Edit: it's like there's an editorial template for this sort of thing that journalists in the Western world are expected to use when it comes to distort the public's understanding of these power struggles. Never mind that they're like the ritual combats of professional wrestling.
has recently been read in aggressive commentaries and reports against
conservative bishops brings to mind the papal expression "explosive hostility."This is how Pope Benedict XVI. had complained in 2009 complained of media reactions to his statements.
A guest contribution by Hubert Hecker.
At the Spring General Assembly, the majority of German bishops adopted a paper on pastoral care for sectarian marriages. Thereafter, a Protestant spouse should then approaching Holy Communion would be admitted if they affirmed the Catholic understanding of the Eucharist and at the same time disallowing Communion would plunge the
spouses into a "serious spiritual emergency".
Campaign for Intercommunion [In this corner, weighting in at 130 kilos!]
Bishop Bonny wants "New Rituals" for the blessing of aberrosexuals and second marriages
(Brussels) Johan Bonny, the Bishop of Antwerp in Belgium, wants a private ritual to bless gay couples, second marriages and "wild marriages".
On the 6th of October, the Gazet van Antwerpen reported the plans of the bishop. In a few days, on 11 October, Bonny's book " Mag ik? Dank je. Sorry.Vrijmoedige dialoog over Relaties, huwlijk en gezin "(May I? Thank you. Sorry. Frank dialogue about relationships, marriage and family) will appear. As the Antwerp newspaper reported, the bishop is thinking aloud about "new religious rituals." In cooperation with Roger Burggraeve (Emeritus Professor of Moral Theology at the Theological Faculty of the Catholic University of Leuven ) and Ilse Van Halst (editor of the Antwerp church newspaper Kerk & Leven ) he says of the resulting book: "The question is whether we were able to put it all in a single model."
"Should we not develop various rituals in which we can recognize the reality of life between homosexuals and also from an ecclesiastical and religious perspective?
Because, says Bishop Bonny, homosexual couples can enter into an exclusive and long term relationship."The deep symbolic bond between the different sexes and the fertility of this relationship, becomes the real sacramental covenant," reported the newspaper about Bonny's theses.
Even remarried divorcees, says Bonny, demand a differentiating approach. The Antwerp Bishop "believes that the Church in some cases can bless a second union," wrote Gazet van Antwerpen .
"It is known that the Orthodox Church traditionally practiced the confirmation of a new union for reasons of charity, which allows the new couple to find a place in the community. This new blessing is not a repeat or a substitute for the first sacramental marriage. That was and remains unique."
Johan Bonny was in 2008 at the request of Cardinal Godfried Danneels and with the help of the then apostolic nuncio in Belgium, Karl-Josef Rauber, named by Benedict XVI. as Bishop of Antwerp.
Belgian Situation
Cardinal Danneels, at that time Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels and Primate of Belgium received criticism because of his liberal views and aberrophilic church policy. 2010, where there were spectacular house searches in the episcopal palace and a scandalous grave desecration by the Belgian police, of the graves of departed bishops. There were no findings, and no official apology. Danneels survived everything.
Only Pope Benedict XVI. sought to correct the liberal course of the Belgian Church. This had previously become highly visible in the year, when only a single bishop defended the German Pope against the unprecedented criticism by the Belgian Parliament. The Parliament, unique in its history, had condemned the Pope's statement in a formal resolution, during his visit to Africa where he had reaffirmed the ecclesiastical condemnation of artificial contraception.
Catholic Action Flanders published this picture in response to Bonny's statements about a homo-event. What do children probably think of the picture, who are the irresponsible ones there?
Against Cardinal Dannneels' wishes, Benedict XVI. named this single courageous bishop, André-Joseph Léonard of Namur, as Primate of Belgium in January 2010. From the majority of progressive Church in Belgium, this was regarded as an unprecedented affront, one for which it has never forgiven Benedict. Nuncio Rauber, who was standing with these groups in the best of terms, led an outrageous media campaign and criticized the decision of Benedict publicly, which resulted in a dismissal from Belgium and Luxembourg and - because he had just become 75 - to retire.
