Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Catholics Pray Rosary to Oppose Evils of False Ecumenism Endorsed by Grand Rapids Diocese
Friday, April 8, 2016
Cologne: Questions of an "Ecumenical Funeral Service" for a Homosexual Protestant in a Catholic Church
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Ecumenical Funeral Service for Guido Westerwelle in a Catholic Church |
"Holy Ground": The Church as sacred
"Do not come near! Take off your sandals; because the place where you are standing is holy ground."
Increasing misuse
Church as a service provider for "beautiful" celebrations
Progression to "ecumenical worship"
Concrete example: the "funeral" for Guido Westerwelle
Recognized homosexual
"Funeral" in a Catholic Church
Abuse of the Church
Was the Catholic Church just the "beautiful" scenery for a "beautiful" ceremony? Should the high politics of West German "consensus" be demonstrated? Is the church only as a stooge of the government, as an expression of the Enlightenment and Protestant state church? Has the Catholic faith's shrinkage gone so far that external aspects are more important than spiritual? In other words, that a call can be sincerely traced from the government district?
The language of canon law
Image: FFH / AFP TV (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to Katholisches...
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
"With Luther to Pope" -- Eccentric Pilgrimage Action
Catholic Diocese wants to bring "With Luther" demands to Rome
image. pixabay
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Evil Capuchin Preaches Religious Indifferentism: Praises Protestant Revolt
Edit: he's been bad since 1980, and he'll continue to be bad till someone in authority corrects him. It doesn't seem to matter much that his statements betray Christ or are a cause of scandal to faithful Catholics suffering persecution. Here he is again:
[Catholic Herald] The Pope’s personal preacher has praised the Reformation and said that moral issues such as sexuality, should not “divide us more than Jesus unites us.”
Speaking at Wesminster Abbey, during the inauguration of the Church of England’s Tenth General Synod, Fr Raniero Cantalamessa, who has served as Preacher to the Papal Household since 1980, praised the “theological and spiritual enrichment” of the Reformation.
He said: “We need to go back to the time of the Apostles: they faced a pre-Christian world, and we are facing a largely post-Christian world. When Paul wants to summarise the essence of the Christian message in one sentence, he does not say, “I proclaim this or that doctrine to you.” He says, “We preach Christ crucified” (1 Cor 1:23), and “We preach . . . Jesus Christ as Lord” (2 Cor 4:5). This is the real “articulus stantis et cadentis Ecclesiae”, the article by which the Church stands or falls.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Papal Consultor, Who Wants to Abolish the Pope -- False Ecumenism
For Enzo Bianchi, the Papacy is the Main Obstacle for Christian Unity
Primacy Question Decided by Christ
The Term "sister churches"
Unfortunately, in certain publications and in the writings of some theologians involved in ecumenical dialogue, it has recently become common to use this expression to indicate the Catholic Church on the one hand and the Orthodox Church on the other, leading people to think that in fact the one Church of Christ does not exist, but may be re-established through the reconciliation of the two sister Churches. In addition, the same expression has been applied improperly by some to the relationship between the Catholic Church on the one hand, and the Anglican Communion and non-catholic ecclesial communities on the other. In this sense, a "theology of sister Churches" or an "ecclesiology of sister Churches" is spoken of, characterized by ambiguity and discontinuity with respect to the correct original meaning of the expression as found in the documents of the Magisterium.
And further:In the strict sense are sister churches exclusively particular Churches (or part of church organizations, such as patriarchates or ecclesiastical provinces) among themselves. It must always remain clear, even when the expression sister churches is used in this sense correct that the universal one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church is not sister but mother to all the particular Churches.
What Hinders, Must be Eliminated
image: Settimo Cielo
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to Katholisches....
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Heresies and Schisms Are an Expression of the Holy Ghost for Francis?
Welby to Pope Francis: "Female Bishops Don't Separate Us"
image: Vatican Insider / Infovaticana
Monday, November 11, 2013
Cardinal Kasper Advocates More Apologies and Pretended Unity for 500th Anniversary of Protestant Revolt
500 years schism: Cardinal Kasper hopes 2017 "common worship and confession of guilt"
Link to Katholisches...
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
SSPX Reaffirms its Wish to Continue to Criticize Vatican II and the New Mass

The following letter, which comes from DICI, the Society of St. Pius X’s website, is going to reiterate the Society’s notion that the agreement they were expected, but not prepared, to sign is not something which they can accept. If you recall, the Society was being prepared to be brought into the official structure of the Church without the rigid and draconian restrictions on their religious liberty. As of present date, the CDF and the parities who have drafted the most recent Preamble for their signature, demand a level of obedience they expect from no other part of the Church at present date. We don’t know what this means, or if this is going to be accepted by those responsible in the Vatican for this reconciliation. Here’s an excerpt of the letter from Bishop Fellay:
Letter to Friends and Benefactors (April 2013)
Dear Friends and Benefactors,
It has been quite a long time now that this letter has kept you waiting, and it is with joy, in this Easter season, that we would like to take our bearings and to present a few reflections on the situation of the Church.
