Edit: from Adoration e Liberacio blog. This priest would phone it in if he could.
This happened yesterday at a mass in Iquique, in northern Chile.
The priest sits down; and the "faithful" freely serve the Eucharistic species. "Open bar"
Here we are.
Showing posts with label Chile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chile. Show all posts
Thursday, June 13, 2019
Friday, April 20, 2018
Pope Francis is Under Pressure

Pope Francis has rceived Cardinal Sean in audience while a clear demand has come from Chile.
(Santiago de Chile) Twice yesterday, the case of Barros stood front and center: in Rome and in Santiago de Chile. Cardinal Ricardo Ezzati SDB, the Archbishop of Santiago de Chile, opened an extraordinary gathering of the Chilean clergy yesterday. In Rome, the most important critic of Pope Francis was received in audience.
The reason is Pope Francis' letter to the Chilean Episcopal Conference. With the letter, the Catholic Church leader responded to the report of his special envoy, Msgr. Charles Scicluna, on the sexual abuse scandal in Chile and around the ex-priest Fernando Karadima. The focus is Bishop Juan Barros Madrid. In spite of serious warnings, Pope Francis made him bishop of the diocese of Osorno in early 2015. Karadima victims and a group of faithful from the diocese of Osorno have since protested against this appointment. They accuse Msgr. Barros of covering Karadima's crimes.
For three years, Pope Francis dismissed any criticism as "defamation" and "instrumentalization" by circles hostile to the Church. Therefore, he refused to speak with Barros critics and listen to them.
After Francis maintained this attitude during his visit to Chile last January, the criticism became so strong that he finally had to react. The pope's visit in Chile took place mostly in more remote areas. The Chileans showed demonstrative disinterest. The Karadima case, as the Bishops' Conference noted, severely shook faith in the Church. Nevertheless, Pope Francis saw no reason to change his attitude towards the victims and Bishop Barros. Rather, he explicitly invited him to concelebrate with him publicly. The head of the Church evidently thought of silencing the critics with this gesture of demonstrative confidence in Barros. Instead, Cardinal Sean Patrick O'Malley OFM Cap of Boston joined the criticism. The cardinal is familiar with the case as President of the Pontifical Child Protection Commission.
At the same time, evidence was presented that Pope Francis since the spring of 2015 was informed about the allegations against Msgr. Barros. The pope had claimed otherwise on the return flight to Rome.
Course change - or not
Ten days after his return from Latin America, therefore, Francis made a course correction to curb the international expansion of criticism of his position. He appointed the Archbishop of Malta, Mgr. Charles Scicluna, Pontifical Special Envoy. Scicluna was commissioned to hear the Barros critics. He should do what Francis had refused to do for three years. In the second half of March, Scicluna presented more than 2,300 pages of reports after hearing more than 60 people in the US and Chile.
In parallel, the Chilean Episcopal Conference issued a statement announcing the Pope's contrite attitude to the Chileans in order to restore their shattered confidence. Behind the scenes, the question was not settled.
Francis did not mention Bishop Barros in his letter. Rather, he issued an invitation to the bishops to come to Rome to discuss the matter. The bishops were silent in public. However, they knew that Francis was signaling that he would continue to cling to Barros, the stumbling block in public perception.
Barros himself had in the past submitted to the pope two resignations, which Francis rejected. A third request was to have Archbishop Scicluna together with his report at the papal desk. Barros himself denies this.
Clear signals from Cardinal Ezzati to Francis
The fact is that the head of the Chilean Episcopal Conference wants to conclude the Barros case and therefore wants consequences. And not just since today, but already for three years. Francis was then also warned from the ranks of the Episcopal Conference against appointing Barros as Bishop of Osorno. The Pope, however, clings to him steadfastly. More and more often the question arises as to why.Outwardly, the Chilean Episcopal Conference looks to be in good spirits. Yet behind the scenes there is considerable discord that Francis does not want Barros to give up his office.
The meeting called by Cardinal Ezzati yesterday in Santiago de Chile appealed to the whole clergy of the country to analyze the letter of Pope Francis. On the one hand, it is about the difficult task of regaining the lost trust among Chileans and, on the other, eliminating the causes. What Cardinal Ezzati imagines, he said very clearly and publicly afterwards. He expects Msgr. Barros to resign:
"I'm not a judge to decide if he's covered up something or not. For the good of the Church, however, he should take a step aside."At the same time the cardinal tried a difficult balancing act, with which he wanted to protect the reputation of the pope and at the same time wanted to build a bridge to accept the resignation Barros.