Cardinal Danneels was, as was announced on 23 November 2014 in a book on the pope by the Englishman Austen Ivereigh, that along with Walter Kasper and Karl Lehmann, he had organized "Team Bergoglio"," for the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio in conclave of 2013. On September 22, in 2015. this became known by a Danneels biography and from his own mouth that he was, since the 90s subversive, belonging to clandestine circles within the Church. Named after the meeting in Sankt Gallen in Switzerland and founded by the Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini SJ, deceased in 2012, the aim was to achieve the election of a progressive pope and to boycott the activity established by the "restorative" Popes John Paul II. and Benedict XVI. Danneels explained frankly that the members of the secret circle thought of themseleves as "the Mafia."
Belgium Church remains in progressive hands
After the election of Pope Francis the bounty did not remain. Archbishop Leonard was denied the dignity of Cardinal. This however was a humiliating slap for Leonard and for Benedict XVI. for former Nuncio Rauber . Francis retired Leonard at 75 years, although he was in perfect health. The new Archbishop and Primate was Joszef De Kesel, Danneels' preferred candidate before the "accident" Leonard. The attempt at a turnaround in the liberal occupied Belgian Church, which Pope Benedict XVI. had tried timidly, has since been considered "eradicated". Archbishop De Kesel called a few months after taking office for the abolition of priestly celibacy from, an old demand of the ecclesiastical '68ers. In this context, there was also the expulsion of a "too conservative" French priestly community of Belgium whose ability to attract priestly vocations in a considerable volume, bothered the usual complaint [pretext] over the "prevailing lack of priests."
Bishop Bonny attracted considerable attention by an accentuated aberroophilic attitude. The turn of 2014/2015 saw the demand that the Church should recognize homosexuality stir. A Petition from faithful Catholics, turned to the Pope and demanded a clarification of the question whether Bonnys Homo-looking statements "are Catholic or not." Rome remained silent. Instead Bonny was summoned by the Belgian Bishops 'Conference in June 2015 appointed to Synod for the Bishops' Synod on the family. Pope Francis in turn appointed Cardinal Danneels personally to synod. On May 6, 2015 Primate Leonard completed his 75th year. On November 6 De Kesel was announced as his successor. With that, the "reconquest" of Brussels was successfully completed by progressive church circles.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Catholic Action Flanders (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com Link to Katholisches...
Edit: these are satirical levels of cluelessness. Maybe Germans don't care about gender politics and the decadent and failing tax church?
Former President of the German Bishops' Conference states that there are mostly empty halls despite prominent politicians: "This will have to be carefully examined."
Leipzig (kath.net/KNA) Concerned about some half-empty halls despite the presence of prominent politicians has drawn comment from the Catholic Cardinal Karl Lehmann. "This will have to be carefully examined," said the former President of the German Bishops' Conference on Friday evening in Leipzig. With appearances by such as the Federal Minister Thomas de Maiziere (CDU) and Andrea Nahles (SPD) many places stayed empty.
Lehmann named as potential causes not only "the usual disenchantment", but also "a bit far hopelessness". Some people choose to withdraw from current issues. But he can see a danger in that their interest be declining permanently.
(Freiburg / Rome) The disobedient advances of the sedevacantists of the Archdiocese of Freiburg have caused quite a stir with the approval of admitting remarried divorcees to Communion. The key word is magical for many journalists. The former Communist, now Democratic Left channel of the Italian State RAI broadcasting released the message already at 6:45 pm in the morning news. Rome responded with a clarification by the Press Office: "Nothing changes"
Freiburg Won't "Go it Alone" - Schismatic Lehmann-Church Explores Boundaries of the Church
The reactions of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart and from the Archdiocese of Munich-Freising show that the Freiburg is apparently means that it is "going it alone" in its provocation. Part of the German-speaking Church has found itself for some time in a state of latent schism. At intervals, "open schism is rehearsed" ( Messa in Latino ), but of course not completed, because then the whole benefice and revenue from the Church-tax would be lost. The advances serve rather to explore how far one can go in latent schism currently in order to take the Church down just a bit more.
The "German" breach which was to be beaten into the walls of the Vatican, even enraged some tempers at the Tiber. The theme of remarried divorcees was on the agenda of the meeting of the new C8 Cardinal Council. Pope Francis has already announced that the next Synod of Bishops will deal with the issue. Everyone understands that German pressure and even unilateral action, however, is not appreciated in Rome. Vatican spokesman: "Local Pastoral Office, but Not an Official Expression of Diocesan Authority"
Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi waved it aside from the daily press briefing: "It changes nothing! There is no news for remarried divorcees." The "Document", is addressed to the director of the Vatican Press Office "comes from a local ministry office" and not the bishop. There had been a "rush to judgment", which made a lot of noise, but is "not an official expression of the diocesan authority", according to the Vatican spokesman.
