Showing posts with label Belgium. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Belgium. Show all posts
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Vatican Revokes Catholic Identity of Brothers of Charity
Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Ladaria: "Perverse" when doctors and relatives practice active euthanasia out of false pity - No Catholic identity for psychiatric clinics of the order "Broeders van Liefde
Vatican City / Geneva ( The Vatican has confirmed the revocation of Catholic identity for psychiatric clinics of the Belgian order "Broeders van Liefde" (Brothers of Charity). As became known weeks ago, they have not been able to call themselves "Catholic" since the end of March. In a letter published on Tuesday, the Roman Congregation of the Faith justified this step.
After numerous contacts and meetings, one unfortunately had to take note that there was no willingness in the clinics connected to the order to accept the Catholic teaching. Active euthanasia remains inadmissible even in extreme cases, according to the letter signed by Cardinal Luis Ladaria. Human life maintain its dignity under all circumstances. It is all the more "perverse" when doctors and relatives practice active euthanasia out of false pity. It was therefore decided "after a long and painful journey" to no longer consider the clinics concerned as Catholic.
The chairman of the board of the Association of the Brothers of Charity, Raf de Rycke, had already reacted calmly to the withdrawal in May. They have no "consequences in civil law," he said at the time to the Flemish newspaper "De Standaard".
Belgium has allowed active euthanasia since 2002
The dispute as to whether a psychiatric clinic that does not rule out the use of active euthanasia can still call itself Catholic dates back to 2017. At that time, the Belgian organization "Broeders van Liefde" announced that it would no longer rule out active assisted suicide for the mentally ill in its clinics. In Belgium, active euthanasia has been legal under certain conditions since 2002, including for the mentally ill.
The "Broeders van Liefde" run twelve psychiatric clinics in Belgium as well as dozens of schools, crèches and orthopedic centers. According to its own statements, the organization has a total of 14,000 employees nationwide. The religious order is legally, closely linked to the organization.
The specialty of the Order of Brothers of Charity, founded in Ghent in 1807, is the care of the mentally ill. The community, known as "Broeders van Liefde" in Belgium, has around 600 members worldwide and is active in around 30 countries.
Trans: Tancred
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
August 1984: The Church Workgroup on Pedophilia in Belgium (II)
On May 25, 2019, the first part of this article appeared about the Church's "Ecumenical Working Group on Pedophilia" in Belgium. On August 9, 1984, it published an article in the official Northern Belgian Church Gazette, in which it reported on its actions and promoted interested parties.
By Ferdinand Boischot
The response to this really, blatantly vile ad was almost zero.
At that time the Catholic Church in Belgium was already in an unprecedented situation, and the once very Catholic Flemish population was totally uninterested in the Church and in Christian morality.
Belgium had become the sick man of Europe in the 1980s: economic decline, very high unemployment, exploding public debt, very high inflation, overpowered unions and decades of government coalitions of almost mafia-like Christian Democrats and Socialists strangled the country.
At the same time, there was a tremendous sexualization and decatholization of Flemish society, para- and post-conciliar.
The two prime ministers, Wilfried Martens (already an advocate of a "Progressive Front" as early as 1971 and the unification and quasi-fusing of the free Catholic education system with state schools, later introduced one of the most liberal abortion regimes in Western Europe in 1990, later left and liberal in the European Parliament) and Jean-Paul Dehaene.
The Flemish nationals, formerly very Catholic, had split in 1978 on the occasion of the Egmont Pact and split into a leftist-freethinker and modernist wing and a right-wing conservative (Vlaams Blok); the latter was isolated and muzzled by the media.
Obviously, hardly a reputable person has read this very boring Church paper (the number of subscribers has dropped by more than 80 percent with a continuously decreasing tendency) or found it offensive.
As I said: at that time there were about 1.5 million readers with a total population of 6 million Flemings, of which about 60 percent were more or less Christian / Catholic.
One of two Flemings knew about it
Institutionalized pedophilia in the Church was considered normal.
In the early autumn of 1984, a worried mother (A.C.) contacted the ominous Church working group on pedophilia. The answering letter as follows:
"If your son (son) or daughter (daughter) feels the connection with the pedophile as pleasant / funny ('fijn'), do not break this connection."
"The reaction of the neighborhood is often much more harmful than the events themselves."
"Many convinced Christians still have much to learn from pedophiles."
"It should be preferred that a trusting relationship develops between the pedophiles and the parents."
The big offensive of the pedophiles was launched.
In October 1984, the worried mother wrote to Cardinal Godfried Danneels, Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels and Primate of Belgium.
There was no reaction.
Danneels did what he always did, nothing, and kept everything going.
He succeeded all the easier, till the worried mother had become a member of parliament for the right-wing conservative Flemish national party in the meantime.
Promoting pedophilia in the Church as part of the modernist agenda
Not a year later, in 1985, Danneels in Antwerp established the CPRL (Centrum voor Priesters op rijpere Leeftijd) as a seminary for late-career workers. This seminary soon became the hottest gay meeting spot in Antwerp (in 1999 the CPRL was closed due to too many homosexual scandals and AIDS deaths due to strong pressure from the Roman Congregation of the Faith and Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger).
The ex-Rector of the CPRL, M. Gesquiere, severely burned by the scandals, was caught up by the pedophile bishop Vangheluwe in the diocese of Bruges. He became a Dean in Kortrijk and committed suicide in January 2011 after a torrid affair.
The homosexuality of Gesquiere was stubbornly denied by the ecclesiastical side in the diocese of Bruges (the then bishop was Jozef De Kesel, whom Pope Francis made archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels, primate of Belgium and cardinal), until the membership card and photos of a Sado-Mas-Club in Antwerp came to light. As a result, much of the homosexual and pedosexual network in the modernist "Church" of West Flanders came to light.