Cardinal Ezzati made it clear at yesterday's press conference that the Pope had to decide on his resignation. So far, Francis has rejected Barros' resignations. Ezzati, President of the Chilean Episcopal Conference from 2010-2016, assured the press that Pope Francis had been "deceived" as far as the information on the Karadima and Barros case was concerned.
Will Francis yield to this pressure from the Chilean Episcopal Conference?
Audience for Cardinal O'Malley in Rome
Yesterday, an event took place in Rome, even before the clergy meeting had begun in Santiago de Chile, which was likely to be directly linked to Chile.
The meeting of Chilean bishops with Pope Francis in Rome is expected to take place in the third week of May. Until then, no decisions are likely to be made, as Francis has so far indicated no signs of wanting to change his position on Barros.
Has what Cardinal O'Malley said to him yesterday and what Cardinal Ezzati demanded yesterday, changed his mind?
The video with central excerpts from the press conference of Cardinal Ezzati yesterday in Santiago de Chile:
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Vatican.va/MiL (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Catholic University of Chile Flies Flag at Half-Mast After Abortion Ruling
(Santiago de Chile) At the Catholic University of Chile the flag was lowered to half-mast because of the legalization of abortion.
Rector Ignacio Sanchez declared that the day when the law on the decriminalization of the killing of unborn children "will be remembered with grief for many years."
Last Thursday, at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile lowered the University's flag to half-mast to mark this grief over the legalization of abortion in three cases.
Since 14 September, Chile has ceased to be one of the countries where the life of unborn children is unconditionally protected. State President Michelle Bachelet announced on this day that the law is in force, which allows the killing of the unborn child at the risk of a mother's life, in the case of malformation of the fetus and rape.
According to the daily newspaper El Mercurio, the rector of the Catholic University of the country declared that the entry into force of the law was "a sad day for the university". This is also expressed by the flag at half-mast.
"Our university does not regard this law as progress in our country," says Sanchez. At the same time, he announced that there would be "no abortions" at the university hospital and the hospitals connected with the university. "We stand for the right to life from birth to natural death."
In this sense, the university and its institutions "will always work for the unborn life as well as the mother".
As the law came into effect, a prayer vigil for the unborn children took place before the episcopal residence of Villarica. "We want to show our support for the unborn children to our country. We also testify to our refusal to comply with this law and the will to fight until this law will be abolished," said Francisco Javier Stegmeier, Bishop of Villarica, according to a press release from the Chilean Episcopal Conference.
The Socialist Michelle Bachelet, who has been in office since March 2014, has been leading the fight for "homosexual marriage," the adoption of minors by aberrosexuals and abortion in Chile since 2015. Nevertheless, the Chilean President will be present as a speaker at the Vatican on 2 November. Bachelet will be lecturing on climate change during a meeting chaired by Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo who heads Pope Francis' political arm in the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: InfoVatican
Photo: InfoVatican
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Chilean Jesuit as Zeitgeist Battler for Adoption by Aberrosexuals
(Santiago de Chile) There are things which must be intelligible by reason, or, as the saying goes, by a healthy understanding of the house. This includes the fact that a prohibition of homosexuals' adoption of children is the result of the fact that they have opted for a life change that excludes reproduction. The difference to heterosexual but unintentionally childless couples, who can adopt children, is obvious. Yet the evident is not obvious to everyone, especially if it contradicts the Zeitgeist.
Among the obtuse is the Chilean Jesuit Felipe Berrios, who was recently a guest of the TV program Mucho Gusto on the Chilean TV channel Mega.
In the television interview Father Berrios SJ states that he agrees that children may also be adopted by couples of the same sex.
Moreover, the Jesuit declared that for him homosexuality, "is neither a bad thing nor a disease or a sin. The homosexuals are created by God and God wants them just as they are."
That the Holy Scriptures, the entire tradition of the Church, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, say something else, does not seem to touch the Jesuits. He did not go into his position at all, but agreed to the more pleasant and simple song of the Zeitgeist.
