Edit: interesting article from tiberge at Gallia Watch and largely missing from the English media. He is also covering the enormous Nuit demonstrations happening in France lately, advocating immigration in the spirit of 1968:
A reader sent this article from Riposte-Catholique by Guy Rouvrais about the Islamization of Catholic Schools in France.
The bishops of France, meeting in Lourdes the other week, examined the presence of Islam in France. "This question of Islam no longer involves only a few persons engaged in the dialogue, but targets all communities," explained a spokesman. Until recently, Islam was only a topic of dialogue between Catholic specialists and compliant Muslim interlocutors, more intellectual than mystical. This was all in strict accordance with Vatican II's notion of dialogue, that was expressed in these glowing terms: "…Muslims, who adore the one God, living and subsisting in Himself; merciful and all-powerful, the Creator of heaven and earth, who has spoken to men; they take pains to submit wholeheartedly to even His inscrutable decrees, just as Abraham, with whom the faith of Islam takes pleasure in linking itself, submitted to God."
But today, this irenic vision in no longer current. Our whole society is concerned about the rise of Islam, and it is no longer a matter of dialogue but one of self-defense. Against Islamist terrorists, of course, but also, doctrinally, against the others who, though called "moderate", never stop turning Christians into Muslims. The former being unable to respond to the objections of the latter. Such is the observation of bishop Dubost: "When the Muslims speak to their Christian buddies about their "three gods", referring to the Trinity, many don't know how to respond… What do we propose to the faithful to help them to live and explain the Incarnation, the Resurrection, the Trinity?" We must first admit the failure of the catechism when the teaching of the Catholic doctrine is reduced to the barest minimum because of humanitarian considerations, which is not the case in the Koranic schools.
Continue reading here....
Showing posts with label Dar al Islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dar al Islam. Show all posts
Friday, April 22, 2016
Friday, November 28, 2014
Real Madrid Sells Its Own Identity for Gold -- No Cross in the Logo Any More
(Madrid) One may twist and turn as you want: pecunia non olet is what Emperor Vespasian is said to have said to his son Titus.The two Flavians ruled the Roman Empire from AD 69-81. The Spanish football club, Real Madrid even let the cross disappear from the club logo for money.
Clubs and football fans emphasize how proud they are of their respective club logos. Which obviously does not apply to the board of one of the world's most famous football associations. The Cross and the Spanish crown have been part of the coat of arms since the founding of the football club 112 years ago. The crown was allowed to remain, the cross had to disappear.
Bank of Abu Dhabi New Sponsor - Respect "Islamic Sensibility"
The Board of Real Madrid will respect the "Islamic sensibility". So much undue "respect" is of course not available for free. This was inaugurated at the launch of the new credit card of National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD). The Arab Bank will continue to sponsor the Spanish team. The NBAD is the largest credit institution of the United Arab Emirates. Between moneymaking and Christian sensibility the famous football club does not seem to have been hard done by and so it chose the money in its decision. Who cares about the Christians.
The displacement of the Cross was immediately known by the Spanish online sports newspaper known as Marca, which according to the sponsor contract, was signed for three years. The Real Madrid president Florentino Perez and the acting Director General of NBAD, Alex Thursby, posed in front of the new logo without cross. The contract is not valid only for the club, but also for the historic football stadium Santiago Bernabeu . It has been named since 1955 after the former player and club president Santiago Bernabeu. However, the name of the legendary club leader, named after St. James the Great, will also disappear. The stadium will soon be called Ipic Bernabeu or Cepsa Bernabeu out of reverence for the sponsors of the Islamic IPIC Petroleum Investment Company .
No "Respect" for Christian Sensibility - Club President Speaks of a "Strategic Alliance"
The selling of one's own identity is to bring Real Madrid 400 million euros over the next 15-20 years. Club president Perez stated that, since we are dealing not only with an agreement but "a strategic alliance with one of the most respected organizations in the world. I hope that this cooperation will become a permanent alliance. "
It is not the first time that Real Madrid has received Islamic finance. Last year, the club accepted 130 million euros from the Arabian airline Fly Emirates . However, it is the first time that a sports club has agreed to provide for a sponsorship deal to sell its own identity and put a price nl their own history and roots. Pecunia non olet ?
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Tempi
image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to Katholisvhes...
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Hezbollah is Recruiting Christians Against "Islamic State"
The Shiite Hezbollah militia in Lebanon, according to a newspaper report, have recruited volunteers of all faiths for resistance brigades against the "Islamic state", even Christians have applied.
