The accused are in these cases priests from the Archdiocese of Cologne, where sanctions have already been pronounced and canon law proceedings were initiated.
Cologne ( On 29 October, the Archdiocese of Cologne sent information to the public prosecutors in Bonn, Düsseldorf and Koblenz in four cases on suspicion of sexual abuse. The information provided is about alleged acts from the 1970s and 1980s. The reports that have now been issued are based on new information from those affected or on the findings of internal file processing.
The accused are in these cases, priests from the Archdiocese of Cologne, where sanctions have already been pronounced and canon law proceedings initiated. All the accused are currently not on duty and they are not allowed to perform priestly ministry in public.
Vicar General Dr. Markus Hofmann said: "All findings, including these new findings, will be passed on to the prosecutor. This is how we consistently and transparently continue along the path our archbishop has set. "At present, additional files are being systematically recorded and reviewed,” Hofmann says. Regardless, these cases will all be reviewed and evaluated once again in the announced independent investigation.
Trans: Tancred
Showing posts with label Cologne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cologne. Show all posts
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Monday, September 18, 2017
Auxiliary Bishop Dick: "The Aversion to the Old Rite is so Strong That it Can Not be Celebrated at All"

"Communion of Saint Catherine of Sienna" by Domenico Beccafumi (1520)
"In practice, however, the aversion to the form of the old rite is so strong that it can not be celebrated at all. Here the Pope's intention was not taken up."
Msgr. Klaus Dick, auxiliary bishop of Cologne, in an interview of the Tagespost for the 10th anniversary of the Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum and its implementation in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Protestant Theologian: Conservative Party Has Capitulated to the Zeitgeist on Abortion
Rector of the Freie Theologische Hochschule Gießen: "It is not conceivable that the CDU has nothing to say" - although abortion is punishable, the actual handling of the population leads to the impression that abortion is legal
Cologne ( In the topic of abortion, Stephan Holthaus has charged politicians and especially the CDU of a "capitulation before the Zeitgeist". Holthaus is a rector of the Freie Theologische Hochschule in Giessen and a professor of Christian ethics and apologetics. He spoke at a discussion in an Lutheran Freikirche in Cologne, which was also attended by deputy CDU chairman Armin Laschet. The Protestant "pro media magazine" reported on this. "100,000 abortions a year are an ethical catastrophe. I can expect that a political system that inscribes a Christian human image on the flag will protect life. "For him," it is not conceivable that the CDU has nothing to say." Although abortion is a punishable offense, the actual impression among the citizenry is that abortion is legal.
Holthaus demanded that politicians should speak more clearly about the fact that only a small percentage of abortions would be carried out because of problematic pregnancies. In addition, said Holthaus, according to the "pro media magazine", they should support the policy initiatives that accompany women in conflicts during pregnancy. Laschet replied that his state did exactly that, he then criticized the fact that the Lutheran Church did not have a clear position here.
Laschet had previously appealed to the participants to participate politically: "There are too few Christians in politics. It is good for the entire political spectrum that Christians engage. "It is conceivable to actively participate or at least choose to go."
Cologne ( In the topic of abortion, Stephan Holthaus has charged politicians and especially the CDU of a "capitulation before the Zeitgeist". Holthaus is a rector of the Freie Theologische Hochschule in Giessen and a professor of Christian ethics and apologetics. He spoke at a discussion in an Lutheran Freikirche in Cologne, which was also attended by deputy CDU chairman Armin Laschet. The Protestant "pro media magazine" reported on this. "100,000 abortions a year are an ethical catastrophe. I can expect that a political system that inscribes a Christian human image on the flag will protect life. "For him," it is not conceivable that the CDU has nothing to say." Although abortion is a punishable offense, the actual impression among the citizenry is that abortion is legal.
Holthaus demanded that politicians should speak more clearly about the fact that only a small percentage of abortions would be carried out because of problematic pregnancies. In addition, said Holthaus, according to the "pro media magazine", they should support the policy initiatives that accompany women in conflicts during pregnancy. Laschet replied that his state did exactly that, he then criticized the fact that the Lutheran Church did not have a clear position here.
Laschet had previously appealed to the participants to participate politically: "There are too few Christians in politics. It is good for the entire political spectrum that Christians engage. "It is conceivable to actively participate or at least choose to go."
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Petrus Blomvenna (1466-1536) and the Cologne Charthouse in the Renaisance
Exactly 550 years ago on the 29th of March, 1466, Pieter Blommeveen (later latinized to Peter Blomevenna) was born as one of twelve children of a wealthy and pious family.
The gifted boy received, like his compatriots: Adriaen Boeyens (1459-1523) and Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466-1537), a dignified education with the Brothers of the Common Life (Devotio Moderna). Subsequently, he studied from 1483 at the University of Cologne and entered into the famous Cologne Charterhouse St. Barbara in 1489. St. Barbara was the largest Charterhouse in Germany and one of the most respected of the Carthusian Order.
The Carthusians as a spiritual and moral renewal movement within the Church
The Carthusians led a spiritual and moral regeneration movement within the Church.They placed an emphasis on prayer, asceticism, Christ and Marian devotion.
As part of its evangelizing activity, the Cologne Charterhouse gathered a large theological reference library and early had on their own printing and publishing operation for the production and dissemination of edifying writings.
Blomevenna was marked by great gentleness and innocence, by strict asceticism and by the gift of prayer and tears. This latter event was the reason why Blomevenna was prohibited from publicly saying Holy Mass. His great emotion would, so said his superiors, confuse the faithful.
At 43 years he was elected prior of the Cologne Charterhouse in 1507.
Intensive evangelizing activity
Blomevenna developed a broad and deep evangelizing activity. He wrote several theological works (e.g. Candela evangelica (The light / candle of the gospel); Assertatio purgatorii (Liberation [the soul] through purgatory).
Not least important was the printing and distribution of numerous writings of Flemish Carthusian Denis van Leeuwen, called van Rijkel, better known by his religious name Denis the Carthusian (1424-1471).
This greatest Dutch theologian of the Late Middle Ages was considered very mystical. Because of his visionary writings, he was, in contrast to the sacred high scholastic Thomas Aquinas (the Angelic Doctor ), called Doctor ecstaticus. He impressed the devout believers and the clergy tremendously by his devout life.The internal Church reform movement of Devotio Moderna got here a theological foundation with an emphasis on prayer, the renunciation of the world and was embedded in the Mysticism of the Cross and Marian devotion.
Blomevenna as editor of the writings of Dionysius the Carthusian
Denis the Carthusian was then several years a companion of Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa and strove already mid-15th century to an inner purification and spirituality of the Church in the midst of a turbulent world.
In 1509 Blomevenna translated the "Spieghel der Volcomenheit " (Mirror of Perfection) of Brabant Franciscan Hendrik Herp (ca. 1410-1477), another protagonist of spiritual renewal movement in the Netherlands, into Latin. More mystical-contemplative works followed.