It is very puzzling that at that time (1984-1993) the good and close friend of Cardinal Danneels, Roger Vangheluwe, who committed a crime against his 11-year-old nephew, and he did not bring it to the bishop of Bruges a year later (1985).
In those years, too, there were huge abuse scandals by the West Flemish missionary Eric DeJaegher OMI against the Inuit in Baker Lake and Igloolik, Canada, who organized atrocities at the Broeders Van Dale (Tordale) and the Broeders van Liefde (FC), the Affair Roeach3, the machinations of Roger Borremans.
The editor-in-chief of Kerk & Leven, Felix Dalle, died shortly afterwards.
Subsequent editor-in-chief became Mark Vandevoorde in 1987, previously press officer with the pedophile bishop of Bruges, Roger VanGheluwe. Vandevoorde climbed high in the North-Belgian Christian Democrats and brought him to the adviser (adviser) of the Prime Minister Yves Leterme and Herman Van Rompuy (later Chairman of the Council of Europe and strongly enthusiastic Mason) and the Minister Stefaan van Ackere.
Vandevoorde still fought in the defense of Vangheluwe (2010) and Danneels (2011) and writes to this day for Kerk & Leven and the related website Kerknet.
Toon Osaer followed in 2010 as Editor-in-Chief: Osaer, at that time was also press officer of Cardinal Danneels, who attempted to intimidate and silence the mother and leader of the True Catholic Resistance (Ms A.C.) in 1996 with a telephone call during the affair Roeach3.
Osaer was immediately dismissed by the respectable new Archbishop André Léonard. The northern Belgian bishops and Christian Democratic politicians caught him up.
Since then, Osaer has led the ecclesiastical, modernist and spiritist publishing house Halewijn in collaboration with Kerk & Leven and the Kerknet website in northern Belgium.
By the way, Jef Barzin was not “pastoor" (Vicar) in 1984 but "onderpastoor" (Assistant), became nevertheless "pastoor" in 1988 with 13 parishes at the end. For this he was appointed Dean in 2007 (first in Antwerp-South, then he was transferred to Antwerp North after protests) and thus received a seat in the Bishop Council.
Barzin was protected by the Bishop of Antwerp (incidentally from West Flanders) Johan Bonny Bonny is very homo-friendly (see his sensational interview in De Morgen, 26.12.2015).
When the newspaper De Morgen reported on Barzin and his pedophile activities in April 2008, Bishop Bonny commented that "the report (in De Morgen) had forgotten to see this advertisement in the spirit of the times."
Insight zero.
Precisely because of this lack of insight and absence of empathy, Bishop Bonny was then sent to Rome as the representative of the Belgian bishops and "expert on family issues" in 2015 for the second family synod (under Pope Francis).
The diocese of Antwerp is spiritually and morally totally in the swamp.
Bonny shows very little. He prefers to perform with Jef Barzin and his assistant Selleslaghs, who is eager for women's priesthood.
The Dutch-born, Protestant (Calvinist) pastor Th. Weerstra was a predecessor in Brussels and a figurehead of the Protestant churches in Belgium.
Shortly thereafter, he retired to the Netherlands, where he later died.
His widow was connected at the beginning of the century to this pedophilia.
The aged widow replied by e-mail that she would like to be spared further inquiries.
Mr L.P.G. who is obviously from the Netherlands, used to live very skillfully from a canonical point of view, not far from the Belgian-Dutch border.
In the Christian field, he has not been publicly noticed since the ad.
Six years after the publication of the aforementioned article, in 1991, the religious book series Roeach was introduced for secondary education in northern Belgium.
The third volume, Roeach3, contained illustrations and texts that could appeal to 13- and 14-year-old students as a call for pedophilia.
The modern Church fostered the pedophilia by their staff
The "Mafia of St. Gallen" (Cardinal Danneels) is a benevolent protector of pedophile abuse on a massive scale.
Only in 2004, 16 years after the infamous article in Kerk & Leven, when the pedophilia scandals came to light in northern Belgium and Danneels came under increasing pressure, the Flemish satirical weekly, t Pallieterke published a photo with the original article and a discussion of this mess.
The official Church in Belgium and its press organs are still in silence: reaction zero.
In smaller publications and on the Web, this heinous story became known, especially abroad:
The Vatican and the nuncio in Belgium have been informed several times, as have bishops and cardinals abroad.
The Belgian press noted in 2008 that "Flemish arch-conservatives intensively tried to blackmail Cardinal Danneels at the Vatican to force their candidate, the reactionary bishop of Namur Léonard, to serve as future archbishop."
Bishop Léonard was not reactionary at all, not even conservative. [He was steadfastly hated and attacked by his staff and the media.]
The modernist-sexual revolution with openness to pedophilia and homophily, as the central point of the mafia of St. Gallen, was publicly defended in 2008-2009 by the formerly Catholic and now syncretic mainstream media
The protagonists of the pedophilia promotion are still sitting unmolested in the ranks of leadership.
Incidentally, ever since the pontificate of Francis, it has been stronger than ever.
Previously: the first installment appeared here.
Text: Ferdinand Boischot
Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred
Monday, October 15, 2018
Party Calls for Islamic State of Belgium by 2030
Party founder Redouane Ahrouch: Then men and women will ride the bus separately and electoral lists will be possible without women.
Brussels ( In 2030, mainly Muslims would live in Brussels, then in the middle of Europe in Holland there would be a 100 percent pure Islamic state. This is hoped for at least by Redouane Ahrouch, co-founder of the Islam Party in the Netherlands. "Replace all civil and criminal codes with Sharia law." Period, says the Mohamedan politician. Incidentally, the party has been allowed in Holland for years, and for the first time in 2012, it moved into the municipal councils of the Brussels districts of Anderlecht and Molenbeek. This is reported by the "Stern". Ahrouch also explains that then men and women have to drive separately on the bus, in the school canteens there will only be Halal food and electoral lists should be possible to be filled without women.
