Showing posts with label Cardinal Turkson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cardinal Turkson. Show all posts

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Cardinal Turkson Warns Against Immigration from Africa

Cardinal Turkson has contradicted European bishops in matters of immigration.

(Rome) One topic, two senior Church representatives and two completely contradictory opinions. The topic is mass immigration, and the two statements can help to clarify the message and the controversial role of the Church.

Cardinal Peter Turkson is prefect of the Dicastry for theHolistic  Development of Man, established by Francis in 2016. Previously, since 2009 he has been President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. Above all, he comes from Ghana in Africa.

Cardinal Turkson: hearing Africa's voice in Europe

As an African, Cardinal Turkson has something to say about the mass migration to Europe, which is currently giving European politicians a headache. Several waves of migration have already taken place, new ones should be on the way. The politicians of the "open doors" have awakened a spirit they can not get rid of. In the meantime, new politicians, as in Italy and Austria, have to deal with the legacy of their predecessors.

At a development aid conference in Albenga, Italy, the cardinal encouraged the international community to take action in the countries of origin in view of the migration problem. The suggestion sounds different from that of Pope Francis, who for years has been the spokesman for a boundless immigration into the western states.

Cardinal Turkson did not explicitly say so, but opposed attempts to use the Christian message in certain political directions.

Paradox: Church in Africa says the opposite of that in Europe

The Church is now experiencing a veritable paradox in this question. While Western Church representatives can scarcely have enough immigration, demand even more immigration, and deny dissenters, even in the Church, their Christianity as it were, the African Church representatives receive a completely different message.

Africa's bishops are against the emigration of their compatriots. They preach to their compatriots against such an "adventure" and warn against a "false paradise" promised to them. They see a great danger in the emigration that the African states will lose the most important capital: their youth. The bishops preach against human trafficking on a grand scale. There is nothing else about the migration wave that was not initiated by Africans. If European institutions do nothing to increase the birth rate in Europe, but do everything to reduce it through abortion, contraception and homosexualization, but then want to "fix" this indebted demographic aberration through immigration - as if there were no peoples, languages ​​and Cultures, but only arbitrarily displaceable (by whom?) masses of individuals.

Africa's bishops are calling for Western aid, that is a given, on the ground, but not population shifts. Thirty years ago, emigration was not yet an issue for black Africans. So why today, when the living conditions in Africa have become much better?

Voice of the Bishops of Africa is concealed in Europe

But the voices of African bishops are hijacked in Europe, at best ridiculed, but not heard - even in the church.

Cardinal Turkson in Albenga with the local bishop, some priests and nuns

Cardinal Turkson spoke a year ago of "turning the tap". Turkson was also the one who a few years ago released the video, when he was under Pope Benedict XVI, in the Vatican, “Muslim Demographics,” which warned against the Islamic conquest of Europe by immigration. He was sharply attacked for that. Today he turns against the "demographic shock". Europe can not shift its demographic problems to Africa.

He described it as a mistake to focus only on immigration, like the aspect of receiving migrants. Rather, the focus should be on emigration and measures should be taken in the home countries to prevent emigration.

It is important, according to the cardinal, that the "good Samaritan helps those who are in trouble". This is one of the most expressive parables of the Gospel. That does not mean, therefore, that it meant a certain form of help, let alone politics.

The parable of the Good Samaritan is a personal challenge. It was not a political call on the government of Judea or the Roman authorities to take care of the needy man. The Samaritan did not call for government and authorities. He had not exerted any political pressure or attacked others who did not act like him. He also did not organize collective help, but personally took care of himself as far as he could. He helped the destitute where he met him. There was no political migration agenda associated with this.

Bishop Galantino: "I do not take in any immigrants in my house"

Cardinal Turkson opposed the politicization of the Christian message. He also indirectly contradicted the Italian Episcopal Conference, which attacked the new Italian government aggressively on the immigration course because of their stance against illegal immigration.

The Italian Bishops' Conference has spent incredible energy in recent weeks to attack the new government, raising a political question to a religious question. Cardinal Turkson made it clear in Savona that the immigration question was not a question of faith.

The bishops recently called on the Italians to accept illegal immigrants into their private homes. Quite a few Italians asked how many illegal immigrants the bishops had accepted in their residences.

So questioned, Bishop Nunzio Galantino gave a revealing answer:

"I do not accept any in my house because it would be irresponsible to think that in my house, I could solve the problem of each of these people."

That sounds "hypocritical," according to InfoVaticana, as they simultaneously make political demands on the state and help divide society over a political issue.

