Showing posts with label Catholic media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catholic media. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Pope Gathers the Heads of Dicastries -- Vatican Media

Dicastry Heads in Meeting With Pope Francis
(Rome) On Monday Pope Francis gathered all of the dicastry heads of the Roman Curia.
As announced in the daily bulletin of the Vatican press office, the Catholic Church leader had called together all heads of dicastries for the morning. The chair at the meeting is led by the Pope.
According to Vatican Insider, Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi SJ, says that the meeting is considering "the reform of the media and means of communication" of the Holy See.
Joint meetings of all of the dicastry heads chaired by the pope are rare events that take place usually at most once or twice a year.
The dicasteries include the nine congregations, the three secretariats, the twelve pontifical councils, the three courts and three curial offices.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: MiL
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Voris Joins the Chorus -- Church Militant Criticizes Pope

Edit: a disgrace to the Chair of Peter?  Wow!  Has there been an apology to John Vennari, Catholic Family News, the Angelus, Rorate Caeli or others who've been legitimately critical of this pope in the past?

To our knowledge they didn't apologize about the SSPX, either.

We have to say, going after these groups doesn't seem to have hurt them much.

[ChurchMilitant] At exactly 4:49 p.m. Rome time, February 12,1931, a remarkable thing happened. For the first time in history, a mass audience actually was able to audibly hear with their own ears the actual voice of the Holy Father — less than a hundred years ago in a 2000-year-old Church. The very first radio broadcast, invented by Italian scientist Guglielmo Marconi, went out over the airwaves with the voice coming from the mouth of Pope Pius XI. Things were about to change forever.  

Fifty years earlier in 1870, the Church had officially announced the dogma of papal infallibility at Vatican I. The dogmatic announcement was a source of some concern — and not just by enemies of the Church.

Before he died 20 years after Vatican I and 30 years before that first radio broadcast, Bd. John Henry Newman looked down the road and worried that regular Catholics would misconstrue the dogmatic pronouncement and begin to assign, in their minds, an authority to the Pope that he does not possess: common infallibility.


Saturday, February 9, 2013

German Catholic Communications Professor Fired for Statements About Marriage

Hateful Statements Against Committed Catholics Have Consequences

Edit: the following story appeared in several Catholic media outlets recently about University lecturer and Catholic journalist Martin Lohmann who was recently dismissed from a lecturing position because he does not agree with aberrosexuality.

Cologne (kathnews/CF) The famous Catholic publicist and earlier TV moderator Martin Lohmann is the President of the National Association for Defense of Life (BVL) and speaker of the AEK (Network of Engaged Catholics in the CDU).  Officially he is active as the Chief Director of the Catholic private broadcaster K-TV.  For years Lohmann has promoted convincingly and unshakably  the value of marriage, the  protection of the family and the right of all people to life, especially unborn children.  This clear position has led to intolerant antagonisms and media attacks against this imperturbable Catholic. The "Cologne Express" identified him recently as the lecturer of the Munich based, private "Macromedia Hochschuler fuer Medien und Kommunikation" (MHMK) [Macromedia University for Media and Communication].   Hereupon, the speaker of the University made the following statement on Wednesday, February 6, 2013, which stated that Lohmann's criticism of the right of adoption for homosexuals in December of the previous year had caused intolerant consequences:

"Martin Lohmann is no longer a lecturer  in Macromedia University for Media and Communication in Cologne.  After his statements on "Hart aber Fair" in a broadcast of 12/3/2012, the academic directors of Media Management have decided to no longer retain him as an instructor. The University represents in its fundamental values, a human ideal, in which various sexual orientations are respected.  They reject every form of discrimination.  Herr Lohmann's position as an honorary advisor of the University will be evaluated at present."  Lohmann pled in this talk show -- together with Christian journalist and housewife Birgit Kelle -- for the value of marriage between a man and a woman;  both critics of the Zeitgeist defended the classical family as well as the Christian foundations of the ideal.  Actually, what was earlier self-evident,  turns today increasintly into a gauntlet against public opinion -- with draconian consequences, as the most recent exclusionary action against Lohmann documents.

"Funny enough" MHMK wrote the following in their homepage their own side:  "The MHMK is the University, which reflects media wise today's and yesterday's society."  -- Oho,  that can  make "tomorrow" more pleasant, considering how bleak things stand for the freedom of expression for conservatives.

So much for the much-praised "freedom" in our media Republic - specifically media dictatorship Germany. Mention would certainly add that even the left-leaning "Kölner Express", a proven opponent  of Lohmann concedes in its current summation: "The students regularly carry out reviews of the 55-year-old according to the University  have not yet been ​​a negative." But on professional performance on skill and reputation among students are not factors, it is apparently more important to be "politically correct",  the opinion compatible with the zeitgeist, which may not in any way be "made sickly" by Christian principles.

Link to kathnews...

Foto: Martin Lohmann – Foto: HL – LohmannMedia