Edit: Imagine my shock. You would think that Marx's big push to legitimize mortal sin would make him and his confreres MORE, not less popular.
Germans consider television more trustworthy than the Catholic Church. In a survey, it is only in the rear midfield among 26 institutions. Trust in the pope also decreases.
Statistics | Bonn - 04.01.2018
According to a survey, Germans do not trust the Catholic Church with great confidence. Among 26 "non-political institutions," the Catholic Church in a study by the opinion research institute forsa for the television station RTL and ntv is only ranked 18th At 27 percent, however, it improved compared to the previous year by one percentage point. Here, the perception in West and East Germany deviates strongly from each other. For example, only 13 percent of East Germans give their trust to the Catholic Church; by contrast, 30 percent among the West Germans.
The Protestant church increased by two percentage points to 48 percent, ranking it in 13th place. In West Germany, 50 percent of the respondents trust them, in eastern Germany 34 percent.
Confidence in the pope, on the other hand, declined significantly last year. He is trusted by 54 percent of the respondents, which represents a decrease of 6 percentage points compared to 2016 and means 9th place in the current ranking. Here too, West and East Germany deviate strongly from each other. The pope enjoys, according to the data, 40 percent of the East Germans' trust, but 57 percent of West Germans.
Islam lost the most confidence
The strongest loss of confidence was recorded by Islam. It fell in the "trust ranking" from 25 percent in the previous year to 9 percent. That means rank 24. Behind it lie only managers with 6 per cent and advertising agencies with 5 per cent. Forsa boss Manfred Güllne believes Islamist attacks are responsible this low value for Islam.
37 percent of the respondents trusted the Central Council of Jews, three percentage points less than in 2016. The "trust ranking" is headed by the police, universities, doctors and their own employers. The media in the form of radio, press and television had each suffered 4 percentage point losses. According to the poll, 56 percent of Germans trust in the radio (8th place), the press comes to 40 percent (15th place), the television 28 percent (17th place).
The survey took place between December 15 and 20, with 2,307 people polled. (Well / KNA)
Showing posts with label Catholic Church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catholic Church. Show all posts
Thursday, January 4, 2018
Sunday, December 23, 2012
The Catholic Church is Losing its Status as National Church in Liechtenstein

The law is the central element of the new organization of the relationship between State and Church. Additionally there are constitutional revisions with the Catholic Church losing its special position as the National Church, as well as the concordat with the Holy See.
The Constitutional alteration will be put in effect in 2013 before the newly elected parliament. Passing a fundamental law requires two further proceedings as well as pass with a two thirds majority.
In the new law regarding the recognition of religious societies, the Evangelical Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church will be included. Over 75 percent of the 36,000 inhabitants are Catholic; 50 years ago it was still 90 percent.
The Archdiocese of Vaduz, which includes the entire territory of the small country, was established in 1997 by the Vatican. A law from 1870 served as a legal precedent.
In the second reading the Parliament decided to establish the religious declaration at 14 years of age; in Switzerland it is set at 16. It was additionally decided to restrict obligatory religious instruction in school to the primary school.
The recognized national religious communities will be financed by a mandated tax. Those obligated to pay the tax can determine to which community his portion of tax will flow.
The government of Liechtenstein has stated that the prescribed religious communities shall receive 2 percent of the wealth and tax income of the nation and the community. This corresponds roughly to less than three million euros per year.
The Concordat as applied to the property rights will be divided at the community level. The Principality and the Vatican have already united on the level of negotiations. Originally the signing of the agreement was planned for 12 December. For "reasons of a deadline" they will probably not take place till the beginning of January 2013, it is said.
Link to kath.net...
Monday, August 6, 2012
Political Activists Ignore Obvious Link Between Homosexual Activity and Sex-Abuse
The following article throws some interesting light on the Sandusky case and its relationship with the Catholic Church's alleged issues with sexual abuse.
Many will probably remember "President" Obama's Safe Sex (with kids) Czar Kevin Jennings, defending turning a blind eye to a young man who came to him for counsel when he was being molested by an adult. From Creative Pundit:
The explosive report posted here and here outed Obama’s ‘Safe Schools Czar’s sickening promotion of child porn books to school children.
Since then Jennings has been cited for promoting sexual activity with children in the most blithe fashion, but this has gone largely unnoticed.
Certainly, the same people advocating for the arrest of Kansas city's Archbishop Finn for allegedly neglecting to report the appearance of child pornography on the computer of one of his priests, aren't the same people advocating for excusing the behavior of Kevin Jennings.
And while Jeff Anderson vociferously attacks the Catholic Church, he remains silent on the assistant and abettor of child-abuse, Kevin Jennings himself. Perhaps it's not a good idea to bite the hand that feeds you, since Jeff Anderson's political alignment is no mystery if his campaign and political contributions are any indication.
The following is from WND exclusive interviewing radio talk-show personality Micheal L. Brown who's one of the few commentators identifying what most people, including the homosexual activist and his allies, who is willing to identify the problem:
Brown said the stance is consistent with the homosexual community’s role in public schools for years.
“Also, since homosexual activists push so hard for Gay Straight Alliances in schools, many of which have clearly introduced younger gay boys to older gay men, it is difficult for gay activists to take the high moral ground when it comes to exposing and condemning Sandusky,” the conservative pundit contends.
The American Family Association of Pennsylvania concurs that concealment and silence were key in protecting homosexual behavior at Penn State.
The group alleges former Penn State President Graham Spanier supported the homosexual lifestyle on campus as never before. AFA President Diane Gramley recently cited the Freeh Sporkin & Sullivan report issued last month as confirmation of the silence that allowed homosexual behavior at the scandal-plagued university.
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