This is all being made possible, of course by prelates of the Church like the evil Cardinal Marx.
Brussels ( In 2030, mainly Muslims would live in Brussels, then in the middle of Europe in Holland there would be a 100 percent pure Islamic state. This is hoped for at least by Redouane Ahrouch, co-founder of the Islam Party in the Netherlands. "Replace all civil and criminal codes with Sharia law." Period, says the Mohamedan politician. Incidentally, the party has been allowed in Holland for years, and for the first time in 2012, it moved into the municipal councils of the Brussels districts of Anderlecht and Molenbeek. This is reported by the "Stern". Ahrouch also explains that then men and women have to drive separately on the bus, in the school canteens there will only be Halal food and electoral lists should be possible to be filled without women.
This is all being made possible, of course by prelates of the Church like the evil Cardinal Marx.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Immigrants Engage in Brutal Attack in Belgium
The attackers resorted to stones and knives to torture their victims.
[Tag 24] As the Polish news site Interia reports, two Poles were recently attacked during the night from Wednesday to Thursday and brutally beaten. This has also been confirmed by a spokesman for the Belgian police.
The two victims were taken to hospital. One could be released soon. The other man has suffered such severe head injuries that he still needs to be treated. He was not in mortal danger.
The two Poles (25, 26) are employees of a company in the port of Zeebrugge. When they were walking around Blankenberge around 4 am, "they noticed three immigrants trying to get into a truck," Interia says. The Poles shouted at the migrants and drove them away. Apparently they had prevented a truck hijacking.
But a few meters away, the three migrants of unknown origin lurked for the Poles. They first threw stones at them. When a Pole fell to the ground, they threw themselves upon him with a knife and gave him dangerous blows to the head. When his colleague attempted to help him, they also blocked him.
The immigrants were able to flee unrecognized. The police spokesman said that they are probably "illegal immigrants" who "probably wanted to go to the UK". There is currently a police search. The police have also warned the population not to act on their own and inform the police instead.
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Belgium’s ISLAM Party Set to Make Significant Gains in Elections
Redouane Ahrouch, President of the ISLAM Party
(Brussels) "Whichever way you look at it: where Islam exists, it will decide," said Corrispondenza Romana in connection with an incident in a program on the French-speaking Belgian television station RTL. Another indication of the ongoing Islamization.
In the direct transmission of the program C'est pas tous les jours dimanche, the President of the Islamic party ISLAM was a guest. Redouane Ahrouch refused, in amazement, to moderator Emmanuelle Praet, who interviewed him, to shake hands, or even look at her. The repellent attitude was justified by the Islamic party leader with the female gender of the journalist.
Green Belgium, green, the color of Islam.
"I can not violate the values and commandments of my faith," said Ahrouch, after he was made aware that his behavior showed a lack of respect for the presenter and in general for women.
When the spotlights and the cameras were switched off after the show, the visibly outraged journalist said she had never felt so "humiliated and offended" in her life. Redouane Ahrouch did not respond to the indignation of Emmanuelle Praet.
Currently, his party has municipal representatives in two cities in the Brussels region, specifically in Anderlecht (120,000 inhabitants) and Molenbeek (100,000 inhabitants). Both places are strongly Islamised. In Molenbeek in 2015, 41.2 percent of the inhabitants were Muslims (see 2015 Islamic Map of Belgium . Entire neighborhoods are considered "Islamic controlled". In the entry "Molenbeek" of the French edition of Wikipedia, it reads that contemporary personalities are exclusively Muslims. Anderlecht, a Flemish place, with claims to historic figures like Pope Hadrian VI. and Erasmus of Rotterdam, had a Muslim share of 30.2 percent. In Brussels, it was already 31 percent three years ago. The trend is rising rapidly everywhere.
In Brussels and the surrounding communities and other Islamic strongholds, including Farciennes with 29 percent Muslims, Ahrouch's party ISLAM will participate in the local elections this fall. Overall, the Islamic party will run in 30 communities in Belgium with the highest proportion of Muslims. Ahrouch considers their chances are good.
Text: Andreas Becker
Image: Romana (screenshots
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.con
Friday, April 13, 2018
Pope Shuts Down Traditional Order
Pope Francis has confirmed the abolition of the Priestly Society of the Holy Apostles by the Brussels Archbishop De Kesel. The reason: too many and too orthodox priestly vocations.
(Rome) Pope Francis signed a decree dissolving the fraternity of the Holy Apostles. Nothing is charged to the Brotherhood. It was guilty of nothing. Their only mistake seems to be orthodoxy in a liberal environ that seems to despise nothing more than faithful priestly vocations.
The Fraternité des Saints Apôtres
The Fraternity of the Saints Apôtres, Dutch Broederschap van de Holy Apostles, was canonically established in April 2013 by the then Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels and Primate of Belgium, Mgr. André-Joseph Léonard. The brotherhood goes back to the French priest Michel-Marie Zanotti-Sorkine.
Priestly Society of the Holy Apostles
Archbishop Léonard called the faithful community to Belgium to help with the spiritual renewal of his archdiocese. He allowed the fraternity and gave it the parishes of Sainte-Catherine / Sint-Katelijnekerk, in the center of Brussels, and Saint-Joseph in the formerly Flemish, now French-speaking Ucclé (Ukkel) in the south of Brussels.
Archbishop Léonard, Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels since 2010, who was strongly opposed because of his faithfulness inside and outside the Church, built with the help of the Priestly Fraternity a parallel formation of priests outside the diocesan seminary. This is a path other bishops had already taken before him.
