(Rome) In July 2017, Bishop Gustavo Oscar Zanchetta, although only 53 years old, became emeritus diocesan bishop of the Argentine diocese of Oran.The reason given was his health."Many were worried that he was suffering from a deadly disease, because it was not even enough to celebrate a mass for farewell," said the US Daily Beast on January 4th.The departure from the diocese was extremely abrupt.Now the evidence is mounting, that the reason for it was a completely different one.
A true Bergoglian
Monsignor Zanchetta belongs to the circle of Bergoglians among the bishops with whom the Pope's former Primate of Argentina is rebuilding the Episcopate of his native land.On July 23, 2013, Francis Gustavo had appointed Oscar Zanchetta Bishop of Oran.
Four years later, the bishop left his diocese in a shambles on August 1, 2017.He subsequently justified his hasty disappearance from an unknown location with unspecified "health problems". He merely said that these problems would have to be dealt with elsewhere. Then, as is now known, he stopped in Corrientes, 900 kilometers away, and then reappeared further away in Madrid - and apparently in good health again.
Rafael Velasco, the new Jesuit Provincial of Argentina and Uruguay
(Buenos Aires) The Jesuit General Arturo Sosa Abascal has appointed Father Rafael Velasco as the new Provincial of the Province of Argentina and Uruguay. The appointment was "the worst of the worst," says Spanish columnist Francisco Fernandez de La Cigoña. From 1973 to 1979 Jorge Mario Bergoglio, today's Pope Francis, was Provincial of this province.
The new provincial was Rector of the Catholic University of Cordoba (UCC) until 2014. He advocates the recognition of homosexuality and the introduction of women's priesthood and assures that he will continue to adhere to Marxist liberation theology.
He expressed his views on this in an interview with the Argentine journalist Mariano Saravia in 2013. Velasco then called for "reforms" in the Church that, in addition to recognizing homosexuality and the admission of the women's priesthood, also meant the elimination of the Roman Curia, the last medieval court in the middle in the 21st century.” "The community should have more say" in episcopal appointments.
On the objection that Pope John Paul II had definitely excluded the women's priesthood, Velasco replied that Pope Francis could simply "reopen" the question. There is "nothing the Pope can not open. The pope or a council.” [What happened to not turning back the clock?]
There are "logical" consequences to be drawn, "if a homosexual lives the same norms of love and loyalty that we demand from heterosexuals, then we must totally rehabilitate them for the sacraments, beginning with communion."
The former rector of the Catholic University denied the infallibility of the pope in the interview, when he speaks excathedra to questions of theology and morality. According to Velasco, the infallibility in matters of faith is "democratizing.”
According to the Jesuit, Marxist liberation theology is "the reality of reading the word of God from the poor.” The Church has "always" made policy, "but the only ones who have been punished are Ernesto Cardenal and Fernando Lugo."
Cardenal, one of the priests who became armed revolutionaries in the wake of Marxism, was from 1979, Minister of the Sandinista Revolutionary Government in Nicaragua, and Lugo was elected as a candidate for a left-wing alliance to the Presidency of Paraguay. Cardenal, lost office in 1987 due to cutbacks. In 1990, the Sandinists were voted out by the people in the first free and democratic elections. Cardenal nevertheless continues to profess himself to be "Sandinista, Marxist and Christian.”
Lugo won the 2008 elections, was relieved of office in 2012. He had just had to acknowledge the paternity of a second child whom he had conceived during his time as bishop of San Pedro with various women. He had already recognized the first child in 2009. Lugo's personal way of life was criticized as a "slap in the face of the Church.”
Due to the heterodox and heretical positions of Father Rafael Velasco, Francisco Fernandez de La Cigoña today greeted his appointment as the new Jesuit Provincial of Argentina and Uruguay as “a scandal.”
"The only positive thing about the news is that the Argentine and Uruguayan Jesuits are only fewer than 200, of whom one hundred must be eighty or almost eighty. Only 50 Jesuits will be younger than 60, of whom he is one of the youngest in the province at the age of 52.”
The cases of Velasco in Argentina and Wucherpfennig in Germany, to mention only the two most recent, as well as the scandalous statements by the Father General Arturo Sosa last year, means that it can be not only marginal cases, but the Jesuit Order seems to have a fundamental problem
Enrique Angelelli: a disquieting beatification despite a dubious background and with an ideological stale smell. (Rome) It had already become apparent and some had feared that the Argentine Bishop Angelelli would be beatified. The train of dubious canonizations continues unabated.
