Edit: from Adoration e Liberacio blog. This priest would phone it in if he could.
This happened yesterday at a mass in Iquique, in northern Chile.
The priest sits down; and the "faithful" freely serve the Eucharistic species. "Open bar"
Here we are.
Showing posts with label Blasphemies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blasphemies. Show all posts
Thursday, June 13, 2019
Friday, January 16, 2015
Islamic Terror and "Charlie Hebdo": Archbishop Wants to Decriminalize Blasphemy
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Archbishop Jean Grallet |
" Blasphemy is directly opposed to the second commandment. It consists in uttering against God - inwardly or outwardly - words of hatred, reproach, or defiance; in speaking ill of God; in failing in respect toward him in one's speech; in misusing God's name. St. James condemns those "who blaspheme that honorable name [of Jesus] by which you are called. 78 The prohibition of blasphemy extends to language against Christ's Church, the saints, and sacred things. It is also blasphemous to make use of God's name to cover up criminal practices, to reduce peoples to servitude, to torture persons or put them to death. The misuse of God's name to commit a crime can provoke others to repudiate religion.
"Blasphemy contradicts the reverence owed to God and his holy name. It is in itself a grave sin, "citing the Catechism of the Code of Canon Law , Canon 1369th
The Catechism does not apply to all Catholics?
Too bad that this only seems to apply to the Catechism today, but is no longer a part of the Catholic Church. Just one day before the Islamic attack on the editor of Charlie Hebdo in Paris, with remarkable timing, asked Archbishop Jean Pierre Grallet of Strasbourg along with Protestants, Jews and Muslims, the official deletion of blasphemy as a criminal offense in the Criminal Code. Such an offense no longer exists in secular France for a long time. Since the Alsace and German Lorraine was annexed in 1920 as a result of the First World War in France, there still exist continuity with parts of the German legal system.
The law currently in force provides for up to three years in prison for one who "incites a nuisance by blasphemy in public with offensive intent". In 2013, the Ligue de Défense des Muslumans Judicial cited to this this penal provision in the Court of Strasbourg and display against cartoons of "Charlie Hebdo".
The procedure has been canceled due to formal errors. The Muslim League sees this lack of willingness to apply the law in force. For the rest of France, the offense against God since the time of the French Revolution is already no longer a criminal offense.
Archbishop Grallet: The Criminal Statute has Become "Obsolete"
A native of French Lorraine Franciscan, Archbishop Grallet, confirmed that among the representatives of the various religions "matured conviction for some time" was to demand the abolition of this charge because it has become "obsolete." "The Republic has sufficient means to invite us to mutual respect," Archbishop Grallet had explained. In it he reiterated with Abdellaq Nabaoui, deputy chairman of the Conseil régional du culte musulman (CRCM) in Alsace, who said he represented "the same line. What interests us is the freedom of expression." What some of his co-religionists think about it, you could see a few hours later in Paris.
The common demand was officially made during a hearing before the Observatoire de la laïcité raised in Paris. The "Monitoring Center of Secularism" is one of President François Hollande government agency launched initiatives to monitor compliance with the strict separation of church and state. It reports directly to the Prime Minister. The president is the socialist politician Jean-Louis Bianco, who is also a European political adviser of his party.
Prosecution of blasphemy "an attack on freedom of speech"
Bianco and the other members of the "Monitoring Center" congratulated the religious leaders for the insight that it is "an exaggerated determination" operative in the penal provision and this is an "attack on freedom of speech". Nicolas Cadène, the rapporteur of the "Monitoring Center" stressed that the religious leaders "have even suggested that we bring it to an end" because they consider the provision has "become obsolete". Nicolas Cadène, also a socialist, is a staff member of the cabinet of Environmental and Energy Minister Segolene Royal.
In the official opinion of the Observatoire de la laïcité they name the "values" of "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" as "one and indivisible, secular, democratic and social republic," in France. And it was brought simultaneously in comparison to the 2011 massacre of Anders Breivik.
A part of the Catholic Church, including the Archbishop of Strasbourg, holds it in common with the "Monitor" as it being "outdated" to put the deliberate blasphemy to God under penalty, although Scripture, the Magisterium and the Tradition of the Church say otherwise. A view of the Catechism enough. Corrispondenza Romana commented on the events with an ironic rhetorical question: "Who knows if you will, sooner or later, reshuffle the cards in calling for the convening of an extraordinary Synod of Bishops?"