Archbishop Léonard’s initiative proved to be a complete success. The Society was able to achieve what the progressive diocesan institutions could no longer do: to lead young men to the "beauty of vocation and service as diocesan priests". The Brotherhood is a community of world priests, but with a strong community life. She sees in it the answer to the crisis of the world priesthood in Western Europe. The parishes entrusted to them flourished in contrast to the neighboring parishes and were visited by numerous young people.
Although the community was only three years old, in the spring of 2016 it included six priests, one deacon and 21 seminarians. An extraordinary success considering that last year there was not one new entry into the Archbishop seminary in the Archdiocese of Brussels.
Danneel's retribution
Among the pope makers of the current pontificate, there is the progressive Cardinal Godfried Danneels, who was Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels before Msgr. Léonard. Pope Benedict XVI. made him an archenemy when he did not chose Danneels’ preferred candidate. Archbishop Léonard had therefore to face heavy resistance in the liberal archdiocese from the beginning. This massive resistance made the necessary reform of the seminary impossible for the time being, which is why he wanted to promote priestly vocations by establishing a second seminary and to build a new clergy.
Michel Marie Zanotti Sorkine
But his episcopate was too short. With the resignation of Benedict XVI. and the election of Francis the hour of the long-retired Danneels struck again. As a personal friend of the new pope, he was able to take revenge. Pope Francis refused Léonard the cardinalatial dignity and made instead the then apostolic nuncio in Belgium a cardinal, who had been Danneels’ preferred candidate and whom Léonard wanted to prevent. A double affront to Léonard.
Hardly had he completed his 75th birthday then he was retired by Francis, and Pope Bergoglio made Danneel's preferred candidate, albeit with a five-year "delay" yet, the new primate of Belgium. Not only that: he raised the new Danneels-compliant archbishop, Jozef De Kesel, immediately to cardinal.
There has seldom been more a demonstrative presentiment in this pontificate than in Brussels, of who is in papal favor and who is not, and what that means.
De Kesel's purge
The new Archbishop De Kesel, with whom Danneels also retired to the Archbishop's Palace, began to systematically eradicate what Archbishop Léonard had done to recover a local church lying on the liberal soil. It is not just about people, but about a far more involved conflict of direction.
Archbishop Leonard ordains SocietyMembers
One of the first victims of the purge was the Priestly Fraternity of the Holy Apostles. In June 2016, De Kesel threw the Brotherhood out of his diocese. And to make sure that it did not find acceptance in another Belgian diocese, he immediately made for an expulsion from all over Belgium. The reason? Hard to believe: too many and too orthodox priestly vocations.
The official reasoning was obviously just a pretext: The expulsion was "out of solidarity" with the French bishops - several members of the Society, especially their superior Zanotti-Sorkine, are French - because there is also a shortage of priests there. The seminarians were offered the opportunity to switch to the diocesan seminary or to leave Belgium, as if the training at the Brussels Priestly Seminary was the same as that of the Priestly Fraternity.
But that was exactly what it was about. A progressive episcopate obviously wants progressive priests or if not, the. no priests. In one of the first public statements as Primate of Belgium, De Kesel called for the abolition of celibacy with reference to the prevailing lack of priests.
It is easy to see a direct connection between the expulsion of the fraternity and his plea for married priests.
The thing is not surprising. In 2017, De Kesel "totally" applauded the proposal to set up an Islamic prayer room at every Catholic school.
Brussels: dechristianized and islamicized
The fact that two Brussels parishes would remain without a priest as a result of the expulsion did not seem to burden Archbishop De Kesel. Neither is the fact that the parishes experienced a veritable renaissance after being transferred to the Society. After the expulsion of the Society, De Kesel ordered the demolition of the St. Catherine's Church, as it is no longer needed because of massive parish mergers. One third of the churches have already closed or are due to close.
Ordination by Archbishop Léonard 2015
Since the Society was established according to diocesan law, the new Archbishop De Kesel could also dissolve them again. He did just that for the Saints Peter and Paul Day in 2016, the day on which the new priests are traditionally consecrated in the dioceses. The main task of the Society is the promotion of vocations and the formation of priests. However, the consecrations of the Society had been suspended by De Kesel.
Brussels today is the heavily de-Christianized and massively Islamized capital of the European Union (EU). Nevertheless, the incumbent archbishop has the luxury of removing from his archdiocese those forces that promise renewal. The Priestly Society of the Holy Apostles was only one stage of his purge against orthodox groups. Others were to follow.
Believers are taking legal action
The members of the two parishes of Brussels, under the auspices of the Society, did not for a moment believe that their Archbishop, out of sheer "solidarity" with the French bishops, showed the Society to the door. At the same time 80 seminarians were studying in the diocese of Namur, of which only 25 were Belgians. So far, however, the other 55 seminarians have not been sent home out of "solidarity". Not even the numerous African or Polish priests who work in Belgium. Therefore, the parishioners asked De Kesel for a discussion. Without a result.
Several laymen then took legal action and turned to Rome. They appealed to the Congregation of Clergy objecting to De Kesel’s decree of dissolution. However, the prefect of the Congregation of Clergy was the first dicastery leader, which Pope Francis changed after his election. Cardinal Beniamino Stella, previously Vatican diplomat, has been sitting there ever since.
In November 2016, the Congregation of Clergy rejected the cases filed by the faithful "without any justification".
Sainte-Catherine church of Brussels
This left only the path to the Apostolic Signatura, to which anyone, layman or cleric, can turn if he sees his rights violated. Prefect of the Signatura was the brilliant canonist, Cardinal Raymond Burke. But Pope Francis had also exchanged him. To be precise, he had been similarly rudely thrown him out of the Vatican, as De Kesel had thrown the Priestly Society out of Belgium. Since the end of 2014, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Vatican, Msgr. Domenico Mamberti, is Prefect to the Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signatura. Formerly a Vatican diplomat like Stella.
