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Cardinals Kasper and Danneels |
(Vatican / Brussels) The personal appointment of Cardinal Walter Kasper to the Bishops at the Bishops' Synod on the Family does not surprise. The appointment of Cardinal Godfried Danneels on the other hand, very much. And yet the media elicits no sound. Was it not until recently completely different?
Pope Francis personally appointed, not surprisingly, Cardinal Walter Kasper to the Synod of the Bishops' Synod on the Family, which starts in Rome on October 5.The purple wearing German theologian is regarded as the spokesman of a radical intervention against the sacrament of marriage. The indissolubility of marriage is to be torpedoed in the name of charity and to allow communion for remarried divorcees. For this purpose, a dialectical mechanism is employed, which will make Communion available "for all" in the future as well. The formula is also one of the most radical attacks against the Catholic Church. It will be implicitly assumed by Kasper, that the previous 2000 years have been merciless to people.
Cardinal Danneels Appointed personally by Pope Francis to Synod
Far more surprising is the appointment of the Archbishop Emeritus of Mechelen-Brussels, Godfried Cardinal Danneels by Pope Francis. A search in the vastness of the Internet yielded only one article that deals critically with this appointment. This surprised not even the secular media, where not the slightest criticism is felt. Are all non-Catholic journalists become so papal, that they have chosen the statement "Who am I to judge" as the theme?
Was it so different between media and Danneels a few years ago?
2010, the then Primate of Belgium was drawn into the pedophilia scandal that rocked the country. Danneels was accused of having covered offenders. The articles published on this are legion. It was still then, sine Pope Benedict XVI. reigned in Rome, that the media struck at every opportunity and tried to put the pressure on.
The climate of liberal-lascivious on the part of the Belgian church was then known. The media did not in any way draw a connection at the time between the liberal church order and criminal sexual debauchery. Danneels was not criticized as a liberal Church representatives. The aim was to put the Church and its teachings in the pillory. Danneels and his responsibility was not the addressee, but only a means to an end for the criticism of the Church. It was also symptomatic of the fact that Danneels successor, the "conservative" Archbishop Leonard received in 2010 just a few weeks after his inauguration received more punches from the Belgian media than the progressive Danneels in his entire 30 years in office.
Conclave 2013: In One Fell Swoop, Everything was Different
Even in 2013 on the eve of the conclave many media insisted on the exclusion of at least three voters. Among them was the emeritus archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels. Again was the campaign was not so much Danneels, but the Church, which was put under pressure before the conclave. The motto was blatantly: no Ratzinger II pontificate. Danneels retired with a serious look into the conclave and came out again with his face beaming. With the election of Pope Francis everything had changed in one fell swoop.
Just now Danneels was usued as "proof" to place the church under a general suspicion of pedophilia, or even worse, criminal activity, because pedo criminals were covered for. But on the day after the conclave, Danneels joined the Thanksgiving Mass of the newly elected Pope in the Sistine Chapel as the first cardinal priest to say a prayer.
The attacks were swept away at a stroke, as if the scandal headlines incited in the media, the club-swinging modern non-religious moral high ground, the house searches in the archbishop's palace, the seizure of mountains documents, even the impious desecration of Bishops graves by a media fueled, the out of control prosecutor and invading with crowbars police had never happened.
Target of the Media Campaign's "Pedophilia Scandal" was Benedict XVI.
All of a sudden ended the media storm over Danneels and another cardinal, who is very active on Twitter. "I never thought that yesterday's appointment would have been made, if only out of respect for Benedict XVI., who was then the real target of the attacks," said Chiesa e Postconcilio on Tuesday. From today's perspective, it is inescapable in fact, that the media scandal that exploded in 2010 on the international level was not concerned with the claimed subject and even less about the victims. The media campaign, for such it was, had a very different target in sight: Pope Benedict XVI.
Today, since the German Pope is out of the race, each appointment is possible, even the most impossible and nobody even raises the slightest objection. What was that again with the victims, their fate had allegedly wept about by so many and so loudly on their as their chests swelled with moral indignation?
There were no secular or religious institutions that fought with such clarity and such emphasis against the scandalous phenomenon of pedophilia in its ranks, such as the Catholic Church was under Benedict XVI worldwide. Who cares!
Fight Against Pontificate of Benedict XVI. Began on 19 April 2005
In fact, here the evidence is on the table, that the pontificate of the German Pope would have been totally different if the mass media and those who influence them (and who else everything outside and inside the Church) had not decided on 19 April 2005 to give him a low blow while playing the armchair generals.
The personal appointment of Cardinal Danneels by Pope Francis to talk about the family, is one of those items that do not fit together. Or is it just a good match? Danneels, in 2005 was "shaken" on the evening of the election of Benedict XVI. (Domenico Savino) and remained away from the traditional dinner of Cardinals for the newly elected Pope. In 2013 he was, according to his own admission, part of the electoral alliance that named Jorge Mario Bergoglio Pope. Despite secrecy, all of the Belgian media already knew on March 14, from Danneels report that he had voted for Bergoglio.
"Gay marriage" -Danneels May Now Cultivate The Family
The progressive attitude of the Belgian Cardinal is known also in terms of the sacrament of marriage and remarried divorcees. In June, barely three months after the conclave and one and a half months before the papal press conference on the return flight from Rio de Janeiro, Danneels called for the approval of "gay marriage".
Is something owed by the Pope to the Cardinal? Or friends of the Cardinal? Or is it the common closeness of both Cardinals to the late Jesuit Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, (+2012) who saw himself as the Ante-Pope? Whether Pope contender or no, the the pun will have elegantly expressed, that Martini saw himself as a progressive anti-Pope to John Paul II, without explicitly saying so.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons
image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com