(Rome) Don Alfredo Morselli, one of the first signatories of the Correctio filialis against the spread of heresies in September 2017, is a man of clear words. Consecrated as a priest in 1986, he has since celebrated as a diocesan priest uninterrupted in the Immemorial Roman Rite. However, he was removed from teaching as a fundamental theologian, Exegete and Classical Philologist, and had to change the diocese when the climate became too oppressive. He has been incardinated in the Archdiocese of Bologna for more than a quarter of a century. He has remained faithful to his line. Last summer he said he could not rule out that Pope Francis was surrounded by people "who are heretics". Now the theologian took the position that the Amazon Synod Position is "a controversial meeting full of controversial ideas".
It is important to distinguish different aspects of the synod.
"First of all, Instrumentum laboris, which according to some bishops and cardinals contains heresies. Then the pagan spectacle of those days in Rome. Then the work of the modernist avant-garde, which wants to take the opportunity to change the Church. And last but not least, the Holy Spirit, who will certainly set limits to the mess."
The fundamental theologian calls the distortion of the category of the theological place as the "worst" aspect of the Instrumentum laboris. What has hitherto coupled the conviction in the religious experience of our faith in the high, will now become the immanent source from below.
"The cry of the poor is claimed as a theological place. In fact, the real place is the supernatural revelation. It leads the social doctrine, which contains the principle to do justice to the poor."
Don Morselli also recognizes the face of modernism in Instrumentum laboris:
"In hatred of the categories of Western thinking (eg substance, nature, form) that must be eliminated according to Instrumentum."
John Paul II said in Fides et Ratio the opposite and named the reason for this:
"The Holy Spirit has instructed the Church to use these categories of thought because they are universally and permanently valid. According to these categories, knowledge - including faith - depends on an external object to which it is aligned. For the modernists, on the other hand, knowledge is inherent and therefore faith is a product of the subject that creates it: the diabolical do-it-yourself religion."
Don Morselli also encounters the "sad spectacle of pagan rites in which the Holy Father participated".
The incident, though somewhat reminiscent of the participation of Father Matteo Ricci SJ (1552-1610) in ancestor worship in China, had the fundamental difference that Fr. Ricci made it clear that it was a bourgeois rather than a religious ritual.
"This distinction is completely absent in the sad Roman shows of these days."
Asked about the efforts to admit married priests, the theologian laughs "not to cry".
"Those who speak of the 'New Paradigm of the Church of Pope Francis' and make such suggestions, repeat a greasy déjà vu. Paul VI. had already rejected the hair-splitting of pastoral charity, according to which the admission of married men to the priesthood is necessary in order not to deny the sacraments to anyone. This pope answered that twelve were enough to spread Christianity all over the world. Priests will be few in number in the world. It is not the number which is important, but the task of making oneself Christlike, because that is exactly what is required of a priest, to be an other Christ."
The situation of the Church is, considered soberly, very serious.
"The work and coalition of modernist spearheads pick up on the legacy of historic modernism and wield it like a trophy of victory. If it were not for the promise of Jesus 'non prævalebunt,' one would have to say: 'It 's over'. Instead, we can say, 'Start over,' I do not know how, I do not know when, but the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart will put an end to this destruction."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Youtube / Dogma TV (Screenshot)
Image: Youtube / Dogma TV (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com