Showing posts with label Charles Coulombe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charles Coulombe. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Everything You Were Taught About Medieval Monarchy Is Wrong!

It really was the original form of limited government. Nowhere near as intrusive as our governments today. Back then, power was very diffused. Everyone had it from the King all the way down to the lowest serf. However, authority was concentrated (up at the top). The result was that if the king overstepped his bounds, he was just told: "No!" Try that today where authority is diffused (everybody has a vote) but power is concentrated at the top. If you don't vote the right way, they make you vote again. In the end, we all know that if voting was actually capable of changing anything, it would be made illegal.


 Little thought experiment: Suppose our POTUS was replaced with a hereditary monarch with all the limitations on power originally enumerated in the Constitution. We suspect that the very moment he tried to make a grab for power that the law didn't give him, the peasants would be out with pitchforks ready to overthrow him. But, because we all vote we're all peachy keen with the Federal Government growing increasingly powerful. If you can stand the persiflage, here's a playlist of Coulombe talking monarchy.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Death of An Imperial Pen Pal

by Charles Coulombe
[Takimag]The San Fernando Valley in the 1970s was a very dull place. Hot and dusty, filled with lackluster architectural construction thrown together during the postwar housing boom, it was the last place I wanted to be.

Back in those far-off days, the LA Archdiocese’s paper, The Tidings, ran a column by the Archduke Otto von Habsburg, son of Austria-Hungary’s last Emperor-King.

My family was historically minded, and my upbringing gave me a hatred of the French Revolution and a love of the Habsburgs, Bourbons, and Stuarts. In high school in the 1970s, I became a monarchist. In the LA Central Library lurked such volumes as The Purple or the Red, Kings Without Thrones, and Monarchs-in-Waiting. I resolved to write to the Archduke Otto concerning issues political and religious. Off my note went into the post.

Link to original, here...