, what induced the honorable fathers commissioners to formulate this strange Easter congratulation," said Messa in Latino . Their message is also hardly comprehensible as the "emptiness" as "nothing" in the sense of St. John of the Cross.
Did the commissioners want to convey to the brothers and sisters of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, a message which purports to be a swipe at their charism, the Founder, fidelity to the Franciscan rule and against their consecration to the Immaculata? Is that all "artificial certainty" meant that you must "lose?"
The allusion about the "alleged possession of the truth" remains completely cryptic. "Naturally," the Easter message only makes sense when when it is read as an Easter admonition, which is directed against the monks and nuns who wanted to maintain fidelity to the founding charism of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, to a monastic rule, which is linked to the original rule of St. Francis of Assisi, to the rediscovery of the two thousand year old tradition of the Church, and therefore, also the traditional form of the Rite. It's a message that is directed against the efforts of the Order, to resist those forces and that spirit in the Church, who do homage to some concept of hermeneutics of rupture, because they want this break and approve of it.
"The only emptiness', which can therefore be seen in conjunction with the Franciscans of the Immaculate, is a deflated Order, drained of its charism, the brothers and sisters deprived of their founder, of the founder robbed of his spiritual sons and daughters, an Order, which was made defenseless. The only emptiness, "is therefore, the one that is produced by the commissioners on behalf of the religious congregation and with the approval of Pope Francis," said Messa in Latino .
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: verità sul commissariamento OFFI / Messa in Latino (Screenshot)
Franciscans of he Immaculata Before the Commissar Came: Ordination of Nine Deacons in 2010
(Rome) The Supreme Court in Rome has confirmed that the founder of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate and the lay organizations related to the Order are guilty of doing nothing wrong. The confiscated real estate property must be returned to the lay organizations.
In late June, the rumored reason for the provisional administration of the Order of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate had dissolved into nothingness."Rumored" because was no reason was named for appointing an apostolic commissioner by the Vatican until today. Behind closed doors rumors were spread that it had allegedly been an irregular shifts of assets, including the suggestion that it might be someone who was enriched. It was a slander which was directed against Founder Manelli to discredit him. A court sentenced Commissioner Volpi to pay 20,000 euros compensation for the false claims.
When the Commissioner Came with the Prosecutor
After the first Commissioner, Father Fidenzio Volpi from the Capuchin Order, could not lay his hands on the real estate owned by the lay organizations affiliated with the Order, he summarily confiscated the real estate ownership by the public prosecutor. In June the competent Judicial Senate of Avellino established that no irregularities were present and ordered the release of the seized property.
Shortly before the verdict of Avellino, Commissioner Volpi had died and been replaced by the canon lawyer Fr Sabino Ardito from the Salesian Order. It had been hoped there would be a relaxation. But Father Alfonso Bruno was still a driving force in the conflict applies Father Alfonso Bruno in the Franciscans of the Immaculate, who had rebelled against Founder Father Stefano Maria Manelli. After the dismissal of the General Government under the Superior General, Father Manelli, Pater Bruno then became the Secretary-General and therefore became the right hand of the Commissioner.
Return of property ownership is legally binding
In any case an appeal was filed against the judgment of Avellino, on behalf of the Commissioner. The Second Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court in Rome has rejected the appeal, thus confirming the judgment of Avellino. The release and return of the seized property ownership to the lay organizations of the Order is now final.
Part of this property is also that of the religious house in Rome, where Father Alfonso Bruno is domiciled. "With the decision of the Supreme Court the last word in the matter," said Alfonso Rocco, the legal counsel of the Lay Association Mission of the Immaculate Heart.
A thriving religious order of tradition was unbearable to the Congregation of Religious
The order launched in 1970 by Father Stefano Maria Manelli is committed to tradition. Under Benedict XVI. the Order became, according to the motu proprio, Summorum Pontificum was pastorally birituell and internally old ritual. Since the Order was not under the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei for old rite communities, the Congregation of Religious made it an exception in the Church. Under Benedict XVI. it was regarded as an attractive model, which aroused the interest of young members of other religious orders, since the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, despite their strict habit, had a large following.
This combination of factors is thought to be in close religious circles as the real reason for the provisional administration. A thriving, tradition related Order, which grew in the midst of widespread vocations crisis, had become unbearable for many. But Pope Benedict XVI. held his protective hand over the young religious. Under Pope Francis and his declared aversion to tradition, the conditions were established to take action against the Order. Four months after taking office, the Order was placed under provisional administration.
The parents of the Founder are recognized as a servants of God. The beatification process is running.The Order was gagged by the provisional government, but not the lay organizations related to the Order. They continue to see in Founder Manelli their reference point. With the court ruling, their position relative to the Commissioner has been significantly strengthened.
Founder Father Manelli at the Sacrifice of the Mass
(Naples) The Court of Avellino has ordered the release of the property that belongs to the lay associations that are close to the Order of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate. Thus, another of the accusations bandied about dissolves into nothingness that have been spread in recent years, spread against the founder and Superior General, Father Stefano Manelli who was deposed by the Vatican.
The property had been seized at the direction of the late Apostolic Commissioner, Father Fidenzio Volpi. by the district attorney of Avellino. As the traditional Order was placed under provisional administration in Summer 2013, the Commissioner and the leadership of the rebels realized that the properties are not in the direct possession of the Order, but belong to the lay associations connected to the Order.
The Ad Hoc Reason for Provisional Administration Dissolves into Nothingness
In this, however, the Apostolic Commissioner did not have access and thus, neither to the property. Nevertheless, in order to lay hands, there were accusations of alleged irregular transfers of assets. Alleged irregularities have been named in the past two years as the reason why the provisional administration was ordered by Rome. Officially there are no grounds for radical intervention in the life of the Order were announced by the Vatican to this day.
The judicial panel has now established that there were no irregularities present and ordered the release of the seized real estate assets worth around 30 million euros.
New Apostolic Commissioner Appointed
Commissioner Volpi's actions were directed against the lay organizations related to the Order, against the Mission of the Immaculate Mediatrix (MIM) and the Third Order of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate (TOFI). There are thousands of believers organized in these these worldwide and connected to the Order.
Just yesterday the appointment of a new Apostolic Commissioner for the Order became known. With the approval of Pope Francis the Congregation of Religious appointed the Salesian, Fr Sabino Ardito, to succeed Father Volpi. The canonist Ardito will lead the fortunes of the Order for the time being until the summer of 2016. Then the three-year period of a regular provisional administration will be finished. The provisional administration could then, however, be extended on a proposal from the Commissioner.
It is not yet known whether the new commissioner is to continue the dismantling of his predecessor or another line will follow.
(Rome) Fr. Sabino Ardito is the new Apostolic Commissioner of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate. He belongs to the Salesian Order of Don Bosco and is a well-known canon lawyer. He teaches at the Pontifical Salesian University in Rome and has been employed in various departments of the Roman Curia.
Father Ardito succeeds Father Fidenzio Volpi OFM Cap. who was deceased on 7 June at the age of 75. Father Volpi had died as a result of a brain hemorrhage suffered on 29 April. The Capuchin had been appointed in July 2013 as the Apostolic Commissioner of the Order, which he left in a disastrous state.
Unlike Volpi, who was the sole Commissioner, Father Ardito is supported by two coadjutors, a Jesuit and a Capuchin. They, too, were chosen from among canonists, that canon law, "which was little respected by the previous provisional administration," said Corrispondenza Romana .