Showing posts with label Caritas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Caritas. Show all posts

Monday, February 10, 2014

Rome's Massive Critique of the Absent Catechesis in Austria

The Rome Bulletin of the Ad Limina Visit of the Austrian Bishops
Contains a Massive Critique of their Activity,
Despite Schönborn's Portrayals. 

Episcopal Whitewash

Cardinal Schönborn is the white washer of his own failings. Just as he explains  the ad limina visit to Rome, as if the Holy Father had just held a contented little chat with the Austrian bishops.

Bulletin of Rome

The Bulletin of Rome for ad limina visit of the Austrian episcopate (VISITA "ad Limina Apostolorum" DEI PRESULI DELLA Conferenza Episcopale DELL'AUSTRIA, 01/30/2014 ) already significantly different, sounds like omission within the Church and diplomatic courtesies.
Subsequently, this is [our translation] the original text (in italics) with explanations of the underlying statements.

VISITA "ad Limina Apostolorum" DEI PRESULI DELLA Conferenza Episcopale DELL'AUSTRIA, 30/01/2014

Dear Brothers,
I am pleased that I will blessed through this intense encounter with you as part of your ad limina visit of the fruits of the Church in Austria and that I should give her something. I thank your President, Cardinal Schönborn for the courteous words that assure me that we will go the way of the proclamation of salvation in Christ together. Each of us is from Christ, the only mediator of salvation, the Church opens up its priestly work according to the senses after and thus helps to make the love of God in the world again presently.
  • Welcome and approval from the Holy Father that the Church in Austria, according to Cardinal Schönborn, still remains  united with Rome. Apparently assurance by Cardinal Schönborn was necessary to reduce doubt in the Vatican.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Head of Austrian Caritas Endorses President of Dissident Priest Group for Bishop

The anti-Roman Landau Religion Mobilizes for the anti-Roman Schüller-Religion

A poser priest  with a questionable career trajectory from a Jewish background, and now  endorses a heretical priest in his struggle to create a market for smugglers.
Caritas in Pinstripes: Michael Landau remains faithful to his anti-Rome Course f - a kind of prerequisite for a career in the Schönborn Church [Image: Encyclopedia Dramatica CC]

Human Traffickers Business

A clear winner of globalization is the illegal and highly organized business of human trafficking. The mafia gangs seem to have church-related servants who realize their campaigning for human trafficking with the aid of church funds. Thus Caritas has also used our Church funds in its portion of production and channeling of international refugees to  assist in  destroying the resident people, its culture and the Catholic religion.
This destruction is one of the essential tasks of Caritas, which is why it has also funded abortions:

The Social-Industrial Combine of Caritas

The most important for the socio-industrial combine of Caritas is not to alienate any human traffickers is because the charity needs  Human Trafficking-Industry people, who ship well-paying economic refugees here, so that they can then sneak benefits.

In this Way the Church is Made to Look Ridiculous, it is Intended:

An exodus of the few remaining Catholic faithful was the launched in 1939 by Arthur Seyss-Inquart, was also intended to give life to the Nazi Church-tax club:
Revenue from the Nazi church contribution Law of 1939 should be able to be freely used for socialist agendas and at the same time faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will be destroyed and the Masonic do-gooder will withdraw. This plan seems to be persistently followed by  Cardinal Christoph Schönborn.
There is no other explanation that a priest performer of a Jewish family with a questionable meteoric career and the  Big Boss of the socialist do-gooder group "Caritas"  agitates for the anti-Roman Schüller-religion.

Caritas is the Opium of Heretical Priests

So, the big boss of the Social-Industrial combine Caritas, Fr. Michael Landau   confirmed on the occasion of his appointment as Caritas Austria CEO: Hw. Helmut Schüller would be an "excellent candidate for office of a bishop".
The poser priest Landau probably allowed himself a pre-Christmas April Fool's  by bringing a priest who has been charged as a  heretic into play, for office of a bishop. It is only by going back to Arthur Seyss-Inquart's Church-tax club that calls for a  bishop who calls for disobedience to the Vicar of Christ could ever  be conceivable. 
This alignment of the anti-Roman Landau religion with the anti-Roman Schüller-religion is a worst-case scenario for the Catholic faith in Austria. This seems to be something Cardinal Christoph Schönborn  has pulled all strings to strive for.