Christ did not speak of "solving" any problem, rather he said there would be "always" poor. There should be a distinction between a personal request and a political demand.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Diocesi Albenga / MiL (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Cardinal Turkson: "The Exit Door of Benedict is Always Avalilable for Francis"

(Lisbon) The Portuguese daily Sol published an interview with Cardinal Peter Turkson on 3 June. The cardinal from Ghana also entertained the possibility of Pope Francis' resignation.
The Cardinal was President of the Pontifical Council Iustitia et Pax and since 2016 has been the first prefect of the new Pontifical Council for the Holistic Development of People, in which he had formerly acted as an advisor.

Excerpt from the interview

The daily newspaper Sol, in the words of Cardinal Turkson, mentions in a meaningful way: "The exit door of Benedict is always there for Francis."
Sol: Is it possible that Francis should follow the example of Benedict XVI. and resigns?
Cardinal Turkson: I do not know if he will. This is a matter between him and God. But it is also true that what Benedict has done has become a part of the institution. This means that the freedom to do so is always given.
Sol: You mean, even if he does not open the door, the door is always there?
Cardinal Turkson: Definitely. This can happen.

Controversial figure of an "emeritus pope"

This continuing "development" of the institution of the papacy by the office of Benedict XVI. and the unusual way he continued to dress himself as a pope, to keep his pope's name and to be an "emeritus pope" is very controversial. Cardinal Walter Brandmüller described the figure of an emeritus pope as a "great danger " for the unity of the Church.
Against the attempted institutionalization of an "emeritus pope," Church lawyers even vehemently raised their voices. For the renowned Church lawyer Giuseppe Sciacca, curial bishop and secretary of the apostolic signatura, the figure of a emeritus pope is " theologically and legally untenable." On the other hand, in May 2016, Archbishop Georg Gänswein spoke in a lecture, which triggered violent reactions ( see also ).

Resignation signals from Pope Francis?

In the past half-year the discussion about a possible resignation of Pope Francis, which he himself has suggested as such, has intensified. The historian Roberto de Mattei, on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Francis, and in connection with the unaddressed Dubia (doubts) of prominent cardinals, wrote on the controversial post-synodal letter Amoris laetitia that in the course of 2017 it can not be ruled out that Francis  may take the bull by the horns and resign 
The Argentine weekly magazine Perfil interpreted the words of Francis from 30th May as resignation signals . The Pope had said in the morning sermon in Santa Marta:
"We shepherds must all say farewell. There comes a moment when the Lord tells us, "Go somewhere else, go there, go there, come to me.""
Perfil wrote:
"Francis today nurtured the idea, like his predecessor, to resign his office before his death."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: Sol (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Cardinal Turkson: "Turn off the Faucet of Mass Immigration"

(Rome) Cardinal Peter Turkson, Prefect of the new Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development  said:

"Immigration is like water running out of the water tap. It is not only necessary to wipe
it up, but to turn off the tap."

The Cardinal's reply to the letter went back to March 30, but was hardly noticed. The SIR, the press service of the Italian Bishops' Conference, was worth a small report. In a press conference, the Cardinal presented a meeting of his dicastery, which took place a week ago on the 3/4th of April in the Vatican. The occasion was the publication of Populorum Progresso 50 years ago.

Immigration, according to the Cardinal, is a long-term phenomenon. Therefore, "systematic planning and turning off the tap" would have to be done by promoting projects in migrant countries of origin. The aim of these projects must be to prevent the emigration of the population. The second aspect is the admission of these countries to the world market.

The Cardinal warned against the negative consequences of excessive immigration into countries with a demographic decline.

"Where there are more guests than children, there are always strong tensions. Asylum can be granted if domestic demographic development is ensured. When the births return, the native population will have its concern about the arrival of immigrants offset. The nationalisms arise precisely because of the concern of the native population of a country could be swallowed up by the immigration of a new population."

As far as the statements of the Cardinal, reproduced by SIR. Its overall statements have not yet been published.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: MiL
Trans: Tancred

Friday, February 22, 2013

Liberation Theology Will Get a Boost if Cardinal Turkson

Edit: right now, he’s the most favored to be the next Pope. This article identifies some of his political views which are in line with Liberation Theology and Marxist thinking. Right now Cardinal Turkson is the overall favorite to be next Pope according to Paddy Power, despite attempting to take himself out of the running by telling the press what he’ll do when he becomes Pope.

There is a world where it is possible to ‘wipe the tears from the eyes of those who suffer injustice‘. So says the man tipped by many to become the 294th successor to St. Peter as Pope and spiritual leader of the world’s one billion Roman Catholics.

Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana, who currently serves as president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, is a renowned champion of the poor and marginalized.

In a lecture at Durham University Centre for Catholic Studies two years ago, Cardinal Turkson argued that:

“…despite the naysayers, economic resources do exist that could help wipe the tears from the eyes of those who suffer injustice, who lack the basics of a dignified life, and who are in danger from any deterioration in the climate.”

In a call to action, he added that the poor “benefit from champions in solidarity who believe that injustice can be reduced, that harmonious relationships can be fostered, that our planetary ecology can be made sustainable, that a world of greater communion is possible”.