Beirut (kath.net/KNA) The Shiite Hezbollah militia in Lebanon, according to a newspaper report, have recruited volunteers of all faiths for Resistance Brigades against the "Islamic State". Several young men were trained directly by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, the Lebanese newspaper reported, "An Nahar" (Wednesday). Also a number of Christians had applied.
According to Hezbollah, they have not posted any of the new fighters to Syria, but are preparing for a spillover of the Syrian civil war or an invasion of extremists in Lebanon. In the past, Hezbollah militias have supported Syria's President Bashar al-Assad against the majority Sunni insurgents. Assad belongs to the Alawite religious community, which emerged from the Shiite Islam. (C) 2014 Catholic News Agency KNA GmbH. All rights reserved.
Link to Kath.net... Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com AMDG
Saturday, October 11, 2014
IS Fighters Encircle Turkish Troops
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Kobane Under Attack |
ANKARA. Troops of the "Islamic state" (IS) have encircled 36 Turkish soldiers in northern Syria.These guard the mausoleum of Süleyman Shah, the grandfather of the first Ottoman sultan, which is the extraterritorial property of Turkey. According to Turkish newspapers there are about 1,100 Islamists deployed.
The grave is located about 30 kilometers south of the heavily contested Kurdish city Kobane.Thousands IS-fighters have been trying for days, to conquer the border city located directly on the Syrian-Turkish border. According to observers they have also employed heavy artillery and tanks. Opposing them are a few hundred Kurdish fighters with light weapons. They are supported by air attacks from the United States and Arab countries.
The Syrian Minister of National Reconciliation, Ali Haidar, meanwhile, stressed that the government in Damascus could not support the Kurds with air strikes because of the proximity to the Turkish border. There was a risk that the machines would then penetrate the Turkish airspace.
Turkey pulls troops together
While the fighting continues, Turkey has begun to assemble troops on their side of the border. As government Turkish newspapers report, nearly 10,000 soldiers and 35 tanks were mobilized. On Thursday the parliament in Ankara will advise about a possible deployment of ground troops in Syria and Iraq.
One suggested solution is also a safety zone in the two countries where Turkish troops take control, to protect the inhabitants from the Islamists. Previously, Turkey has steadfastly refused to intervene against the IS and has even tolerated activities of the terrorist organization in their own country. (Ho)
Friday, October 10, 2014
Anniversary of the Battle of Tours: Another of the West's Victories Over the Islamic Threat Which Continues Today

Here's an excerpt from Front Page Magazine:
But at dawn, Charles and his men discovered that the Muslim army had vanished, leaving the booty stolen from ransacked churches behind, as well as 10,000 of their dead – including Abd-ar-Rahman himself. It was not the last Muslim incursion into Europe, but it was the beginning of the end.
Some contemporary historians downplay the magnitude of the Muslim threat, claiming that Abd-ar-Rahman’s force was only a raiding party. They minimize the significance of the battle’s outcome, too; at least one historian even claims that Europe would have been better off if Islam had conquered it. But Hanson notes that “most of the renowned historians of the 18th and 19th centuries… saw Poitiers as a landmark battle that signaled the high-water mark of Islamic advance into Europe.” Edward Creasey included it among his The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World. Many believe that if Charles – whom the Pope afterward dubbed Martel, or “the Hammer” – had not stopped Abd-ar-Rahman at Tours, there would have been nothing to prevent Europe from ultimately becoming Islamic. Edward Gibbon called Charles “the savior of Christendom” and wrote in The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire in 1776 that if not for Charles’ victory, “perhaps the interpretation of the Koran would now be taught in the schools of Oxford.”
If only Gibbon could see Oxford now. Not only is the interpretation of the Koran taught there, but Islam thrives in Oxford, thanks partly to the patronage of dhimmi Prince Charles. In his essay “Islam in Oxford,” faux moderate Muslim scholar Muqtadar Khan writes smugly that “Gibbon would have been surprised to learn the lesson that military defeats do not stop the advance of civilizations and the globalization of Islam is unimpeded by the material and military weaknesses of the Muslim world.”
Apart from his dubious suggestion that Islam has anything to do with the advance of civilization, Khan is right. Today the Islamic invasion of Europe and the rest of the West is of the demographic, not military, sort. The continent faces an immigration crisis from at least one generation of young Muslims, many of whom not only are willfully unassimilated, but who are waging cultural and physical aggression against their hosts, establishing parallel communities ruled by sharia and “no-go” zones of violence toward infidels. “Nothing can stop the spread of Islam,” insists Islamic apologist Reza Aslan. “There are those who would try, but it simply will not happen. Absolutely nothing can stop the spread of Islam.”