The Carthusians were bound to the vow of silence. On the other hand, their use for pastoral care in Cologne was extremely necessary in the then chaotic times and was specifically requested, led Blomevenna to build a chapel on the outer wall of the Charterhouse, which made the pastoral care of women religious possible.
He led an intensive correspondence with Dutch and Low German Beguines and nuns. He also had close links with Pope Clement VII. And Charles V.
The Cologne Charterhouse as a bulwark of catholicity
Under Blomevenna's Priorate many young men joined the Charterhouse.
Noteworthy are the brothers John and Dieter (Dirk) Loher (Loherius de Stratis). It was the latter who later became the savior of the Charterhouse Buxheim bei Memmingen (Swabia) which would lead the German Carthusian through the turmoil of the 1540s.
Even more important was the contact of the then still very young from Geldern, Pieter Kanis, actually Peter de Hondt, - who as Peter Canisius, was the first and the most important of the German and Dutch Jesuits - with the Cologne Charterhouse. The first Jesuits on German soil were largely supported by the Cologne Charterhouse financially and organizationally.
While the Reformation spread in Germany and in North-West Europe from 1517, the Cologne Charterhouse constituted under Blomevenna the largest and most important bastion of Catholicism.
It was extremely proficient in theological defense of the faith and in its reply to allegations and accusations.
They trained their members and sympathizers, used modern printing techniques, gave out religious and polemical writings and operated a highly efficient network with important and interesting people.
Eighteen months after his death, his main work was published posthumously by his successor, Gerhard Kalckbrenner, "De divina bonitate" (Of Divine Goodness): an extremely important source for the Lower Rhine Dutch theology at this time.
The contacts with the Dutch Beguines and female religious were intensified. They led to the arrival of highly respected Dutch mystic, Maria van Oysterwijck with her mystically oriented circle.
Authentic model in prayer, asceticism and dedication to faith
Blomevenna today is almost completely forgotten today in his home. He is and remains, nonetheless, historically and above all for catholicity, an extremely important personality.
At the beginning of the modern era, in the troubled times immediately before and during the early Reformation period, he created, through great theological knowledge, through enormous pastoral activity, through efficient and skillful use of modern techniques, through education and networking of important and spiritually upright persons, and above all, by his personal example of the authenticity of prayer, asceticism and commitment to faith, the necessary staff work for the beginnings of the counter-Reformation.
It has been referred to in the 20th century as the Counter-Reformation or as a "second Reformation" - to relativize the "contra".
However, this is not quite true. There was a very long time, since the early 15th century, of aspirations for a Catholic renewal within the Church.
These reform movements were not least guided and supported as the saying goes, the Carthusians:"Numquam reformata qualis numquam deformata" (never reformed, because never deformed).
The Carthusian Order was then the most important center of Catholic piety. It stood bravely and loyally for the venerable faith, was averse to the temptations of the world and consolidated stably in itself; and it defended the faith very capably and efficiently in the Reformation turmoil.
The Carthusian Petrus Blomevenna here was the most important chief of staff. Blomevenna, who was prior of the Cologne Charterhouse and Visitor of the Rhenish Carthusian Province until his death, died on the 30th of September, 1536 in Cologne.
Of Blomevenna there are two traditional contemporary portraits:
In Wallraf-Richartz Museum in Cologne is the epitaph by Anton Woensam "Christ on the Cross with Saints of the Carthusian Order and its founder Peter Blomevenna" (Inv No: WRM0208 / Access 1857).
Moreover Blomevenna is depicted on a magnificent stained glass window that he himself donated; Today it is located in the Worcester Art Museum in Massachusetts (USA).
Dum mundus volvitur crux, stat.
Text: Armand Timmermans
Image: cartusiana / Worcesterart / University Library Freiburg / Wikicommons
Image: cartusiana / Worcesterart / University Library Freiburg / Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred
Monday, February 9, 2015
Muslim Invocations in Cologne Cathedral
Edit: it would be nice if people would shout this nonsense down when it happens, but also, the ordinary Mass goers are so stupefied by the unlovely proceedings, they probably didn’t notice.
Islamic prayer service at prayer service for soldiers in the Cologne Cathedral and no one is responsible. A celebration of the Eucharist is no inter-religious dialogue event. A comment by Johannes Graf
Cologne (
In the Cologne Cathedral on World Peace Day on 22 January, the traditional military service took place. Cardinal Rainer Woelki celebrated Holy Mass. In addition to representatives of the German armed forces, there were soldiers from other countries stationed in Germany who were present stationed. The bidding prayers were presented by military personnel of various nations in the local language. Previously, the German translation was read.
The third prayer was recited by a Muslim female soldier. The German translation was: "We pray for the people who oppose injustice and violence and risk their lives; especially for our soldiers and female soldiers and members of the Federal Police. For keen awareness and a heart open to men.” [The inclusive language is horrible, too.]
According to a translation presented to the soldier actually said: "In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. The greetings be upon the Seal of the Prophet (ie Muhammad, n.). We ask God Most High, for all the people, who are exposed to violence and humiliation and all those who expose themselves with their lives to danger, especially the male and female soldiers and police, to be vigilant to the safety, protection and peace in communities.”
Maybe it's just a misunderstanding and the Muslim simply used a conventional petition used in her religion and that was self-evident for her introductory text for a prayer or a petition, which was not discussed with the promoters. Therefore, one should be careful with reproaches. Objectively, a Catholic Eucharist is lost with a Muslim intercession. Muhammad is not a prophet for Christians. Even the following verse is again not acceptable for Muslims. The cantor sings: "God our Father,” while the people answer, "We beseech Thee, hear us". A father-child relationship between God and man is unthinkable for Islam. has made a request to the Archdiocese of Cologne, our editorial was referred to the Cathedral pastoral office. The Cathedral pastoral office told us that the soldiers' worship had been prepared by the Military Catholic Deanery of Cologne, which is also responsible for the selection of lecturers for the intercessions. The Cathedral pastoral office has received the German intercessions and "noted with approval". Nothing wrong with that, if you look at the German translation.
Who was responsible for the missed intercession - this is so it should not be repeated. How was it that a Muslim woman read a prayer? Finally, the celebration of the Eucharist is not an inter-religious dialogue event. video of this Eucharistic celebration with prayer by a Muslim. The prayer begins at minute 37:00 with the German translation. Photo Cologne Cathedral ©
Islamic prayer service at prayer service for soldiers in the Cologne Cathedral and no one is responsible. A celebration of the Eucharist is no inter-religious dialogue event. A comment by Johannes Graf
Cologne (
In the Cologne Cathedral on World Peace Day on 22 January, the traditional military service took place. Cardinal Rainer Woelki celebrated Holy Mass. In addition to representatives of the German armed forces, there were soldiers from other countries stationed in Germany who were present stationed. The bidding prayers were presented by military personnel of various nations in the local language. Previously, the German translation was read.