In December 2016, the Brussels faithful brought their case before the Signatura. The promoter Justitiae gave a positive opinion. According to the notification to the consignors, the cause should be submitted to a judge's collegium in autumn 2017 for treatment. "We were in good spirits, the right is and remains right."
But then things happened differently.
“A bad story "
On 25 November 2017, the consignors received a succinct statement that the case had been closed. Even before the ordinary legal process was completed - or perhaps for that very reason - Cardinal Stella, the Prefect of the Congregation of the Clergy, had visited Pope Francis and submitted to him a decree for the definitive dissolution of the Priestly Fraternity of the Holy Apostles. Pope Francis signed the decree, challenging the case. The objection to the resolution decree by Cardinal De Kesel had become obsolete with the dissolution decree of Pope Francis.
Taking advantage of the papal powers, the ordinary legal process was reduced to absurdity without any apparent necessity. The procedure is understood by those affected as arbitrary. It recalls the approach of Pope Francis against the Franciscans of the Immaculata. With the decree of the Congregation of Religious, the disempowerment of the Order, the appointment of a commissioner and the ban to celebrate without special permission the Holy Mass in the traditional form, the affected religious, including the Superior General and founder of the Order, P. Stefano M. Manelli appealed to the Apostolic Signatura. Pope Francis, however, highhandedly rejected any recourse. The persons concerned have since arbitrarily delivered the decision.
The Catholic Internet newspaper Nuova Bussola Quotidiana commented on the papal decision against the priestly brotherhood of the Holy Apostles by saying:
"The decree signed by Pope Francis seems to violate the right of the weakest in the Church. It’s a story that does not throw a good light on the way business is done by the head of the Reformed Roman Curia and the Pope. A bad story. "
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Trans: Tancred
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Local Catholics Infuriated by Blasphemous Crucified Cow in Belgium
Edit: this was sent to us by a reader from Dries Goethals in their local protest against blasphemy in the Belgian village of Borgloon, the "work" of the installation artist Tom Kerck. The "work" is called "The Holy Cow".
Friday, August 11, 2017
CDF Threatens Hospital Order With Excommumication for Practice of Euthanasia
(Brussels) Pope Francis "personally gave the assent to the request of the Congregation of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to give an ultimatum to the Broeders van Liefde (Brothers of Love). Since 27 April 2017, the order has been offering euthanasia to mentally ill patients in hospitals located in the county. The killing on request has been legally permitted in Belgium since 2002. Since then, the "people's circle" has been widened by "improvements", which can have access to legal euthanasia. This includes the euthanasia of children, which can be carried out at the parents' request.
The decision of the Belgian branch of the Catholic Hospital led to a wave of indignation in the Catholic world. René Stockmann, the Father General of the Order, publicly expressed his disapproval and urged his Belgian confreres to respect the right of life "absolutely."
Adaptation to applicable, state law: Collaboration with the culture of death
About a dozen patients of hospitals belonging to the order had asked for euthanasia in the weeks before the euthanasia decision was announced. This led to the decision to submit to the state-sanctioned culture of death. The Belgian Provincial of the Order justified the new line with the Belgian legislation, which the order merely accommodates.

The "strict conditions" under which the Order intends to carry out euthanasia are only valid on paper in Belgium. As studies have shown, the control mechanisms provided by law have never worked. They were regarded as a main argument for the legalization of euthanasia. Critics say that neither the legislature nor the executive or judiciary in Belgium want a real control. Therefore, there is a great deal of room for abuse.
The Catholic Church, in principle, rejects suicide and euthanasia; it considers a human life as sacred from procreation to natural death. Only God, according to ecclesiastical understanding, is master of life and death.
Already in April, the question arose as to whether Pope Francis would intervene. Now, with his consent, an intervention has taken place. The Belgian branch of the Broeders van Liefde was given an ultimatum to dissociate itself from euthanasia by 31 August; otherwise, steps would be taken against the Order in canon law.
The Order's Father General, René Stockmann, informed Catholic News Service that Pope Francis personally endorsed the action of the CDF. "The Holy Father was formally informed by them and also about the next steps," says Stockmann in an e-mail of 8 August.
The provincial government must sign a joint declaration
The members of the Provincial Council of the Belgian Broeders van Liefde must sign a joint declaration by which they submit "unreservedly" to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church,
"which has always taught that human life must be absolutely respected and protected from generation to natural death."
A canonical procedure has been initiated against those who are not to sign the document. Those Belgian Broeders van Liefde refusing to sign could be threatened with excommunication. The recognition of the Belgian order could be withdrawn as a Catholic order. By the entanglement in euthanasia, says Stockmann, "the Catholic identity of the Order is endangered". The Catholic columnist, Francisco Fernandez de la Cigoña, explained that it is unacceptable for Catholic religious to promote euthanasia and collaborate with the culture of death and thereby oppose ecclesiastical doctrine.
According to the Catholic News Service, the Belgian Broeders van Liefde had asked for the approval of their new euthanasia system. When the Belgian bishops and the then prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Gerhard Cardinal Müller, spoke out against this, the hospital order ignored it.
To the hospital of the Broeders van Liefde (Brothers of Love) see the second essay by Ferdinand Boischot:
- The "Broeders van Liefde" from Belgium: from the charitable congregation to the social group
- The "Broeders van Liefde" from Belgium: the main cariatative order of Belgium
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: La Cigüeña de la Torre / InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred
Photo: La Cigüeña de la Torre / InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred
Sunday, May 28, 2017
"Belgium's Bishops Are With Francis" and Allow the Divorced to Communion (Whoever Want it)
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Belgium's Bishops Follow Francis "Seamlessly" |
(Brussels) In Belgium the remarried divorced persons may, if the bishops allow it, receive Communion. The media are almost triumphant: "Belgium's bishops are with Francis."
