Catholics ask Fr. Farragher why he allowed muslims chant a prayer in a Catholic Church, he responds by calling them "religious bigots"
The Islamic 'Adhan' call to prayer states "there is no God but Allah", directly contradicting the core doctrines and beliefs of Catholics.
The church in question is in Ballyhaunis, Co. Mayo. The most diverse town in Ireland where only half of the population are Irish. The priest's name is Fr. Farragher.
Contact Fr. Farragher here:
Contact his Archbishop:
Showing posts with label Blasphemy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blasphemy. Show all posts
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Superfluous Art-Bishop of Innsbruck
(Vienna) Innsbruck's Bishop Hermann Glettler is one of theChurch representatives who obviously attaches great importance to making himself superfluous. He does not stand out as a "stumbling block" in the world, but through oddities and a kind of provocation, as they know the world. He seeks attention by leaving the sacred space to artists. The latest Glettler activities in Innsbruck.
An Austrian bishop who challenges the self-satisfaction and hopelessness of the world by seriously proclaiming the truths of faith? No. Shepherds who congratulate or offer themselves with ever new ideas of the world? Full program.
In the Innsbruck Bishop's church, therefore, the increasing number of tourists and the diminishing number of believers can "enjoy" a neon installation that at best proves bad taste, at worst blasphemous.
To dispel any doubt of any kind of christological or theocentric interpretation of the "work of art", the same message is simply "me,” which in German is “mich”. The English variant of the German personal pronoun in the accusative should certainly have been used only because the pronunciation of the common Bavarian "mi" for corresponds to “mich.” Guaranteed! A rogue who wants to see in it a form of increase of the egoistical “I” of the human being.
A small, religious brushstroke then has to be, which is why the two installations are put on display specifically for Lent. Which should be clear that they should prepare for Easter. Look at one. As a viewer, you would never have thought of it. Honestly not.
Both artistic operas are by Manfred Erjautz. The order for the was given by Bishop Glettler personally. However, he does not bear the costs. Erjautz and Glettler have been working together for at least 15 years. The "plastic chasuble" is part of this obviously "fruitful" cooperation. The artist
brings money, the bishop opportunities for self-expression. Broader circles were reminded of the PVC chasuble (Priest in Bat Look) in 2018 because it portrayed the Admont Benedictine monastery as a dubious advertising medium for its exhibitions and museums.
brings money, the bishop opportunities for self-expression. Broader circles were reminded of the PVC chasuble (Priest in Bat Look) in 2018 because it portrayed the Admont Benedictine monastery as a dubious advertising medium for its exhibitions and museums.
"The installations of contemporary art in sacred spaces promoted by the Bishop of Innsbruck are part of a precise strategy that one sees in art, even the blasphemous, that does not matter, a modern instrument of evangelization," said Lupo Gori.
In mid-March Glettler was invited to the Catholic Private University of Linz, one of the most superfluous ecclesiastical institutions in Austria, to give a lecture on the relationship between culture and the Church, where he affirmed his "strategy.” The host of the private university is Bishop Manfred Scheuer of Linz, who was Glettler's predecessor as Bishop of Innsbruck. They know each other. And they support each other. There is no lack of similarities. Both are first-rate miscreants that bring their dioceses losing years in the best of all cases. Both are eagerly awaiting the removal of priestly celibacy in order to conceal with married priests the shortcomings of their co-perpetrated decline - at least temporarily.
According to Glettler, the Church must adopt the "spirit" of the Second Vatican Council. I am aware of the spirit of the Council that its rotten fruits are visible to everyone. What I still do not realize is the Council's alleged "blessings", which are constantly invoked as if the recognition of a superfluous council were the conditio sine qua non, not the truth of faith. No, it can easily be doubted, thinned, distorted and denied, but the Council is not. No, the council is not. Anyone who casts doubt on the Council seems to be threatened with immediate legal execution - one might say so. A strange paradox.
According to Glettler, the "spirit" of the Council is a paradigm shift that transforms the Church from a rigid place of preservation to an open, flowing place of innovation, open to the other and the different.
The blasphemous installation of Christ in the old hospital church is ambiguously called: "My own personal Jesus". Everyone can worry about the connection between Jesus Christ's perversion and this title. The artist and bishop will vigorously contradict one another, as was the case with the blasphemous work of art. The body and a severed arm serve as pointers to indicate the time of day.
Where dubious trivialities take center stage, there must be a lack of substance.
