The Society asks Rome not to ignore the obvious problems any more. Actually there is no cause for optimism.
Bishop Bernard Fellay |
(kreuz,net) In the next days the Society of St. Pius X will give it's answer to the Vatican about the dogmatic Preamble.
This is what Vaticanist, Andrea Tornielli said on ''.
The answer contains a counter proposal.
This will state that the Society can not recognize the Pastoral Council in positions related to ecumenism, religious freedom and collegiality.
The Request of the Vatican
On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception the General Superior of the Society of St. Pius X, Bishop Bernard Fellay, discussed the negotiations with the Holy See.
It was an occasion to address the problem with the dogmatic Preamble. It lay in the condition that the Council must "be accepted".
But it may be criticized.
Rome has moved a bit
Msgr. Fellay has found also "interesting" statements in the Preamble.
This is so the Society recognizes, that some points, which make difficulties with the Council, are understood only in the light of continuous, enduring Tradition and the teaching office.
More still:
Every interpretation of doubtful Conciliar texts, which contradict the Church's teaching office, must be discarded.
This is what the Society has always said -- maintains Msgr. Fellay.
The problem: The Vatican's
practice is in contradiction to this principle.
"They say, everything, what was done in the Council is good, that corresponds to Tradition, ecumenism and religious freedom" -- continued the Bishop.
The Problem is Not the Society
With respect to the discrepancy with the principle and its practice, Msgr Fellay identified that it is the "greatest of problems".
He also insists that the Society and the Vatican do not understand the terms "Tradition" and "teaching office" in the same way.
At the same time he praised the Preamble as "a gesture on the side of Rome". This gesture surprised him.
Because the doctrinal talks themselves had clearly shown both sides not to be united.
Actually, despite this clear disunity, Rome asked for the acceptance of the Council.
The Society answered: "We can't do it".
Msgr Fellay's proposal: The Vatican should "try to understand that the Society is not the problem, rather there is a problem in the Church."
The Church is Disintegrating
Msgr Fellay still has great hope that Rome will reconsider.
At the same time he recognizes the magnitude of the collapse.
As an example he described a congregation of sisters, which was once widespread in France.
In the meantime the community has three nuns between the ages of thirty and forty years of age, and in the ages of forty and fifty another three sisters.
About two hundred sisters are over seventy years old.
In the age group between twenty and fifty the number is only one less than in the age group over
Msgr. Fellay's conclusion: "The Church is laying in death. She is disappearing. She has to wake up."
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