Emeritus Archbishop Robert Zollitsch of Freiburg will be Apostolic Administrator until the appointment of a successor, "was not consulted and not answer for this document," said Father Lombardi. For the Vatican Freiburg is a diocese among thousands. Nevertheless, the explosive force of the inroads is aware and knows that lurking behind the door are not only imitators in all the dioceses in the German language area, but also beyond.
Cardinal De Paolis, "Bishops Were Called to Order, as They Contradicted the Cornerstones of the Doctrine of the Faith"
Velasio Cardinal De Paolis, a noted canonist, he was President of the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs till 2011 and is currently the apostolic delegate for the Legionaries of Christ, was surprised by the German advance. "It is amazing that such a proposal of a diocese is of such importance as Freiburg. Long ago, several bishops were called to order, because they issued instructions that contradicted the cornerstones of the Doctrine of the Faith, which were endorsed by the former Holy Office in the years of Joseph Ratzinger. "
"The current rules prohibit, therefore, the continuation of allowing remarried divorcees access to the sacraments," said the cardinal. "In order to receive absolution in confession and thus access to the Eucharist, one must be in a state of grace of God. The remarried divorcees are in a situation which is contrary to the law of God for marriage. The priest must therefore refuse communion," said Cardinal De Paolis.
"Statements of the Pope to be interpreted in Light of the Traditional Magisterium" - Progressives See Their Chance
But why was the appeal made in Freiburg to Pope Francis, the cardinal was asked. And his answer: "All statements of the Pope on the issue are to be interpreted in the light of the traditional Magisterium," said Velasio Cardinal De Paolis.
This prevents those, who are alien to such terms such as "divine law" and "the cornerstone of the Doctrine of the Faith", who see an opportunity. A progressive Vaticanist at Vatican Insider wrote on the subject: "But with an innovator such as Pope Francis it is not the time for crusading ultimatums. The Synod on the Family is talking about marriage, nothing about remarried divorcees, and couples who live together. The acceptance of progressives in the Curia is not excluded in the Church, but the place to change the standards is surely not a local pastoral office'. In the coming months we will see better whether, Freiburg case 'is classified as a slip or as a diocesan 'prophesy' for a change for the world Church."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Cardinal Rating
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to katholisches...
He believes "a stronger juxtaposition of both liturgical forms today is not useful, also because it is not grown from below"
Cologne (kath.net / CBA) At the "Eucharistic Congress" of German Catholics in Cologne, Cardinal Karl Lehmann of Mainz turned against the increased celebration of the "Tridentine rite" in Latin. "I have the impression that the whole enthusiasm for the Latin has a lot to do with prestige and false pretenses of a supposed cultural elite," the Bishop of Mainz said the "Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger". He has always considered such motives rather skeptically, said the Cardinal.
He defended the liturgical reform after the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) as a "gold piece". After a partial withdrawal of the ban under Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI. now provides a wider range of Masses in the Old Rite. According to Lehmann, the popularity has increased but not to the same degree. He considers "a stronger juxtaposition of both liturgical forms today to be not useful, also because it is not grown from below," added the Cardinal. "The trend is more in the direction of the renewed Mass."
To the revision arranged byBenedict XVI. in the words of consecration in the Mass, said Lehmann, one must "now wait for the times and that everyone can perhaps relax a bit." Following the request of the former Pope, it is no longer pressing to the central point of the Mass, that the blood of Jesus has been spilled "for all" people, but "for many." According to Lehmann, the dispute over the "for all" or was "for many" so far "in the atmospheric spell of whether the traditionalists hope too much from Rome. "If one says that God's will is for salvation of all people, the translation of the words of consecration should no longer be no question of such great urgency and drama," said the Cardinal. Even Pope Benedict XVI. himself concedes that both translations are theologically appropriate and legitimate, it was "not entirely clear why then, only the translation should strictly be allowed." In addition, Lehmann called for an in-depth exchange of expression "for all": "'We are all in the sky', is overly simplistic."
