While the gale force of the post-conciliar tempest continues to uproot the Faith, dislodge morals, blow apart revered traditions, topple the Church's edifice, and spread doctrinal debris throughout the Church, there are those who insist that the problem today isn’t due to Vatican II
but to a “misinterpretation” of the Council.
Unfortunately, misinterpretation had nothing to do with this, for this revolution was the result of years of careful planning. We might see the conciliar documents as the blueprint for this plan. The ambiguities, omissions, and outright errors in the documents were deliberately
calculated by progressivist theologians and bishops who intended to exploit these errors in the text after the Council closed.
If we have lay people today assuming priestly functions as “Eucharistic ministers,” it’s because Vatican II defines the laity as a “common priesthood.” (LG 10) If the Church today ecumenically dignifies other religions, it’s because Vatican II says that “Christ has not refrained from
using them as means of salvation.” (UR-3) Clearly, there was a plan for change in the works.
Pope's effusive praise for the Protestant Revolt have inspired credible rumors about a future "Mass" combining evil Protestant and Catholic elements and sacrilegious Communion.
Edit: isn't the protestant prayer service the heart and soul of the Novus Ordo?
(Rome) Roman authorities deny that the Vatican is preparing to conduct an "ecumenical Mass."
At the Vatican, it is denied that there is "a commission charged with drawing up an 'ecumenical Mass' for Catholics and Lutherans to attend and receive communion."
The Vatican assures that rumors surrounding the anniversary of the Reformation are "completely wrong."
Official Vatican Commission or informal grassroots group with papal benevolence?
Vatican spokesman Greg Burke: What exactly did he deny?
To be precise, the Vatican denied that there was "a commission" officially in charge. In recent days, informal initiatives have been reported by various media, including InfoVaticana and Vaticanista Marco Tosatti. "Roman grassroots communities" are to work with the alleged "benevolence of Santa Marta" at an "ecumenical Mass".
The difference between official and informal is blatant, but in the concrete case - if the information is correct - it would only serve to conceal it. In the absence of an official commission, the Vatican could dispute anything while informally prepared with a papal blessing, that which is disputed.
In any case, if the rumor is wrong, it shows what observers of the Vatican already know, since the "Bergoglio style" had its entry there.
Is Cardinal Sarah being kept in the dark?
Tosatti had published a chronicle in the US magazine First Things and wrote in it of a "commission", which was to have created a "legendary (fabulous?)," so InfoVaticana, "ecumenical Mass". The Vatican also mentioned that Cardinal Robert Sarah, the prefect of the Congregation for Worship and the Order of the Sacraments, was being kept in the dark about it.
This is credible insofar as Cardinal Sarah has already been bypassed (or deceived) directly by Pope Francis. Although it falls within the faculty of the Cardinal, it happened two months ago that the Motu proprio Magnum principium was kept secret from him. He only learned about it from the paper, although the document, in addition to the pope's signature, also bears that of his secretary, Archbishop Arthur Roche, who was supposed to be the Cardinal's closest collaborator.
The rumors of an "ecumenical Mass" are also considered credible, because in the past 18 months Pope Francis poured out the deluge of praise for Martin Luther and his Reformation.
New food for rumors and denials
The rumors received new sustenance when the newspaper The Australian asked for a report from the Vatican about the nature of an "ecumenical Mass," but received no response.
"Ecumenical Mass" of tomorrow? In the picture a teddybear Mass
Last week, turmoil increased as names of alleged members of the ghostly "commission" emerged, including the well-known, progressive liturgist Andrea Grillo, who was a constant critic of Benedict XVI on liturgical issues, however, in this pontificate happens to be an Ultrabergoglian. Last Friday, Grillo denied to the Catholic Herald, the existence of such a Vatican Commission.
The restlessness must have been audible up to the highest floors of the Vatican, as it has now come to a double denial.
Curia Archbishop Arthur Roche, Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship, told Christopher Lamb of the progressiveTablet, that the rumors about a Vatican commission to prepare an "ecumenical Mass" are "completely wrong". Likewise,Vatican spokesman Greg Burke, who stated when he was asked, that the rumors are "just wrong."
How credible are the denials?