Lupo Gori's summary of the new Glettler activities:
"In this sense, in the Jacob's Cathedral, the bishop's church of the land, with the head hanging down," Christ Clock "indicates the dramatic hour that has struck in the Catholic Church and for the Catholic Church, for a Church that is daily insulted and turned upside down by their own shepherds. "
Through shepherds who make themselves superfluous and poison the salt of the earth.
Text: Martha Burger
Image: Youtube / CR / (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred
(1) When the picture of Erjautz-Glettler-Art was made, Msgr. Glettler was not yet a bishop.
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
A Tale of Two Clergypersons
Edit: as noted earlier by Novus Ordo Watch, Archbishop Gänswein was a gatekeeper and approved of this non-sense. Father West has also still not taken his post down.
Edit: remember when Bishop Rogelio Plano was arbitrarily dismissed and had the door slammed on his face when he came to Rome shortly after to ask why, and died shortly after? It was clear to us then that it had to do with him calling out one of his fellow bishops and accusing him of being an aberrosexual, as well as being a victim of his own success, growing more vocations in this seminary than all the rest combined. Even the Vatican admitted it had nothing to do with accused predator, Carlos Urrutigoity. Now, we have a similar situation where another conservative priest is taking a stand against the post-Conciliar behemoth. I think we know how this one will turn out. If it hasn’t happened already, expect a concerted attack from the usual creatures of the USCCB on Father Peter West, President of Human Life International, in the social media. Father West has a large following on Facebook himself. This won’t end well.

Here is Father James Martin, the Jesuit who had a hand in planning the blasphemous Met Gayla, with Cardinal Dolan. We expect he will go far in today’s Vatican with its aberrosexual meth parties. It’s certainly a Vatican which increasingly appreciates and extols these kinds of histrionic and blasphemous invasions of the world on the things of the divine.

Edit: remember when Bishop Rogelio Plano was arbitrarily dismissed and had the door slammed on his face when he came to Rome shortly after to ask why, and died shortly after? It was clear to us then that it had to do with him calling out one of his fellow bishops and accusing him of being an aberrosexual, as well as being a victim of his own success, growing more vocations in this seminary than all the rest combined. Even the Vatican admitted it had nothing to do with accused predator, Carlos Urrutigoity. Now, we have a similar situation where another conservative priest is taking a stand against the post-Conciliar behemoth. I think we know how this one will turn out. If it hasn’t happened already, expect a concerted attack from the usual creatures of the USCCB on Father Peter West, President of Human Life International, in the social media. Father West has a large following on Facebook himself. This won’t end well.
Here is Father James Martin, the Jesuit who had a hand in planning the blasphemous Met Gayla, with Cardinal Dolan. We expect he will go far in today’s Vatican with its aberrosexual meth parties. It’s certainly a Vatican which increasingly appreciates and extols these kinds of histrionic and blasphemous invasions of the world on the things of the divine.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Local Catholics Infuriated by Blasphemous Crucified Cow in Belgium
Edit: this was sent to us by a reader from Dries Goethals in their local protest against blasphemy in the Belgian village of Borgloon, the "work" of the installation artist Tom Kerck. The "work" is called "The Holy Cow".
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Porno Film Shot in a Church: Dutch Prosecutor Dismisses Charge
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The Tilburg Saint Joseph's Church was desecrated by a porno film, which the Dutch Prosecutor refused to prosecute |
Yesterday, on the occasion of the Feast of the Assumption, the Dutch Prosecutor's Office archived the complaint against the producer and the performers of a porn film, for shooting in the church dedicated to St. Joseph in Tilburg, better known as Heuvelse Kerk. Tilburg is located in the Dutch province of Nordbrabant.
Because of the devastation of the church, the city council had received a report from the priestly council. The public prosecutor's opinion, however, is that "no criminal offense" was committed. The behavior was indeed "disrespectful", but one could not recognize a criminal offense when the penal code was read. "Blasphemy is not punishable" in the Netherlands, which is why there is no law violation, the prosecutor's office said in their statement yesterday.
Two actors were filmed in a side passage of the church and in a confessional committing a sex act.
Professor Harrie de Swart, responsible for the administration of the church, expressed his surprise at the decision of the prosecutor. He recalled that the actors had to overcome a barrier to get to the "filming locations".