On October 17, the new substitute of
the Cardinal Secretary of State, the Vatican diplomat and Archbishop
Edgar Peña, signed a letter (Protocol No. 423.517) as one of his first
acts, appointing Msgr. Marcelo Colombo, emeritus bishop of La Rioja, the
date for the beatification of Bishop Enrico Angelelli Carletti, former
Bishop of La Rioja.
"It is my pleasure to inform you that the Holy Father grants that the
celebration of the beatification rite of the Reverend Servant of God,
Enrico Angelelli Carletti, Bishop of La Rioja, will take place in this
city on Saturday, April 27, 2019. "
The Pope will not attend in person, but will be represented by Cardinal Angelo Becciu, Prefect of the Congregation of the Congregation of the Causes of Peña, as a substitute in the State Secretariat.
Who was Bishop Enrico Angelelli Carletti?
Beatification of Angelelli
Bishop Angelelli was a representative of Marxist liberation theology,
who had had friendly contacts with the Communist Eastern Bloc since the
1950s, particularly the Pax Movement, which infiltrated the Catholic Church on behalf of the regime. Since the 60s, he was closely associated with the left-wing terrorist movement Montoneros.
The Montoneros were part of left-wing extremism that was radicalizing
and seeking a violent seizure of power in Argentina, as was attempted in
many Latin American countries by communist revolutionary movements with
Soviet and Cuban support. The result was terror and counter-terror, with - this is an Argentine feature - right and left Peronists faced each other as enemies. When terror threatened to overthrow the country, the military intervened to restore order, as the generals declared in 1961. Not only did the dubious left-wing orientation make Angelelli a controversial Church leader during his lifetime, he was described a contemporary pamphlet:
"Anyone who thinks like a Marxist and speaks like a Marxist is also a Marxist!"
Doubtful circumstances of death
Doubtful are the circumstances of his death.
Officially, he died in a tragic traffic accident, most likely due to a
mistake made by his companion, another liberation theologian and priest belonging to the left-wing Third World Priestly movement supported by Angelelli. His passenger said that he could no longer remember the accident. He quit the priesthood shortly thereafter.
"Who thinks and speaks like a Marxist is also a Marxist"
Several years after the death of Angelelli, another Marxist priest, the
Capuchin Antonio Puigjané, suddenly declared that the bishop had
actually been assassinated. The order was given by the then military dictatorship. Since then, he has been diligently elaborating on the myth of the murdered "Bishop of the Poor."
Puigjané himself hit the headlines as a left-wing terrorist, as he
wanted to topple even then in 1988, five years after the end of the
military dictatorship, the already democratic government of Raul
There were no lack of circles in Argentina and in Western Europe, inside
and outside the Church, who willingly jumped on this unusual move and
indignantly denounced any involvement of the hated military regime as
fact, although no evidence could be presented for such a daring
assertion.None of the eyewitnesses of the accident and at the accident testified to anything like this.
Under quite different political auspices - meanwhile, in Argentina, under the
moderate left-wing Peronists - the case of the traffic accident was reopened 38
years later and two leading military figures were convicted without concrete
evidence, as the principals of an assassination attempt. In the same period, the ex-Capuchin Puigjané was pardoned prematurely, although his terrorist attack had cost eleven lives. The issue is still controversial in Argentina.
Critics speak of a political process, which served less the truth, but
to the settling of old scores (see to Angelelli, the situation
in Argentina and left myths: The Unequal "Martyrs" ).
Did Angelelli die in odium fidei?
However, whether a traffic accident or assassination, neither in one
case or the other are there indications that the death of Angelelli
occurred in odium fidei. But hatred of faith is a prerequisite for recognizing a death brought on as a martyrdom for Christ.
Angelelli, a leftist taboo After Francis had declared Pope John XXIII.an unmiraculous saint, no less doubtfully, he declared the death of Bishop Angelelli an assassination and the bishop as a martyr.
The recognition of his death as martyrdom shortens namely the lengthy
path of the beatification process, since no miracle is needed.
With the miraculous beatification of Bishop Angelelli by an event,
whether a traffic accident or assassination, which is reinterpreted to
be a martyrdom, Pope Francis is creating a new, questionable category of
"political martyrs." Last August, another Argentine archbishop, Msgr. Hector Aguer, broke the Angelelli taboo .