The readers of InfoVaticana, following their comments, are not reassured by these denials. Too many remember the apparent confusion, which took place a few months ago surrounding Pope Francis and his immediate circle about another "commission". On June 14, 2017, the Roman historian, Prof. Roberto de Mattei, quite concretely wrote in an essayof the existence of a "secret commission" with the task to re-interpret the encyclical Humanae vitae. De Mattei also mentioned the names of Commissioners, including as Head Msgr. Gilfredo Marengo.
Curia Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, a former Family Minister to the Vatican and current President of the Pontifical Academy for Life and Grand Chancellor of the Pontifical Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, spoke on June 16 in front of the microphones and categorically denied the existence of such a "commission" and especially such an intention. In the same breath, however, he casually let it be known that there was a "study group", which was almost completely lost.
Avvenire, the daily newspaper of Italian bishops, went so far as to present the information published by de Mattei on a "Commission" as "media manipulation." The rumors got louder and louder until on July 25, Msgr. Gilfredo Marengo of Radio Vatican gave an interview and confirmed the existence of a "research group." If one reads Paglia's disclaimer retrospectively and literally, he had ultimately only denied the existence of a "Commission". A "research group" is something completely different.
Such hair-splitting, which serve the concealment, are responsible for an apparent loss of confidence in statements by representatives by the papal clique, as the comments at InfoVaticana show.
The Vatican's Marco Tosatti was the first to report in mid-May about the existence of a secret commission on Humanae vitae, which turned out to be correct despite several weeks of denials by the Vatican. The same Tosatti now reported on the informal commission for the elaboration of an "ecumenical Mass". So should Pope confidante Roche and Vatican spokesman Burke have denied only the existence of an official Vatican commission, but not generally the existence of such commission on behalf of the Pope?
Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Vatican.va/Novusordowatch (Screenshots)
(Rome) Pope Francis received representatives of the Royal Institute for Interfaith Studies, the Royal Institute for Interfaith Studies from Jordan, this morning. He described the Muslims as "brothers".
The Catholic Church leader called for "building" the Christian-Islamic dialogue with patience: "The work that they do, is a work of building."
The Royal Institute for Interfaith Studies, was the initiator of the letter of 138 Muslim representatives in 2007. It was written in response to the famous Regensburg speech of Benedict XVI.
Pope Francis: "In a meeting like this dialogue is the operative word. And dialogue means to come out - with the word and with yourself. To say his word and hear the word of the other. Two words come together there, two thoughts. This is the first stage of the path. "
However, it wouldn't be sufficient to remain in the dialogue. Even "the hearts meet." Going from the dialogue to a "dialogue of friendship", and this leads "to a handshake." "Word, heart, hands, it is easy! Even a child understands it," the Pope said.
Francis told the representatives of Islam: "We all have a common father - we are brothers!"
The Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, which is headed by Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, had planned the event.
The attitude of Pope Francis to Islam: Part of the "people of God"?
Last January, it was announced by the Vatican that Pope Francis will visit the Great Mosque of Rome after the visit to the Roman synagogue. As Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi announced the visit would take place on on April 10. Since then, nothing has been discussed for mosque visit.
Already in November 2015 it had been circulated by Francis is allegedlt had the intention to write an encyclical about Islam.
This past Holy Thursday, the Catholic Church leader visited a refugee center in Rome. In his address to the mostly Muslim refugees, the Pope said that the Muslims would belong to the "people of God". An equivalence of Islam was highlighted in January by the first "video of the Pope", where Islam, Judaism and Buddhism were put visually on the same level with Christianity in a message from the Pope.
Edit: they both have a common faith in the dogmas of climatology.
(Vatican Radio) In an address upon conclusion of the Divine Liturgy celebrated by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I at the Orthodox Church of St. George in Istanbul, Pope Francis said “the one thing that the Catholic Church desires and that I seek as Bishop of Rome…is communion with the Orthodox Churches.”
Below, please find the complete text of the Holy Father’s address:
When I was the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, I often took part in the celebration of the Divine Liturgy of the Orthodox communities there. Today, the Lord has given me the singular grace to be present in this Patriarchal Church of Saint George for the celebration of the Feast of the holy Apostle Andrew, the first-called, the brother of Saint Peter, and the Patron Saint of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.