The prosecutor informed that the church could seek a civil procedure. Whether it will come to such a thing is not certain. De Swart yesterday advised the diocese, for "there has been enough excitement in this cause which has led to nothing."
The 81-year-old Jan van Noorwegen, who is a priest at the church, carried out a rite reparation, when the church desecration became known at the beginning of the year. The Heuvelse Kerk was built in neo-gothic style in the 1870s.
The film was shot for Meiden van Holland, the video channel owned by the Dutch porn actress Kim Holland.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred
Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred
Monday, October 24, 2016
Blasphemous Display Modified in Estonia After Protests
A controversial exhibit altered after protests. It shows a picture of the Virgin on a screen that breaks and is replaced by the lettering 'Reformation'. The change is triggered by a foot pedal.
Tartu ( The Estonian National Museum in Tartu has modified a controversial exhibit, which deals with the Reformation. Even Urmas Viilma, the Evangelical-Lutheran Archbishop of Estonia, had previously criticized the work.
In the recently opened museum, a holographic image of the Virgin Mary was displayed on a screen. The base on which the screen was mounted contained a plate. When the visitors put their foot on this plate, the hologram would "break", the screen turned white and the word "Reformation" appeared. After a while the hologram appeared again. On its Facebook presentation, the museum explained that the exhibit was an "artistic representation of the Bildersturm (breaking of images).
The work makes religion ridiculous and offends the religious feelings of believers, criticized Archbishop Viilma, also on Facebook. For many believers, the Virgin Mary is far more than a historical figure. She is still revered and begged for help. She deserves respect.
After protests the plate was removed at the base. The hologram of the Virgin Mary "breaks" and disappears at regular intervals, and the word "Reformation" appears on the screen.
Most Estonians are non-confessional, less than 30 per cent belong to a religious community. The largest community is the Evangelical Lutheran Church, which accounts for 13.6 per cent of the population, followed by the Orthodox Church with 12.8 percent.
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Archbishop Blase Cupich Celebrates Year of the Monkey
Edit: if they're not launching speed skaters down ramps anchored to the door of cathedrals, they're worshiping pagan deities, all in the name of diversity. It's just another day in AmChurch, that's all. What an insult to the Chinese martyrs!
Link ...
On February 21, 2016, Chicago Archbishop Blase Cupich went to Chinatown's St. Therese Chinese Catholic Church to celebrate the Chinese New Year. According to the Chinese calendar, 2016 is the year of the monkey.
Following Chinese pagan traditions, the lion and dragon dances at the New Year's eve celebration are meant to drive away evil spirits and bring good luck for the future year. Above and below first row, we see Cupich inside the church blessing a monster representing the lion.
In the second row, the Chicago Archbishop concelebrates a Mass on an altar with several pagan symbols. The dragon, which dominates the front of the altar, represents good luck; the two black and gold labyrinths set on each end of the altar symbolize the flow of cosmic forces that one must try to balance but always ends in the same way: a shadowy life in the underworld. The incense burner at the side of the altar is to offer appeasement for the suffering souls of the ancestors – a pagan animist practice.
Link ...
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Blasphemous "Our Father" in Barcelona -- Anti-Clericalism is Definitive for the Left
(Madrid) Hostility to Christianity has many faces and there are many ways to persecute Catholics. That is mockery since the Protestant Revolt and the French Revolution's social exclusion. "It's called, 'freedom of expression,' thus justifying the worst obscenities of blasphemy," so says Corrispondenza Romana . The poem "Our Mother" falls in this category, which last Monday was the winner of the literary competition, Premio Ciudad de Barcelona de Poesia, presented by the city of Barcelona at an award ceremony.
Dolores Miquel (image) of Lleida in Catalonia writes poetry in order, in her own words, "to provoke". This is in order to attract attention so that she continually incites provocation. On Monday she introduced a distortion of the Our Father, which she called "Our Mother" in order to set a feminist tone: "Hallowed be your c***, thy will be done in our womb" and called for abortion: "Do not let the bastards abort love and promote war ".
"This has deeply offended me. With Catholics anything is always allowed"
Alberto Fernández Diaz, the group spokesman of the Spanish Popular Party left the event in the City Hall of Barcelona. "What I have heard has deeply offended me," said the PP representative. Then he wrote on the social networks: "It is a matter of respect. With the Catholics anything always allowed, everything, but at the same they reject this when the same understanding of "freedom" is used of others who ridicule, for example, Islam."