On 24 May, the Belgian bishops published a pastoral letter in Dutch and French, calling upon ambiguous passages in the post-synodal letter Amoris laetitia by Pope Francis. According to Cathobel , "the bishops of Belgium follow the teachings of the pope with their pastoral letter by allowing remarried divorced people to receive Communion when they decide according to their conscience."
No one can say by decree, everyone can go to the communion (therefore, all who want it)
"Monitoring, differentiation and integration. Nothing more. The prelates follow Pope Francis seamlessly because they are aware that every situation has its own particularity," said Cathobel . One can not say by decree that "all remarried divorced people can go to communion." No one could do that. A "path" is necessary and a "distinction" and a "pastoral discernment of conscience."
"The divorced are part of the Church for Francis. Even for the Belgian bishops." Without any reinterpretation, the prelates will have started to heal wounds. "This decision deserves respect," says Cathobel .
"Between laxity and rigorism, Francis chose the ways of personal choice,
According to the letter of the shepherd. A "decision of conscience" was called for, according to the bishops.
From objective criteria to subjective opinion
"Without any reinterpretation" obviously means two things. On the one hand, the Belgian bishops, with their step, follow exactly what Pope Francis reaches for with Amoris Laetitia, namely, that remarried divorced people if they find it right before their conscience, can receive the sacraments. The decision no longer follows objective criteria but the subjective opinion of the individual. On the other hand, it is the "rigorous" bishops who do not adhere to the doctrine of the pope and "reinterpret" Amoris laetitia in order to maintain a "continuity" with the traditional doctrine of the Church. This swipe would then be first applied to Cardinal Gerhard Mueller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Congregation of the Faith, and the Diocesan Bishops, who maintain the sacramental inviolability of marriage -- and make a mockery of the "Bergoglian" bishops.
With the dismissal of André-Joseph Léonard and the appointment of Jozef De Kesel as archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels, the Church in Belgium has once again taken a full steam tour of its lack of orientation. It was Pope Francis who, on the insinuation and incitement of Cardinal Godfried Danneels (Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels, 1979-2010), denied him a cardinal dignity, as he did to the metropolitans of Philadelphia and Venice, among others
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: Cathobel (Screenshot)
Photo: Cathobel (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Thursday, February 23, 2017
After the Priestly Society, Daneels' Protege Also Casts Out Communities of Jerusalem
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The Communities of Jerusalem Leave Belgium (photo of their establishment in Great St. Martin Church in Cologne) |
Jozef De Kesel was appointed Archbishop of Brussels and Primate of Belgium at the end of 2015 by Pope Francis. His appointment ended a five-year-old plan begun by Pope Benedict XVI. in an attempt to correct the progressive course of the Belgian Church. With the appointment of De Kesel, the old squad of Cardinal Godfried Danneels returned. De Kesel had already been Danneel's chosen successor in 2010. In November 2016 De Kesel was elevated to the rank of Cardinal by Francis. A dignity denied to his predecessor, Léonard.
Priestly Society of the Holy Apostles
De Kesel's predecessor and Danneel's successor, Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard had brought the Fraternité des Saints Apetres / Broederschap van de Saint Apostles of the French priest, Michel-Marie Zanotti, into the country. The Society took over the care of two parishes in the Brussels region and founded a seminary. Archbishop Léonard insisted on this parallel priestly training, hoping to train a new clergy. Three years after the foundation, 21 young men were already preparing for the priesthood. The new foundation was "too successful," as it was described behind the scenes. De Kesel, only a few months in office, blocked the priestly seminary and threw the priestly brotherhood "from solidarity with France's bishops" out of his archdiocese. At the same time, he made sure that they were not included in any other Belgian diocese. "France also needs priests", was the well-founded reasoning.
In reality, De Kesel strives to make a tabula rasa of the "restorative" phase of his predecessor. The Church understanding of the Priestly Society of the Holy Apostles was "miles" away from that Danneels, as it was said in Brussels. The traditional priesthood of the Society and the numerous priestly confreres, which were attracted to the Society were considered undesirable in progressive circles. De Kesel himself promoted the abolition of priestly celibacy shortly after his inauguration.
Brothers and Sisters of the Communities of Jerusalem
Now the brothers and sisters of the Communities of Jerusalem must also pack their bags. The Fraternités Monastiques de Jérusalem 2001, founded in France in 1975, were brought to Brussels by Cardinal Danneels. The monastic communities have two offices in Rome in Trinità dei Monti and in San Sebastiano al Palatino. Their charism is, among other things, to live in monastic isolation in the midst of large cities. Communities have been settled in the famous abbey of Mont Saint Michel in Normandy and also the abbey with the famous cathedral of St. Mary Magdalene of Vezelay. In the German-speaking world, there are branches in Greater St. Martin in Cologne and in Strasbourg.
The Belgian branch is located in Saint-Gilles, Flemish Sint Gillis, in the Brussels region, a highly multicultural area with social problems. In the parish there are adult catechumenates, numerous missionary and apostolic initiatives, bible circles and a community of Eucharistic worship.
The reason for the expulsion is in this case: reform of the pastoral units. Churches are abandoned and parishes are united. The Sint-Gilliskerk is to become the center of a larger pastoral unit, but the presence of the monastic communities, although they have revitalized the parish, is no longer desired.
Their Presence Not Desired by the Archdiocese
At the suggestion of the Archdiocese, the Community agreed to seek a new place of action. "We have complete confidence and are ready to work together," quotes Nuova Bussola Quotidiana (NBQ) Soeur Violaine and Frere Jean-Christophe, who are responsible for the Brussels branch. A new site has also been found, but the Archdiocese is only prepared to issue a guarantee for two years. This is too little for a community. When the community pressed for a longer time, the Archdiocese was opposed. After a discussion with the Archbishop and the delegates for consecrated life, "we have decided to withdraw," as the two leaders of the communities write. There was no room left.
