To solve the problem of Islamism, Muslims have to realize that "the real enemies that threaten Islam are not in Jerusalem or Washington but in their countries of origin and in the midst of their own communities"
Frankfurt am Main ( Multiculturalism has failed. This is the opinion expressed by the Dutch Sociologist and researcher Prof. Ruud Koopmans in a contribution by FAS, as idea reports. He himself had long believed that good integration would not place demands on immigrants. He had been convinced that the reason for integration problems, such as unemployment among immigrants or worse education in their children, was a wrong policy because they did not grant people enough rights and did not sufficiently recognize their culture. In the Netherlands, it was a complete failure when the migrants' culture was expanded. For example, Islamic burials were allowed and many state-funded Islamic and Hindu schools were introduced. Public media must fill at least 20 percent of their broadcasting time with programs for minorities. Despite all these measures, immigrants are four times as unemployed compared to people without a migrant background.
The sociologist sees Islamic terrorism in Europe critically. Thus the interpretation prevailed that it had nothing to do with religion, nor with migrant countries of origin, and that society was to blame. He wonders why there is so much violence in the Islamic countries themselves, where there have been no Western military interventions. The problem of Islamic extremism can not be solved until the majority of the Muslims realize "the real enemies that threaten Islam are not in Jerusalem or Washington or among the European right-wing populists, but in their countries of origin and in the middle Their own communities ".
Massive police presence when a suspicious man triggered a mass panic in Catholic during Good Friday Mass - arrest of a 33-year-old - UPDATE: criminal charges against the suspect
( "During a church service, with almost 500 people were in the church, a man entered, behaved very suspiciously, said some things. As a result, a panic broke out among the faithful, who wanted to get out of the church building as quickly as possible. A woman and a six - year - old boy had been injured as a result. "The police officer Peter Elke describes the incidents during the Good Friday Mass in the Essen district of Vogelheim (North Rhine-Westphalia). It was the Good Friday liturgy of the Croatian Catholic Church of St. Thomas More. According to the police, after the emergency call was received, responded with th "standard" strong force.
The "Rheinische Post" reported that the stranger had "walked through the rows of people," according to some church visitors, "apparently frightening some visitors." After a popping noise, there was a panic, with hundreds of people pushing to the exits," accirding to the presentation of the "Rheinische Post".
The "Bild" quoted an eye-witness: "In the middle of the Mass came an Arab-looking man, who behaved strangely. He ran along the pews. "When the priest and the ministries wanted to carry the cross through the nave, the man had gone forward to the first pew row." Another witness said, 'I was sitting with my children and my husband just half a meter away from him. He stared at us with an irrational glance and scratched the wooden benches. There were already more and more people leaving the church."
Then a loud bang sounded, then panic ensued. Another witness reported the "picture": "I do not think it was a shot. I rather assume the cross had fallen to the ground."
Some of the worshipers overwhelmed the man and held him until the police arrived, who were summoned by an emergency call. The police searched the 33-year-old and arrested him, he was then interrogated, reports the "Bild". Apparently there is the suspicion that the "33-year-old Essen man" is mentally ill.
The "Bild" remarked explicitly: "But the pastor remained firm, remained until the end in the church."
According to the newspaper "Westfälische Allgemeine Zeitung" (WAZ), "most of the 500 faithful" had rushed to the exit, "two women aged 56 and 18 were slightly injured". Some of the elderly worshipers were "externally uninjured," but the excitement had evidently grown too much. Outside the church, they had to be "supported by others; some of them went to medical treatment later because of circulatory problems." According to the WAZ, the police confirmed that the suspect "has Arabic roots" due to his name.
The online portal "Der Westen" reported that the suspect had been released again, that the Essen police had confirmed what the online portal belonging to the radio group had said. The man was probably mentally ill, explaindd the "Westen" further, now he was facing a charge because of disturbance of the worship. It was also planned that the police will show more presence in Vogelheim on Saturday evening than usual.
According to a study, thousands of Christians who fled Syria and Iraq are exposed to in German refugee camps to violence and threats. In most cases there are converts.
Berlin (
According to a study thousands of Christians fled Syria and Iraq are exposed to in German refugee camps violence and threats. This was reported by the FAZ. Those responsible for the attacks are said to be security personnel and Muslim refugees.