The third prayer was recited by a Muslim female soldier. The German translation was: "We pray for the people who oppose injustice and violence and risk their lives; especially for our soldiers and female soldiers and members of the Federal Police. For keen awareness and a heart open to men.” [The inclusive language is horrible, too.]
According to a translation presented to the soldier actually said: "In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. The greetings be upon the Seal of the Prophet (ie Muhammad, n.). We ask God Most High, for all the people, who are exposed to violence and humiliation and all those who expose themselves with their lives to danger, especially the male and female soldiers and police, to be vigilant to the safety, protection and peace in communities.”
Maybe it's just a misunderstanding and the Muslim simply used a conventional petition used in her religion and that was self-evident for her introductory text for a prayer or a petition, which was not discussed with the promoters. Therefore, one should be careful with reproaches. Objectively, a Catholic Eucharist is lost with a Muslim intercession. Muhammad is not a prophet for Christians. Even the following verse is again not acceptable for Muslims. The cantor sings: "God our Father,” while the people answer, "We beseech Thee, hear us". A father-child relationship between God and man is unthinkable for Islam. has made a request to the Archdiocese of Cologne, our editorial was referred to the Cathedral pastoral office. The Cathedral pastoral office told us that the soldiers' worship had been prepared by the Military Catholic Deanery of Cologne, which is also responsible for the selection of lecturers for the intercessions. The Cathedral pastoral office has received the German intercessions and "noted with approval". Nothing wrong with that, if you look at the German translation.
Who was responsible for the missed intercession - this is so it should not be repeated. How was it that a Muslim woman read a prayer? Finally, the celebration of the Eucharist is not an inter-religious dialogue event. video of this Eucharistic celebration with prayer by a Muslim. The prayer begins at minute 37:00 with the German translation. Photo Cologne Cathedral ©
Friday, February 28, 2014
Cardinal Joachim Meisner has Resigned -- Germany Will Miss His Voice -- Who Will His Successor Be?
(Cologne) Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of the Archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Joachim Meisner. The 80 year old Silesian was born on 25 December in 1933 in Breslau. He was as archbishop one of the most influential figures of the Catholic Church in Germany for the past 45 years. Meisner was for a long while a bishop. First, as Auxiliary Bishop of Erfurt from 1980 to 1989. Bishop of the divided Berlin, then at the request of Pope John Paul II, almost simultaneously with the collapse of the Communist dictatorship and the end of the GDR to the Archdiocese of Cologne. With Cologne, Meisner stood at the head of the largest and most influential diocese in German speaking countries. A bishop's seat, which was connected in the Holy Roman Empire with the electoral dignity. Cologne has been a Great archbishopric since the time of Charlemagne. The archbishops first elected the Holy Roman Emperor. Since the fall of the Old Kingdom of the bishop's throne is connected to the dignity of Cardinal, which is why they have chosen Popes ever since.
Meisner Could Never Form German Church, But Constituted an Important Counterpoint
It would be an exaggeration if one were to say, Cardinal Meisner had left his stamp on the German Church. He succeeded only in part, to a lesser extent. He was part of the attempt of Pope John Paul II at the restoration of a Catholic Church, which showed signs of disintegration in the post-Conciliar period in the German language area. Cardinal Meisner was busy trying to fill holes and form a counterweight to the oppositional tendencies among the German bishops. That his weight was strong but not decisive, the elections showed the chairman of the German Bisschofskonferenz. An office which he never reached. A Meisner majoritywas never established in the German Bishops' Conference. When choosing the Bishop of Mainz, Cardinal Karl Lehmann 1987, he would not have a say. Through the Wall, the East German Bishops were forced to organize themselves in the Berlin Conference of Bishops. In 2008, he had to accept Archbishop Robert Zollitsch of Freiburg, because he did not create a strong minority.
Significant Elector for Pope Benedict XVI, Not for Francis
Nevertheless, Cardinal Meisner in recent decades under John Paul II and Benedict XVI. was a safe and reliable contact in Rome. The choice of the German Pope, he had been jointly significant. Same does not apply to the election of Pope Saint Francis, which he showed clearly irritated immediately after the conclave.
Decline in Seas Becoming Stormy
At the request of Benedict XVI. he remained significantly longer in office than is the case under Church law. He was the oldest active cardinal of the Catholic Church. By the end of 2008, he offered his resignation upon reaching the age limit of 75 years for the first time. On Christmas Day 2013, he was 80 and was still a tower of strength. His departure takes place at a time where the the seas are truculent. Under Benedict XVI. seemed to have been more calm in the German Church. Cardinal Meisner was able to promote some of his auxiliary bishops to diocesan bishops. The resignation of Benedict and the election of Pope Francis showed that it had been a deceptive calm. Obviously progressive circles were resigned as a result of their marginalization. With the election of Argentine Pope they have scented morning air. Supposedly faithful bishops, even those that approached Meisner well-meaningly in office and dignity, even to the dignity of Cardinal, turn out to be disguised progressives. The German church shows a picture of disobedience and rebellion that is reminiscent of the time of the Second Vatican Council.
Stigma of the "Morning After" Pill Decision
Meisner himself took a controversial step, which overshadowed the end of his episcopate. A year ago, shortly before the resignation of Benedict XVI., he allowed hospitals in Catholic-run, at least one third of the entire Cologne hospital system, and Catholic doctors to dispense the morning-after pill. It was a unilateral decision that he secured its acceptance by the Bishops' Conference with a Machiavellian text. The morning after pill can also act as an abortifacient. The opposite, which Cardinal Meisner described, has not yet been confirmed by science.
Even in the Archdiocese of Cologne nothing desired by the Archbishop was put into effect. Under Pope Francis and in view of Meisner's age, some already ushered in the post-Meisner era. Meisner offered in many socio-political debates a safe reference point for Catholics and all people of good will. Meisner stood out from the other bishops also in that he knew how to speak in clear language. This was especially true after the untimely death of the Fulda Bishop Johannes Dyba.
Man of Clear Words Are Missing in Germany
Who will succeed him? Who will lead the most important German diocese, one of the largest dioceses in the world and, not least, one of the richest dioceses of the world church? A personal decision, which is of great importance for the German-speaking world, but also for the Universal Church. A decision that is entitled to Pope Francis.
It is hoped that Cardinal Meisner, as also the 80 year old Cardinal Walter Kasper, will prove to continue to raise his voice in the universal Church. One is related to the disposal of Cardinal Joachim Meisner fixed already: His voice is missing in Germany.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: La cigueña de la torre
Image: La cigueña de la torre
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Soros Backed Feminist Group Attacks Cologne Cathedral During Christmas Mass
Edit: she's quickly stuffed and cuffed. Why doesn't cathedral security have tasers?
