Showing posts with label Cardinal Vingt-Trois. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cardinal Vingt-Trois. Show all posts
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Cardinal Vingt-Trois Reaches 75 -- Pope Ignores Congregation of Bishops in Appointments -- Wants the Most Progressive Replacements
(Paris) On November 7, André Cardinal Vingt-Trois completed his 75th birthday. He has offered Pope Francis his resignation according to canon law. Who will succeed him as Archbishop of Paris?
The Cardinal has been the head of the Archdiocese since 2005, which had been evangelized by Saint Dionysius of Paris (Saint Denis). According to La Croix, the daily newspaper of the French bishops, the Apostolic Nuncio and the Permanent Council of the Episcopal Conference have already prepared a tripartite proposal, which will be examined by the Congregation of Bishops and presented to Pope Francis for help in any decision. The Pope is completely free in his decision.
He can leave Cardinal Vingt-Trois in office for another two years or more. He may if he wants to retire the Cardinal, he may or may not stick to the proposal of the Bishops' Congregation. While his predecessors rarely deviated from this, Pope Francis also strikes his own course on this point. Above all, he has appointed the important episcopal sees on his own, that is, past the competent Congregation of Bishops. As it happened in Chicago, Madrid, Sydney, Palermo and Bologna, to name just a few examples. Paris is one of the important episcopal sees, which is why the Pope is likely to take a similar approach.
Search for "the most progressive candidate"
It is not just a papal willfulness, but a directional decision. On 19 April 2016, Le Journal de Montréal quoted Quebec's Alain Pronkin, a journalist specializing in religion and good connections with his fellow countryman, quoted Cardinal Marc Ouellet, Prefect of the Congregation of Bishops as saying:
Pope Francis is looking for "the most progressive candidates".
"It is disturbing because it is the task of Cardinal Ouellet in Rome to propose the name to the Pope, but he ignores it and opts for completely different candidates".
A few days earlier La Croix had written:
"It has already happened that Pope Francis rejected all three of the names presented to him by Cardinal Marc Ouellet, Prefect of the Congregation of Bishops, [...] and even sought others from his direction."
In order to seek "others from his own direction," the Pope, in order to obtain information, makes use of the Jesuit order. The decisive factor for Francis, according to Pronkin, is the progressive attitude of the candidate, which must be confirmed to him by a confidant. This confirmation is sufficient. The Pope would then need no dossiers and reports, as presented to him by the Congregation of Bishops. The recommendation of a person whom he trusts is enough to make someone a bishop.
Candidate for the Archdiocese of Paris
Several names have been mentioned in the past for the Archdiocese of Paris, which are given alphabetically:
Msgr. Michel Aupetit, 66, Bishop of Nanterre since 2014
Mgr. Jean-Marc Aveline, 58, Auxiliary Bishop of Marseille since 2013
Msgr. Jacques Blaquart, 65, Bishop of Orleans since 2010, Chair of the Solidarity Committee of the Episcopal Conference
Msgr. Jean-Paul James, 65, Bishop of Nantes since 2009
Msgr. Dominique Lebrun, 60, Archbishop of Rouen since 2015
Mgr. Éric de Moulins-Beaufort, 55, Auxiliary Bishop of Paris since 2008, Chairman of the Faith Commission of the Episcopal Conference
Msgr. Pierre d'Ornellas, 64, Archbishop of Rennes since 2007
Msgr. Laurent Ulrich, 66, Archbishop of Lille since 2008, former Vice-Chairman of the Episcopal Conference
Msgr. Pascal Wintzer, 57, Archbishop of Poitiers since 2012
There is also a name that has recently been given special mention and is also highlighted by La Croix:
Father François-Xavier Dumortier, 69, Jesuit, former Rector of the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome.
For the Paris See, Francis may not only use the Jesuit order to obtain information, but make another Jesuit Archbishop.
