Showing posts with label Cardinal Woelki. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cardinal Woelki. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

German Politician: “Cardinal Woelki, Cardinal Marx, where are you now, depraved, disgusting hypocrites!”

Former Bild on Sunday editor-in-chief and current AfD (Alternative für Deutschland) politician Nicolaus Fest has unleashed sharp criticism of the churches, because they are silent on the JUSO extension for abortion until the 9th month.

Berlin ( Nicolaus Fest, former deputy editor-in-chief of the Bild am Sonntag and current AFD politician, has vigorously criticized the silence of politicians, media and the churches on the JUSO demand for abortion until the ninth month. "Cardinal Woelki, Cardinal Marx, where are you now depraved, disgusting hypocrites?" Mr. Bedford-Strohm, Mrs. Irmgard Schwätzer of the EKD. "Where is your outcry, you bigoted religious actors?" And Fest then criticizes the zeitgeist: "What we experience is disgusting mendacity of the left-green zeitgeist: on the one hand demanding children's rights in the constitution, but at the same time killing children in the womb."

Trans: Tancred

Friday, May 4, 2018

Merciful Pope Demands Unanimity at German Bishops' Meeting in Rome -- His Unanimity, No Doubt

Edit: at is the site of the German Catholic Bishops of Germany, most of whom want to officially sanction the sacrilegious communions which go on almost everywhere anyway. Remember when a priest tried to enforce that by refusing Communion to an unrepentant aberrosexual in Washington, and Wuerl gave him the sack? Catholic conservative fall guy, Edward Peters, even agreed with Wuerl and false mercy, applying his canonical folderol.  We expect a that Cardinal Woelki, a notable and frequent defender and promoter of Old Liberal positions himself, will take the fall in the fifth.  The Pope expects unanimity, we expect Woelki to give it to him after a half-hearted defense of the Church's position.

+++Marx is probably enjoying his multimillion euro villa during the affair and isn't too worried about the outcome of this meeting.

 [KNA] The German bishops have ended their conversation with representatives of the Curia in the Vatican on a dissent on the issue of communion reception on Thursday evening. The Vatican has remanded the conflict to the German bishops. Pope Francis asked them to find a unanimous agreement in the spirit of ecclesial communion, according to the German Bishops' Conference and the Vatican. The Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Archbishop Luis Ladaria, explained in his speech in German that the Pope acknowledges the ecumenical commitment of the German bishops.
Various points of view were discussed in the conversation, such as the relationship of the question to faith and pastoral care, its relevance to the world Church and its legal dimension. Ladaria will inform Francis about the content of the conversation. According to the Episcopal Conference and the Holy See, the meeting was "in a warm and fraternal atmosphere."
The parties to the conflict, led by Cardinal Reinhard Marx and Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki, had discussed the reception of Communion for non-Catholic spouses for about three and a half hours on Thursday afternoon, under the direction of the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Archbishop Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, explained that Pope Francis appreciates the ecumenical commitment of the German bishops and asks them to find as unanimous a settlement as possible in the spirit of ecclesial communion.
There is dissent in this question within the Episcopal Conference. A majority of German bishops including their President, the Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx, advocates that Protestant spouses in Catholic churches may receive Communion. Seven bishops around the [Neoconservative] Cologne Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki, however, expressed disapproval and formal reservations against a corresponding pastoral care and turned to the Vatican. At the request of Francis, a meeting of some bishops with senior leaders of the Holy See was agreed.

The conflicting parties traveled separately to the conversation at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The group around Cardinal Marx arrived at 15:45 at the headquarters of the Vatican. Since then, people have been meeting behind closed doors. In addition to the cardinals Marx and Woelki, the bishops Karl-Heinz Wiesemann (Speyer), Felix Genn (Münster), Gerhard Feige (Magdeburg) and Rudolf Voderholzer (Regensburg), as well as the secretary of the German Bishops' Conference, Father Hans Langendörfer, took part in the deliberations. (Lu / bod / KNA)
04.05.2018, 8:50 am: updated with reference to source (Vatican) and first paragraph specified
 Photo: KNA
Trans: Tancred

Monday, February 9, 2015

Muslim Invocations in Cologne Cathedral

Edit: it would be nice if people would shout this nonsense down when it happens, but also, the ordinary Mass goers are so stupefied by the unlovely proceedings, they probably didn’t notice.

Islamic prayer service at prayer service for soldiers in the Cologne Cathedral and no one is responsible. A celebration of the Eucharist is no inter-religious dialogue event. A comment by Johannes Graf

Cologne (

In the Cologne Cathedral on World Peace Day on 22 January, the traditional military service took place. Cardinal Rainer Woelki celebrated Holy Mass. In addition to representatives of the German armed forces, there were soldiers from other countries stationed in Germany who were present stationed. The bidding prayers were presented by military personnel of various nations in the local language. Previously, the German translation was read.

The third prayer was recited by a Muslim female soldier. The German translation was: "We pray for the people who oppose injustice and violence and risk their lives; especially for our soldiers and female soldiers and members of the Federal Police. For keen awareness and a heart open to men.” [The inclusive language is horrible, too.]

According to a translation presented to the soldier actually said: "In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. The greetings be upon the Seal of the Prophet (ie Muhammad, n.). We ask God Most High, for all the people, who are exposed to violence and humiliation and all those who expose themselves with their lives to danger, especially the male and female soldiers and police, to be vigilant to the safety, protection and peace in communities.”