Thursday, December 12, 2013
++Müller Complains Against the Lack of Solidarity With Bishop Tebartz-van Elst

Curial Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller: It is not Christian, "if you duck for cover from one of the dirtiest and most inhuman campaigns against a man, fellow Christian, pastor and bishop"
Passau ( / CBA / PNP / pm) Curia Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller has lamented a lack of solidarity with the Limburg Bishop Franz-Peter van Elst Tebartz again. It is not Christian, "if you duck for cover at one of the dirtiest and inhuman campaigns against a man, fellow Christian, pastor and bishop," the prefect of the Congregation of the Roman told "Passau Neue Presse" (Thursday). But he did not address his criticism in more detail.
In the affair of the construction of the Limburg diocesan center some individual German Bishops also distanced themselves from Tebartz van Elst. The Limburg Bishop has been given a time outside of his diocese pending to a decision of the Pope since the end of October for an indefinite time. During this time, a church commission shall review the allegations to the construction project on the Limburg Cathedral Hill. The administration of the diocese during the absence of the bishop has taken on behalf of the Holy See by Vicar General Wolfgang Rösch. Mueller also made a statement back to the Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx, who said the prefect of the Congregation could not end the debate on the remarried divorcees. The former Bishop of Regensburg had previously stressed in an article in the Vatican newspaper "Osservatore Romano" that the discussion on re-married divorcees, must take place in accordance with the Church's teaching. However, Müller now says, "as one can easily see, we are not to speak of a termination of the discussion, but their foundations in the teaching of Christ and the Church, which are not under discussion for a plebiscite on questions of faith". The Creed was "not to be confused with a party program that can be variably developed in accordance with the wishes of the members and voters." . A "responsible pastoral" is always built "on sound doctrine".
For a presentation of the weekly newspaper "Die Zeit", in which he has been called "the most stubborn opponents" of Pope Francis, the Prefect of the Faith kept with the words: "Rational arguments do not help against bad fantasies." For considerations of the Church critic Hans Küng to the point, Müller is shining to the fact that Benedict XVI. could act as a "shadow Pope," the archbishop explained that he was "a little proud, that is still grown in pure opposition to yours truly from a bitter opponent to an ardent supporter of the Pope". Müller continues: "What a pleasure is is to see Hans Küng still rave in his old age, to be seen by the followers of Christ and visible head of the whole Church', as it says in the Second Vatican Council."
The Prefect of the Faith issued a rejection to an initiative of priests and laymen, who aim to participate in the election of the future Archbishop of Cologne. He relied in this on Pope Francis, who again and again warns against "misunderstanding the Church as if it were an organizations made by people". When ordering bishops it doesn't involved "an ideological power struggle, power distribution and power purchased by narrowed factions which destroy the unity of the Church". Although it was important "the testimony of all that a candidate is worthy," but ultimately applies that "the bishop is chosen by Christ and appointed by the Holy Spirit"
(C) 2013 Catholic News Agency KNA GmbH. All rights reserved. Trans: Tancred
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Friday, June 7, 2013
Cardinal Lehman Against the Increase of the 'Old Mass'

He defended the liturgical reform after the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) as a "gold piece". After a partial withdrawal of the ban under Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI. now provides a wider range of Masses in the Old Rite. According to Lehmann, the popularity has increased but not to the same degree. He considers "a stronger juxtaposition of both liturgical forms today to be not useful, also because it is not grown from below," added the Cardinal. "The trend is more in the direction of the renewed Mass."
To the revision arranged byBenedict XVI. in the words of consecration in the Mass, said Lehmann, one must "now wait for the times and that everyone can perhaps relax a bit." Following the request of the former Pope, it is no longer pressing to the central point of the Mass, that the blood of Jesus has been spilled "for all" people, but "for many." According to Lehmann, the dispute over the "for all" or was "for many" so far "in the atmospheric spell of whether the traditionalists hope too much from Rome. "If one says that God's will is for salvation of all people, the translation of the words of consecration should no longer be no question of such great urgency and drama," said the Cardinal. Even Pope Benedict XVI. himself concedes that both translations are theologically appropriate and legitimate, it was "not entirely clear why then, only the translation should strictly be allowed." In addition, Lehmann called for an in-depth exchange of expression "for all": "'We are all in the sky', is overly simplistic."
Congress in Cologne Old Mass in St. Peter's Basilica with Cardinal Brandmüller
Friday, March 22, 2013
Cologne Cathedral Rector Rejects Interfaith Prayer
[Katholisches] Der Kölner Dompropst Norbert Feldhoff lehnt den Vorschlag eines Ramadangebets im Kölner Dom als Geste der Verständigung zwischen Christen und Muslimen ab. „Unter Berücksichtigung des muslimischen wäre das gar nicht möglich“, sagte er in einem Radio-Interview. The Cologne Cathedral Rector Norbert Feldhof has rejected the proposal for a Ramadan prayer as a gesture of understanding between Muslims and Christians. "In view of Muslim self-conception it is really not possible," he said in a radio interview.
By Linus Schneider
By Linus Schneider
Thursday, February 28, 2013
No more Catholic Doctors at Catholic Hospitals
(Cologne) Rudolf Schmidt, Chairman of the Association of Catholic Physicians welcomes the clear stance of the bishops in the "morning after pill" and asserts that now there will be no more Catholic doctors at Catholic hospitals any more. He responded to the question of whether there were still Catholic doctors who would be concerned because of the abortifacient effect of the "morning after pill” for Germany radio: "So, I assume that the women who have to go to the doctor in that case, would not find such a colleague. Do you understand? In Catholic hospitals there will be those colleagues who act strictly according to the old rule, who will not even be in the hospitals. So, I have no doubts about that. "
Text: Linus Schneider
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Cardinal Meisner Accuses His Diocesan Council of Misrepresenting the Faith

Cologne ( The "positive view on many successes of the dialog process, which our Diocesan Council has undertaken, has been significantly overshadowed in any case by statements which have distorted or even contradicted Catholic teaching." This is what Cologne's Joachim Cardinal Meisner said in a now published statement on his Diocesan Council of September 8, 2012 on the dialog process. documented the statement of the Archbishop as follows from our translation:
The purpose of the dialog process of the Diocesan Council to Catholics in the Archdiocese of Cologne has been published. As Archbishop I am thankful for the serious efforts, that are behind these suggestions and proposals will become visible. Some proposals are helpful for pastoral care, for the work in councils and societies. The particular stress of social responsibility of the laity and their societies has spoken to my heart.
Also if the collaboration of our lay Christians in pastoral care is indispensable and surely also in various places can still be more intensive, but there is however a retreat in lay engagements in the inner-Church space which is a great error. That the Diocesan Council has expressly intervened for the protection of work free Sundays and decisively engaged for the maintenance of Catholic grade schools, I heartily regard. The faithful in the areas of pastoral care may and could not be released from the responsibility.
With great interest, I perceive also that is on the way of the work looked critically at our bodies in the association and the general pastoral care. The "session Catholicism" really requires a critical and honest reflection: What is beneficial? Which is a hindrance? What can be improved?