François-Xavier Dumortier
The Jesuit Dumortier was born on November 4, 1948 in Levroux, France. His family is from French Flanders. He studied Political Science at the Institut d 'Etudes Politiques de Paris and Law at the Université Panthéon-Assas Paris with a specialization in Legal Philosophy. At the age of 25, in 1973, he entered the Society of Jesus and studied philosophy and theology at the Center Sèvres of the Jesuit order in Paris and at the Weston Jesuit School of Theology in Cambridge Massachusetts. In 1982 he was ordained a priest and in 1990 also took solemn vows in his order. For 20 years he taught philosophy, mainly ethics, at the Paris Jesuit College Center Sèvres of which he was its principal from 1997 to 2003. His research focus was the work of Hannah Arendt. In 2003 he was appointed Pro-Provincial of France. In 2010, Pope Benedict XVI made him the rector of the Roman Jesuit College Gregoriana. This is a post he held until 1 September 2016. Since the beginning of 2014 he is a Knight of the French Legion of Honor. Pope Francis personally made him a Synodal participant for the Double Synod of the Family in 2014. In 2008 he was already talked about as successor to Msgr. Gerard Defois as Archbishop of Lille. Now he is considered the most promising candidate for the Episcopal See of Paris.
On 15 April 2016, just a week after the presentation of the post-synodal letter Amoris laetitia , Rector Dumortier hosted a conference on this highly controversial document. Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, and Archbishop Vicente Paglia, at that time President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, attended the meeting. In his greeting, Dumortier expressed his unreservedly positive response to Amoris laetitia, in whose establishment he had himself participated as a synod.
His introduction and the conference papers are in video:
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Youtube (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Cardinal Vingt-Trois "Violent" and "Homophobe" After Attacks
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France's Socialist President Hollande and the Catholic Archbishop of Paris, Cardinal Vingt-Trois |
(Paris) During the Office for the soul of Abbé Jacques Hamel, Cardinal André Vingt-Trois denounced secular ideology yesterday, which is promoted by France, and where Islamic terrorism thrives in its soil. For this truth that the Archbishop of Paris dared to utter, he was insulted and ridiculed.
Since the attacks of Islamic State (IS) on the editors of the radical leftist satire sheet Charlie Hebdo and the Jewish supermarket Hyper Cacher was perpetrated by French citizens with immigrant backgrounds, France now asks how it is possible that "Frenchmen" can so despise their own country.
Thought Control
Even those who alone registered cautious doubts about the question, were brought abruptly to silence. The question of Islam in France and mass immigration should not be raised in the official media segment anyway. The accusation is promptly "Islamophobia" and acts as a murder weapon. The corresponding, ideologically motivated changes to the criminal justice system through the introduction of opinion offenses, make it possible to make whole sets of questions largely taboo.
Those who, despite the bombings, dared to talk about a loss of identity of France, because the identity is replaced by a secular emptiness and a wild nihilism, was attacked at best as "extremist crusade nostalgics" and mocked.
The freedom of speech is stifled in France by thought control. It is no wonder that one of the most lucid comments about the evil that Europe has spread, originated from a Muslim, Hind Fraihi. As a Muslim, he enjoys a special treatment the Frenchman is not allowed.
Fraihi complains not only against radical Islam, he also questions what Europe has to offer young Muslims that came or were brought by their parents into the country. "Europe must offer these young people an alternative. The problem is that it has none. It has no recognizable identity any more. There is only individualism, but it separates the people, it does not join them. Europe must change. As long as it has just materialism, capitalism and individualism to offer, the situation is hardly better. "
Even after the umpteenth attack in which a priest was murdered in Normandy at the altar of the church as he celebrated Holy Mass, the muzzle is still in place. It is also prohibited to name the great evil which has befallen France by name. Cardinal Vingt-Trois, Archbishop of Paris tried to scratch on the Tabu in his requiem for the murdered priest, Jacques Hamel. For this he was "crucified" by the nomenclatura and insulted.