The explanation bears a bitter undertone, which makes the disappointment of being forced out of the archdiocese after fifteen years. The leaders ask for prayer: "The future belongs to God. If He wants our Communities to return to Brussels one day, we will be very pleased."
The ouster of the Priestly Society of the Holy Apostles and now of the monastic Communities of Jerusalem raises questions. Can an archdiocese like Brussels afford to set aside two of its most fruitful communities?
"These are episodes that show that the Church in Brussels, or at least some of its high-ranking representatives, has a tendency to self-mutilation and an urge to centralize power," NBQ said.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons
Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Aberrosexualist Bishop of Antwerp to Represent Belgium at Bishops' Synod
In a press release issued this afternoon, Tuesday, June 16th, by the press service of the Vatican that Bishop Johan Bonny of Antwerp will represent Belgium as a Synod Father. The Synod will take place in Rome from October 4th to the 25th.
It boggles the mind that such men are clergy much less bishops heading ancient Sees and holding honor.
H/t Katholieke...
It boggles the mind that such men are clergy much less bishops heading ancient Sees and holding honor.
H/t Katholieke...
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Will Aberrophile Bishop Bonny be the New Archbishop of Brussels and Primate of Belgium?
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Bishop Johan Bonny, Known for His Support for the Abberrosexual Lobby |
(Brussels) "Catholics been irritated to note that high church officials can make statements with impunity that depart from the Church's faith and moral teaching. Some are even promoted," said the website against hostility to Christians, NoCristianofobia . Belgian Catholics can not say different since of all people, Bishop Johan Bonny of Antwerp is considered the leading candidate for the post of archbishop of Malines-Brussels and thus the Primate of Belgium. Bishop Bonny's only previous "performance" was in a notorious public declaration of support for the aberrosexual ideology.
The reigning Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard has been attacked publicly as no other Catholic bishop. When labeled "conservative", he was already the victim of brutal and humiliating attacks on camera by the members of political mercenaries topless Femen. Nevertheless, Pope Francis has denied him the dignity of Cardinal, which is traditionally associated with the archbishop's See. Instead of strengthening the standing of an Archbishop in an exposed position, this will weaken him.
Internal church pressure has since increased on Archbishop Leonard. Progressive circles have registered that their chief shepherd is not in the favor of the Argentine Pope and acting cavalierly.
Cardinal Danneels Mentor of Bonny in Rome
The most influential churchman Belgium since 2013 is clearly the progressive Godfried Cardinal Danneels whose star had fallen into the void under Pope Benedict XVI., but radiates more luminously than ever since his resignation. As a member of Team Bergoglio he campaigned in the General Congregations and the Conclave for the election of the Argentine Jesuit and was successful. His influence has extended since then, again to the Vatican and from there, all the way to the top. Just a few weeks after the accession of Pope Francis, Cardinal Danneels spoke for the recognition of "gay marriage."
The Danneels party in the Archdiocese of Brussels thwarted Archbishop Leonard, wherever it was possible. Danneels was Leonard's predecessor. In 2010 Leonard was, at that time, Bishop of Namur, appointed by Pope Benedict XVI. as Primate of Belgium. The headline read back then: "A Tridentine 'is new archbishop of Brussels". It's a decision that Cardinal Danneels is said to have never forgiven the German pope. Benedict XVI. had thus thwarted all of Danneels plans for a "progressive" Church. Since the election of Pope Francis Archbishop Leonard has been considered, however, only an "industrial accident" which is to be corrected as quickly as possible.
Homophile Bonny Declaration Remained Without Consequences
Protesting Catholic petitioned Pope Francis about the homophilic statements of Bishop Bonny at Christmastime in 2014 p (see Request to Pope Francis: "Are the gay statements by Bishop Bonny Catholic or not?" ). In it the Holy Father is asked to answer the question whether the words of Bishop Bonny are still Catholic or not. It was a petition that implicitly urged the pontiff to take punitive action against the bishop of Antwerp. Nothing like this, however, has been done by Rome.
Bishop Bonny instead rejected a prize from a homo-affiliated association that wanted to reward him for his "courageous" words. Three weeks after his homophilic statements aroused worldwide attention from irritated Catholics, the bishop wanted to know nothing more about it. A half-hearted detachment, pretending nothing had happened, and even the serious incident of his declaration of support for aberrosexuality forgotten in Rome itself?
Cardinal Danneels actively supports the promotion of Bishop Bonny. In the context of Danneels in Brussels and in Rome he says triumphantly, that only Archbishop Leonard has stood in the way of Bonny's appointment as archbishop of Brussels.
On May 6, Leonard has completed his 75th year and offered, as the canon law requires, his resignation to the Pope. Now the decision rests with Pope Francis.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons / kerknet /
Image: Wikicommons / kerknet /
Trans: Tancred
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Cardinal Danneels at the Bishops' Synod -- And the Media is Silent
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Cardinals Kasper and Danneels |
(Vatican / Brussels) The personal appointment of Cardinal Walter Kasper to the Bishops at the Bishops' Synod on the Family does not surprise. The appointment of Cardinal Godfried Danneels on the other hand, very much. And yet the media elicits no sound. Was it not until recently completely different?
Pope Francis personally appointed, not surprisingly, Cardinal Walter Kasper to the Synod of the Bishops' Synod on the Family, which starts in Rome on October 5.The purple wearing German theologian is regarded as the spokesman of a radical intervention against the sacrament of marriage. The indissolubility of marriage is to be torpedoed in the name of charity and to allow communion for remarried divorcees. For this purpose, a dialectical mechanism is employed, which will make Communion available "for all" in the future as well. The formula is also one of the most radical attacks against the Catholic Church. It will be implicitly assumed by Kasper, that the previous 2000 years have been merciless to people.
