(Bratislava) in Slovakia an historic agreement between the political left and the political right has been made. "We will anchor in the Constitution that marriage can exist only between a man and a woman," says Jan Figel, Vice President of the Slovak Parliament. "It is a response to the attempt to seek to impose gender theory on us.".
Last 24 February the Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico and the Christian Democrat, Jan Figel (KDH) agreed on a constitutional amendment. The two leaders of the Socialists and Christian Democrats were considering to establish marriage as a union between a man and a woman in the Constitution. "The constitutional amendment prohibits the legalization of marriage between same sex people," said Figel.
Hidden Gender Theory in EU and UN Documents
The initiative to protect marriage by the Constitution is based on a request of the KDH. The initiative is a response to the growing pressure to try to impose the gender theory Slovakia. "The initiative is a response to the proposal to implement the strategy for the enforcement of human rights in Slovakia, where the gender theory is hidden," said Figel. However, a true human right of marriage is between a man and a woman. In order to protect this human right, Figel has been trying for months to get a two-thirds majority in Parliament. "We want that marriage is no longer called into question or threatened," said the KDH politician.
This opinion is shared by a clear majority of the population. The breakthrough came when the Socialist Prime Minister, decided to to stick to the population and not the pressure exerted by the EU and the UN. Fico is applying straight to the office of the people's elected president.
Agreement Between the Christian Democrats and Socialists
Already in 2012, the electoral program of the socialist-led government focused on supporting the family. Even then, marriage was enshrined as a union between a man and a woman in the election program. With this line, which is different from that of the socialist president of France, Fico had success to date.
The Eastern Central Europe thus defines an open counter-position to the west. Croatia decided in a referendum to enshrine marriage as a union between a man and a woman in the Constitution. Romania recently rejected "gay marriage". Slovakia wants also to change its Constitution in this sense. The corresponding amendment has been introduced by Fico.
On 29 March first vote in Parliament
In 2010, the then center-right coalition had proposed the drawing up of marriage in the Constitution. However, due to the resistance of the Liberals it did not happen. Now an agreement on the block boundaries could be reached between the Socialists and Christian Democrats. 40 out of 150 MPs had already signed the original KDH request.First, the behavior of the socialist deputies remained unclear.
In order to pass a judicial reform, Fico needed the votes of the Christian Democrats. In the negotiations for the consent agreement was reached on the constitutional amendment in favor of marriage and family. This Figel can currently expect 96 votes for his initiative. He hopes, however, still be able to win more MPs for the change.
Main Opponents: Liberal, Big Media and Homo-network
"The Liberal Party, as well as all major media in the country," remain the main opponents of the constitutional amendment, There is also the international aberro network that exerts pressure against the agreement. The first parliamentary vote takes place on 29 March, the decisive vote in May. "Maybe before the European elections," said Figel.
Figel is of the opinion that the former Communist countries are more sensitive to ideological monopolization. It can not be that a certain ideology should be imposed on all. "We have a clear idea of marriage and family," said Figel, "and we do not want to be lectured to from outside".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com