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred verkon99@hotmail.com
Link to Katholisches....
image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred verkon99@hotmail.com
Link to Katholisches....
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Protest Against Castellucci's Blasphemy at Vienna's Burgtheater -- For Cathedral Rector Faber "Artificial Outrage"
Edit: it's no small wonder that the Mason-loving, Communist promoting Cathedral Rector of Vienna's most ancient edifice condemns Catholics who are outraged that the Faith is being disparaged at public expense. It's more surprising that the Porno-Rector hasn't invited Castellucci to perform the play in the Stepensdom itself, with the Danube Cardinal's full approval of course.
(Vienna) Romeo Castellucci's blasphemous piece about the Concept of the Face of the Son of God was listed at the Vienna Festival Weeks at the Vienna Burgtheater. On Saturday night there was at the premiere to massive boos and catcalls. As in Paris and Milan this had occurred because of the blasphemous scenes vehement objections from the public. In Paris, young Catholics had occupied the stage in 2011 and had been taken away by the police. Castellucci's piece is da Messina performed before an oversized picture of Jesus by Renaissance painter Antonello. The representation of the Son of God is smeared with feces and pelted with stones. From the audience there resounded on Saturday: "Such a mess!", "Stop it!", "Shame on you!"
(Vienna) Romeo Castellucci's blasphemous piece about the Concept of the Face of the Son of God was listed at the Vienna Festival Weeks at the Vienna Burgtheater. On Saturday night there was at the premiere to massive boos and catcalls. As in Paris and Milan this had occurred because of the blasphemous scenes vehement objections from the public. In Paris, young Catholics had occupied the stage in 2011 and had been taken away by the police. Castellucci's piece is da Messina performed before an oversized picture of Jesus by Renaissance painter Antonello. The representation of the Son of God is smeared with feces and pelted with stones. From the audience there resounded on Saturday: "Such a mess!", "Stop it!", "Shame on you!"
Castellucci is passed around since the protests against his God insult from the left Kulturschickeria. In Germany, he joined with another piece on already at the Ruhr Festival.
The author talks about a true to life representation of human existence. This also included the rebellion against an overpowering image of God, from which it suffers remanded to Castellucci.

It was a different issue altogether for Berlin Archbishop Rainer Maria Cardinal Woelki, as the piece was performed in March 2012 in Berlin at the Theater Hebbel am Ufer. Cardinal Woelki described the piece as "indecent" because "what is important and holy to people is drawn from people's beliefs and dragged through the mud."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Sacred Palazzzi
image: Sacred Palazzzi
Translation: Tancred
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Belgium: Archbishop Venerates Our Lady as He’s Attacked by Anarchists
Edit: this isn’t the first time Archbishop Leonard Mutien has been attacked by the disciples of impurity. At another point, he was assaulted by a pie. The effeminate attack was launched against the Archbishop, whose communications director quit in a fit of rage earlier over the comment, because he said that AIDS “was a form of intrinsic justice”. I think now is a good time to point out that the good Archbishop, whom we’ve described in the past as the Lion of Belgium, is still there doing his job, despite a few faithless colleagues and a vicious anti-Catholic press.
What was also interesting about the press coverage from newscom.au is that the journalist accused the Archbishop of kissing a water bottle. It’s just one more of those times when the things Catholics do escape the basic understanding of profane minds. Actually, the Archbishop kisses a plastic image of Our Lady, which had been blasphemed by the Femen anarchists who attacked him with the water within. It’s a particularly touching image to see him so reviled and full of love.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Sisters of Saint Joseph Crandolet Offer Gomorrist Workshop
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Transvestite Barbara Satani will appear under the auspices of this event. |
Heaven forfend if they were to suddenly offer a worship on Traditional Catholicism and invite the FSSP to help make over their wreckovated church.
It’s truly incredible that other religious orders have been disciplined for far less apparent reason, while they continue, year after year to insult Christ and His Church, while they misrepresent themselves as Catholic religious.
The event is expected to take place Wednesdays, May 8, 15, and 22, 6:30 to 8:30pm.
We are gendered beings. Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies are manifest in each of us and invite us to embrace a unique gender identity not necessarily limited by biology. This course will invite us to explore the Divine Feminine and Masculine as part of our gender identity, which is a gift to the world and ourselves.