Text: Andreas Becker
Image: Mucho Gusto / Mega (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Image: Mucho Gusto / Mega (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Pope Francis Throws Ex-Superior General of the Mercedarians out of the Priesthood and the Order
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Announcement of the Mercedarian Province of Chile: Pope Francis Acknowledges Dismissal of the Former Superior General from the Priesthood and Order |
The message of the Order, the silence of the Vatican
The Chilean Mariano Labarca was from 2004-2010 the 86th Superior General of the Order of Our Lady of Mercy for the Ransom of Prisoners (Ordo Beatae Mariae de Mercede redemptionis captivorum) founded in 1218, better known as Mercedarian Order. Since 1574, the General Magister has been elected for six years.
The Chilean Province said:
"Father Pedro MLA (ex-General Superior) was dismissed from the priesthood and the Order by decree of HH Francis, so he is no longer a priest and no longer a religious. This decision, which is irrevocable, has been taken after careful examination of the case brought to light in 2013, because of the serious damage to the priestly dignity and religious vows."
According to Spanish and Latin sources, the "reported case" appears to have involved sexual abuse. The case started in May 2013. The extent to which Pope Francis himself has been personally interested in the matter or has routinely signed the laicization decree is not known.
It is more astonishing that "there are cases of priests who are broadly and publicly treated and accused, and others, of whom we hear nothing, or just as good as nothing, as is the case here. The Spanish Catholic columnist, Francisco Fernandez de la Cigoña, is an attentive observer of the Church's developments in Latin America.
Mariano Labarca, for six years as a Superior General, led this Order rich in tradition, which included numerous Saints, including the founder and first General Magister Petrus Nolascus, Raimund of Peñafort, Raimund Nonnatus, Petrus Armengol and Seraprion, the first martyr of the Order. All these saints lived in the first 100 years of the Order, which at that time developed a very extraordinary charism.
The Mercedarian Order - For the Ransom of Enslaved Christians
The Mother of God had appeared to the Occitan nobility, Petrus Nolascus, in 1218, who asked him to found an order to buy Christians, who were in Islamic captivity. Even then the south of Spain was still under Islamic rule. Until the eighteenth century, Islamic princes, army leaders and pirates sailed all over the Mediterranean and the European coasts. They attacked ships and Europe's coastal areas and, according to recent estimates, carried at least two million Christians as slaves to North Africa and the Middle East.
The Mercedarian Order collected money to buy the enslaved Christians in the south of Iberia, as well as in North Africa, which, because of the great hardship caused by the slaving of the Muslims in Iberia, also a few other Orders. When no money was available, the Mercedarians offered themselves as pledge to obtain the release of other Christians. Their actions were a "triumph of mercy" in the history of the Church.
Because of this original charism, the Order is still active in the prison system.
During the period when the Habsburgs also ruled over Spain, a Mercedarian monastery was established in Vienna, but in 1782 it fell victim to the Josephine sack of the monasteries.
Determined defense by the progressive side
Today, the Order is only a shadow of its former greatness. Today, however, little is known about the names of the great saints from the beginning of the Order. In 2015 it counted 581 members, but in large part this is over aged. The Mercedarian Order is responsible for the most important place of pilgrimage in Sardinia, the Basilica of Our Lady of Bonaria, named after the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires.
While the Labarca case is hardly to be read in the media, the former priest and former Mercedarian, the Basque Xabier Pikaza Ibarrondo, published on the progressive Spanish news site Periodista Digital an unconditional defense of the former Superior General. The contentious, progressive theologian Pikaza was not laicized punitively, but gave up his priesthood and left the Order to marry.
Pikaza criticizes the "zero tolerance" as unchristian. It contradicts the commandment of repentance and reconciliation. Labarca, who until a few years ago played a considerable role in the Church of Chile and was described as a possible bishop, had not been condemned by any secular court. His ecclesiastical condemnation had taken place in the silent chamber. The possibility of defense was doubtful, no one knew with what he was being charged. He, Pikaza, had tried to contact his old religious brother during the proceedings, which was not possible. He had only been informed by the Order that the ex-Superior General should not be in contact with the outside world on the instructions of the Vatican.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Mercedarian Chiles / Wikicommons (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to Katholisches...
Image: Mercedarian Chiles / Wikicommons (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to Katholisches...