Stay Roman Catholic!

Whoever has a conscience,  will depart from the Nazi, Catholic faith destroying, Church-tax association founded in 1939  - and remain a Roman Catholic !

Trans: Tancred

NB: German speaking countries have a Church-tax system which in Austria's case was imposed in 1939 under the Nazis.  This sytem, has been a vehicle for the destruction of Catholicism in German countries, especially since the Second World War.  The Church-tax in this case is being used to fund Caritas, which is an abortion supporting, immigration promoting, organization.  If that's not insulting enough to the faithful Catholic, its current president, an alleged convert from a Jewish background, has praised the dissident founder of Call to Disobedience, a priestly version of USA Call to Action.  They promote disobedience to Catholic teachings on a range of issues from abortion, to women priests and celibacy.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Austrian Caritas Pays Abortion Operation

The Caritas Vienna transferred funds from the contributions of Catholics in the acquiring of the destruction of the weakest of men, the unborn. This according to a report out on "" of November 2010.

In this report, a postal letter from the asylum center of Caritas Vienna (Mariannengasse 11,1990 Vienna) is to see which is addressed to the "Clinic on Fleischmarkt"  (Abortion Institute, now: "pro: woman", Clinic on Fleischmarkt Company, Fleischmarkt 26, 1010 Wien). [Curiously named "Meat Market"]

The document makes a"hearty thanks" to Caritas Vienna, that a client of Caritas had secured a social tarif of 100 Euro for the clinic on Fleschmarkt and that the client had already "received the award" from us (therefore Caritas Vienna) and the amount will be paid in cash.

Caritas is funded by church contributions. According to the financial management report of 2011 by the Church it received 1.5 millionn Euro. The head of Caritas Vienna is Fr. Michael Landau.

Anyone who has doubts about the authenticity of this letter, let him address himself to the responsible bodies, such as the:

- Vienna Archdiocese under Cardinal Christoph Schönborn

- Caritas of the Archdiocese of Vienna under Fr. Micahel Landau

-or to the President of the Austrian Caritas, Franz Küberl.

No one will deny the authenticity of this letter.

In keeping with the practice of Caritas is the de facto consent of Cardinal Schönborn on abortion to the press at ORF in 2006.

Caritas -- Lair of Leftist Catholicism

One can not avoid the impression that the charity is on the way to turn Holy Church into a money oriented, social club, to soften the nature of Holy Church and decompose it from within. Otherwise it's not comprehensible that the Caritas funds from Church donations by Catholics are put to misuse and contributes to the destruction to make an end of the lives of so many innocent people -- even though it is the express will of God, not to kill!

From Caritas to the Anti-Clerical "Green"

So it is no coincidence that the national director of the Neo-Marxist Postmodernist Party "The Greens", Stefan Wallner, who has changed directly from Vienna Caritas to the morally destructive Greens and then from there has raised a visor for the political works engaged in the protection of trees and shrubs, obtaining the destruction of the weakest people, the unborn.

And still further, it is probably no accident that Pope Benedict XVI. has decreed in his Motu Proprio "About the Service of Charity". It says, among other things:

In carrying out their charitable activity, therefore, the various Catholic organizations should not limit themselves merely to collecting and distributing funds, but should show special concern for individuals in need and exercise a valuable educational function within the Christian community, helping people to appreciate the importance of sharing, respect and love in the spirit of the Gospel of Christ. The Church’s charitable activity at all levels must avoid the risk of becoming just another form of organized social assistance
The mission of Caritas is therefore neither abortion, the alienation of church money and the widespread misuse of the Austrian social system, nor the abuse of asylum and the associated degradation of the rule of law.