Congress in Cologne Old Mass in St. Peter's Basilica with Cardinal Brandmüller
Cardinal Karl Lehmann makes joke -- 27 Pro-Lifers on the Abortion-Pillory -- Miracle Recognized -- Scotland: Homosexuals Insult Children -- That's What Americans Want
Cardinal Lehman's Little Joke
Germany. The Old Liberal Cardinal Karl Lehman of Mainz says he would like to see a "Reform" of the Vatican, to the anti-Catholic 'Deutschlandfunk': "The governing style must be changed." The Vatican apparently takes too much influence from the local church. As an example he criticized that the Vatican is "censuring pettily" the German Missal and the work of the hymnal "Gotteslob" [Divine Praise]. That is an "incursion in Liturgical law", which Cardinal Lehmann himself "isn't going to take".
27 Pro-Lifers on the Abortion-Pillory
Belgium. A combine of anti-life EU-Parliamentarians have published a list of Pro-Lifers. This was according to the Protestant news agency 'idea'. The Comrade Community self-importantly describes itself as "European Parliamentarian Forum for People and Development". It operates as a network, which is based upon the US-Slaughterhouse concern 'Planned Parenthood'. The list of those from the German-speaking world include Johanna Gräfin von Westphalen, Sophia Kuby, Tobias Teuscher, Gudrun Kugler, Paul Herzog von Oldenburg, Matthias von Gersdorff und Ewald Stadler.
Miracle Recognized
France. A healing, which took place in the year 1965 in the Marian pilgrimage shrine Lourdes, has been recognized as a miracle. It was then that the Mother of God healed a lame Salesian, Sister Luigina Traverso, from the Diocese of Monferrato in Northern Italy. The cloistered nun, born in 1934, suffered from a lame left leg. In Lourdes, she received a spontaneous healing. The international Commission of Physicians of Lourdes described the healing in November 2011 as unexplainable. Bishop Alceste Catella of Monferrato confirmed the miracle.
Scotland: Homosexuals Insult Children
Scotland. In Scotland even children are insulted as being "Nazis" or "fanatics", if they criticized homosexual liaisons. This was explained by a representative of the Scottish Bishops' Conference, John Deighan, recently in Brussels to the site 'lifesitenews.com' . Deighan's own 12 year old child was called a "Nazi". The inhuman homosexual network want for a very high level of antagonism against every critic, observes Deighan. Politicians in Scotland in fear of their careers do not dare to say any more against the homo-lobby.
That's What US Wants
"High ranking political members, the Syrian-Orthodox Archbishop of Aleppo, Mar Gregorios, knows that the government, party and military will remain as a guarantee for stability and order. Only President Assad and his family must go. The Egyptian solution: the president goes, the military will govern and the old power structure will remain."
From an article on the 25th of September from the online-edition of 'Springer' news 'Welt' about the foreign terrorists being spun into a Syrian civil war.
Edit: Cardinal Lehman is jealously guarding his golden goose. Who hasn't met an employee of Catholic Charitable organizations who doesn't fit the description of a soulless bureaucrat who either doesn't understand or doesn't appreciate the spiritual dimension of the Church and charitable works?
The Cardinal is in Peacock Feathers
Cardinal Lehman feels that Pope Benedict's remarks about the seeking agnostic and the indifferent Catholic were striking a little too close to home. Here's the article from kath.net as translated:
Frankfurt (kath.net/KNA) The Cardinal of Mainz, Cardinal Karl Lehman had defended the Pope's call for a "detachment from the world in the Catholic Church, but also admonished caution. The Pope's invitation in Frieburg was met with "blank incomphrehension" said the Bishop of Mainz, where he wrote an article Tuesday for the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung". However, he stood behind his words that there must be a convictino that the Church must maintain its distance from "seductive powers", without relinquishing its responsibility. "You may face some objections to the speech and only marvel at how strange and unknown this understanding of the Church has become for many," said Lehman.
With a view to his debate on Church-tax the Cardinal recalled the historical roots of the levy. it was established in the 19th century not by the Church, but rather by the ruling powers, so that the Church and the State could better support charitable work. Previously, the Church had been "dirt poor" because of the secularization. Meanwhile, Benedict XVI had explained in his Freiburg speech that the appropriation of property to the Church has "contributed significantly to internal reform'. Lehman pointed out that instructions could be derived from this also, "for those who don't want to renew the benevolence of the Church, rather break it making it fundamentally weaker to reduce its capabilities."
Lehman is grateful that the Pope in his speech explicitly thanked those engaged in charitable works in the Church. He criticized, however, that Benedict XVI. then immediately declared those as agnostics who sincerely sought God, were closer to the Kingdom, "than the ecclesiastical old hands, who see only the institution, without being touched by the Faith". "To thank someone for such language would be foolish. For shame!" said Lehman.