On Monday several human rights organizations like ISHR ( "International Society for Human Rights"), ZOCD ( "Central Oriental Christians in Germany") complained at a press conference about this violence in German refugee camps.
The human rights organization "Open Doors" spoke here of a climate of "fear and panic". Meanwhile, 231 cases in the whole of Germany are documented. This would include discrimination, assault, sexual assault and to death threats. In most cases they were converts, while 204 are reported to have been attacked by other refugees for religious reasons.
Protestant Berlin pastor Gottfried Martens said he was "stunned that the paradigm continues to hold in each case." According to Volker Baumann of the action for persecuted Christians and needy (AVC) up to 40,000 refugees are harassed in Germany for their religious beliefs. At the press conference, a Syrian refugee was "shocked" that he had to flee from Muslim extremists and now meet them again in the refugee home. Iranians reported provocations, harassment and death threats in a Brandenburg accommodation.
"Charta der Vielfalt" Luxemburg -- Even the Archdiocese is on board.
(Luxembourg) they call it "Diversity Charter", which is obviously what it represents: the promotion of "diversity". "Diversity" is one of those "magic words" for a socio-political "reorganization". This includes especially the "diversity of sexual orientation". But some chief pastors surrender naively and bow to the dictates of gender ideologues.
What ideas are behind the " Charte de la diversité "?
The "Charte de la diversité" was first published in France in 2004 and goes back to an initiative of the Institut Montaigne. The Institute is a liberal think tank founded in 2000, which is funded by many of the largest public and private companies in France. Its origin in France is linked directly with the republican and secular, anti-monarchist and anti-Catholic official doctrine of 1905.
In Germany in 2006, although the historical conditions are quite different, has adopted and published it literally as a "Charta der Vielfalt" directly from major companies such as Daimler, German Bank, Deutsche Telekom, and Deutsche BP. The whole thing was done with the support of the Federal Government.Chancellor Angela Merkel who appeared personally as patroness.
The official goal of the Charter reads: "to establish equal opportunities for employees." However, the companies are committed not only to the "equal opportunities", but operate as engines of socio-political changes. The Charter states that the "German economy" could develop "globalization" and "demographic change" only if it promotes and utilizes the "diversity" (diversity) of employees.
Concretely, the fight against "discrimination" and the promotion of gender ideology and mass displacements of people through migration. For example, the French bank BNP Paribas is one of the signatories of the "Charte de la diversité. This past January 12 they held a meeting, which was devoted to gay-lesbian-bisexual-transsexual milieu of the company. Among the invited speakers was also the spokesman for the Gay Pride France .
"Pact of Steel" between the "strong powers"
The "Charter" has spread to the business level in several countries and coalesced in the most divergent circles. Private companies, public companies and associations have pledged with their signature under the "Charter" to "overthrow stereotypes and platitudes," to combat "discrimination" and to create an "inclusive society".
Every year on May 12, an international Diversity Day is organized. In Luxembourg it will be committed in 2016 for the second time. It is a kind of hard with meetings, workshops, exhibitions, product launches and all will be advertised with its own website. The aim of the rally is summarized in the motto: "Working for diversity". They essay to "change the daily lives of citizens in their homes, influence their habits and become part of their daily lives".
The objectives are a challenge. No more talk of freedom, self-determination, self-responsibility, free will, freedom of expression. Instead we a "Pact of Steel", so Corrispondenza Romana , instead there is a pact concluded between the "strong powers." Large enterprises and government institutions join forces to influence the habits and behaviors of citizens. What is advertised as a voluntary step, it is feared, could go faster than thought to a ban for non-compliance and then coercion.
The Promoters
Population displacement and gender theory: cooperation between Caritas and "Charte de la diversité"
It is not surprising when among the promoters of the "Charter of Diversity" the European Commission finds the actual institutional powerhouse of the European Union, just like the Luxembourg family, Equality and Integration Ministry.
Promoters in Luxembourg are the already mentioned Deutsche Bank and all leading financial and investment institutions (PWC, RBC Investor & Treasury Services, IMS, etc.).
Among them is also Sodexo, the world leader in things dealing with the "quality of life". The Sodexo operates in 80 countries and has 428,000 employees. "Catering, Community Care and Facility Management" are the services for industrial companies, government agencies, hospitals and rehabilitation clinics, retirement and nursing homes, schools, kindergartens, nurseries, prisons and military installations. Sodexo also plays with the mass immigration business. In several countries, it is in charge of food, accommodation and management of asylum seekers.