Monday, March 6, 2017
Cardinal Müller: "End with the Cliche of a Reforming Pope and Anti-Reform Resistance"
(Rome) Cardinal Gerhard Mueller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine and the Faith, is visibly angry. He had had several occasions to do this in recent times. It is not always possible for him to react. He does not accept everything silently. Now he has reacted to the resignation of Marie Collins.
The resignation of the Irish citizen, Marie Collins as a memeber of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors was reproached by some of the media in an accusation against the Congregation for the Faith, led by Cardinal Prefect Müller. That was astonishing. Müller is known for a practice of zero tolerance. It was a hard indictment that he had hindered the work of the anti-pedophile commission. It is an accusation that does not want to match the facts.
"Fake News" from and about the Vatican
The presentation by the media, out of agency reports, however, was one-sided. The resignation had been properly exploited in order to put the position of Cardinal Müller and his Congregation in a bad light on such a delicate subject. The "evil Congregation of the Faith" is a stereotype, which not a few frequently want to willingly believe. The context of the "evil Congregation of Doctrine and the Faith" and the hindrance of the persecution of pedophile clerics and anti-pedophile prevention are all the more a scandalous mixture. Only, this is just not right. They are a lame media, or in other words, fake news, as they are so fond of saying. Coincidence, bad research, disinformation, attempted influence in inner-church affairs?
The line of zero tolerance, which Cardinal Müller pursues in terms of sexual child abuse, is authentic. It is different with the course of Pope Francis. Those who have good contacts with close papal-dignitaries or the pope himself are treated more gently than those who do not have these contacts. The key word Don Mercedes should suffice to name this line Of double standard. The dismissal of three members of the Congregation of the Congregation of the Congregation, which the Pope himself ordered, and which was enforced against the will of Cardinal Mueller, is also connected with the subject. Two of the three dismissed were concerned with the prosecution of clerical offenders, and their dismissal was not because they had a double standard. They represented the null-tolerance line of Cardinal Mueller, still holding to that which had been issued by Pope Benedict XVI.
Cardinal Müller's Defense - The Case of the Chilean Bishop
Cardinal Müller can not publicly argue a series of connections to his own justification and the protection of his dicastery, because they could appear as a criticism of Pope Francis. Nevertheless, he did not want to take the attacks sitting down and formulated a defense. He criticized the criticism of the resigned Marie Collins, who had been chastised by the media for the Congregation, with the remark that the "Anti-Abuse Commission had so far only asked the Congregation for the dispatch of letters." In plain words, what impediment should have taken place if the Commission did not want anything from the Congregation, and therefore nothing could have been rejected.
The concrete reason for Collins's resignation, who herself had even been abused as a child, is the case of the Chilean bishop who had himself demanded Collins' resignation. Since this was not done after repeated requests, she took her own step to protest according to this threat. However, the bishop's benefactor is not the Congregation of Faith, but Pope Francis himself. The bishop concerned is Juan de la Cruz Barros Madrid, the Bishop of the Chilean diocese. Francis himself had appointed him Bishop of Osorno in 2015. Immediately, victim organizations were indignant at the appointment. However, Francis stood by Bishop Barroso Madrid, and in Rome, he even assured the Chilean faithful who wanted to bring to this to his attention (see The Bishop of Osorno has a super lawyer, Pope Francis, including a video of the correction). The bishop is not accused of sexual abuse, but a priest, Fernando Karadima, who is very well known in Chile.
Cardinal Müller's more fundamental criticism: "end with the stereotype"
The defense of Müller is thus made clearer in a further sentence, when he attacks a common stereotype: "With this stereotype that the pope stands on one side and the resistors on the other." Thus, the Cardinal already cited Matteo Matzuzzi in the Sunday edition of Il Foglio in its title.
The fact that Cardinal Müller mingled his statement by no means only in the matter of the anti-pedophile commission is evident from his choice of words. The quotation goes back to an interview of the Cardinal Prefect with Gian Guido Vecchi of the Corriere della Sera. Müller had said:
"I think that this stereotype should be brought to an end, the idea that on the one hand is a pope who wants reform, and on the other a group of adversaries who want to block it."
