[Mesa in Latino] But couldn't these prelates take more care of the empty churches, the empty seminaries, the dead children killed in mothers' womb, instead of taking care of Salvini?
"Christ condemns those who make external gestures"
"Christ condemns those who make external gestures"
(Rom) Gianfranco Ravasi has been a Cardinal of the Catholic Church since 2010. Since March 2016 he has also been an honorary Masonic Grandmaster. Thanks to the Grand Lodge of Spain for a letter which the Cardinal sent last February to "dear Brother Freemasons."
Just weeks after Cardinal Ravasi, President of the Pontifical Council for Culture, addressed his letter to the Lodges, these have shown themselves to be pleased by the recognition shown them by the prominent ecclesiastical figure, and at the highest levels.
For the beaproned brothers, "the Cardinal's words are a recognition of our noble goals," so says the Grand Lodge.
"Freemasonry is incompatible with Christianity, even if Cardinal Ravasi calls himself 'honorable Brother Gianfranco,' in order to build a bridge to the Lodge," writes news site InfoVaticana.
Ravasi's letter which was originally published on14. February in the business newspaper Il Sole 24, was an appeal to overcome the centuries of confrontation between the Church and the Lodge.
The letter did not call into question the numerous condemnations by the Church, not even the statements of incompatibility by the Magisterium and the ban on Lodge membership in the Codex of Canom Law, explicitly in 1917, implicitly in the 1983. Cardinal Ravasi wrote however :
"These various declarations of incompatibility between the two affiliations of the Church and the Lodge do not impede dialogue."
At the same time he mentioned the dialogue of the German bishops with the Lodges in the 1970s. Because, so says the Cardinal, there are commonalities, "like the dimension of community, good will, the battle against materialism, the worth of the human person and learning about one another."
Cardinal Ravasi did not mention that a Catholic who is the member of a Lodge is in serious sin. And automatically excluded from the Sacraments.
The Grand Lodge of Spain is one of the most influential Masonic associations in the Iberian peninsula answered the "honorable Brother Gianfranco." This is the manner that the aproned brothers address each other, as soon as they have stood initiation. The Cardinal's letter ships "great courage," said the Grand Lodge.
The honorary mention went so far as to actually recognize Cardinal Ravasi as "Master" and imply that he is an initiate. The "Master" is a Lodge Brother who has presided directly over a Lodge, and directs their work. In the last passage of the Grand Lodge's letter it reads:
"The Cardinalhas extended his brotherly hand in which he called us brothers. It's a relationship in which anyone can participate, when they enter our Order. The dear brother initiate strives for virtue as in every mystery school, of which the Master embraces. The mystery schools seek the self-transformation of each one who strives for the higher. If the initiate is accepted and elected as a master, to lead the work of the Lodge, to which he is called by all, he ceases to be addressed as dear brother. His new treatment, as honorable brother, means re same for the Church as it does for the Freemasonry: he is someone of wise and flawless good. That is the freemasonic ideal. Honorable brother Gianfranco, thank you for the courageous gesture, which has opened a space for brotherly harmony. Like all of the worthy, you call into labor."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
This reputation will put access to our doctrines into the midst of the young clergy, as well as deeply into the monasteries. In a few years, by the force of things, this young clergy will have overrun all the functions; they will form the sovereign’s council, they will be called to choose a Pontiff who should reign. And this Pontiff, like most of his contemporaries, will be necessarily more or less imbued with the Italian and humanitarian principles that we are going to begin to put into circulation.Until the Catholic hierarchy starts to sort prelates like this out in a very real and meaningful way, both apodictically and apophatically, the desolation of Catholic institutions and the great confusion of peoples will continue. Father Ray Blake seems to have some ideas. Now THIS is dialog:
To those who deny the existence of God, and assert that the world is self-existing, and that all things in it occur by chance, and not by the providence of God, Anathema!Image: stolen from Christopher Schaefer.
Deacon: To those who say that God is not spirit, but flesh; or that He is not just, merciful, wise and all-knowing, and utter similar blasphemies, Anathema! To those who dare to say that the Son of God and also the Holy Spirit are not one in essence and of equal honor with the Father, and confess that the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit are not one God, Anathema!
To those who foolishly say that the coming of the Son of God into the world in the flesh, and His voluntary passion, death, and resurrection were not necessary for our salvation and the cleansing of sins, Anathema!
To those who reject the grace of redemption preached by the Gospel as the only means of our justification before God, Anathema!
To those who dare to say that the all-pure Virgin Mary was not virgin before giving birth, during birth-giving, and after her child-birth, Anathema!
To those who do not believe that the Holy Spirit inspired the prophets and apostles, and by them taught us the true way to eternal salvation, and confirmed this by miracles, and now dwells in the hearts of all true and faithful Christians, and teaches them in all truth, Anathema!
To those who reject the immortality of the soul, the end of time, the future judgement, and eternal reward for virtue and condemnation for sin, Anathema! To those who reject all the holy mysteries held by the Church of Christ, Anathema!
To those who reject the Councils of the holy fathers and their traditions, which are agreeable to divine revelation and kept piously by the Orthodox Church, Anathema!
To those who mock and profane the holy images and relics which the holy Church receives as revelations of God's work and of those pleasing to Him, to inspire their beholders with piety, and to arouse them to follow these examples; and to those who say that they are idols, Anathema!
To those who dare to say and teach that our Lord Jesus Christ did not descend to earth, but only seemed to; or that He did not descend to the earth and become incarnate only once, but many times, and who likewise deny that the true Wisdom of the Father is His only-begotten Son, Anathema!
To the followers of the occult, spiritualists, wizards, and all who do not believe in the one God, but honor the demons; or who do not humbly give their lives over to God, but strive to learn the future through sorcery, Anathema!
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Pachamama-Cult |
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Cardinal Ravasi |