"The Crisis of Our Society Demands Relentlessly Rethinking Our Values"
The cardinal criticized the politician buzzword of "values" that are apparently worthy to "defend," but no one knows and explains what "values" they are because this is, which one is supposed to use, which since the incumbent since 2012 socialist government of France, but even their predecessor governments, has actually undermined the supporting values in corporate and social policy and in part openly oppose them.
On Wednesday, a day after the brutal ritual murder in Rouen, the cardinal said in his homily:
"The crisis that has gripped our society, urges us inexorably to reconsider our views, which are our most valuable possessions. Often the 'values' are invoked as a kind of talisman for which we should stand up, no matter what it costs. But we are less verbose when it comes to the content, and that's the problem. [...] For what values we are ready to sell everything that we possess in order to acquire and protect them? Maybe our aggressors have finally compelled us to identify the object of our resistance?"
He continued: "We have never had such prosperity, such a comfortable life and known such security in France as it is today. So many produced and - albeit unequally - distributed goods but it doesn't prevent that we are afraid. Is that fear stirred therefore that we could lose so much of it?" Then the cardinal lamented the spiritual void, the "silence," in which the threat from the jihadists is mixed that paralyzes the country. "The Silence of the parents towards their children and the failure of the transmission of values. The Silence of the elites against the decline of morals and legalizing of aberrations [He could have said abominations.]. Silence at work, at home silence, silence in the city. For what purpose should we talk? The many fears create blocks, a collective fear and anxiety. The anxiety urges us to hide and hide. Where will we find the strength to face these dangers? For those of us who believe in Jesus Christ, hope lies in trusting in His Word."
Cardinal Denounced as "Homophobic" and "Violent"
Attention was ensured only for the references to moral decay and legalizing aberrations. Esther Benbassa, Senator of the Greens, of Jewish faith, born in Istanbul and with French, Turkish and Israeli passport, insulted the Cardinal of having pronounced "outrageous statements."
Corinne Narassiguin, spokesman for the ruling Socialist Party and who specializes in "gay rights" and immigration, said she was "outraged" over the way in which the cardinal could "attack gay marriage in a sermon of hope in the face of terrorism."
The former UMP minister of Youth, Health and Solidarity, Roselyne Bachelot, even spoke of an "unprecedented violence" that had been exercised through his words, and announced that "the fight against any and all discrimination" would be continued.
"Polemic Perfect Proof for What the Cardinal Wanted to Say"
From the side of the Cardinal, it was noted that Vingt-Trois did not specifically mean "gay marriage", but a whole series of legal actions on issues of bioethics, of life beginning and the end of life.The Socialist government of President Hollande has been in power since 2012. Within a few years a number of measures in these areas, including so-called "gay rights" as well as the "gay marriage" and adoption rights for homosexuals, or like surrogacy and euthanasia. The government advertises aggressively for the killing of unborn children and fights life rights organizations. France registered in 2015 218,100 abortions. It created public places where drug addicts can shoot up legally. Gender ideology was adopted to be the official foundation of the entire education policy. It is already taught in the nursery and to children where they are early sexualized and aberrosexualized.
Cardinal Vingt-Trois criticized this "secular offensive" and put them in a context of Islamic terrorism, which has shaken France, because it relates to the question of what the foundations of the state are, how good are these and what causal, direct or indirect connections there to the attacks. For this he was denounced as "homophobic" and "violent".
Vincent Neymon, spokesman for the French Bishops' Conference , responded by saying:
"Cardinal Vingt Trois had the courage to say what he thinks. This polemic is the perfect proof of what the cardinal wanted to say."
Sunday, April 21, 2013
France: Not Thousands, Millions March in the Streets to Defend the Ancient Institution of Marriage

If it took a woman to drive the English out of France, it may take another woman to drive out the Socialists.