In October 2011, the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace he heads set out a radical critique of global financial arrangements, which skew wealth and power away from developing countries.

Read further...

Another Bishop with connections to Ghana is Bishop Terry Steib S.V.D. of the Diocese of Memphis Tennessee in the USA. Interestingly, the coat of arms shows a connection to Marxist causes of black power movement and East Germany.

It’s not surprising that this Bishop is a very enthusiastic supporter of aberrosexuality.

 Part of his coat of arms even has a red chicken, symbolic of the Convention People's Party of Marxist agitator  Kwame Nkrumah, who was backed by the Soviet Union

Here is a description of Bishop Steib’s coat of arms, since none of the examples on line can be blown up successfully to give a decent picture:

The arms of Bishop Steib feature a tri-colored field - black, red, and green - which recalls the Flag of the Black Liberation Movement [represented by the cockerel]; this in turn is based on the Flag of the nation-state of Ghana, whose independence in 1957 gave rise to the general decolonization of the African continent. The colors represent, respectively, the great people that has sprung from this land, the blood shed in its defense, and the green plains of Africa. [It looks a lot like the flag of Communist East Germany, too]

H/t to Jay’s Analysis 

Friday, June 1, 2012

Cardinal Turkson Warns of War in Syria

Radio Vatikan berichtete (Latein: Gero P. Weishaupt)

To protect its people is the most important rule of a government, especially Syria's government.  This was said by Curial Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson this Thursday t the news agency "Sir".  He hopes that the Syrian government will heed UNO-delegate Kofi Annan, to initiate a new initiative for peace in Syria, said the director of the Papal Council for Peace and Justice.  His plea came on the conclusion of a meeting of his Council  as part of the Jubilee for the Encyclical "Pacem in Terris" by Pope John XXIII.  To Radio Vatican he stressed the roll of the Church in "peacebuilding":  The Church is itself  "by nature a Peacebuilder, her founder was a Peacebuilder" ... (rv/sir 1.6.2012)

Translation from Latin into German by Father Weishaupt.
Translation to English: Tancred

In Latin:  

Cardinalis Turkson de bello in Syria inchoando monuit

Moderatorum civitatis, moderatorum quoque Syriae, maxime est proprium populum protegere. Hoc Petrus Cardinalis Kdwo Appih Turkson, Cardinalis Curiae Romanae, Iovis die procuratoris sedi nuntiis divulgandis, "Sir" titulo, dixit. Se spe esse affectum fore, ut moderatores Syriae Kofi Annan, qui a Foedereratarum Nationum Consilio mandatum accepit quique inceptum iterum ipse inchoavit paci restiuendae, ut Praeses Pontificii Consilii de Iustitia et Pace notum fecit. Cuius monitus fine cuiusdam conventus eius Consilii de anniversaria memoria Litterarum Encycliarum Summi Pontificis Ioannis XXIII, quae a verbis "Pacem in Terris" incipiunt, prolatus est. In Statione Radiophonica Vaticana percontatus partem in memoriam revocavit, quae Ecclesiae in pace conferenda agit: Ecclesiam ipsam suapte natura pacem fovere, Conditorem eius enim pacem constituisse". ...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cardinal Turkson: The Pope Will be Praying with Catholics, Not at Assisi

Edit: it looks like the Pope is going to be in Rome, praying with Catholics, and the Assisi meeting's going to be more of a cultural event.

President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace: This year's meeting of religious leaders will not include inter-faith prayers

Vatican ( "The emphasis this time is on a pilgrimage and not prayer," said Cardinal Peter Turkson, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, to CNA.

On the 27th of October in Assisi, Pope Benedict XVI. has invited 200 representatives of all religions, but he's also invited representatives from science and culture.

"In fact, as I understand the program - and it's still going to happen - there will be no prayer, or very minimal," says the Cardinal, a native of Ghana, one of the main organizers.

The present title of the meeting is called "Pilgrimage of Truth, pilgrims of freedom". It will be the twenty fifth anniversary of the world peace meeting which was held by John Paul II in 1986.

Cardinal Turkson recalled why the meeting in 1986 had drawn criticism even on himself from some Catholics groups: while he and two other African priests were assigned a Rome at Cithy Hall and a few non-Catholics were allowed to have a Church. Events like this would have triggered protests at that time.

On the even of the meeting, a vigil will be held at St. Peter's Square. "thus, the prayer will not take place there (in Assisi), it will take place here (in Rome), and meanwhile, the Pope will be among his people, other Catholics."

In ASsisi there will be a time of silence for individual prayer after lunch. All will then go into the St. Francis Basilica, where each delegate will make a promise to peace.

Even representatives of culture and science, including atheists or agnostics have been invited by the Pope since peace, is "a concern for believers and non-believers".

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