Explore starting from “where you are at”—as someone who is consciously thinking about gender identity for the first time or someone who has engaged exploration of gender identity for a while. The evenings will provide information by presenters from the field, time for Q & A and discussion, and reflection exercises to integrate learning as part of coming to a deeper understanding of one’s own unique gender identity as gift.
Session 1 (May 8) will explore the masculine and especially feminine images of the Divine in the Scriptures, and discuss the relevancy of such imagery for our lives today.
Presenter: Carolyn Pressler is the Harry C. Piper Professor of Biblical Interpretation at United Theological Seminary, an ecumenical theological school founded in 1960. She teaches a range of courses in Older Testament, Hebrew and Biblical Theology, including, “Feminist Approaches to the Bible.” She is the author of two books, The View of Women Found in Deuteronomic Family Laws and Joshua, Judges and Ruth, and co-editor of a third volume, Engaging the Bible in a Gendered World: An Introduction to Feminist Biblical Interpretation in Honor of Katharine Doob Sakenfeld. Pressler is currently working on a commentary on the book of Numbers for the Abington Old Testament Series. Her numerous articles deal with gender studies and the Bible, biblical law, and the Psalms.
Session 2 (May 15) will address the question, “What is gender?” utilizing modern gender studies and psychology. For instance, gender is not necessarily defined by biological sex, sexual orientation or chromosomes. Gender is . . . spectrum . . . a range of expression . . . how you relate to yourself . . . personal identity.
Presenter: Alex Iantaffi, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor with the Program in Human Sexuality at the University of Minnesota. He is also a licensed marriage and family therapist, and editor-in-chief for the International Journal of Sexual and Relationship Therapy. His therapeutic work is currently focused on transgender and gender non-conforming youth and their families, and on integrating body-based approaches to psychotherapy with narrative therapy.
Session 3 (May 22) will be a night of rich story-telling. You will hear from and be able to ask questions of a diverse panel of individuals who will share their journeys of coming to understand their respective gender identities—for example, as a transgender person, dual gender person, woman, man, etc.
Barbara Satin is a transgender activist from Minneapolis who focuses her energies on issues of faith and aging in the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) community both locally and nationally. Barbara currently works as a staff person with the Institute for Welcoming Resources, a Minneapolis-based non-profit organization coordinating pro-LGBT efforts within faith communities throughout the U.S. She has served on the Executive Council of the United Church of Christ, the first transgender woman to have a national leadership role in the denomination.
Claire Avitabile graduated from Smith College with a bachelor’s degree in theatre. She currently works full-time at the Sabes Jewish Community Center as Director of Performing Arts. In 2006, Claire founded 20% Theatre Company and has been leading the company ever since as Executive Director. For 20% Theatre, she has directed ten productions, including the recently sold-out world premiere of The Naked I: Wide Open, which she published. The Naked I: Wide Open explored the land beyond "male" and "female" - showcasing a variety of monologues and short scenes about transgender and gender non-conforming individuals.
Anthony Neuman grew up performing with the Youth Performance Company in Minneapolis and The Phipps in Hudson, WI. He joined the cast at 20% Theatre in 2008 and now calls it "home." He was cast in a lead role of Standards of Care by Tobias K. Davis, and it changed his life. He has since performed in the sold-out 2009 production of The Naked I: Monologues from Beyond the Binary, and the recently sold-out world premiere 2012 production of The Naked I: Wide Open. Anthony also works with Freshwater Theatre Company in Minneapolis.
Series Facilitator: Jim Smith is Program Manager with DignityUSA, a nation-wide faith community of LGBTQ persons and allies, and is an active member of DignityUSA's Transgender Caucus. He is a retreat and spiritual director, a published author and a community activist in marriage equality. Other guests presenters will be a part of the sessions.
Photo, City Pages...
Thursday, November 1, 2012
A Corrupter of Holy Scripture
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Caricature of Luther from the times of the Protestant Revolt |
(kreuz.net) The stalwart Catholic apologist, Fr. Johann Nikolaus Weislinger (+1755), wrote in his book: "My way or the highway" in 1719:
"What concerns the German Bible, so every Lutheran should now know is that in Germany, German Bibles were had and read before Luther sprang and pitifully seduced and deceived our beloved fatherland with his villainous, prankish and interlaced Bible."
Before Luther there were 14 Complete Editions of the Bible
The historical critic confirmed this harsh criticism.
In 1522 Luther's German translation of the New Testament appeared in Wittenberg.