Link to Front Page Mag... Photo from Medieval Monday...
Sunday, September 7, 2014
North Rhine- Westphalia Bans "Sharia Police" Vests
Wearing vests with the word "sharia police" is now forbidden in North Rhine-Westphalia and is a punishable offense. The police should "proceed against such would-strip with all the police agents"
Dusseldorf (kath.net) Wearing vests with the words "sharia police" is now forbidden in North Rhine-Westphalia and is a punishable offense. Interior Minister Ralf Jäger told WDR that he had published this, a police decree. This was reported by "ARD". Police reportedly will "act against all such want-to-be police agents", including the identity verification and the removal of the vest, or any other things that abuse the name of the police. Jäger maintains that the actions of the so-called Sharia police were no longer covered with the fundamental right to religious freedom. "To proselytize people, and discharge themselves acting as a police patrol", this has the population so insecure that the police have set up a citizens' phone.
In Wuppertal men were wearing yellow or orange safety vests with the words "sharia police" and insisted on a life lived in strict accordance with Islam. They demanded among other things the following behavioral rules: No alcohol, no drugs, no pornography, no gambling, no music and no concerts.
kath.net reported . Link to Katholisches...
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Friday, April 4, 2014
Swiss University of Freiburg Introduces Course for Imam
(Fribourg), University of Fribourg founded in 1889 in the Swiss canton of the same name was born of the desire of Swiss Catholics to have their own university in the Catholic Switzerland. Catholic predecessor institutions go back to the 16th Century. This Catholic oriented, though never officially Catholic University, plans to set up a course of study for Islamic Imams in next autumn.
The project is promoted mainly from the Egyptologist Antonio Loprieno, the Rector of the University of Basel and chairman of the Protestant Waldensian Church of Basel. Loprieno chaired the multi-faith working group for further training of imams and Islamic religious education teachers, which was established by the federal government. In an interview he said of the project: "The idea came from a dialogue which was conducted at the federal level for several years with the existing in Switzerland Islamic communities and organizations. It is an attempt to create a course that promotes on one hand the Integration of Muslims in the increasingly multi-cultural and Swiss society and on the other hand advancing a high quality theological debate on European Islam in general and Islam in particular the Swiss. "
Swiss Muslims 'Satisfied' - Paid for by the Taxpayer
Liked shows the Islamic community. According to a survey by the University of Zurich is a majority of Muslims living in Switzerland for a training of imams and Islamic religion teachers in Switzerland. Hicham Maizar, the person in charge of the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Switzerland and chairman of the Swiss Religious Council said: "I am happy to note that a great step has been made. There are Muslims living in Switzerland for more than 50 years. We need to build bridges between them, society and the state authorities. We have established and shown that there can be Swiss and Muslims at the same time to dialogue from the beginning. "
Hicham Maizar said that the cost of the participation of Muslims living in Switzerland the cost is "unrealistic". The courses are financed therefore by the Swiss taxpayer, specifically by the Swiss Federal Government and the Canton of Fribourg.The long-term sponsorship is still unclear, as the rector of the University of Freiburg said. Discussions between the university and the federal government are underway.
Threat of Islamist Infiltration?
The project also sparked strong doubts and protests. First of all deputies of the Swiss People's Party (SVP) and the Christian Democratic People's Party of Switzerland (CVP) of the Canton of Fribourg warn of potential hazards with Islamist infiltration. MEPs want with their initiative received the Christian character of the university. They have asked the Great Council of State of the Canton to dissuade the University from setting up the controversial courses. Antonio Loprieno is convinced, however, that the courses will be a sure success: "It is impossible that Islamism penetrates to the university, which has a strong liberal tradition." Freiburg Rector Guido Vergauwen sees in the project, however, a "chance" to strengthen positioning of the Faculty of Theology of the University of Freiburg, "even as a location for interreligious dialogue."
In the Federal Republic of Germany comparable courses of study have been established recently at four locations. The background is an increasing penetration of Islamic religious instruction in public schools. The Swiss project approximately follows the German national project.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons
image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Largest Muslim Gathering of Norway Demands the Stoning of Adulterers and Homosexuals
(Oslo) A video showing the largest Islamic Assembly took place in Norway, which the Muslims are aiming for their own representation in Parliament. The Assembly voted unanimously for the stoning of women accused of adultery, and for the stoning of homosexuals.