. Even the Bishop of Terrassa, Mgr José Ángel Saiz, left no doubt: "This poem is undoubtedly blasphemous. How long will you still abuse the patience of the Catholics?"
The former Mayor of Barcelona, Xavier Trias, described the sad incident as an "institutional failure" because it took place during an official ceremony of the city administration. Trias was from 2011-2015 c Mayor of Barcelona, and belongs to the liberal-conservative, national Catalan Democratic Convergence of Catalonia CDC party.
The Left's Anti-Clerical Identity
Since the local elections of 2015, Ada Colau is Mayor of Barcelona. The leftist activist belongs to a newly founded opposition coalition of the left-wing populist Podemos party, Greens and Left-Catalan nationalists. The alliance won 25 percent of the vote and eleven of 41 mandates. With the support of other left parties (Left nationalists ERC, the Catalan PSOE offshoot PSC and the radical left CUP) Colau was elected for mayor by a mere 21.
The nun Lucia Caram, who otherwise contains good relationships with leftist Catalan nationalists, said she was "surprised and disappointed" about the "superficiality and hostility to the Church," from Ada Colau "and her Muchachos".
The PP party spokesman Fernandez has called for the resignation of all those who have "offended with such adulterations of the 'Lord's Prayer' and contempt for the religious feelings and convictions of others in the name of a completely distorted idea of freedom of speech."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: Youtube / El Confidencial (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred
Monday, January 25, 2016
Blasphemy: Koran Suras Recited Over the Grave of St. Martin of Tours
(Paris) "The pope's video has led the way: certain meetings in the spirit of the New World Religion are now on the agenda," said Chiesa e Postconcilio. On January 17, the Archbishop of Tours, the Cistercian, Bernard Nicolas Aubertin-, are among guests invited. It's not just in his episcopal residence or one of the numerous parish halls, but in the Basilica of St. Martin. Archbishop Aubertin sat in the high choir on 17 January with an Imam, representatives of the Islamic and Buddhist community and other Christian denominations. On the steps of the high choir, the word Paix (peace) was projected.
The Quran was recited over the tomb of Saint Martin Martin of Tours
St. Martin was third bishop of Tours and was buried after his death in 397 in the city. Above his grave the great basilica of Saint Martin de Tours was soon built and became a great pilgrimage site of Latin Christendom.
In 732 Tours was the scene of Muslim looting that took place in the Frankish Empire from Spain. Charles Martel, the head of the House of the Merovingians, defeated them at the Battle of Poitiers and thus stopped the Muslim advance in the West.
In 1562 Protestants set alight the saint's tomb. Only some of his remains could be saved and buried in the grave anew.
During the French Revolution, the basilica, except for a few, still visible parts, was destroyed. In 1860 the grave of the saint was again exposed and they started over with the construction of a new basilica. In 1889 a new crypt for the grave was completed, and in 1925 the new basilica was consecrated.
Year of Mercy and Compassion in the Qur'an?
Xavier Gué, the church rector referred in his welcome to Saint Martin, who was a soldier. He had made his sword, with which he could kill the enemy, into an instrument of sharing.
Then all the religious leaders spoke for their respective communities. The Anglican representative quoted the prophet Micah and the Apostle Paul. An Imam sang the Fatiha, the initial chapter of the Koran.
Archbishop Aubertin presented a connection between the Year of Mercy and compassion in Islam.
The Dominican Jean-François Bour, Head of the Department for Interreligious Dialogue in the Archdiocese of Tours asked in conclusion for everyone to mutually support each other, to pray for one another and develop a desire "to live with our brothers in a benevolent and honest dialogue".
Toast in the Church
Then all those present were even invited to a "friendship cup" a drink held in the back of church.
"It remains completely unclear why church leaders are urged to carry out more and more foreign liturgical events liturgy in the church. If I want to come together with Muslims and Buddhists, then I do it somewhere, but not in the church. What are you offering here to substitute for the Liturgy and the encounter with Christ in the Sacrament?" Wrote a Catholic from Tours among the comments of Riposte Catholique about the" Interfaith Encounter" at the Basilica.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Riposte Catholique
Image: Riposte Catholique
Trans: Tancred
Monday, May 25, 2015
Argentinian Marian Shrine Defiled by Worldly Hammering
(Buenos Aires) On Saturday, there was a silent, but no less painful form of persecution "with kid gloves" to pick an expression from word from Pope Francis on June 30, 2014. This is ultimately about a passage from the Gospel of Luke, where Jesus says, "It is written, My house shall be a house of prayer. But ye have made it a den of thieves" (LK 19:46). The "robbers" are those who abuse, insult and for whatever reason and in what manner whatsoever, they desecrate the house of God in which they are appear.