The words could also be translated so as to recognize their explosive nature. It is probably due to the conflict over the anti-pedophile commission, but it can also be read in a general context. "End with the stereotype that this pope is on the side of the good and the resistance is on the side of the evil."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: MiL
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
The resignation of the Irish citizen, Marie Collins as a memeber of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors was reproached by some of the media in an accusation against the Congregation for the Faith, led by Cardinal Prefect Müller. That was astonishing. Müller is known for a practice of zero tolerance. It was a hard indictment that he had hindered the work of the anti-pedophile commission. It is an accusation that does not want to match the facts.
"Fake News" from and about the Vatican
The presentation by the media, out of agency reports, however, was one-sided. The resignation had been properly exploited in order to put the position of Cardinal Müller and his Congregation in a bad light on such a delicate subject. The "evil Congregation of the Faith" is a stereotype, which not a few frequently want to willingly believe. The context of the "evil Congregation of Doctrine and the Faith" and the hindrance of the persecution of pedophile clerics and anti-pedophile prevention are all the more a scandalous mixture. Only, this is just not right. They are a lame media, or in other words, fake news, as they are so fond of saying. Coincidence, bad research, disinformation, attempted influence in inner-church affairs?
The line of zero tolerance, which Cardinal Müller pursues in terms of sexual child abuse, is authentic. It is different with the course of Pope Francis. Those who have good contacts with close papal-dignitaries or the pope himself are treated more gently than those who do not have these contacts. The key word Don Mercedes should suffice to name this line Of double standard. The dismissal of three members of the Congregation of the Congregation of the Congregation, which the Pope himself ordered, and which was enforced against the will of Cardinal Mueller, is also connected with the subject. Two of the three dismissed were concerned with the prosecution of clerical offenders, and their dismissal was not because they had a double standard. They represented the null-tolerance line of Cardinal Mueller, still holding to that which had been issued by Pope Benedict XVI.
Cardinal Müller's Defense - The Case of the Chilean Bishop
Cardinal Müller can not publicly argue a series of connections to his own justification and the protection of his dicastery, because they could appear as a criticism of Pope Francis. Nevertheless, he did not want to take the attacks sitting down and formulated a defense. He criticized the criticism of the resigned Marie Collins, who had been chastised by the media for the Congregation, with the remark that the "Anti-Abuse Commission had so far only asked the Congregation for the dispatch of letters." In plain words, what impediment should have taken place if the Commission did not want anything from the Congregation, and therefore nothing could have been rejected.
The concrete reason for Collins's resignation, who herself had even been abused as a child, is the case of the Chilean bishop who had himself demanded Collins' resignation. Since this was not done after repeated requests, she took her own step to protest according to this threat. However, the bishop's benefactor is not the Congregation of Faith, but Pope Francis himself. The bishop concerned is Juan de la Cruz Barros Madrid, the Bishop of the Chilean diocese. Francis himself had appointed him Bishop of Osorno in 2015. Immediately, victim organizations were indignant at the appointment. However, Francis stood by Bishop Barroso Madrid, and in Rome, he even assured the Chilean faithful who wanted to bring to this to his attention (see The Bishop of Osorno has a super lawyer, Pope Francis, including a video of the correction). The bishop is not accused of sexual abuse, but a priest, Fernando Karadima, who is very well known in Chile.
Cardinal Müller's more fundamental criticism: "end with the stereotype"
The defense of Müller is thus made clearer in a further sentence, when he attacks a common stereotype: "With this stereotype that the pope stands on one side and the resistors on the other." Thus, the Cardinal already cited Matteo Matzuzzi in the Sunday edition of Il Foglio in its title.
The fact that Cardinal Müller mingled his statement by no means only in the matter of the anti-pedophile commission is evident from his choice of words. The quotation goes back to an interview of the Cardinal Prefect with Gian Guido Vecchi of the Corriere della Sera. Müller had said:
"I think that this stereotype should be brought to an end, the idea that on the one hand is a pope who wants reform, and on the other a group of adversaries who want to block it."
The words could also be translated so as to recognize their explosive nature. It is probably due to the conflict over the anti-pedophile commission, but it can also be read in a general context. "End with the stereotype that this pope is on the side of the good and the resistance is on the side of the evil."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: MiL
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Chile: Leftists Occupy and Desecrate a Church During Student Protests
Demonstrations against the education policy degenerate into anti-Christian vandalism.