As you know, the Society found itself in a delicate position during most of the year 2012, following the final approach of Benedict XVI in attempting to normalize our situation. The difficulties resulted, on the one hand, from requirements that accompanied the Roman proposal—to which we could not and still cannot subscribe—and, on the other hand, from a lack of clarity on the part of the Holy See that did not allow us to know precisely the will of the Holy Father or what he was ready to concede to us. The trouble caused by these uncertainties vanished as of June 13, 2012, with a clear confirmation, on the 30th of the same month, by a letter from Benedict XVI himself clearly and unambiguously spelling out the conditions that were being imposed on us for a canonical normalization.
These conditions are of a doctrinal nature; they entail the total acceptance of the Second Vatican Council and of the Mass of Paul VI. And so, as Archbishop Augustine Di Noia, Vice President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, wrote in a letter addressed to the members of the Society of Saint Pius X at the end of last year, on the doctrinal level we are still at the point where we started out in the 1970’s. Unfortunately we can only agree with this observation by the Roman authorities and acknowledge the current relevance of the analysis by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, founder of our Society, which was unwavering in the decades following the Council, until his death. His very accurate insight, which is at the same time theological and practical, is still valid today, fifty years after the start of the Council.
And also:
“Compelled by the facts, it is necessary to conclude that the Council has favored, inconceivably, the diffusion of liberal errors. Faith, morals, and ecclesiastical discipline have been shaken to their foundations according to the predictions of all the popes. "
Link to DICI….
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Dutch Bishop Puts Hammer Down on False Ecumenism
Not Ecumenism in Feeling, But in Faith
(kathnews) 's-Hertogenbosch (NL). In an open letter to the parish communities of the Dutch villages of Someren and Lierp, to which belong the Diocese's-Hertogenbosch laying in the Province of Brabant, the Diocesan Vicar General has taken a position on the importance and the manner ecumenical celebrations should take. The Bishop reacted to it immediately and spoke out in a letter to the Pastor of serious Liturgical abuses and offenses against Ecumenism in its Catholic sense. The Pastor concerned was informed of penal consequences. After that the Pastor cancelled the event. Many parish members showed a lack of understanding of the manner of the Bishop's proceeding.
Letter of the General Vicar
Now the General Vicar of the Diocese, Dr. R van de Hout, briefly laid out the position of the Catholic
Church on Ecumenism in a letter. Here is the basic text of the letter in an English translation:
"Dear parishioners of Someren and Lierop and all interested believers elsewhere in the diocese!"
Concern for the catholicity of the parishes in the diocese
From the reactions of many of them it is clear that it will be difficult to understand why the bishop at a recently proposed ecumenical ceremony in Someren and Lierop must intervene. The confusion seemed to be still larger basis of statements of the Pastor, the non-Catholic minister and the parish council of Lierop, in which, according to the Bishop was accused illicit action. The Bishop must awaken people to the Catholic faith and take care that the Catholic parishes in his diocese to remain in communion with the universal Church. Only then can our faith and the Church have their importance to the people and their happiness.
Commonality and Boundaries
The Catholic Church promotes ecumenical contacts with Protestant communities. We need to get to know one another, to develop active common social ties. Together we can listen to God's Word and pray together. But it is not permissible to celebrate the Eucharist / Communion. This prohibition has been repeated by the Pope, but always by the Dutch bishops as well.
Different faith
Why such celebrations are unlawful? Because Supper and Eucharist, although reference is made to both the creation and the command of the Lord, are not the same. The Roman Catholic Church believes that in the Eucharist the sacrifice of Christ is sacramentally preset at the cross and that the bread and wine are transformed and really substantial in the Body and Blood of Christ. The Eucharist is - in the words of the Second Vatican Council - the source and summit of ecclesial life. According to the Catholic view, only a valid ordained priest transform the Eucharist. Protestants have no validly ordained priests. Protestants do not believe in the real transformation of bread and wine and have a more symbolic understanding of this sacrament. [It can't be a sacrament at all, actually] That is the reason why the Church does not allow a joint celebration. The Church also prohibits that non-Catholics receive the Eucharistic Communion or that Catholics participate in Protestant communion. Thus confusion is with regard to this sacrament, for us Catholics, the heart of the faith, to be avoided.