Canon 1210 of the Code of Canon Law is one of the most forgotten provisions of canon law. Literally there is:
"In a holy place only that will be permitted, which is for the exercise or promotion of worship, piety and worship, and anything that is inconsistent with the sanctity of the place is forbidden." The last sentence doesn't change anything: "Yet the Ordinary may allow however, individual uses which do not conflict to the sanctity of the place."
A rule which applies to every holy place, even more so at a national shrine like the Basilica of Nuestra Señora de Lujánin, Argentina. Our Lady of Lujan is patroness of Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. The city of Lujan is located 70 kilometers west of Argentina's capital Buenos Aires.
Materialistic Fixity to the World Instead of Transcendence
This past May 16, a musical was featured in the Basilica of Creyendo Lujan, for the completion of the renovations. The Argentine state television filmed the performance and will broadcast this on May 25th. More than 20 well-known Argentine artists appeared in the event, not on a concert stage, but between the altars and in the aisles. Among them was also the leading gay propagandist Sandra Mihanovich. Likewise, Leon Gieco, an "icon" of the Argentine left, who is seen not by chance in a video next to an image of Ernesto "Che" Guevara. The musical spectacle was directed by Lito Vitale, who is known for his longtime left political activism.
The program was a mixture of rock Christ, "wisdom books" and Pope Francis. The offered texts were "in the best case scenario imbued with a pronounced materialism, a hymn to a purely earthly justice, of bread and work exclusively as a social requirement, and all without any view of the transcendent, incapable of looking beyond its own nose and rid the head of ideological stereotypes of the real breath of faith," says the website .
"Where Might God Be, Who Stole Him?"
In the cliche ridden texts was asked: "Where might God be, who stole him?" More correctly other questions might have been put to: Did the archbishop Augustin Roberto Radrizzani of Mercedes-Lujan and the church rector, Father José Daniel Blanchoud OFM Cap. really believe that such a spectacle is greater than the glory of God? Was there really nothing more Catholic which could have been presented on this occasion?
These questions would urgently require answers not only for Lujan, but also of some European church, basilica or cathedral, where "Events" are given place, which are incapable of being reconciled by Canon 1210 of the Church's. Which neither serves the glory of God nor does it strength and spread of the faith, but merely entertains people. [Can it be said to even be entertaining?]
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons /
Image: Wikicommons /
Trans: Tancred
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Wagner's Tannhäuser With Jesus in Bordello -- Freedom and the German Feature Pages
(Moscow) The director's theater can sometimes spoil the full musical experience in an opera house. Theater managers and directors who put themselves in scene and trample over music, composer, librettist and their intentions with the "lightness" of elephants in a magnificent rose garden.
Actually the Russian Novosibirsk with a wanted to honor the Tannhäuser of Richard Wagner with an adaptation. But the theater director Timothy Kuljabin intended to deface the "most Catholic" of Wagner operas with a "Jesus-sex scene" (Die Welt). The redemption theme in conjunction with the Catholic Church is difficult for a disbelieving director to do. Intellectual honesty would require one to refuse a commission with which you can not identify. In general, the artist director decided not to do without, but to enjoy himself by the "deconstruction" of the works.
After protests from the audience and the Orthodox Church, the Novosibirsk cancelled the staging and dismissed theater director Boris Mesdritsch. He had defended Kuljabins sacrilege and refused to publicly apologize for offending religious feelings.
Is there a "right" to blasphemy?
Kuljabin presents himself remains unapologetic and complained of the "right" to offend God, religion and the religious feelings of Christians. A charge of blasphemy was rejected in a court in Novosibirsk.
Since then, Kuljabin has portrayed himself as a defender of "common sense" and as a victim of "ultra-radicalism", "censorship" and "paternalism". Doubts about Kuljabins common sense abound.
The daily Die Welt immediately aligned itself on the side of "artistic freedom" and denounced critics of blasphemy and Tannhäuser together as "militant Orthodox activists". In no time there were well-known alliances of the liberal left-crowd and old-communist cliques to defend an egocentric "freedom".