With its clear statement on the protection of the disabled and the unborn Diocesan clearly indicates what we must ultimately be measured, including particularly the laity involvement.
This positive view of the many ideas of the dialogue process, which has resulted in our Diocese is, however, considerably darkened by statements distorting the teaching of the Catholic Church or even contradicting it. Thus, Eucharistic Communion presupposes full communion and requires a life that corresponds to the Catholic faith. The statements on marriage are blurred here and ignore their unique significance for human coexistence. This is very unfortunate.
That the Diocesan Council has addressed the issue of celibacy thusly, I've actually expected this, because it thoroughly corresponds to today's mainstream. Only this expression of opinion contributes nothing to the question of priestly vocation. The Diocesan Council remains here only discouraged and stuck to the too familiar mainstream in its published opinion. I regret this and this would have expected statements independent of the mainstream.
To the priesthood, the doctrine of the Church is completely unique. In his Apostolic Letter of 22 May 1994 Pope John Paul II declares: "So therefore, any doubt about the important matter related to the divine constitution of the Church itself is eliminated, I declare by virtue of my office, to strengthen the brethren, that the Church has no authority whatsoever to raise Women to the priesthood, and that all the faithful of the Church finally have to abide by this decision." Suggestions and demands that are inconsistent with this final decision will result in ecclesiastical error, and will not lead to any positive results. Quite the contrary! You confuse and paralyze the forces in the effective use of the Church for the evangelization so urgently needed in this society.
+ Joachim Kardinal Meisner Erzbischof von Köln
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Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Bored by Synod: Cardinal Meisner Encourages Going to Confession More Often
"Since then, it hasn't been going forwards, but backwards."
Edit: in other words, it's not just going to confession, but having a good resolution to do something about your obligations and the state of your Diocese.
Nothing besides the Sacrament of Penance: Joachim Cardinal Meisner recommends going to confession more often -- instead of solving the problems in the Church.
( "We have sat here since the past week and have listened to the interventions from early morning until the evening -- which are very interesting."
The Neoconservative Cardinal Joachim Meisner Cologne reaffirmed this yesterday for his Old Liberal Flamer-Site '' [They were preaching out against the "sins" of homophobia, earlier and Cardinal Meisner hasn't done anything to correct them.]
When he was asked to explain "very interesting", he explained: "Everyone has the opportunity, to give an intervention. This makes the work a bit laborious.
Because: "Getting down to business" in discussion circles -- where the Germans stew in their own juices.
Bla-bla Isn't Enough
The Cardinal spoke of a "disappearing faith".
One has to ask "very seriously": "What have we done wrong?" -- he asked.
He described himself as a veteran of synods who has participated in ten such gatherings.
Only: "Since then, it hasn't gone forward, but backward." -- insisted the Cardinal soberly.
Certainly he could not bear the hard reality for long, but quickly got out of it by talking about the "Holy Ghost".
Despite which -- according to his own account -- the ten Bla-bla Synods he had gotten through, he still effused optimism: "I am of good hope that the Snod can have a good result."
More Penance?
His website attempted to hack back into it: "Can you talk about what has been done wrong up until now?"
Cardinal Meisner retreated: "I can only say what I've done wrong."
Or: "And that's something you must also ask yourself."
Here is a solution: "Are we going regularly to confession, that the sins of our life will be effaced and we will make room for the Holy Ghost?"
Fact: At least based on the situation of the Church in Cologne and in Germany it can be concluded that Cardinal Meisner isn't going to confession enough.
The Problem is not the World
He cited John Paul II: "The conditions in the secular society have become significantly more difficult."
Still, the problem isn't the world, but the priests and bishops who've become more worldly -- and its vanishing faith.
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Nothing besides the Sacrament of Penance: Joachim Cardinal Meisner recommends going to confession more often -- instead of solving the problems in the Church.
( "We have sat here since the past week and have listened to the interventions from early morning until the evening -- which are very interesting."
The Neoconservative Cardinal Joachim Meisner Cologne reaffirmed this yesterday for his Old Liberal Flamer-Site '' [They were preaching out against the "sins" of homophobia, earlier and Cardinal Meisner hasn't done anything to correct them.]
When he was asked to explain "very interesting", he explained: "Everyone has the opportunity, to give an intervention. This makes the work a bit laborious.
Because: "Getting down to business" in discussion circles -- where the Germans stew in their own juices.
Bla-bla Isn't Enough
The Cardinal spoke of a "disappearing faith".
One has to ask "very seriously": "What have we done wrong?" -- he asked.
He described himself as a veteran of synods who has participated in ten such gatherings.
Only: "Since then, it hasn't gone forward, but backward." -- insisted the Cardinal soberly.
Certainly he could not bear the hard reality for long, but quickly got out of it by talking about the "Holy Ghost".
Despite which -- according to his own account -- the ten Bla-bla Synods he had gotten through, he still effused optimism: "I am of good hope that the Snod can have a good result."
More Penance?
His website attempted to hack back into it: "Can you talk about what has been done wrong up until now?"
Cardinal Meisner retreated: "I can only say what I've done wrong."
Or: "And that's something you must also ask yourself."
Here is a solution: "Are we going regularly to confession, that the sins of our life will be effaced and we will make room for the Holy Ghost?"
Fact: At least based on the situation of the Church in Cologne and in Germany it can be concluded that Cardinal Meisner isn't going to confession enough.
The Problem is not the World
He cited John Paul II: "The conditions in the secular society have become significantly more difficult."
Still, the problem isn't the world, but the priests and bishops who've become more worldly -- and its vanishing faith.
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Sunday, August 19, 2012
Sympathizers of Moscow Cathedral Anarchists in Cologne Cathedral

Cologne ( "Expressions of sympathy" for the anarchists in Moscow took place in Germany and Austria. On Sunday morning a masked group of three supporters disturbed the church service in the cathedral. At the beginning of the Eucharistic prayer, they stormed in after the offertory with colorful costumes towards the altar. With prayer-like gestures and slogans they tried to disrupt the Eucharist.
It added that it took a few minutes before cathedral security could usher the two men aged 23 and 35 and a 20 year old woman outside. Bishop Heiner Koch, who presided over the church remained standing at the altar during the disturbance. He then explained that they are also concerned with the people in Russia and join them in prayer. Above the main door of the cathedral there were three demonstrators who continued to protest with a banner which read "Free Pussy Riot".
As the Cologne police said on inquiry, there was a criminal complaint against the three disruptors for violation of the Assembly Act, tresspass and for disturbing religious worship. Restraining orders against the three were also issued. On Friday there were some sympathizers in Vienna Stepensdom as well who held up banners chants and slogans to disturb the church service, however, they were stopped quickly by the staff of St. Stephen's.
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Saturday, August 11, 2012
Cardinal Meisner: People Are Afraid of Offending Muslims, Not Christians
Cardinal Meisner: "It is significant that Christians are often the targets of satire and blasphemy. With Muslims, one goes much more carefully, because one fears that there will be anger".
