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Curial Archbishop Pozzo in the Chiesa della Misercordia of Turin |
(Turin) Until June 24, 2015 the grave cloth of Christ, the most precious relic of Christendom, the visible proof of God in time and space will be on display. Communities tradition organize pilgrimages to see the grave cloth and worship. In the Chiesa della Misericordia you can find in the old town in the recording Arciconfraternità di S. Giovanni Decollato, detta "della Misercordia" (Confraternity of John the Baptist Beheaded, known as "Mercy"). "Mercy" is the motto of the pontificate of Pope. The Church of Mercy of Turin is the center of the tradition.
The Archconfraternity received permission with the Motu Proprio Ecclesia Dei to maintain the traditional Rite. The church was built by the Confraternity founded in 1578 at the beginning of the 18th century. The chancel from the period has been preserved intact.
Around the church, Coetus Fidelium the Association Cardinal G. Saldarini to promote the tradition in the Archdiocese of Turin within the meaning of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum has been formed. From 30 April to 3 May, the traditional Parisian parish of St. Eugène undertook a pilgrimage together with the Schola of Sainte Cécile to the Shroud. On May 3 Archbishop Curia Guido Pozzo, Secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei celebrated Missa Praelatitia.in the Chiesa della Misericordia,
"Do Not Relent in Pursuit of the Traditional Mass and Resist Any Undue Resistance"
The Association Cardinal G. Saldarini had the opportunity to provide Msgr. Pozzo detailed information on their experiences and also about difficulties and obstacles. The Curial Archbishop encouraged the faithful to persevere in their commitment to the dissemination of the traditional liturgy and to oppose any undue resistance. At the same time he assured the faithful of adequate protection, because it is the right of all believers to come to the traditional Rite without obstacles.
The Arch confraternity was formed for implementing the physical and spiritual works of mercy for the care of those sentenced to death. They took care of their spiritual guidance, for a Christian burial and for the Holy Masses for their souls. Even today, the Confraternity operates inmate care.
Contact and Info for pilgrims:
Chiesa della Misercordia: Tel. + 39-11-817.39.67 (RA Tealdi) - info [a] arciconfraternitadellamisericordia.it
SSPX: Tel + 39-11-983.92.72 - Montalenghe [a]. sanpiox.it
Chiesa della Misercordia: Tel. + 39-11-817.39.67 (RA Tealdi) - info [a] arciconfraternitadellamisericordia.it
SSPX: Tel + 39-11-983.92.72 - Montalenghe [a]. sanpiox.it
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Messa in Latino
Image: Messa in Latino
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com