The Promoter Committee of the 2nd Diversity Day also includes the American Chamber of Commerce Luxembourg . The American Chamber of Commerce is a private organization and describes himself as a "non-profit". It is present in each case as an association in Austria and Switzerland. The expansion was carried out in parallel with the Marshall Plan for Europe. As the socio-political ambitions show, it is not just about bringing together business people and philanthropic objectives.
The Luxembourg patron of the "Charter of Diversity" is the 43 year-old Family and Integration Minister, Corinne Cahen who is also simultaneously the president of the liberal Democratic Party in the Grand Duchy, which has been forming since 2014 a coalition government with the Social Democrats and Greens.
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Luxembourg has signed "Charte de la diversité"
It is not only the orthodox and non-orthodox Left and the Jewish Minister who eagerly collaborate, but it is also the Catholic Church in Luxembourg. Since 2011, Jean-Claude Hollerich is a Jesuit archbishop of the Grand Duchy. Msgr. Hollerich studied at the Gregorian University in Rome, at the Jesuit College Sankt Georgen in Frankfurt and at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. At the University of Bonn, he received his doctorate and has lived and worked for several years in Japan.
In 2012 he opposed the abortion law debated by Parliament. The Greens in the country indicated his rejection of abortion as "archaic and extremist" and his defense of the right to life of unborn children as an "anachronistic world view".
At the Second Diversity Day there was a solemn ceremony in which all signatories of the Charter committed themselves publicly to promote "diversity" by concrete actions. Among the signatories in the category of "Company", the subcategory "foundations, NGOs" can be found "Catholic Church - Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Luxembourg". The archdiocese is managed as a company with more than 300 employees, which is committed in the collective agreement 'to respect diversity ".
Rejected resignation of Rome
It is thus hard to believe Archbishop Hollerich would not have understood what is represented by the "Charte de la diversité". This isn't the first time the archbishop has stumbled. It was he who signed a new agreement between Church and State almost a year ago. With the state is meant the governing Traffic Light Coalition, since December 2013. With this convention, religious instruction has disappeared from Luxembourg school programs and the public subsidies for the Church were reduced by 30 percent. Not even the eagerly encouraged commitment of the Church in social services and education were appreciated. In addition, the maintenance of the churches were left to the Church alone.
Archbishop Hollerich tried to whitewash this affront to the Church with a quote from Pope Francis, "The Church of the poor is a richer Church." The Luxembourg Catholics understood only too well. RTL reported "violent tensions". According to media reports, Archbishop Hollerich wanted to fly the coop because of the disaster. As always, according to the RTL the 57 year old senior shepherd has already submitted his resignation to the Vatican "for health reasons".
The application will have been rejected by Pope Francis, himself a Jesuit. Archbishop Hollerich was merely "granted" an Auxiliary Bishop. Luxembourg Catholics see in this "the danger that the difficulties are only going to increase," said Corrispondenza Romana .
Text. Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred Link to Katholisches...
(Paris) Ever since the riots in 2005, the French term Banlieue is in all languages a synonym understood as problem district, of neighborhoods with a high proportion of immigrants, unemployment, social welfare, drug use, crime and Muslims. The Banlieues have not decreased since 2005, but continued to spread.
A French member of the military has left Paris two years ago to find a better and safer environment for her young son. She now lives in northern Italy. There, the monthly magazine led Il Timone has interviewed her. Part of the phenomenon of Banlieue-propagation is a sense of intimidation and takes place in many ways limiting the freedom of expression. To remain anonymous, the former soldier's name was personalized in the French Nationalallegory, "Marianne."
"Anyone who was born In Paris really can't live there any no longer. The Paris knows certain dynamics, knowing that it is a struggle without end."
Why did you leave France?
Marianne: I was born in Paris. I studied there. Even when I was little and went to school, I grew up surrounded by violence. On the way to the subway, I experienced violent clashes again and again. Often those involved were armed. It is very difficult for the state to survey all the violence and even harder to keep them under control. I've actually never felt safe. When knew I was becoming a mother, I was still in the military and served in a peacekeeping unit with the UN mission. I had just returned from a strenuous deployment at the border between Lebanon and Israel. The next operation would lead me to the Ivory Coast. Since, I decided to change my service. So I joined the Department of the Interior. This led to the decision to leave with my child, to make it possible for him to grow up in a better and quieter area. My desire was to enable my child a life as a child.