Cologne ( Cologne's Cardinal Joachim Meisner criticized the treatment of Christians in Germany. It is "significant" that Christians are often the targets of satire and blasphemy., said the Bishop to the «Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger» on Saturday. "With Muslims one has to be more careful, because one fears that they will become angry." Such public outrage is merely "the false reaction" and is denied to Christians. It is "unfair, for them to distinguish themselves when it doesn't cost them anything".
Cardinal Meisner defended the Pope's legal action against the satirical magazine "Titanic". "It looked to me as though they wanted to whipe their dirty boots on the Pope's white cassock," said the Cardinal. Under the headline "The Leak is Found" thePope was shown in a white cassock with a yellow patch on the front and a brown one on the back. The Hamburg regional court has prohibited the further spread of the title picture through an injunction.
Meisner confides that he himself has never seen the picture, because he "doesn't want to pollute his eyes with it". Some things "you should not come into close proximity to."
Cologne ( Cologne's Cardinal Joachim Meisner criticized the treatment of Christians in Germany. It is "significant" that Christians are often the targets of satire and blasphemy., said the Bishop to the «Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger» on Saturday. "With Muslims one has to be more careful, because one fears that they will become angry." Such public outrage is merely "the false reaction" and is denied to Christians. It is "unfair, for them to distinguish themselves when it doesn't cost them anything".
Cardinal Meisner defended the Pope's legal action against the satirical magazine "Titanic". "It looked to me as though they wanted to whipe their dirty boots on the Pope's white cassock," said the Cardinal. Under the headline "The Leak is Found" thePope was shown in a white cassock with a yellow patch on the front and a brown one on the back. The Hamburg regional court has prohibited the further spread of the title picture through an injunction.
Meisner confides that he himself has never seen the picture, because he "doesn't want to pollute his eyes with it". Some things "you should not come into close proximity to."
Friday, March 2, 2012
Father Jolie says Dissidents are not Catholic
Edit: He heads the German "Netork of Catholic Priests" and promotes the old Mass while residing in one of the worst Diocese in Germany.
It is absurd to describe normal priests as conservative. It's like insulting someone who stops for a red light while others keep going, with the term right-wing radical.
( The German dialog process is the attempt to cover the substantial fracture in the German Church with the motto "we can discuss anything".
Pastor Hendrick Jolie of Mühltal in the Diocese of Mainz said on the 22nd of February for the Old Liberal Cologne 'Domradio'. [Cathedral Radio]
Fear of the word "Schism"
Things were discussed that weren't just describing physical location.
The clergyman stressed that no one wants to knowingly promote a schism.
But still there is increasing polarization.
Wheelchair Reformers Roll Offside
The one man show, 'Pastors' Initiative' of Fr. Helmut Schüller, which promotes women's ordination in Austria, isn't in the the Church any longer, according to Father Jolie.
In this case it is not the dialog about the means, rather a theological clarification, about what is Catholic.
Fr. Schüller is right to say, however, per Fr. Jolie, that "Communion for all" has long been a practice in most communities.
At the same time Fr. Jolie remarked: whoever stands against such grievances and defends the Faith, will find himself in serious difficulties. Fr. Jolie didn't say from whom -- but it's the Old Liberal Bishops.
The request of "Network of Catholic Priests' to the Bishops, is for them to step forth as defenders of the Faith, is described by Father Jolie as a "call for help".
That's going to fall to the helpless.
The Society of Saint Pius X is certainly not Heretical
As to the question if there is the possibility of splits like the Priestly Society of St. Piux X, Father Jolie said:
"Because you can only say where the extremes meet"
There is danger "on both extreme sides", which can lead at least de facto from the authority of the Pope.
Whoever leaves the ground of common Faith, creates their own church.
The Moderates are in the Middle?
Fr. Jolie calls for the Priest Network, to stand "in the middle".
His reasoning: "We say, we're not doing anything extreme, nothing strident, but we want to be Catholic priests."
It is absurd to be regarded as conservative or rightist.
That is, like "when you stop for a red light, and everyone else goes thorugh, and you are regarded as a >>radical rightist<<."
As necessary reform measures Fr. Jolie named the promotion of the Old Mass, or a the interpretation of the Pastoral Council in the light of Tradition.
Link to original
It is absurd to describe normal priests as conservative. It's like insulting someone who stops for a red light while others keep going, with the term right-wing radical.
( The German dialog process is the attempt to cover the substantial fracture in the German Church with the motto "we can discuss anything".
Pastor Hendrick Jolie of Mühltal in the Diocese of Mainz said on the 22nd of February for the Old Liberal Cologne 'Domradio'. [Cathedral Radio]
Fear of the word "Schism"
Things were discussed that weren't just describing physical location.
The clergyman stressed that no one wants to knowingly promote a schism.
But still there is increasing polarization.
Wheelchair Reformers Roll Offside
The one man show, 'Pastors' Initiative' of Fr. Helmut Schüller, which promotes women's ordination in Austria, isn't in the the Church any longer, according to Father Jolie.
In this case it is not the dialog about the means, rather a theological clarification, about what is Catholic.
Fr. Schüller is right to say, however, per Fr. Jolie, that "Communion for all" has long been a practice in most communities.
At the same time Fr. Jolie remarked: whoever stands against such grievances and defends the Faith, will find himself in serious difficulties. Fr. Jolie didn't say from whom -- but it's the Old Liberal Bishops.
The request of "Network of Catholic Priests' to the Bishops, is for them to step forth as defenders of the Faith, is described by Father Jolie as a "call for help".
That's going to fall to the helpless.
The Society of Saint Pius X is certainly not Heretical
As to the question if there is the possibility of splits like the Priestly Society of St. Piux X, Father Jolie said:
"Because you can only say where the extremes meet"
There is danger "on both extreme sides", which can lead at least de facto from the authority of the Pope.
Whoever leaves the ground of common Faith, creates their own church.
The Moderates are in the Middle?
Fr. Jolie calls for the Priest Network, to stand "in the middle".
His reasoning: "We say, we're not doing anything extreme, nothing strident, but we want to be Catholic priests."
It is absurd to be regarded as conservative or rightist.
That is, like "when you stop for a red light, and everyone else goes thorugh, and you are regarded as a >>radical rightist<<."
As necessary reform measures Fr. Jolie named the promotion of the Old Mass, or a the interpretation of the Pastoral Council in the light of Tradition.
Link to original
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Cologne Cardinal Insults the Church
Edit: He's not the worst Cardinal in Germany, but he shouldn't be allowed to say things like this. Misrepresentation is almost a hobby with these people.
Heil Abuse-Hoax: Now the German Decadence Bishops have taken up the the theme, in which they give the opportunity to take a slimebath to everyone deserving or not.
( Cardinal Joachim Meisner of Cologne is walzting in the dirt for the media bosses.