Edit: Again, another Manif Pour Tous is upon us as millions of Frenchmen take to the streets to protest against the destruction of their civilization. This time, some news media have anticipated the event and are even beginning to acknowledge its significance. A broad base of support is present, starting with the Catholic Primate of France, Cardinal Vingt-Trois, the main organizer who inspired and gave the event such traction, Frigide Barjot, Muslims, Republicans and the whole spectrum of modern France has shown up to defend an ancient and enduring institution.
Here’s a picture of Frigide as she dons her helmet with a very telling suggestion as to her own personal allegiance. In our enthusiasm, please allow us to suggest comparisons with other militant female saints:
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The Valiant Frigid Barjot "The Eucharist: More than a Symbol" |
Photo source.
Indeed, according to French Wiki, she defended Pope Benedict against the media onslaught when he was being attacked for pardoning the SSPX in 2009.
Her petition «Touche pas à mon Pape» gathered over 32,000 signatures.
Meanwhile, millions of the Frenchmen have staged a demonstration in the capital, Paris, in a valiant and continuing effort to block a ridiculous bill on aberro-marriage. Which touches on the issue of numbers. Many people don’t like the idea of gay Paris being a focus of such “retrograde” ideas, so the press is being accused on Gallia Watch, and other places as well, of manipulating the photos. I think it’s indisputable that this is taking place, even the article we’ve sourced here bellow says that there will be merely thousands participating.
Opponents of gay marriage took to the streets in Paris on Sunday, carrying French flags and pink and blue banners which represented the colors of the Demo for All group, the spearhead of the movement against the legislation.“We're here for children's rights. We don't want the state to be complicit in a child being deprived of a father or a mother,” said a French woman during the event.
The French parliament is expected to pass the first article of the bill, which allows same-sex couples to marry and adopt children, on April 23. The upper house of the French parliament approved the first article by 179 votes against 157 on April 9.Link to soure..
Sunday, January 13, 2013
One Million Protest Marriage Equality in Paris: Rousing Success for French Bishops
Update 1.14.13 GMT 0423: originally, we said 650,000 protesters according to Austrian Catholic News Service, but now it's even higher than that. Although Andrew Cusack doesn't give the Bishops any credit for this, he indicates reports that there are more than one million and maybe more. The throngs even closed down traffic and a major sporting event. The title is getting changed too, because a lot of people who are involved in this protest against marriage equality are not only not Catholic, but many of them are simply secularists who for various reasons find themselves opposed to this legislation. Cusack writes:
Edit: predictably, the English-speaking press is largely silent or unintersted. The aberrosexual Huffington Post sets the number of participants at "thousands". The BBC has been more accurate. The Washington Post is predictable as well. The Daily Mail , as usual, is better, points out that this is another real failure for the Socialist President Hollande and has an excellent photographic collage. Even the New York Times was more balanced than usual. This also comes on the heels of Hollande's increasing attacks against the Catholic Church.
Here's a translation from the Austrian Catholic News Service:
Paris, 1-13-2013 (KAP) With a demonstration this Sunday in Parish, more than 650,000 Frenchmen, as organizers have reported, are demonstrating against the introduction of same-sex marriage. The planners revealed that media reports are amazed at the size of the participants. Even Church representatives with Cardinal Philippe Barbarin chief among them estimated far fewer.
Already in November France there were hundreds of thousands protesting against so-called homosexual marriage. The organizer of the demonstration was the independent association "Manifpourtous". A counter demonstration of those promoting same-sex marriage is planned for the 27th of January.
According to online media in consequence, there were at least a dozen prominent representatives of the conservative opposition party, UMP taking part in the demonstration. Among them was the party president, Jean-Francois Cope and Ex-Minister of the Interior Brice Ortefeux as well as Euro Minister Laruent Wauqiez. He wants to hold a plebiscite over the controversial proposal.
In the mean time according to media reports, 115 representatives of the National Assembly have written a petition to President Francois Hollande. In view of the social divisiveness in this question a referendum is unallowable.