The incident dates back to last March, but is becoming known just now. The video does not show any underground Muslims in a hidden basement, beyond the state's authority. Quite the contrary. The video shows the assembly of an official Islamic center in the Norwegian capital Oslo. This is not a banned Islamist group meeting secretly. The film images show a regular meeting of ordinary Muslims living in Norway, many of whom already have Norwegian citizenship. The three-day meeting, entitled Peace Conference Scandinavia 2013 by Net Islam took place from 23-25th March in which about 4000 Muslims took part. Islam Net , of course, according to website islamnet.no is an umbrella organization of Norwegian Muslims.
"Are you Satisfied with the Stoning of Adulterers and Homosexuals?"
In part of the session focused on issues such as separation of men and women, stoning of women and homosexuals. The organizer of the meeting, Fahad Ullah Qureshi of Islam Net, asked the audience whether they favor or oppose it.
One question is: "How many of you are happy with any written in the Koran and the Sunna penalties, be it killing, whether stoning for adultery, or what ever, that they come directly from Allah and his Prophet, that it happens to be the best punishment for people and that it is applicable in this world? Who agrees? "The majority of Muslims present advocated it. As the pictures show, the result is even unanimous.
"Are you Radical Muslims?"
Another question is: "Are you radical Muslims?". No one perceives himself as such and says, yes. The question of whether homosexuals are to be stoned, is receives a popular plebiscite. Again, the moderator asks, "And now, what will they say of us, that we are extremists?" The Assembly provides evidence that positions that are rejected as extremist in the West and also by Christianity, are not extremist in Islam, but an expression of true Islam.
The death penalty is in many Islamic states, cite the Koran in force. You will be arrested for apostasy, but can also be imposed for adultery, homosexuality, bestiality, betrayal and other occasions.
"Islam is the Truth" - Calls for Muslim Representation in Parliament
A young Muslim asks why in Islam men and women must be separated from each other, while this is not the case with the Christians or Jews. The moderator replied: "The answer is simple: Islam is the truth that Christianity and Judaism are not the truth."
The video was posted by organizer Islam Net Posted, itself. The organization was officially brought together to demand a separate representation in the Norwegian Parliament. The event organized by Islam Net was the largest Islamic gathering in Norway.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: AsiaNews
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Islamists Attack Cherubim Monastery with Giant Jesus Statue, Which Stopped the War for Three Days

Christians in Prison
The Greek Orthodox Church is concerned about the fate of Christians in Deir Atieh. The churches of the city were targeted by the Islamists. The same applies to Alawi mosques. Civilians have been abused by Islamists in the street fighting being used as human shields. The attacks seem to be made according to a certain scheme. Conquest of the hospital, destruction of Christian and Alawite places of worship and hostage-taking. Also, in Deir Atieh the Christians of the city, which the Islamists were getting hold of, were prevented from escaping the city and held hostage. A Greek Orthodox priest succeeded in fleeing under adventurous circumstances, so that he could report on the situation in Deir Atieh.
Jesus statue
The Islamist attack on Deir Atieh is part of a larger offensive against the Qalamun Mountains after the Syrian army managed to retake the strategically important town of Qara. There is the city Sadnaya with several monasteries dating back to the first millennium AD. The rebels tried to take the monastery Cherubim, which is located at the highest elevation in Saidnaya. The monastery at about 2000 meters above sea level dates back to its origin from the Byzantine period. Above the monastery a 39 meter high statue of Jesus Christ was consecrated and erected on October 14th. In order to deliver the statue, the Christians had reached a truce of three days between the army and rebels. Meanwhile, the Islamists seem to have, however, changed opinion. The monastery is no longer considered a combat-free zone for them.

With the battle cry of Allahu Akbar, Islamists stormed the monastery, which was guarded by a small unit of the Syrian army with a tank. They were able to fend off the attack. "Currently, the location is quiet. We were attacked for two days. The rebels continued here also include snipers. The attack was repulsed, "said one soldier.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Tempi Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com Link to Katholisches....
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Church and School Are Shelled: 9 Children Killed and 27 Wounded

(Damascus) Islamist rebels have fired two shells into the predominantly Christian district of Al-Qassaa of Damascus. The Christians' Holy Cross Church and St. John's School were struck. Nine children have died, 27 were injured.