Unknown Director Was an Overnight "Celebrated Young Star" in German Feature Pages
The 30-year Kuljabin Tannhäuser scandal was indeed known to Russia insiders, but outside he was unknown. Since presenting his blasphemy on stage, he has mutated overnight into a "star" for the German culture journalist. The features section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung made him even the "much celebrated young star ".
What catapulted Kuljabin to media darling, is Tannhäuser, which comes from the film "Venus Grotto" about Jesus in a brothel. Tannhäuser is the film director, Jesus one of the actors, who is surrounded by half-naked prostitutes. The advertising promoting the production shows Jesus between two woman legs on a large movie poster.
Protest by Metropolitan Tikhon
Metropolitan Tikhon of Novosibirsk initiated a charge last February for blasphemy. The lower court judge ruled on the side of director and artistic director, and decreed that religious symbols have been used in "artistic context".
Mesdritsch offered the Archbishop a public debate on Kuljabins Tannhäuser adaptation. Metropolitan Tikhon felt duped and sent a letter to the Governor of Nowosibrisk. In the letter, he explained that a public debate only makes sense if the performance in the current production is to be suspended.
Novosibirsk Director Dismissed
Christians gathered in front of the Opera House in protest and prayer. The new director of Novosibirsk was the artistic director of the St. Petersburg Mikhailovsky Theatre, Vladimir Kechman. Kechman had a week-long discussion on Kuljabin's Tannhäuser blasphemy and criticized him for it. There was no cause for government art programs to insult people and to serve as a stage for the self-promotion of individuals.
The Lenkom- and the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow however, have offered Kuljabin the opportunity to be able to produce on their stages "what he wants". This too is a form of defending "freedom of art" or in other words to express the aversion to Christianity.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: Channel 24 (Screenshots)
Picture: Channel 24 (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred
Friday, March 20, 2015
Cardinal Caffara: "Insult of Christ on the Cross by Diabolical Perfidy"
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Most "Harmless" Photo From Blasphemy |
(Bologna) The Archbishop of Bologna, Cardinal Carlo Caffarra strongly condemned the action of the local gay organization Arcigay. The organizers spoke of a "heretical and superstitious" evening with "Enttaufungsstelle".
Cassero calls itself Arcigay -Local in Red Bologna. The recent initiative of the gay organization is called "Venerdì credici", a "heretical and superstitious" evening which was advertised for with posters, flyers and advertised on the Internet with photos in which three men can be seen that are dressed as Christ and the two are thieves, but commit degenerate acts and mime the abuse of a cross. A reproduction of the image is impossible. The most "harmless" was selected.
On a "ponta sbattezza" (debaptism place), visitors of the event could be "debaptized". (It's a formal process of renouncing one's religion, usually Catholicism, in Italy.)
Blasphemous photos end up at the prosecutor
There were many protests against these blasphemous representation, including the right-wing opposition parties, but also the Catholic wing of the ruling Democratic Party (PD). It especially caused offense hat the homo-organization is funded by the city government under Mayor Virginio Merola with public funds for "cultural" events.
The homo-associations showed zero sensitivity and understanding, much less consideration for the injured religious sentiments of Christians. Franco Grillini, President of Gaynet only made more insults and taunts on Facebook with "Hands off the Cassero! The religious police of our Ayatollahs have run to the prosecutor's office because of a banal satire against religious oppression." Grillini continues: "A month ago, they were all Charlie Hebdo, but today all Al-Baghdadi!"
Only after fierce criticism came did there come a half-hearted apology from the person in charge of Cassero, which reveals little insight: "Some people felt offended by those photos: out of respect for these people - and not for an ideology or a command - we apologize. Those who call for sanctions by taking advantage of an opportunity to strike Cassero, they are the real blasphemers. "
The Opinion of Cardinal Caffarra
Bologna archbishop, Cardinal Caffarra, strongly condemned the images and the event: "The photos of the evening edition of 'Venerdì credici' in Cassero of Bologna are an insult of unprecedented baseness and diabolical perfidy of Christ on the cross. For such a contempt of the Christian religion and of those who profess it, did not even spare the death of Jesus on the cross, which is represented by a despicable vulgarity. It hurts, but not surprisingly, it attempts by these means by trying to spread the idea that Christianity, and especially Catholicism, are the enemies of freedom, justice, scientific progress, secularism and democracy. Any ideology that does not manage to subdue the Church, they brutally persecute, either by killing Christians, or ridiculing what is most precious to them. And it looks correct: in a Church that is faithful to the Gospel, they would not find the unconditional and blind support needed for their every lie, in order to survive. And what is to be said at this moment when the Cassero drama is desecrates Calvary and the cross and other Christian symbols, and on the other shore of the Mediterranean, the Islamic State has destroyed churches? If one refers to the freedom of expression to justify a freedom to insult, one has to wonder if the end of democracy is near. And one also wonders under what title the city government can provide free public buildings to groups, which they use to turn them into places of insult and mockery," said Cardinal Caffarra.