He asked why not a contemporary of Angelelli, the Catholic intellectual
Carlos Alberto Sacheri, to be beatified, who really became a victim of
terrorism, but of Marxist terrorism. Sacheri was executed in front of his own children. He had previously pointed out and criticized the Communist infiltration of the Catholic Church with a book. But in this, the political left is always blind. Meanwhile, the Church leadership seems to have become blind. What conclusion can be drawn from Pope Francis' unusual approach?
Probably only one: The confirmation of a long-standing suspicion that
the obstinate, Argentine Pope wants to canonise a disturbing, highly
politicized and long-overstated direction in the Church, the alliance
between Christianity and socialism, historically compromised by Soviet
dictatorships, terrorism, hostility towards the Church, denunciations,
abortion ... Should we list more? Text: Andreas Becker Image: InfoCatolica Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com AMDG
(Buenos Aires) An Argentinian bishop and Jesuit congratulated the Masonic lodge of his episcopal city upon its founding. The event itself is spectacular. The bishop, however, is not just any ordinary.
Congratulation of the bishop: "Keep working in the service of humanity and universal brotherhood.
The Bishop of Lomas de Zamora, Msgr. Jorge Rubén Lugones, sent to the Masonic Lodge "Giuseppe Mazzini" No. 118 his "congratulations" on the 126th anniversary of its founding.
The letter is dated 11th September and was addressed by the Bishop to Mr. Martin Sarubbi of the "Venerable Lodge Giuseppe Mazzini No. 118.”
Bishop Rubén Lugones, like Pope Francis, belongs to the Jesuit Order. Along with "cordial greetings" he wrote to the lodge brothers:
"May this celebration encourage you to continue to work for your ideals of love, service to humanity, and universal brotherhood.”
With great satisfaction, the lodge published the letter on September 17 on Facebook:
"Today we received this greeting from the diocese of Lomas de Zamora. We publicly thank you for the reverence and reaffirm our commitment to work together for greater freedom, equality and fraternity by setting aside anachronistic differences. "
By "anachronistic differences" is meant the ecclesiastical prohibition of the lodge membership for Catholics. Since the founding of Freemasonry 300 years ago, the Church has been teaching its incompatibility with the Catholic faith because of its grave, ideological differences.
Who is Bishop Jorge Rubén Lugones?
Bishop Ruben Lugones with Pope FrancisBishop Ruben Lugones with Pope Francis
The 66-year-old bishop was born in the state of Buenos Aires. In 1999, Pope John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Nueva Orèn. He was consecrated by Jorge Mario Bergoglio, then Archbishop of Buenos Aires. Since 2008 he has been Bishop of Lomas de Zamora. At the Argentine Episcopal Conference he is a member of the Commission for the Pastoral Care of Indians and for the Commission for Social Affairs.
The journalist Sergio Rubin, longtime confidant and first biographer of the current Pope, described Jorge Rubén Lugones as "close to the pope" in the Argentine daily Clarin last June.
The Lodge Giuseppe Mazzini no. 118
The lodge Giuseppe Mazzini No. 118 describes itself as a "philanthropic, philosophical and progressive society". On their website, it says:
"Freemasonry is an initiate, esoteric, elitist, and knightly order that seeks to develop the ethical, moral, and spiritual enrichment of its members."
And further:
"Faith in a God whom it calls the Great Builder of the Universe, along with love, service to humanity and universal brotherhood, forms the foundations of our system."
Symbol of the lodge Giuseppe Mazzini no. 118
According to the lodge's website, the Masonic "system" means "an educational, philosophical, traditional and symbolic system", "seeking knowledge to reach the truth". However, this "truth" does not mean the Christian truth, or more precisely, the truth personified in Jesus Christ ("I am the truth") in the Christian understanding. Rather, Freemasonry was founded precisely because it rejects the Christian (divine) offer of truth, and instead seeks a hidden truth independently of it.
The decoupling of Freemasonry from Christianity is described as follows:
"It does not prohibit or impose a religious belief or practice on its members."
Judgment of the Church about Freemasonry unchanged
The congratulation of Bishop Jorge Rubén Lugones took place despite the repeated condemnation of Freemasonry by the Church, most recently in 1983 by the Roman Congregation of the Faith under its then prefect Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger:
"Judgment of the church unchanged
The question was raised as to whether the Church's judgment on Freemasonry has changed due to the fact that the new CIC does not explicitly mention it as the earlier one.
This Congregation is able to answer that this fact is based on the same editorial criterion as for other associations, which were also not mentioned, because they are integrated into broader categories.