He appeared on Ye Old Liberal Cologne 'Domradio' yesterday.
Excuse me? The Church is in a Glass House?
The Cardinal used an invitation by the media in Cologne for some cringing, creeping and groveling.
He described the last year of the media boss directed abuse-hoax, for these journalists, as an "Annus horribilis" -- horrible year -- for the Church.
The Church is now sitting in a glass house after the experience of this last horrible year --- maintains the Cardinal.
The Neo-Conservatives Have a Problem With Reality [Yes they do]
The sense of the Cardinal's words left him at a want for reality.
In an indescribable play of words on the abuse-hoax he complained to 'Domradio' that the Church "in view of the quest for truth sometimes held back by its own claims'.
For that reason its "for many in questionable positions, even the believability of our mission that has been battered."
Actually the real problem isn't with the abuse-hoax, rather it is with the neo-Conservative nomenclature, which Cologne's Chat Cardinal makes use.
This has compromised and water down Catholic reality for years with the invocation of the fatal Pastoral Council.
The goal of this thinning of reality is the laicization and phasing the Church into a society of decadence.
Hard Words are Only for the Defenders of the Truth
And furthermore, the Cardinal called the journalists present, not to be that, which the scope of their profession is -- namely "manipulators of the so-called public opinion."
In a fairly creepy way, the Cardinal looked the last defenders of Catholic truth in the face.
He first engaged in some flattery of the Pope. He is said to have taken "very much" on himself, in order to "bring home" the Priestly Society of St. Pius X.
Then he insisted -- in contradiction to what the Vatican actually said -- the qualification for the regularization of the Society:
If the Traditionalists "don't accept the Council, they must remain outside."
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© Pressefoto Erzbistm Köln
Heil Abuse-Hoax: Now the German Decadence Bishops have taken up the the theme, in which they give the opportunity to take a slimebath to everyone deserving or not.
( Cardinal Joachim Meisner of Cologne is walzting in the dirt for the media bosses.
He appeared on Ye Old Liberal Cologne 'Domradio' yesterday.
Excuse me? The Church is in a Glass House?
The Cardinal used an invitation by the media in Cologne for some cringing, creeping and groveling.
He described the last year of the media boss directed abuse-hoax, for these journalists, as an "Annus horribilis" -- horrible year -- for the Church.
The Church is now sitting in a glass house after the experience of this last horrible year --- maintains the Cardinal.
The Neo-Conservatives Have a Problem With Reality [Yes they do]
The sense of the Cardinal's words left him at a want for reality.
In an indescribable play of words on the abuse-hoax he complained to 'Domradio' that the Church "in view of the quest for truth sometimes held back by its own claims'.
For that reason its "for many in questionable positions, even the believability of our mission that has been battered."
Actually the real problem isn't with the abuse-hoax, rather it is with the neo-Conservative nomenclature, which Cologne's Chat Cardinal makes use.
This has compromised and water down Catholic reality for years with the invocation of the fatal Pastoral Council.
The goal of this thinning of reality is the laicization and phasing the Church into a society of decadence.
Hard Words are Only for the Defenders of the Truth
And furthermore, the Cardinal called the journalists present, not to be that, which the scope of their profession is -- namely "manipulators of the so-called public opinion."
In a fairly creepy way, the Cardinal looked the last defenders of Catholic truth in the face.
He first engaged in some flattery of the Pope. He is said to have taken "very much" on himself, in order to "bring home" the Priestly Society of St. Pius X.
Then he insisted -- in contradiction to what the Vatican actually said -- the qualification for the regularization of the Society:
If the Traditionalists "don't accept the Council, they must remain outside."
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© Pressefoto Erzbistm Köln
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Cologne Liturgical Congress: Following Rubrics a Sign of Love
The bread baking materials for first communion instruction demonstrate how the approving Bishops think about the Eucharistic Celebration.
(, Herzogenrath) The catechetical materials for first Communion preparation are not suitable.
Pastor Guido Rodheudt of St. Gertrud in Herzogenrath described this during his lecture on the 14th Cologne 'Liturgical Congress' at the end of August from the article in the Catholic paper 'Tagespost'.
Baking Class Instead of First Communion Preparation
Fr. Rodeheudt complained that First Communion preparation should be more important than how bread is made.
Even worse, the children are hardly instructed that the consecrated Host is the true Body of the Lord. The participants in the congress discussed those responsible for this misunderstanding.
This led them to consider "theologians" and Ordinaries.
The Cathedrals Were Built for the Mass
When the Motu Proprio 'Summorum Pontificum' was published, said Fr. Rodheudt, the Old Mass has supposedly been let out of the "doghhouse'.
The Liturgy of All Times should not be limited to "reservations" for Traditionalists. They should be "on free hunting grounds", in the great Cathedrals and simply parish churches.
New Mass Hostile to Thought
The Augsburg theologian, Fr. Hofman explained that the New Eucharistic Celebration's vestments are often neglected. Fr. Bernward Denekie of the Society of St. Peter criticized the "strip mining in the visible area".
It has led many individuals to lose their faith in the Eucharist.
The Australian, Alcuin Reid of the French Diocese of Frejus-Toulon complained of a diversity -- it would probably be systematic -- of abuses of the rubrics in the New Mass. Truth to the rubrics is "nothing else than an act of love and loyalty to God himself."
Is Matussek Going to Abandon Communion in the Hand?
The Catholic journalist Matthias Matussek read from his book "The Catholic adventure" where he discusses Communion in the hand. Matussek commented on this passage at Herzogenrath: "Perhaps I will come over to Communion on the Tongue after this Congress."
Austrian Parish Liturgically Restored
The Graz Pastor Paul Scheichenberger reported that he has restored the Old Rite to days during the week. It is working like a gradual change of diet long and lasting. It states openly in the 'Tagespost' article what plots the Old Liberal Bishop Egon Kapellari of Graz-Seckau is planning to accomplish.
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Highlights to Aachen's Cathedral on the 14th Liturgical Congress.
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Photo From Facebook of Cologne's 14th Liturgical Congress |
(, Herzogenrath) The catechetical materials for first Communion preparation are not suitable.
Pastor Guido Rodheudt of St. Gertrud in Herzogenrath described this during his lecture on the 14th Cologne 'Liturgical Congress' at the end of August from the article in the Catholic paper 'Tagespost'.
Baking Class Instead of First Communion Preparation
Fr. Rodeheudt complained that First Communion preparation should be more important than how bread is made.
Even worse, the children are hardly instructed that the consecrated Host is the true Body of the Lord. The participants in the congress discussed those responsible for this misunderstanding.
This led them to consider "theologians" and Ordinaries.
The Cathedrals Were Built for the Mass
When the Motu Proprio 'Summorum Pontificum' was published, said Fr. Rodheudt, the Old Mass has supposedly been let out of the "doghhouse'.