German Caritas Association is Directed by an Abortion-Prelate

The Tie-Priest Fr. Neher, Caritas, endorsed the use of the abortifacient pill --
when will Cardinal Meisner remove him from ecclesiastical functions?
[Screen shot ARD, Broadcast cited in article]
In the ARD- broadcast "In the name of God -- how merciless is the official Church?" with Guenther Jauch endorsing Fr. Peter Neher as President of the German Caritas Association in a scurrilous erroneous interpretation of Cardinal Meisner's statements on "the morning after abortion pill".

Caritas President for Abortion

As to the question of anti-Church moderator Gunther Jauch, what the clarification of Cardinal Meisner on the "morning after abortion pill" now means to Catholic hospitals,  Suit-and-Tie-Prelate Peter Neher (Broadcast of 3 February 2013, 11:45,  section from 15 minutes and 15 seconds):

Fr. Neher:  "I think it's now relatively difficult to state the Cardinal's relatively clear statements again: did he intend this, didn't he intend it.  He has said quite clearly,  and as I understand Cardinal Meisner, he would never have made this public, if he did not have exact information. ... for me it clearly means, he had plainly decided between a preventative pill and a pill which effects an abortion.  He clearly differentiated that.  And what I find extremely important: he once again made it very clear, that Catholic hospitals also support a woman in her decision and, if the woman then decides to take this pill and that it has an abortifacient effect,  then it also has to respect the Catholic hospital.  And I think that's an enormous statement, because once again clearly establishes the value of personal conscience and the personal decision.  This is not a frivolous concession to the Zeitgeist, but I believe very well that the Cardinal has also made clear that there can be situations which actually lie between life and death and can affect even the woman."

There is no "pill afterwards" without possible death

Previously, the gynecologist Bernhard von Tongelen explained that there would be no "after pill",  which has a preventative effect.  As the fertilization of the egg takes place, these pill work as preventing implantation, and therefore have an abortifacient effect, thus killing a newly created life.

Link to

Monday, October 18, 2010

Archdiocese of Vienna: Caritas Director Michael Landau Oppposes Rome

The high ranking Church functionary of the Archdiocese of Vienna ignores Church teachings regarding the priesthood for women -- a few weeks ago, Landau was still on call as the Austrian Bishops conference's new Secretary.

Vienna, ( The Viennese head of Caritas Michael Landau had set himself against Rome in an interview with Austrian Television regarding celibacy and the ordination of women. Landau said regarding celibacy: "That was introduced at some point in the history of the Church, and can also at the same time be abolished in the same manner." The high ranking Church functionary of the Archdiocese of Vienna would like these things "much more open and more clearly" than they were discussed in the past. Also Landau can imagine the ordination of women to the priesthood. He believes that this would be at least "substantially changed" in the Church, if the Church opened the consecrated offices to women. Especially explosive on the question: Landau was a few weeks ago still on call as the new Secretary of the Austrian Bishops Conference. came by this information by Episcopal circles. Also, according to the daily "Die Presse" Cardinal Christoph von Schönborn had even proposed Laundau as a possible Bishop.

Pope John Paul II has already clearly explained in "Ordinatio Sacerdotalis", that the Church will never allow "womans' ordination". It says in the document: "Although the teaching that priestly ordination is to be reserved to men alone has been preserved by the constant and universal Tradition of the Church and firmly taught by the Magisterium in its more recent documents, at the present time in some places it is nonetheless considered still open to debate, or the Church's judgment that women are not to be admitted to ordination is considered to have a merely disciplinary force.

Wherefore, in order that all doubt may be removed regarding a matter of great importance, a matter which pertains to the Church's divine constitution itself, in virtue of my ministry of confirming the brethren (cf. Lk 22:32) I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church's faithful."

Link to original...

You can e-mail Father Michael Landau, here: