Showing posts with label Diakonie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diakonie. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Certificate to Kill Can be Received at the Diakonie (Catholic Social Services)

Bishop Dr. Franz Kamphaus was one of the decisive force among the German bishops, who is in conflict with those who oppose the continuatinon of life-threatening counseling of pregnant women. Only the instruction of Pope John Paul II of 7 March 2002 put an end to the issuing of certificates in Limburg. The instruction is certainly undermined since then, resulting in the death of numerous unborn children.

The diocese of Limburg was prohibited on 7 March 2002 from issuing  Pope John Paul II issued certifications with the children can be murdered impunity. Pro-lifers have now pointed out that the diocese of Limburg not only promotes abortion, but counseling centers of the diocese even puts pregnant women in conflict with institutions such as the Diakonie, who provide the issuance of the certifications for the murder of the unborn child that is excused from punishment by the law.
This does not happen in ignorance of the leadership of the diocese, but is explicitly praised by it. Speaking to the Hessian Rundfunk spokesman Stephan Schnelle said that it had indeed removed the advertisement for abortion from the diocese page according to reporting by, "the revision is no criticism of the work of Diakonie," they have been collaborated confidently together for years. Since there are numerous counseling institutions that counsel pregnant women in conflict to Catholic teachings, the promised collaboration with Diakonia can only mean the issue of abortion certificates, which was explicitly forbidden by Pope John Paul II. At any rate, the head of the diocese does not mind that the Diakonie issues certificates to kill unborn children.
This is in line with the reports of counselors from organizations that work according to Catholic standards. Many pregnant women in the conflict are dissatisfied because of the poor advice and, above all, make contact via Internet with more sound counseling centers. It is often said by the women that they are sent fairly quickly by the counselors, who are not allowed to issue a certificate, to other places so that they receive the abortion certificate there.
Just one parenthetic observation. During the image research, the author came to the press photos page. A picture of Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst can not be found, whereas Bishop em. Dr. Franz Kamphaus appears. This too is a clear statement.
Text: Linus Schneider 
Photo: Bistum Limburg
Trans: Tancred