The Liturgy of All Times should not be limited to "reservations" for Traditionalists. They should be "on free hunting grounds", in the great Cathedrals and simply parish churches.
New Mass Hostile to Thought
The Augsburg theologian, Fr. Hofman explained that the New Eucharistic Celebration's vestments are often neglected. Fr. Bernward Denekie of the Society of St. Peter criticized the "strip mining in the visible area".
It has led many individuals to lose their faith in the Eucharist.
The Australian, Alcuin Reid of the French Diocese of Frejus-Toulon complained of a diversity -- it would probably be systematic -- of abuses of the rubrics in the New Mass. Truth to the rubrics is "nothing else than an act of love and loyalty to God himself."
Is Matussek Going to Abandon Communion in the Hand?
The Catholic journalist Matthias Matussek read from his book "The Catholic adventure" where he discusses Communion in the hand. Matussek commented on this passage at Herzogenrath: "Perhaps I will come over to Communion on the Tongue after this Congress."
Austrian Parish Liturgically Restored
The Graz Pastor Paul Scheichenberger reported that he has restored the Old Rite to days during the week. It is working like a gradual change of diet long and lasting. It states openly in the 'Tagespost' article what plots the Old Liberal Bishop Egon Kapellari of Graz-Seckau is planning to accomplish.
Link to original...
Highlights to Aachen's Cathedral on the 14th Liturgical Congress.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
New Society Church Blessed in Cologne
Germany. Yesterday, the German District Superior of the Society of St. Pius X, Father Franz Schmidberger, blessed the Church of the Three Kings in Cologne. In his sermon, Father Schmidberger thanked the faithful, who had, with Father Matthias Grünhad made the building of newly blessed church, possible. In the foreground of the consecration Fr. Schmidberger asked to meet with Cardinal Joachim Meisner of Cologne. The German Website of the Society of Pius X said nothing about whether the Cardinal had allowed the audience. Few extreme left anti-Christians demonstrated aimlessly and senselessly against the Church blessing.
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Sunday, May 8, 2011
Some News Coverage of David Berger in the Wake of His Dismissal
Now he lies again: "I never once attacked the Church."
Now the homosexual David Berger will enjoy a place in the daily Socialist Media with a place between the cadaver of Osama and the palaver of Obama. Here are some howlers from the Socialist media.
The notorious liar David Berger
"Berger, says the dpa, that his dismissal is owign to pressure from the extreme conservative forces, who had sponsored petitions and even encouraged the death penalty for homosexuals. "That shocked me the most." He identified, among others, the internet sites '' [yay] and ''. '' commented on the revocation of the teaching license with the sentence: "Now the homo has what he wants." Berger challenged the notion in his dpa interview that he had attacked the Catholic Church as such."
From an article in the Berlin newspaper 'Tagesspiegel'
Still more homosexual lies
"Berger has the corresponding opportunity of specificity in Canon Law of response, and not to address his comments instead to the media. In contradiction, the theologian said to 'Frankfurter Rundschau', that [Cardinal] Meisner had given him no opportunity, to address the charges made against him. The paper reported, [Cardinal] Meisner used the concepts "homosexuality" or "gay" in none of the parts of his decree."
From an article on the website ''
In any other Company, he'd be let go
"'It is the common impression", said Meisners speaker Christoph Heckley. 'With any other employer that would lead to consequences. That's like a bank teller publicly saying: 'I'm not so good at calculating, and with settling an account, I'm not always accurate.'"
From an article in ''
A 'Spiegel' - Lie
"A year ago it was rumored in conservative circles that Berger is homosexual."
From an article in ''. The Portal '' had already identified Berger as a sodomite in May of Mai 2007,
'We are Underwear' piped up
"The Movement 'We Are Church' sharply criticized Meisner's decision. This is a sad sign of our unholy and increasingly evident homophobia within the Roman Catholic Church, said a statement. In place of this the Church sexuality should offer life giving power even for homosexual people and also accept them within the Church."
From an article by information service 'dapd'
The Socialist Imperium Strikes Back
"'I knew the tribal factionalism, and for that reason this decision came from Cologne as a complete surprise', said the liberal pastor Winfried Jansen: 'In any case no one has any problems with Berger in Erfstadt. But after the publication of his book, where the criticism of the official Church was clear, that something had to happen. The Imperium strikes back now.'"
From an online-article in the daily news 'Kölner Stadtanzeiger.'
Now the homosexual David Berger will enjoy a place in the daily Socialist Media with a place between the cadaver of Osama and the palaver of Obama. Here are some howlers from the Socialist media.
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David Berger on his earlier homepage |
The notorious liar David Berger
"Berger, says the dpa, that his dismissal is owign to pressure from the extreme conservative forces, who had sponsored petitions and even encouraged the death penalty for homosexuals. "That shocked me the most." He identified, among others, the internet sites '' [yay] and ''. '' commented on the revocation of the teaching license with the sentence: "Now the homo has what he wants." Berger challenged the notion in his dpa interview that he had attacked the Catholic Church as such."
From an article in the Berlin newspaper 'Tagesspiegel'
Still more homosexual lies
"Berger has the corresponding opportunity of specificity in Canon Law of response, and not to address his comments instead to the media. In contradiction, the theologian said to 'Frankfurter Rundschau', that [Cardinal] Meisner had given him no opportunity, to address the charges made against him. The paper reported, [Cardinal] Meisner used the concepts "homosexuality" or "gay" in none of the parts of his decree."
From an article on the website ''
David Berger accused the Pope of being a Sodomite:
"When you talk privately with theologians, they will all tell you that: naturally, Ratzinger is homosexually inclined. He comes from an ecclesiastically stamped culture, in which that is an absolute taboo. What he hates in himself, he projects on others and fights against it."
In any other Company, he'd be let go
"'It is the common impression", said Meisners speaker Christoph Heckley. 'With any other employer that would lead to consequences. That's like a bank teller publicly saying: 'I'm not so good at calculating, and with settling an account, I'm not always accurate.'"
From an article in ''
A 'Spiegel' - Lie
"A year ago it was rumored in conservative circles that Berger is homosexual."
From an article in ''. The Portal '' had already identified Berger as a sodomite in May of Mai 2007,
'We are Underwear' piped up
"The Movement 'We Are Church' sharply criticized Meisner's decision. This is a sad sign of our unholy and increasingly evident homophobia within the Roman Catholic Church, said a statement. In place of this the Church sexuality should offer life giving power even for homosexual people and also accept them within the Church."
From an article by information service 'dapd'
The Socialist Imperium Strikes Back
"'I knew the tribal factionalism, and for that reason this decision came from Cologne as a complete surprise', said the liberal pastor Winfried Jansen: 'In any case no one has any problems with Berger in Erfstadt. But after the publication of his book, where the criticism of the official Church was clear, that something had to happen. The Imperium strikes back now.'"
From an online-article in the daily news 'Kölner Stadtanzeiger.'
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