The Church's negative verdict on Masonic unions remains unchanged because its principles have always been considered inconsistent with the doctrine of the Church, and therefore its membership in them is prohibited. Believers belonging to Masonic associations are thus in a state of grave sin and can not receive Holy Communion.
Authorities of the local Church are not entitled to comment on the nature of Masonic unions in a judgment overriding the above, in accordance with the declaration of this Congregation of 17 February 1981 (see AAS 73/1981; Pp. 240-241).
Pope John Paul II confirmed this declaration, which was adopted at the ordinary session of this Congregation, in the audience granted to the undersigned Cardinal Prefect and ordered its publication.
Rome, at the seat of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 26 November 1983.
Joseph Cardinal RATZINGER
Master of the chair Martin Sarubbi (sitting on the right)Master of the chair Martin Sarubbi (sitting on the right)
Giuseppe Mazzini
Freemasonry is considered the declared enemy of the Church. Her urgent goals include the suppression of the Church ch’s influence on people. In doing so, it concretely fights Catholic morality. The role of Freemasonry in the anti-Semitic incitement of the Enlightenment and in the French Revolution is well documented. The same applies to a great extent to their role in the nineteenth century in combating and destroying the Papal States.
The high-grade freemason Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872), after whom the lodge no. 118 is named, is a telling example of the revolutionary spirit of the lodge brothers and their hostility towards the Church. In Genoa in 1827, he experienced his Masonic initiation. At the beginning of the 1830s, during his imprisonment in Savona, he was awarded the 32nd degree, which was a prerequisite for being admitted to the level of the "Highest Revenge" in the Carboneria secret society. In 1866 he was awarded the 33rd degree. At the same time he was admitted to the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite. As a Republican and Antimonarchist, he also had to leave Italy, united in 1861, and lived in exile in London. In 1870, when the military struggle against the Papal State reached its final phase, he immediately returned to Italy and organized new unrest. Because of his rejection of the monarchy, he had to leave Italy again after the successful destruction of the Papal State. Shortly before his death in 1872, his Catholic sister tried to persuade him to do penance, to repent and return to the Church. He answered her, "I have no regrets." He died on March 10, 1872 without spiritual assistance under a false name in the mansion of a lodge brother and surrounded by leading Masons. Such a ritual not only happens as a farewell, but is intended to prevent the dying man from becoming "weak" on his death bed, and returning to the faith of the archenemy, the Church.
More recently, several former Masons have left books offering a glimpse behind the scenes of the lodges.
A more in-depth analysis was provided in 2009 by sociologist and columnist Lorenz Jäger with his study, "Behind the Grand Orient. Freemasonry and revolutionary movements." [Not available in English. At least not on Amazon.]
Wreath with lodge symbol: Award by the lodge no. 118
An illuminating insight, albeit dressed in a historical novel, is also offered in 2015 by the lawyer Norbert Nemeth, club director of the liberal parliamentary club in the Austrian National Council (comparable to the parliamentary executive director of a parliamentary group with the difference that the club director is not a member of parliament) entitled, "In the shadow of Gracchus".
Because of the proximity of Bishop Rubén Lungone's SJ to Pope Francis, one can not expect a reaction from Rome to the unusual writing and the thus celebrated rapprochement between Church and lodge.
The aforementioned books can be purchased through our book partner in German. (Not available in English yet.)
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Facebook / Clarin / Adoracion y Liberacion (Screenshots)
Jullio Cesar Grassi: sexual abuse case in Argentina
by Antonio Tortillatapa The case of Julio César Grassi has been holding Argentina under his spell for 25 years now. Julio César Grassi (born 1956) was ordained a priest in 1981. As part of Liberation Theology
and post-conciliar, humanitarian social engagement, he was particularly
involved in social work and "pastoral accompaniment" for poor children
and disabled people from deprived backgrounds in Argentina.
The decade-long economic decline of Argentina, the political turmoil,
the impoverishment of large parts of the population and the chronic
recurrent disappointed hopes with deep frustration of the poor
population strata, formed an excellent [hunting] ground for the activities of
Under Grassi's leadership, a large complex of social
welfare institutions and homes for the care and support of children and
adolescents from precarious conditions emerged.
Grassi promoted everything with a great media hype through television
and radio, with publications and with very complex and opaque financial
transactions. Grassi excelled in tying politicians and wealthy, well-known personalities to his activities and facilities.