The display
Today, several opposition councilors of Bologna and members of the regional parliament of Emilia-Romagna have filed a complaint with the public prosecutor. "It is unacceptable that such kinds of events with which the Catholic Church and the Christian religion are ridiculed, are financed with public funds from community funds and a building is provided free of charge to the value of EUR 100,000 annual rent," said Galeazzo Bignami, the Group President of Forza Italia in the regional parliament.
Homo-association involved for years in programs of school sex education
Manif pour tous Bologna declared in a press release that the aberro organizations should no longer be allowed to participate in school programs. "Whoever despises the values of others, has no place in our schools." The leftist city government has allowed the aberro organization Cassero, "access to public schools, to teach our children about sex education for years" and "to enable them to deconstruct the stereotypes of sexual identity" and "provide accurate information about sexual orientation, to mediate gender identity and gender roles," cited Manif pour tous from the self-promotion literature of the homosexual group. "Such an attack against the family by promoting homosexualization may no longer be tolerated," said the family rights organization.
Text: tempo / Giuseppe Nardi
image: Tempi
image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Jesuit Periodical Removes Charlie Hebdo Cartoons Without Comment
Edit: it's truly a sad time when Jesuit has become synonymous with blasphemy and sacrilege.
(Paris), the French Jesuit magazine Études has deleted the pieces by the anti-Christian Charlie Hebdo- caricatures from its website.
Études had made "solidarity" with the victims of the attack in Paris by publishing caricatures of the radical left-wing satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo against Christianity, the Catholic Church and Benedict XVI set (see separate report ). The article with the cartoons were also to appear in the printed February issue of the Monthly Magazine.
In contrast, there arose violent protest, which prompted the editorial staff headed by the Jesuit François EUVE to delete the article without comment.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Thursday, October 30, 2014
European Museum Association "L'Internationale" Holds Anti-Clerical Exhibition -- Currently in Madrid
(Madrid) A network of European museums of contemporary art is a misanthropic, blasphemous and anti-clerical exhibition. The exhibition can currently be seen under the name "Un saber real instruments útil" the Queen Sofia Museum in Madrid. The exhibition promotes abortion, insults Christianity and is hostile to the Catholic Church. "It would be reprehensible if a religious denomination would get money from the government to insult feminists", said Infovaticana. Equally reprehensible is the inverse conclusion that feminists get money from the Spanish government and the European Union (EU) to insult the Catholic Church.
The "valuable" pieces, currently shown in the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia include matchboxes illustrated with a call for violence: "The only church that illuminates is burning. Support help! "
The Queen Sofia Museum, named after the former Spanish Queen Sofia, the wife of King Juan Carlos I, who abdicated on June 19th, is holding an exhibition, which is funded by taxpayers' money, blasphemes the God, insults the Catholic Church, degrades human dignity, calls for anti-Christian violence and the murder of unborn children. Miguel Vidal started a petition on HazteOir, which prompts the museum director , Manuel Borja-Villel to close the exhibition.
The Museum of Modern Art was founded in 1990. The headquarters is located in San Carlos Hospital in Madrid, which had been founded in the 16th century by King Philip II.
EU-Sponsored Church Hostility "in the Name of Art"
Was compiled by the exhibition Croatian Curator Collective WHW What, How & Whom that holds exhibitions in the German-speaking world, especially in Austria. The Madrid exhibition was funded by the EU Culture Programme. The alleged "educational" approach of the exhibition recalls not coincidentally of the National Socialist "education programs". Nor that the Collective WHW put together an exhibition for a new European museum network called L'International (The International).
The International Museums- with its naming inspired by communistic nostalgia include the following six museums of modern art at: Moderna Galerija (MG + MSUM, Ljubljana, Slovenia); Museo nacional centro de arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS, Madrid, Spain); Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art (MACBA, Catalonia, Spain); Museum of Modern Art, Antwerp (M HKA, Antwerp, Belgium); SALT (Istanbul and Ankara, Turkey) and Van Abbemuseum (VAM, Eindhoven, The Netherlands).
