Showing posts with label
Assisi III
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Showing posts with label
Assisi III
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Wednesday, October 26, 2011
District Superior Announcement
Edit: This news is challenging. Father Schmidberger was also firm, but milder in his estimation. Day of Reparation on October ...
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Will Pope Benedict Ditch Assisi III?
Edit: was alerted to this development. Apparently, Asssisi III isn't on the Holy Father's calender. VATICAN CITY, SEPT. 27, 2011 ...
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Pope Benedict on Assisi 3: "Have Trust"
You heard it here first. Assisi 3 will be the attack on relativism. Edit: we just found a referring article describing the Assisi 3 even...
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Cardinal Koch: No Communal Prayer in Assisi
Edit: After a quick listen to the video from '' and having it pointed out by a priest in Germany, Cardinal Koch says that &...
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