Maybe it's just a misunderstanding and the Muslim simply used a conventional petition used in her religion and that was self-evident for her introductory text for a prayer or a petition, which was not discussed with the promoters. Therefore, one should be careful with reproaches.  Objectively, a Catholic Eucharist   is lost  with a Muslim intercession. Muhammad is not a prophet for Christians. Even the following verse is again not acceptable for Muslims. The cantor sings: "God our Father,” while the people answer, "We beseech Thee, hear us". A father-child relationship between God and man is unthinkable for Islam. has made ​​a request to the Archdiocese of Cologne, our editorial was referred to the Cathedral pastoral office. The Cathedral pastoral office told us that the soldiers' worship had been prepared by the Military Catholic Deanery of Cologne, which is also responsible for the selection of lecturers for the intercessions. The Cathedral pastoral office has received the German intercessions and "noted with approval". Nothing wrong with that, if you look at the German translation.

Who was responsible for the missed intercession - this is so it should not be repeated. How was it that a Muslim woman read a prayer? Finally, the celebration of the Eucharist is not an inter-religious dialogue event. video of this Eucharistic celebration with prayer by a Muslim. The prayer begins at minute 37:00 with the German translation. Photo Cologne Cathedral ©

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Berlin Cardinal Wants More Socialism and Women Cardinals

Since Pope Francis sees himself as the “Pope of the Poor”,  the clergy is lined up “stirred and uncertain in a good sense”.  Cardinal Woelki:  “In Germany we will make it clear, what Church is really about:  That we won’t live any more for money and status, rather more for social justice and more on love, which are those things which are priceless.”

Taxation of Disposession

In a discussion with the Berlin “Tagespiegel” on Easter Sunday 2013,  Cardinal Woelki endorsed a stronger taxation of estates, explicitly the increase of inheritance taxes for a more equitable distribution between rich and poor.

Number of Hartz-IV Receivers Remains Constant

In the same breath the Berlin Cardinal wants to increase the length of unemployment benefits.  The number of unemployed has dropped, yet the number of Hartz-IV receivers has not sunk.

A connection with (unwilling) willingness to work in parts of the Hartz-IV recipients is not something Cardinal Woelki sees.  Cardinal Woelki also doesn’t betray us, since he wishes to reduce the number of Hartz-IV recipients.  Mandatory resocialization courses for Berlin-Kreuzberg dwellers?

Cheap Apartments in Kurfurstendamm?

Even the homelessness is very closely connected.  In Berlin there are 350,000 residences at moderate addresses.  373,000 Hartz-IV households and a further 500,000 low income households compete for these.

Cardinal Woelki sees a great danger that “many in the center will be pushed to the margins of the city, as is also the case with other large European cities”.

In a (system Cardinal Woelki describes as a “good system”)  free market economy, the centrally located real estate is even more highly valued than would be encountered in the (industrial and trade ) peripheral areas.  As if that weren’t enough, the rents and sales prices are higher.

Nazi-Church Tax is a “protected system"

The Church-tax which was directed to the dispossession of the Church is defended by Cardinal Woelki:  “It is a protected system, through which the church members make contributions for the maintenance of ecclesiastical commitment.  Through that they also do something for the common good.”

Cardinal Woelki: Women as Cardinals

As regards the false content of the commentary of the “Tagespiegels” (Claudia Keller and Rainer Woratschka): “In canon law it may even be possible, to name women as Cardinals” to which the Cardinal answered “somewhat” surprisingly: “You are right.”

And also:  “Even at the level of the Universal Church women must be more significantly connected to responsible positions.  The Pope needs good advice and one should be well consider, how the advisory boards in the Vatican should be occupied.  We were very pressed just days before the conclave, to get to know each other for the first time.”

The erroneousness of the Cardinal, who “isn’t one of the narrow minded"

If Cardinal Woelki had now explored the theological and canonical foundations for his positive answer to “Cardinaltrixes”,  we would have been grateful.

Already on Katholikentag in Mannheim the Cardinal dumbfounded with a private theory on homo-depravity: “I consider it as conceivable, that there, where people are acting responsibly for one another, where they live in a stable homosexual relationship, that it can be regarded in a same manner as heterosexual partnerships.”

“”: “Homo-Kardinal"

The Catholic internet site has dubbed Cardinal Woelki for that reason with the honorary title of “Homo-Kardinal”. (previously even borrowed from Cardinal Schonborn)

For the adoption of a “distinction”, the gay homo-lobby decisive but really not courageous enough:  “For such implicitness he can’t distinguish himself."

2012 no Priestly Ordinations in Berlin

Thus he was named as the Archbishop of Berlin and had been created by Benedict XVI. as a Cardinal with a productive mission: the growth of priestly vocations.  In the year 2012 there hasn’t been a single priestly ordination.

Link to….

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Cardinal Woelki Rejects Homosexual Prize

Berlin's New Cardinal Woelki
Berlin (kathnews/RV) Berlin's Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki has rejected the nomination he received for a homosexual "Respektpres" from the "Association Against Homophobia".   In his view it is self-explanatory to respect all people;  that's why he doesn't want to draw attention to this says the Archbishop of Berlin through his speaker.   The "Respektpreis" has been given every year since 2010.  Woelki has renewed in agitating for respect for people in same-sex partnerships, but at the same time it's condemned by Catholic teaching.

He has "clearly and unmistakably affirmed that homosexual activity 'is not ordered in itself',  transgressing against the natural law and for that reason can not be accepted according to our convictions in our faith."  On this he's making "no cutbacks in any way".   Substantial and powerful firms belong to the Association Against Homophobia,  like German Football Association (DFB), Deutsche Bank and the German Trade Union Association (DBG).

Foto: Kardinal Woelki – Bildquelle: Martin Lohmann / LohmannMedia