Especially in the Peronist milieu (or in the political leadership caste
of Peronism at the end of the 20th century), he found many
At the same time, his ability to raise funds for his
facilities was very great, and he became widely known through television
appearances. One focus was the establishment of Felices Los Ninos ("Happy Children") for children and adolescents with problems. The center of activities was the Argentine diocese of Morón, suffragan of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires. In 1992, a lawsuit was filed against Grassi on behalf of children and adolescents at the Felices los Ninos in a local court.
The case was not pursued and the proceedings suppressed.
In 1995, the world public was shaken by many cases of severe and
widespread and institutionalized sexual abuse of children and wards in
the Catholic Church in North America. Pope John Paul II wrote extensively to the bishops of North America.
At the same time, the sexual abuse of children and the disabled in Church institutions in Belgium came to light, in addition to abstruse advertising for pedophilia in local diocesan newspapers and religious books (affair Barzin , affair Roeach3 , case Anneke ).
At the turn of the millennium, the tremendous extent of child abuse was
perceived in the ecclesial context of Western Europe and North America; it was discussed in great detail in the media.
The Church establishment responded in 2005 mainly with cover-up,
beautification, attempts at deescalation and slick financial
The number of trials became Legion, the convictions increased rapidly
and the compensation payments reached astronomical heights in the US. In 2002, the Argentine TV station Telenoche reported in a sensational report that a lawsuit had been filed against Grassi for pedophile abuse.
The news struck like a bomb: huge popular upheaval, broad media
interest, loud defiance of Grassi, and spirited complaints from angry
family members.
Anticlerical resentments, clerical protective reflexes, competition
between media holdings, financial irregularities and political fronts
additionally colored the Grassi case: a victim was very fiercely
defended by a protagonist of the Montoneros (left-wing Peronists); at the same time, much of the Peronist nomenklatura was associated with the omnipresent Grassi on television.
Extensive police and financial investigations took place. The complaints were examined very carefully; especially the cases "Gabriel", "Ezequiel" and "Luis" were very stressful.
The sealed-off structures of the facilities were screened, tons of
little Christian material came to light, many co-workers testified, and
not least the horrendous financial mismanagement and embezzlement came
to light. Grassi defended himself in a very strange way:
He did not respond to the allegations and substantiated very
hard-backed complaints with exhaustive, substantive evidence and
evidence, but threatened with very expensive lawyers, attacked the
victims loudly, tingled through radio and television stations and railed
against a media extermination campaign by the Argentine press group Clarin against him (Grassi) and his private broadcaster. Grassi refused to comply with a subpoena in court, became fleeting and also gave an interview with the radio before the camera. The matter escalated: In 2003 there were threats and attacks with firearms on witnesses and claimants.
The Grassi case has now become nationally known.
The Argentine episcopate was already aware of the explosive nature of
the Grassi affair in 2003: the responsible Bishop of Morón, Justo Oscar Laguna, had immediately forwarded the case to the next higher instance, the
Archbishopric of Buenos Aires, given the complexity of the case and the
manifold additional interests.
The victims and the witnesses, intimidated and threatened with
firearms, asked Cardinal Bergoglio, then archbishop of
Buenos Aires, for a meeting to stop the attacks on the victims and the witnesses. The request for a conversation was denied. By contrast, the plaintiffs and the witnesses were able to raise their concerns with Monsignor Justo Oscar Laguna (1929-2011), Bishop of Morón (1980-2004) and former Argentine President Nestor Kirchner. From various sides much pressure was exerted on the judicial organs.
On 10 June 2009, the Tribunal N ° 1 of Morón sentenced Don Julio Cesar
Grassi to 15 years' imprisonment for sexual abuse of minors and
In September 2010, the Second Chamber of the Court of Cassation of the
Province of Buenos Aires rejected all appeals against this verdict.
On 27 November 2012, the Supreme Court rejected all recourses and
confirmed in January 2013, the first instance imprisonment of 15 years. However, Grassi then remained on the loose for a long time for unclear reasons.
He was arrested only on 23 September 2013 (according to the 2 + 1 rule
in force in Argentina - the period of pre-trial detention is double and
is counted towards the sentence - he would have been released in 2018). In 2016, Grassi was sentenced to another 15 years in prison for financial fraud and tax evasion. Theoretically, Grassi will remain in custody until 2033.
By the way: the word misericordia (mercy) did not even fit in this context. Sources:
Archbishop Hector Ruben Aguer at Corpus Christi in his last act
as ordinary of La Plata
Edit: when they do things like this, as they often have, there is need of retribution. Bergoglio did the same to Bishop Rogelio Plano, who died not long after.