Cardinal Danneels Appointed personally by Pope Francis to Synod
Far more surprising is the appointment of the Archbishop Emeritus of Mechelen-Brussels, Godfried Cardinal Danneels by Pope Francis. A search in the vastness of the Internet yielded only one article that deals critically with this appointment. This surprised not even the secular media, where not the slightest criticism is felt. Are all non-Catholic journalists become so papal, that they have chosen the statement "Who am I to judge" as the theme?
Was it so different between media and Danneels a few years ago?
2010, the then Primate of Belgium was drawn into the pedophilia scandal that rocked the country. Danneels was accused of having covered offenders. The articles published on this are legion. It was still then, sine Pope Benedict XVI. reigned in Rome, that the media struck at every opportunity and tried to put the pressure on.
The climate of liberal-lascivious on the part of the Belgian church was then known. The media did not in any way draw a connection at the time between the liberal church order and criminal sexual debauchery. Danneels was not criticized as a liberal Church representatives. The aim was to put the Church and its teachings in the pillory. Danneels and his responsibility was not the addressee, but only a means to an end for the criticism of the Church. It was also symptomatic of the fact that Danneels successor, the "conservative" Archbishop Leonard received in 2010 just a few weeks after his inauguration received more punches from the Belgian media than the progressive Danneels in his entire 30 years in office.
Conclave 2013: In One Fell Swoop, Everything was Different
Even in 2013 on the eve of the conclave many media insisted on the exclusion of at least three voters. Among them was the emeritus archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels. Again was the campaign was not so much Danneels, but the Church, which was put under pressure before the conclave. The motto was blatantly: no Ratzinger II pontificate. Danneels retired with a serious look into the conclave and came out again with his face beaming. With the election of Pope Francis everything had changed in one fell swoop.
Just now Danneels was usued as "proof" to place the church under a general suspicion of pedophilia, or even worse, criminal activity, because pedo criminals were covered for. But on the day after the conclave, Danneels joined the Thanksgiving Mass of the newly elected Pope in the Sistine Chapel as the first cardinal priest to say a prayer.
The attacks were swept away at a stroke, as if the scandal headlines incited in the media, the club-swinging modern non-religious moral high ground, the house searches in the archbishop's palace, the seizure of mountains documents, even the impious desecration of Bishops graves by a media fueled, the out of control prosecutor and invading with crowbars police had never happened.
Target of the Media Campaign's "Pedophilia Scandal" was Benedict XVI.
All of a sudden ended the media storm over Danneels and another cardinal, who is very active on Twitter. "I never thought that yesterday's appointment would have been made, if only out of respect for Benedict XVI., who was then the real target of the attacks," said Chiesa e Postconcilio on Tuesday. From today's perspective, it is inescapable in fact, that the media scandal that exploded in 2010 on the international level was not concerned with the claimed subject and even less about the victims. The media campaign, for such it was, had a very different target in sight: Pope Benedict XVI.
Today, since the German Pope is out of the race, each appointment is possible, even the most impossible and nobody even raises the slightest objection. What was that again with the victims, their fate had allegedly wept about by so many and so loudly on their as their chests swelled with moral indignation?
There were no secular or religious institutions that fought with such clarity and such emphasis against the scandalous phenomenon of pedophilia in its ranks, such as the Catholic Church was under Benedict XVI worldwide. Who cares!
Fight Against Pontificate of Benedict XVI. Began on 19 April 2005
In fact, here the evidence is on the table, that the pontificate of the German Pope would have been totally different if the mass media and those who influence them (and who else everything outside and inside the Church) had not decided on 19 April 2005 to give him a low blow while playing the armchair generals.
The personal appointment of Cardinal Danneels by Pope Francis to talk about the family, is one of those items that do not fit together. Or is it just a good match? Danneels, in 2005 was "shaken" on the evening of the election of Benedict XVI. (Domenico Savino) and remained away from the traditional dinner of Cardinals for the newly elected Pope. In 2013 he was, according to his own admission, part of the electoral alliance that named Jorge Mario Bergoglio Pope. Despite secrecy, all of the Belgian media already knew on March 14, from Danneels report that he had voted for Bergoglio.
"Gay marriage" -Danneels May Now Cultivate The Family
The progressive attitude of the Belgian Cardinal is known also in terms of the sacrament of marriage and remarried divorcees. In June, barely three months after the conclave and one and a half months before the papal press conference on the return flight from Rio de Janeiro, Danneels called for the approval of "gay marriage".
Is something owed by the Pope to the Cardinal? Or friends of the Cardinal? Or is it the common closeness of both Cardinals to the late Jesuit Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, (+2012) who saw himself as the Ante-Pope? Whether Pope contender or no, the the pun will have elegantly expressed, that Martini saw himself as a progressive anti-Pope to John Paul II, without explicitly saying so.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons
image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred
Friday, February 28, 2014
210,000 Signatures for King Philippe -- Not to Sign the Child Euthanasia Law
(Brussels) Philippe, King of the Belgians, was presented with 210,000 signatures by citizens who asked him not to sign the law for the child euthanasia. Without the signature of the King, the law can not attain legal force. Belgium would be the world's first country that allows euthanasia of children.
The example of his predecessors in similar situations is inconsistent. His uncle, King Baudouin (1951-1993), refused to sign the law legalizing abortion. To resolve the constitutional conflict and to prevent the abolition of the monarchy, he resigned for a day. On this day the law was put into force without his intervention. Because he had no children, his younger brother Albert II was succeeded as King of the Belgians. He had no qualms of conscience in 2002 to sign the euthanasia law in force. Reigning since 2013, King Philippe is the son of Albert II.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons
image: Wikicommons
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