German cardinal rejects 'nonsense' request for Confirmation in extraordinary form
Editor: the chance to have him retire has come and gone. He has some health problems but Germany could be stuck with him for another five or six years.
Catholic World News
May 26, 2011
A German cardinal has said that it is "nonsense" for Catholics to seek Confirmation in the traditional rite. He's one of the worst Cardinals we've ever had.
Cardinal Karl Lehmann on Mainz, the former president of the German bishops' conference, said that he is following the directions of Pope Benedict XVI, and making the extraordinary form available to the faithful in his archdiocese in "5 or 6" churches. But he indicated that he thought Catholics were going too far when they asked to use the traditional liturgy for Confirmation. "I will not do it," he said bluntly.
Editor: Perhaps he's punishing Mainz, the Cardinal or both?
The Pope has once more given an impression on the street --- not in the sense of the renewal of the Church.
(kreuz.net) Pope Benedict XVI has not accepted the resignation of Cardinal Lehman of Mainz.
This was announced by the General Vicar, Dietmar Giebelmann today in an e-mail release.
Cardinal Lehman had offered his resignation to the Holy Father for his 75th Birthday on the 16th of May.
Actually on 19 April the Apostolic Nuncio in Berlin has given the order from the Roman Bishops Congregation that the Pope has asked the Cardinal to remain in office past his 75th Birthday.
The letter added "donec aliter provideatur" -- till something else is decreed.
The General Vicar thanked the Pope for the correspondence and wished the Cardinal continued health and God's blessing.
Cardinal Lehmen is seriously ill.
In the past, he has had to be treated for colon cancer.
Editor: The man who was rebuked by Cardinal Burke , and a "destroyer of the Faith" by Father George May is now weighing in in defense of Tradition. Wow, didn't see this one coming. Cardinal Kasper actually supports the Pope. The following excerpt is the google translation from Enlace Catolico.
Cardinal Walter Kasper, president emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, said Monday, speaking to the Portuguese agency Ecclesia, who never called for the abolition of celibacy in the Church.The German Cardinal was yesterday in Lisbon, on the occasion of the honorary doctorate awarded him the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP).
His name, along with the current pope, Joseph Ratzinger, and Karl Rahner, Karl Otto Lehmann Semmelroth and appears in the signing of a memorandum of 1970 to the German bishops, which called for a study on the need mandatory celibacy for priests.This text was made public by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, referring to the recent manifesto signed by 143 theologians German, Swiss and Austrians in which inter alia calls for the repeal of the law of celibacy.Cardinal Kasper, asked Ecclesia, clarified that the memorandum of 1970 was intended to "discuss" the issue, but no proposal to "abolish" the discipline.
"After this, there was much discussion, there were three global synods spoke on celibacy, and it was decided to maintain this discipline, and I credited that celibacy is good for the Church," added the cardinal.
He also stated that since 1970, "times have changed, and although he admitted that this argument is never closed, he also stressed that "the decision of the Church in this matter has been concluded and that the current Pope does not intend to change this discipline" of mandatory celibacy.
The stupid Traditionalists don't see through the zeitgeist of the "historical relativism" of the immemorial, unchangeable liturgy -- opines the Prelate.
Old Liberal Cardinal Lehman at Lecture in Wurzburg
(kreuz.net)Critics of the post-Conciliar liturgical reform, who are attached to "immemorial, unchangeable forms", do not see through "the historical relativism".
Cardinal Karl Lehmann of Mainz said this on Saturday during a lecture about the liturgical reform at the St. Burkardus-House in Wurzburg.
This was according to the Press Office of the Diocese of Wurzburg.
The occasion of the lecture was the 47th anniversary of the publication of the Conciliar Documents on the Liturgy of "Sancrosanctum Concilium".
The pastoral and liturgical break after the Pastoral Council was termed by Cardinal Lehman as a "great work".
The Pastoral Council is said to have nourished "the meaning of the Liturgy for the life of the Church" -- joked the Cardinal just then.
Then he said, that the Pastoral Council did not issue "a charter to make one's own forms", although that -- with the complete agreement of the Bishop-- is what happened.
The arbitrariness and lawlessness after the Council was supposedly not a goal of the reform.
The Cardinal continued, saying, that it was good, when the divine services brings "our lives" into fullness-- without clarifying what he meant with that.
Then on the other hand he said that one must "altogether" give room for Jesus Christ.