Harmful to Unity
Superficial ecumenical acts like the common celebration of the Eucharist / Communion Service are harmful to the unity and don't bring ecumenism even a step further. On the contrary, the unity is only then no unity in the faith, but a unity in feeling. It's about discovering that we as a church or religious community and not as a single parish or community through common reflection, discussion and study to learn what the Lord wanted it with his church and with his sacrament of unity.
Prayer for Unity
Meanwhile, we pray in the parishes and communities for the assistance of the Holy Spirit. He alone can bring about real unity step by step. Moreover, ecumenism is much wider than the unity between the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant ecclesial communities. It also relates to our relationship with the Orthodox Churches of the East. ... "(Translation: Gero P. Weishaupt)
What does canon law say?
Concelebrated (intercelebration) with ministers of ecclesial communities which are not in full communion with the Catholic Church, according to canon law, one of the very serious offenses in the sacramental-liturgical field, the - is treated by the Glaubenkongreation (see - such as sexual abuse of minors . Liturgical Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum, No. 172 c).
The Code of the Catholic Church (CIC/1983) reads:
"Catholic priests are forbidden, together with priests or ministers of Churches or ecclesial communities which are not in full communion with the Catholic Church to concelebrate the Eucharist"
(Canon 908). "Who is guilty of illicitly worshiping in community is to be punished with a just penalty"
(Canon 1365). By law, the bishop or the professor for sanctioning. In the diocese of 's-Hertogenbosch, the bishop could refrain from sanctioning because the responsible minister had taken after a canonical warning from his plan distance.
Link to kathnews...
Bildquelle: nl.wikipedia.org, user Karrow
Friday, February 24, 2012
Imam Thinks Israel Should not Exist: Banned in Vienna!
Edit: it's not like the Immam is singing the praises of Medjugorje, promoting women priests or displaying blasphemous portraits at the Cathedral bookstore or anything. In any event, Cardinal Christoph von Schönborn had to move quickly to protect the reputation of his predecessor's masterwork of false irenicism.
He thinks the death penalty for adultery is justified, and denies that the State of Israel has a right to exist. [Gasp] Update: Only after media reports did Cardinal Schönborn forbid further entrance of radical preacher at Church Institute.
Vienna (kath.net) He thinks that the death penalty for adultery is justified. He denies that the State of Israel has a right to exist. He is promoting the re-establishment of the Caliphate in the Islamic world. And Shaker Assem, speaker of the Panislamic "Hizb ut-Tahir" (Party of Freedom), which planned a Califate conference for the 10th of March ("Die Presse", reports), regularly preaches on Friday in the Islamic prayer center of the Viennese Afro-Asiatic Institute (AAI). "Die Presse" news reported this on Friday. The Institute was founded by Cardinal König as a "political development house of education" and is according to the times an ecclesiastical foundation, which is supported by means from the Archdiocese of Vienna.
For AAI- business manager, Nikolaus Heger this is a "difficult situation", over which there has been much discussion. Assem is also a good "dialog partner", who seeks discussion and disputation. "If you were to pole Muslims, you would find many who do not believe Israel should exist." Exactly for this reason, it is important to draw people like him into the dialogue, Hegner says.
Update on Friday: The controversial Caliphate preacher Shaker Assem may not lead the Friday prayer of the Viennese Afro-Asiatic Institute (AAI). The Archdiocese of Vienna reported this on Friday in a communique. Cardinal Christoph Schönborn has come to this decision as the protector of the Institute founded by Cardinal Franz König with AAI- business leader Nikolaus Heger. "The Archdiocse must generate clarity over the situation, especially when the State authorities have not yet evaluated Imam Assem as a hate preacher," it reads.
More from Die Presse...
From kathnet...
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Protestant Hucksters Change Doctrine to Sell Themselves Better
[National Post] This is a peculiar place for a former water-skiing instructor and rock band member to find himself. Rob Bell, 40-year-old father of three, author, mega-church pastor who sports skinny jeans and designer glasses, is in the midst of shaking the world of American Protestant orthodoxy to its core — even as he insists he is not sure why.
He is asking tough questions about salvation, upending traditional takes on heaven, hell and who gets saved: “What happens to sinners? What happens to non-Christians? What happens to someone like Gandhi?”
In his new book, Love Wins, quickly a New York Times bestseller, the popular preacher has turned away from the evangelical certainty that heaven is only possible through Jesus Christ. He has suggested that at the end of time God may chase down everyone who has ever lived and make sure they enter his kingdom — hence the title, Love Wins.
Famed American evangelical John Piper summed up his feelings about Love Wins in a cold, three-word tweet: “Farewell Rob Bell.”Read further, here...