As the news agency Sana reported, the children were in a school bus that had just arrived from school in order to bring them to class. The nearby school and the church were also struck.
According to witnesses, the shells fell in the Holy Cross Church and the St. John School. Already on the 7th of October, the Islamists had shelled the church and next to a Christian school. Samaan, a Christian from Al-Qassaa reports that the Islamists "always work this way. They fire shells, then wait a month and then shoot it again."
In kindergarten, there were no casualties in October, because the attack took place on a Sunday. It was apparently the church and potential church visitors. The attack on the school was on a work day this time and caused a bloodbath.
There is still fighting around the Syrian capital, although Assad made a concession to the rebels in order to include all sides in the Geneva II Peace Conference. In Qudsaya is not being fought over presently. The city is located west of Damascus. It is in rebel hands, but is surrounded by government troops. The concession by President Assad to stop the fighting, freed the trapped people from a hopeless situation. The agreement includes that trucks with food such as flour, wheat, water and milk powder may be brought into the city.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Tempi
Trans: vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to katholisches...
Friday, September 14, 2012
Monday, April 2, 2012
Muslims Are Fast Outpacing Believing Christians in Europe
Edit: St. Bernard of Clairvaux said that the Mohamedan was a punishment from God. Look at the way they spread throughout the world, and look at the way the West is enrapt in debauchery and decadence, stuck in the slavery of sin. Well, the master of sinful peoples is within the gates of your city.
by Soeren Kern
Link ...
H/t: Stella Borealis
by Soeren Kern
[Gatestone Institute] Muslims in Europe are increasingly converting empty Christian churches into mosques.
The proliferation of mosques housed in former churches reflects the rise of Islam as the fastest growing religion in post-Christian Europe.
There are now more practicing Muslims than practicing Christians in many parts of Europe, not only in large urban centers, but also in smaller towns and cities across the continent.
Link ...
H/t: Stella Borealis
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
80 Percent of United Arab Emirate's Population is Foreign
The bell in the Catholic Church of St. Mary's in Dubai was founded by the then ruler, Sheikh Rashid Bin Said Al Maktoum. by Abdullah Leonard Borek.
(kreuz.net) The United Arab Emirates is a land with five million inhabitants on the easterly coast of the Arab peninsula.
To better understand the situation this land finds itself it should be known that about eighty percent of the people living in the country aren't native.
They come from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and the Philippines.
From those who come from these lands, the majority living there are Christians. There are no native Christians.
There are no Church domes
In the United Arab Emirates, as also in other Gulf states, Christians and other religious minorities can practice their religion unhindered.
The State permits the teaching of the Christian religion in areas determined by law, in so far as they do not interfere with public interest or offend morality.
There are limitations respective of the public display of religious symbols
Otherwise churches may not have copper domes, mostly to exclude them from being compared to Mosques.
The State Helps
On the other hand, church communities thoroughly enjoy the good will of the state.
This is shown for example in the properties put made available for church construction.
The bells of the Catholic Church of St. Mary in Dubai was founded in 1966 by the then ruder, Sheikh Rashid Bin Said Al Maktoum.
The Christians -- especially those from ethnically defined churches -- are generally not so well off as guest workers from the Indian subcontinent.
It is the case that these communities are not very often capable of the financial means to build their own churches.
They arrange things with established communities, who posse their own churches.
(kreuz.net) The United Arab Emirates is a land with five million inhabitants on the easterly coast of the Arab peninsula.
To better understand the situation this land finds itself it should be known that about eighty percent of the people living in the country aren't native.
They come from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and the Philippines.
From those who come from these lands, the majority living there are Christians. There are no native Christians.
There are no Church domes
In the United Arab Emirates, as also in other Gulf states, Christians and other religious minorities can practice their religion unhindered.
The State permits the teaching of the Christian religion in areas determined by law, in so far as they do not interfere with public interest or offend morality.
There are limitations respective of the public display of religious symbols
Otherwise churches may not have copper domes, mostly to exclude them from being compared to Mosques.
The State Helps
On the other hand, church communities thoroughly enjoy the good will of the state.
This is shown for example in the properties put made available for church construction.
The bells of the Catholic Church of St. Mary in Dubai was founded in 1966 by the then ruder, Sheikh Rashid Bin Said Al Maktoum.
The Christians -- especially those from ethnically defined churches -- are generally not so well off as guest workers from the Indian subcontinent.
It is the case that these communities are not very often capable of the financial means to build their own churches.
They arrange things with established communities, who posse their own churches.
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