In the preparation with "Manifpourtous" -- Catholic Church representatives have been outspoken against the marriage of or adoption by aberrosexual pairs. The President of the French Bishops' Conference, Cardinal Andre Vingt-Trois, came to the close of the demonstration at the Place Denfert-Rochereau (at the Eifel Tower) in order to express his thanks to the organizers. Even members of the world religions have been engaged against the broadening of the concept of marriage.
The Ministry Council had adopted a proposed law for the introduction of same-sex marriages and the right of adoption for aberrosexual pairs. The National Assembly confirmed it at the end of January. According to the Hollande's desire the new regulation should come into effect in the first half of the year.
In the meantime, the opinion research institute Ifop published a poll, according to which 62 percent of Frenchmen are of the opinion, that there is too much talk about "homosexual-marriage". The theme takes up too large a space in the social debate, say the majority of those polled.
Link to kathweb...
Note: there are also forces in this march which is readily evident from the photos that are also Revolutinoary, including Brigitte Bardot and her associates with their own opposition to the policies of the Socialist which overlap with the interests of the Church.
The protest today was organised by the eccentric comedian Frigide Barjot, founder of the Collectif pour l’humanité durable, joined by gay atheist Xavier Bongibault of the association Plus gay sans mariage (“More Gay Without Marriage”), and Laurence Tcheng of La gauche pour le mariage républicaine(“The Left for Republican Marriage”).
Edit: predictably, the English-speaking press is largely silent or unintersted. The aberrosexual Huffington Post sets the number of participants at "thousands". The BBC has been more accurate. The Washington Post is predictable as well. The Daily Mail , as usual, is better, points out that this is another real failure for the Socialist President Hollande and has an excellent photographic collage. Even the New York Times was more balanced than usual. This also comes on the heels of Hollande's increasing attacks against the Catholic Church.
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Credit: Daily Mail |
Paris, 1-13-2013 (KAP) With a demonstration this Sunday in Parish, more than 650,000 Frenchmen, as organizers have reported, are demonstrating against the introduction of same-sex marriage. The planners revealed that media reports are amazed at the size of the participants. Even Church representatives with Cardinal Philippe Barbarin chief among them estimated far fewer.
Already in November France there were hundreds of thousands protesting against so-called homosexual marriage. The organizer of the demonstration was the independent association "Manifpourtous". A counter demonstration of those promoting same-sex marriage is planned for the 27th of January.
According to online media in consequence, there were at least a dozen prominent representatives of the conservative opposition party, UMP taking part in the demonstration. Among them was the party president, Jean-Francois Cope and Ex-Minister of the Interior Brice Ortefeux as well as Euro Minister Laruent Wauqiez. He wants to hold a plebiscite over the controversial proposal.
In the mean time according to media reports, 115 representatives of the National Assembly have written a petition to President Francois Hollande. In view of the social divisiveness in this question a referendum is unallowable.
In the preparation with "Manifpourtous" -- Catholic Church representatives have been outspoken against the marriage of or adoption by aberrosexual pairs. The President of the French Bishops' Conference, Cardinal Andre Vingt-Trois, came to the close of the demonstration at the Place Denfert-Rochereau (at the Eifel Tower) in order to express his thanks to the organizers. Even members of the world religions have been engaged against the broadening of the concept of marriage.
The Ministry Council had adopted a proposed law for the introduction of same-sex marriages and the right of adoption for aberrosexual pairs. The National Assembly confirmed it at the end of January. According to the Hollande's desire the new regulation should come into effect in the first half of the year.
In the meantime, the opinion research institute Ifop published a poll, according to which 62 percent of Frenchmen are of the opinion, that there is too much talk about "homosexual-marriage". The theme takes up too large a space in the social debate, say the majority of those polled.
Link to kathweb...
Note: there are also forces in this march which is readily evident from the photos that are also Revolutinoary, including Brigitte Bardot and her associates with their own opposition to the policies of the Socialist which overlap with the interests of the Church.
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