What can you tell us about the banlieue?
Marianne: I was employed in a special unit in Public Safety. This included the fight against violence and drugs. I went through an intense year in the middle of Paris. The inhabitants of the banlieues have shot from the blocks of flats at us, threw televisions, microwave ovens and sinks out of the windows. I was injured several times. It is very difficult for the police and the army, to go into the problem area on the outskirts of Paris, a fortiori, to control them.
Were you also subjected to religiously motivated violence?
Marianne: Yes, throughout the deployment.
What kind of coexistence between believers of different religions have you have experienced in France?
Marianne: As the secularism applies in France, there is discretion. It is not recommended to show one's own religion. If it is respected, everything is relatively calm. Thus the Christian faith has been forced out of the public space. In the suburbs, however, it is better for a very different reason not to show that you are a Christian. There exists a very different climate. There, Islam has the final say.
How did you live your Catholic faith in France?
Marianne: I've been a practicing Catholic for two and a half years. This has played a crucial role in my life decisions. In Italy I live my faith freely. There is no comparison to France. I belong to the Third Order of Franciscans. I live the faith freely and in fraternity. It is life changing. Here I am protected. My son is now five years old. That he can grow up with the Church is the most beautiful thing I could give him for life.
Introduction / translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons
Trahs: Tancred Link to Katholisches...
[Minneapolis] This is part two of a series of short videos featuring liturgical abuses by a dissident priest, Father Micahel Tegeder and Deacon Joseph Damiani. The Archdiocese is well aware that this takes place every Sunday. The Ojibway outreach, which looks more like a platform for nostalgic hippies to relive their past, has been in action since it was founded by Father Notebaart.
American Indians have been participating at Holy Mass for centuries without the benefit of such showmanship and shamanistic intervention. The pipe ceremony is intended to "call down spirits", but just what spirits are being called down?
The following is a continuation of videos taken on Holy Saturday of 2012.
For the firs ttime since the time of the National Socialists the cross of Christ is being banned from class rooms.
The cross as a sign of God is an eyesore to National Socialists, Communists, anti-clericals,
Jacobins and Muslims.
Totalitarian systems have always fought it [Image:]
The Cross is Hung in All Classrooms
The Vienna school law rules that in obligatory schools, in which the majority of the students belong to the Christian communion, a cross may hang in all classes.
What is not ruled is, what will happen to the cross if this majority is no longer present, respectively if this is not in the entire school, or if it is still in the individual classes.
Finally, in Vienna the mother of a female student has successfully appealed for the suspension of the cross. That was last seen during the time of the Nazis.
She feels "religiously imposed upon". Clearly she is unteachable and is still placed in grade school instruction.
The mother has been bullying the school for a long time, till it finally gave in.
The socialistically governed city of Vienna (at present through a coalition of Socialists and Leftist "greens") has already been noticeable through its abolition of St. Nicholas Feast in kindergartens. Atheist Advance
The Jacobin Atheist-Association is pleased to say "religion is a private matter". Here is another indication that further action will be undertaken.
The president of this Association is Heinz Oberhummer, whipmaster and organizer of the soon to be complaining anti-Church-"people's" desire: "As a humanist I am for service to the humanity, not for service to God." Counterposition of Freedom
The FPÖ- Education Speaker in the National Assembly was clear in his statement: "It is already astonishing, how an individual person with her minority opinion can boss around the majority. ... Normally such questions must be decided by the school council. That on the other hand a single person can force a silent majority, has nothing to do with civil courage, but with a failure of mature democracy. It doesn't mean that it is only his will what is imposed, who screams the loudest." Parallel Case in Lower Austria
The attacks on Catholicism are not new.
Already in 2009 a "self-described" lower Austrian atheist demanded the removal of a cross in a kindergarten.
He wanted that his daughter, "be raised to religious maturity without a religious denomination, but committed to be open to the world and pluralism," he waffled.
He would have his human rights violated through this. Through Thanksgiving and the Feast of St. Nicholas, the atheistic upbringing of his daughter was made impossible, although the participation was not mandatory.