Before this point in time there were 14 complete High German editions of the Bible available.
Martin Luther the Poser
Of these Luther himself used three, as Protestant G.W. Hopf confirms:
-Augsburg 1477
-Nurnberg 1483
-Augsburg 1518
(Hopf, value of Lutheran Germanification of the Bible, 1847)
At the same time Luther boasted that he "had pulled the Bible from under the bench".
The Swiss Reformer Huldrych Zwingli (+1531) thought that such bragging should have been "flogged out".
Poorly translated
Luthers work showed itself soon to be unusually prone to error.
Already the Elsatian schismatic Martin Butzer (+1551) found a large number of mistakes in Luther's translation.
Other Protestants, like Christian Karl von Bunsen (+1860) explained that the meaning of the original did not match in a hundred places.
No other was as mistaken about the original text. It was regarded as the most imprecise of all translations. Over 3,000 places needed correction.
Luther will be canonized
In 1885 a book appeared in Berlin with the following title: "God's food and the Lutheran Bible translation -- two fundamentally diverse things."
Protestant yes men set themselves against any alteration out of exaggerated honor for Luther.
So wrote the Protestant preacher Mayer: "M. Franke, who castigated many errors in Luther's Bible, has not condemned Lutherdom, but the Holy Ghost himself." (Johann Nikolaus Weislinger, page 331)
Luther Against All
The erroneous teaching of the justification of men through faith in Christ alone led Luther to counterfeits of Holy Scripture and the intentional falsification of the written word of God.
His followers were led to only understand Holy Scripture as he misunderstood it.
"Guard yourself", warned Luther, "against all the teaching which need aught but these words (Law, Sin, Grace, Faith, Justice in the Letters of Paul), be they who they will, even as if they were the same as Origin, Ambrose, Hironymus, Augustine and still higher."
The Classical Example
Through omissions, distortions, truncations, Luther gave Holy Scripture a Lutheran face, so that the Bible, at least from the great mass of superficial readers, vouch for him.
In 2 Peter 1: 10 he simply removed for example in the sentence "Wherefore, brethren, labour the more, that by good works you may make sure your calling and election" the words "good works".
The classical example of Lutheran written falsification is Romans 3:28.
There, St. Paul wrote: For we account a man to be justified by faith, without the works of the law."
Luther arbitrarily shoved the word "alone" out so that it meant: The man will be justified through faith alone without the works of the law."
Why? So that the people believed that Luther taught the same as St. Paul.
Questions Were Answered with Outbreaks of Fury
As he was reprimanded for such a manipulation of Holy Scripture, Luther answered:
"If you Papists [a priest of Nurnberg who broke from Luther] want to make the word "sola" --alone -- useless, quickly tell him therefore: Doctor Martin Luther wants it that way and say: Papist and asses are one thing; sic volo sic jubeo, sit pro ratione voluntas." [I want, then I command. Instead of reasoning my will applies!]
What would not be melded into his system, was thrown out, like the letters of James, the Hebrews and the Apocalypse of John.
Lutheran Exegesis
The book of Tobias as denoted as a comedy by Luther.
The wasting of Job was explained with: "The Devil foisted some syphilis on him".
The book of Ecclesiastes "has neither books nor spurs and goes to stockings". [A play on the expression that you can't go to heaven with your boots and spurs.]
In Sirach 3, 5 a church teacher is introduced as a jokester.
"You Damn Jews"
Especially poor is Luther's talk about Moses as well as Jews in general and the Old Testament:
"Everyone who goes with Moses, must go with the devil, to the gallows with Moses. The Ten Commandments don't apply to us Christians and the heathens, but the Jews alone."
(Volume 5. Wittenberger Edition germ. fol. 212)
Or: "Pfui you there, pfui you there and where you are, you damn Jews! Are you worth nothing that you see the Bible from outside. Let alone that you read what's inside.
You should only read the bible, which is under the pig's tail, and the letters fall out the same way, eat and drink. That would be a bible for such prophets."
(Tom. S. Jen. germ. fol. 83 adit. 1558)
The Prophet of Wittenberg handled Holy Scripture and its author so disgracefully.
From the book "Luther, as he lived, loved and died, portrayed according to a irrefutable report. Polemic writing against the "los von Rom-Pastoren". Eight, unchanged editions. Graz und Wien 1925. Publishing House 'Styria'. Available, here...
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