The exhibition is expected to be seen in all these museums soon. The Exhibition in Madrid is imbued with hostility toward Christians. An exhibition piece which criticized Islam, would not only have been unsuitable for left and left-liberal Western states, but also for the Islamic Turkey.
Sacrilegious "Our Father" of Argentine Feminists
The exhibits feature a total of 30 artists and artist collectives. Among these there is also the Argentine feminist collective Mujeres publicas (Public Women). The "art" of Public Women is meant to attack the Catholic Church and to offend Christians and Christianity.
The Spanish left would not put up with having to pay taxes and can then offend people in an exhibition with their own money.The exhibition Un saber real instruments útil (Really useful knowledge) promotes the feminist "Our Father" the Mujeres publicas, which states:
"El derecho a Concédenos decidir sobre nuestro cuerpo. Y danos la gracia de no ser ni ni madres Virgenes. Líbranos de la autoridad del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo para que las que Seamos nosotras decidamos por nosotras. Ruega porque el poder judicial suyos no haga los mandatos de la Iglesia y ambos nos Libren de su misógina opresión. Venga a nosotros el derecho a cuestionar si it bendito el fruto de nuestro vientre. No nos dejes caer en la tentación de nuestros derechos no luchar por. Y el milagro de la concédenos legalidad del aborto en Argentina. Amén "
"Give us the right to decide about our bodies. And grant us the grace to neither be virgins nor mothers. Free us from the authority of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, so we are the ones who decide for us. Pray that justice does not follow the order of the Church and be free from misogynist oppression. We come to the right to deny that the fruit of our body is blessed. Lead us not into temptation, not to fight for our rights. And grant us the miracle of legalization of abortion in Argentina. Amen ".
From "Mujeres publicas comes the feminist battle cry:
"The Pope is Argentinian and abortion is prohibited. If the Pope were a woman, abortion would be law. "
The petition against the blasphemous and anti-clerical exhibition with a request that the exhibition is addressed to the museum director and at the same time to the Spanish Government.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: InfoVaticna
image: InfoVaticna
Trans: Tancred
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Neo-Nazi Antifa Claim Responsibility for Burning Churches: Freiburg Prosecutor Can't be Bothered
Antifa gloat about burning churches and targeting their organs, which are often made from irreplaceable parts, a tremendous cultural loss, not to mention the works of art contained within the churches themselves.
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I can't even round up the usual suspects on this one. |
Freiburg ( / idea) With undisguised sympathy, the radical leftist group "Autonome Antifa Freiburg" reported arson attacks on churches in South Baden. On their website it says: "In Eimeldingen (in Lörrach) there was a fire on 26 November where the organ completely destroyed without the flaming rascal getting caught. In Uhlingen, birch village (near Waldshut) a sympathetic arsonist caused tremendous damage to the organ of the Catholic parish church of St. Margaret. " These crimes have been designated by the Antifa as "blessed acts" and were "in the spirit of Pope John XXIII", who once said: "Tradition means: guard the fire, do not keep the ashes." The police have received several references to the glorification of crime, said a spokesman for the Freiburg Prosecutor on request of the Protestant news agency idea.
It is being investigated whether they could bring criminal proceedings against the authors. "Tasteless publication" is still not a criminal offense. Similar reports had already been spread by the "Antifa". Two years ago, the prosecutor had come to the view that it constitutes "a tasteless publication," which, however, is "not criminally relevant". There was no request for a specific identifiable offense. The mention of institutions such as "the Church" or church buildings is not sufficient as a criminal offense.[What if they'd said Mosque or Jewish Schul?]
Moreover, it was not possible to determine the unknown author of the publication. According to police reports, the page is of an autonomous Antifa originating from an Icelandic company was made available. A request for mutual legal assistance the prosecutor appears to be hopeless. Just because the "antifa" appears to have used a Freiburger info store as a contact, does not mean that this is responsible for the content of the message, said the Prosecutor's office.
Edit: Well, it's a good thing they're not burning Synagogues and Mosques! Some will remember that Federal authorities were moving heaven and earth to find the identity of those responsible for, after the German speaking world's #1 Catholic website ridiculed an aberrosexual entertainer after he died.
Link to kathnet...
Photo still stolen from....
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