(Rome) On January 28, Pope Francis has received the General of the Synod of Bishops , Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri in audience. He was received with the Under Secretary of the Synod of Bishops, Curia Bishop Fabio Fabene. Baldisseri was before his appointment and being made Cardinal, Secretary of the College of Cardinals, Fabene was Deputy Bureau Chief of the Secretariat of the College of Cardinals.
Today, Friday, the President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia Curia, was received in audience.
From 22th-24th January a Conference was held in advance of the Synod of Bishops on the family for next October in Rome. The Pontifical Council on Family had invited more than 80 of the world's most important Catholic laymen in the family area. The declared aim was to hear the opinion of lay representatives on the subject of the Synod. Cardinal Baldisseri was also present.
Unlike what was evidently expected, the lay movements almost unanimously rejected from the "new family" agenda of the Kasper-line. This provoked a violent slugfest between the angry Cardinal Baldisseri and lay representatives.
Neither the Pontifical Council on Family, the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops nor the Press Office of the Vatican published an explanation after. Following the official Vatican pronouncements, one might get the impression that the meeting never took place.
The audiences for Cardinal Baldisseri, Curial Bishop Fabene and Curial Archbishop Paglia were in connection with the preparation of the final Synod of Bishops on the Family. The Curia representatives meeting Pope Francis, apparently were to inform him, inter alia, on the course of the conference with the lay movements.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: vatican.va (screenshot)
image: vatican.va (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com