Santiago de Chile (kath.net/ KNA) In Chile unknown masked individuals have stormed a Catholic church on the outskirts of Santiago in the course of student unrest on Thursday. Video recordings show demonstrators bringing the cross with the figure of Christ from the church and destroying it on the open road.
Chilean Interior Minister Mario Fernandez denounced the riots. Such vandalism has nothing to do with freedom of expression. The images of destruction were cause for anger and protest in the social networks. In all of Chile, thousands of students took to the streets on Thursday to protest against the education policy of the government.
Santiago de Chile (kath.net/ KNA) In Chile unknown masked individuals have stormed a Catholic church on the outskirts of Santiago in the course of student unrest on Thursday. Video recordings show demonstrators bringing the cross with the figure of Christ from the church and destroying it on the open road.
Chilean Interior Minister Mario Fernandez denounced the riots. Such vandalism has nothing to do with freedom of expression. The images of destruction were cause for anger and protest in the social networks. In all of Chile, thousands of students took to the streets on Thursday to protest against the education policy of the government.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Catholics in Santiago Publicly Denounce Unworthy Bishop?
Edit: an unsympathetic reader provided this as an example to put Catholics in the rest of the West to shame. Are we actually certain that this reaction comes from faithful Catholics? If these are indeed faithful Catholics outraged at an evil Bishop, which he seems to be, we really ought to feel ashamed.
There was once a time when Catholics would reject an unworthy ordinary by force.
The New York Times reportage isn't very encouraging.
CH 21, 2015
SANTIAGO, Chile — Hundreds of demonstrators dressed in black barged into a cathedral in a city in southern Chile on Saturday and interrupted the installation ceremony for the city’s new Roman Catholic bishop, Juan Barros, whom they accuse of complicity in a notorious case of clerical sexual abuse, blocking his passage and shouting, “Barros, get out of the city!”
The scene inside the Cathedral San Mateo de Osorno was chaotic, with television images showing clashes between Barros opponents, carrying black balloons, and Barros supporters, carrying white ones. Radio reports said several protesters tried to climb onto the altar where Bishop Barros was standing. After the ceremony, he left the cathedral through a side door escorted by police special forces. Outside, about 3,000 people, including local politicians and members of Congress, held signs and chanted demands that he resign.
Weeks of protests, candlelight vigils and letters to Pope Francis were not enough to persuade him to rescind his decision in January to appoint Bishop Barros to lead the Diocese of Osorno, 570 miles south of the capital, Santiago. Bishop Barros was a close associate of the Rev. Fernando Karadima, a prominent Santiago priest whom the Vatican found guilty of sexual abuse in 2011. Father Karadima, now 84, was ordered to retire to a “life of prayer and penitence.”
There was once a time when Catholics would reject an unworthy ordinary by force.
The New York Times reportage isn't very encouraging.
CH 21, 2015
SANTIAGO, Chile — Hundreds of demonstrators dressed in black barged into a cathedral in a city in southern Chile on Saturday and interrupted the installation ceremony for the city’s new Roman Catholic bishop, Juan Barros, whom they accuse of complicity in a notorious case of clerical sexual abuse, blocking his passage and shouting, “Barros, get out of the city!”
The scene inside the Cathedral San Mateo de Osorno was chaotic, with television images showing clashes between Barros opponents, carrying black balloons, and Barros supporters, carrying white ones. Radio reports said several protesters tried to climb onto the altar where Bishop Barros was standing. After the ceremony, he left the cathedral through a side door escorted by police special forces. Outside, about 3,000 people, including local politicians and members of Congress, held signs and chanted demands that he resign.
Weeks of protests, candlelight vigils and letters to Pope Francis were not enough to persuade him to rescind his decision in January to appoint Bishop Barros to lead the Diocese of Osorno, 570 miles south of the capital, Santiago. Bishop Barros was a close associate of the Rev. Fernando Karadima, a prominent Santiago priest whom the Vatican found guilty of sexual abuse in 2011. Father Karadima, now 84, was ordered to retire to a “life of prayer and penitence.”
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Anarchists Attack Cathedral in Chile on the Patronal Feast: Mayor Leads Catholics to Defend it Against Them!

Edit: the coverage from the media was poor on this.