Therefore his daughter is really not "open to the world", but raised in anti-clericalism (and even preventing the acquisition of Catholicism by the other kindergartners). Perhaps he probably wouldn't have a problem, that his daughter also learns about Christian holidays. ÖVP for the Installation of Crosses
At that time the standing ÖVP State representative Johanna Mikl-Leitner (now Interior Minister) in a positive statement for the installation of crosses explained: "It is a proposal which goes against the foundations of the West."
In March 2011 the Constitutional Court recognized the installation of crosses in a kindergarten as constitutional.
Initiative comes from publicly visible advertising?
If the Church haters are consistent, a referendum against advertising in public space may be expected in the near future - so that the children do not "patronized" but can be educated as "open to the world".
Edit: the first thanksgiving was in 1565 near St. Augustine Florida. This gets brought up every year in some places, but not nearly enough, and it is with the Catholic significance of this event, which commemorated our victory over the aggressive and hostile Hugenot threat in the New World.
Rather than a Puritan feast. We have a Catholic Feast, and a good reason to go to Mass and to be thankful for God's generosity and mercy.
This feast also embraces diversity, since it celebrates the glories of Hispanic civilization. What better time to enjoy a Spanish dish after Mass, Vespers and Benediction?
Here's an excerpt from an article with some editing:
ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. -- Forget the turkey, the silly Pilgrim hats and the buckles.
Forget Plymouth Rock and 1621.
The man resposible was Spanish Admiral Pedro Menendez de Aviles, who came ashore on Sept. 8, 1565. This is where he, 500 soldiers, 200 sailors, 100 civilian families and artisans, and the Timucuan Indians who occupied the village of Seloy gathered at a makeshift altar and said the first Christian Mass. And afterward, this is where they held the first Thanksgiving feast.
The Timucuans brought oysters and giant clams. The Spaniards carried from their ships garbanzo beans, olive oil, bread, pork and wine.
It all happened in this bucolic 300-acre Catholic mission and shrine that offers a quiet respite amid the frenetic tourist activity of St. Augustine, the oldest European settlement in the United States. A replica of the Rustic Altar sits next to the shore in the general area where archaeologists believe the Mass took place.
Michael Gannon, former director of the mission and University of Florida distinguished service emeritus professor of history, presented the celebration in his meticulously researched book, "The Cross in the Sand," in 1965 and has argued that this feast should be recognized as the first Thanksgiving.
Each year the city's founding on Sept. 8 is celebrated with much pageantry, including cannon fire, a mayor's proclamation, speeches by historians and Mass at the Rustic Altar. A grass-roots group and city commission have been set up to plan festivities to celebrate the city's 450th anniversary in 2015.
After Juan Ponce de Leon discovered the peninsula, named it La Florida ("Land of Flowers") and claimed it for Spain in 1513, the Spanish Crown tried without success to permanently colonize the land. By 1564, the French had established a fort and colony on the nearby St. John's River. King Philip II named Menendez governor of Florida and commissioned him to establish a permanent settlement and gain control of the territory.
After a failed attempt to cross the sea because of bad weather, Menendez landed at a harbor in Northern Florida on Sept. 4, 1565, that he named San Agustin (St. Augustine) in honor of the saint upon whose feast day, Aug. 28, he had first sighted land near Cape Canaveral.
The fleet's chaplain was a secular priest named Francisco Lopez de Mendoza Grajales, who not only was the fleet's spiritual leader, but also kept a log describing the historic passage and landing.
"On Saturday the 8th, the general landed with many banners spread, to the sounds of trumpets and salutes of artillery," according to a translation of what Father Lopez wrote. "As I had gone ashore the evening before, I took a cross and went to meet him, singing the hymn 'Te Deum Laudamus.' The general, followed by all who accompanied him, marched up to the cross, knelt and kissed it. A large number of Indians watched these proceedings and imitated all they saw done."
The Spanish named the landing spot Nombre de Dios, or "Name of God," and it became missionary headquarters in the new land. Father Lopez was named pastor of the new settlement.
"The Timucuans were gentle people in terms of manner and disposition," Mr. Johnson said. "They didn't have any reason to believe that the Spanish were enemies."
Menendez wanted to find a way to co-exist with the native people in a peaceful way, he said. "He treated the chief as he himself wanted to be treated."
Admiral Mendez
Edit: While it is true that they lived in peace with the Indians, they wanted to drive the French out of Florida. There were already substantial settlements of Hugenots, which can be read about in more detail at Tradition in Action.
Link to Spanish Cuisine blog from which the photo was stolen.