(Santiago de Chile) While Pope Francis met with young people from around the world last night at the Copacabana, the Cathedral Santiago de Chile, was profaned (On his feast, the 25th of July.). The sacrilege took place during the celebration of the Holy Mass by the Archbishop Ricardo Ezzati Andrello in honor of St. James the Great, who celebrated the eponymous saint of the Chilean capital.
The 300 participants were anti-clericals from the march against life taking place just then, which was organized by supporters of abortion in Chile's capital. They demand a "right" to be able to kill unborn children. The violent abortion advocates destroyed confessionals, threw pews around, shouted blasphemies, insulted Christians and smeared hate slogans on the walls of the church and its altars, with an almost unsurpassable contempt, "such as if the graves, and the pillars of the cathedral were some minor concrete wall of a railway bridge or an industrial zone underpass" as Matteo Matzuzzi of Il Foglio wrote.
Numerous Mass attendees, among whom was the mayor of Santiago, Tohá Carolina, responded vigorously to the initial shock and drove the attackers out of the way. They formed a human wall around the presbytery and prevented the attackers from entering to the main altar.

In Chile, there is already campaigning for the presidential elections in the fall. The political left has inscribed their banners with slogans for the legalization of abortion and "gay marriage". The spokesman for the Stalinist [Compared to the DDR of old in Germany], Socialist candidate and current UN Under-Secretary General and UN Women's President, Michelle Bachelet, was already Chilean President from 2006-2010.
The desecration of the cathedral of Chile has shocked Catholics. "But the perpetrators, heralds of death, blasphemers and vandals of the church allowed this because they are Democrats, they are social, for a just world, against this and against that ..." as a Catholic Chilean blogger commented on the raid.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Images: ACIprensa
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to katholisches...
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Where Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer Celebrated the Old Mass
Edit: some will remember that the founder of The Work, refused to celebrate the New Mass and obediently obtained an Indult so he wouldn't have to.

Father Mönckeberg celebrated Mass at that altar, where the founder of Opus Dei, St. Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer said Mass on his visit to Chile in 1974.
Since the First Sunday in Advent in 2011 at the Basilica Sant'Eugenio, the parish supervised by Opus Dei in the city of Rome, the Holy Mass is regularly celebrated in both forms of the Roman rite.
On 11 February 2012 Curial Bishop Juan Ignacio Arrieta Ochoa de Chinchetru, gave the secretary of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, who is also a member of Opus Dei, in the seminary of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter in Wigratzbad, the Lower Orders and subdiaconate in the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church.
Translated: Tancred
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Accion Liturgica
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Traditional Priest in Union With Rome Skeptical About Bux Letter
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Old Mass by the SSPX © Pius.info |
(kreuz.net, Santiago) It is the right time to reconcile with the Vatican.
This is what Italian Liturgist, Prelate Nicola Bux, wrote in an open letter to the Society of St. Pius X.
The Prelate explained in it that after the Pastoral Council, a "real disaster" broke out in the Church.
At the same time he warned that the Society should not let the "moment of Grace" pass by.
Discouraging Experiences
Father Raphael Navas -- the one responsible for the traditional 'Institute of the Good Shepherd' for South America-- criticized the open letter on 'facebook.com'.
His Institute is a breakaway from the Society. Father Navas was earlier a member there.
His report of his time in the Conciliar Church is not only rosy.
The Hopes of the Prelate.
Father Navas comments in the following excerpt from the open letter of Prelate Bux:
"In the fullness of Church members with the great family, that which the Church is, your voice will not be repressed any longer."
A reconciliation will bring significant fruits, which otherwise would decay -- wrote the Prelate.
The Reality is Completely Otherwise
Father Navas believes Father Bux is of good will.
But: "The reality is something else".
As an example Father described the problems of the Institute in Chile.
Archbishop Ricardo Ezzati Andrello (70) of Santiago in Chile and the neighboring Diocese have been reserved toward the Institute -- although it is approved by the Holy See.
"It goes as far as that the canonical establishement will be denied."
There is Only One Sin For the Old Liberals -- to be a Traditionalist
Father Navas named "modern forms of ecclesiastical persecution -- contempt, odium and indifference".
It is considered a "great sin" to only celebrate the Old Rite of the Mass and to interpret the Second Vatican Council in the sense of Catholic belief.
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