(Buenos Aires) The retirement of Archbishop Hector Ruben Aguer of La Plata has been closely watched for the past few weeks. Archbishop Aguer has been Bergoglio's leading opponent in Argentina for the past 25 years. When he leaves, the Church's Maximum Leader is letting him feel his displeasure. As previously reported
, the Jesuit Bergoglio and the secular priest Aguer, both from Buenos
Aires, became Auxiliary Bishops of Buenos Aires at the beginning of the
1990s. At that moment, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who until then had been "exiled" internally, had the better luck between the two.He began his phenomenal rise.
With the help of the then Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Antonio Cardinal
Quarrancino, Bergoglio and not Aguer became the new Primate of
Argentina. Although Aguer was made the archbishop of the second most important diocese in the country by Pope John Paul II. The cardinalatial dignity is connected with Buenos Aires, not with La Plata. Pope Benedict XVI. supported Archbishop Aguer against the Bergoglio-led majority in the Argentine Bishops' Conference
, but acted against his successor Francis with too cautious and
hesitation, in order to make his intended renewal in the episcopacy really
effective. Bergoglio sat in the Conclave in Rome in 2005 and 2013, not Aguer. After Francis became pope, he quickly disassembled the minority led by Aguer, who opposed him as a primate. Only Aguer remained in office, but not a day longer than necessary - which was quite literal.
Victor Manuel Fernandez On May 24, the archbishop completed his 75th year. According to canon law, he presented his request for resignation to Francis. With a conspicuous haste, Francis accepted it and appointed one of his closest confidants, Titular Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernandez, as his successor.
The head of the Church Maximum Leader, thus, not only eliminated the last representative
of a traditional understanding of the Church, but also wanted to ensure
that the archdiocese was taken by a Bergoglio team member. What animosities are behind the scenes, illustrates an additional unfriendliness of the Pope to Archbishop Aguer.
Francis was not content to emeritize Aguer at the earliest opportunity and immediately appoint a successor, which is also a humiliation for
Francis did not appoint the archbishop in charge, who is in good
health, as diocesan administrator until the inauguration of the
successor, as is customary, unless death or health force him to change
the bishop. Francis openly expressed his disapproval of Archbishop Aguer. Not a day longer than absolutely necessary, Aguer should have something to say in the archdiocese of La Plata. Francis Monsignor Alberto Bochatey OSA, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of La Plata was appointed diocesan administrator.
This was announced by the chargé d'affaires of the Apostolic
Nunciature, Msgr. Vincenzo Turturro, on Monday to the Archdiocese.
Bochatay will head the archdiocese of La Plata until the inauguration
of Msgr. Victor Fernandez next June 16," said the press service AICA of
the Argentine Bishops' Conference.
The appointment of a diocesan administrator for only 14 days when the previous archbishop is in the best health? The Bergoglio related news site Valores Religiosos headlined:
"Aguer confirms that the Holy See wanted a quick change".
Monsignor Aguer had announced last Sunday that the change should be
"quick" so that his successor, Fernandez, could already receive the
pallium from the Pope's hand on June 29th in Rome.
At the same time, the emeritus archbishop expressed his astonishment
that the media had already reported exactly for weeks what then became
reality in those days: that Francis would immediately emeritize him and
would make the papal ghostwriter Fernandez his successor. The Argentine news site CadenaBA wrote critically:
"Pope Francis behaved towards Monser Aguer more after the Old than
after the New Testament: according to the motto, "Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth ".
He reciprocated with Msgr. Hector Aguer, who had asked him to leave him
in office until next September, so that he could celebrate his
twenty-year jubilee as Archbishop of La Plata," for which several
parishes of the archdiocese were already preparing.
At the end of the Feast of Corpus Christi, which was celebrated in Argentina on June 3, according to Wanderer,
the Syrian Orthodox Archbishop Chrysostom approached the microphone and
made his home available to the archbishop," since Monsignor Aguer has
no place to go ( his original plan was to move to the Small Seminary of
La Plata.)" Behind the scenes, the retirement was obviously far more dramatic than when it became public. The AICA press release from the Argentine Bishops' Conference said two days later:
"The retired archbishop will live for so long at the archdiocesan curia deems it necessary to find a new home."
In La Plata, not only was an archbishop emeritized and replaced by a towering mediocrity
in a demonstratively urgent procedure, but evidently evicted on the spot. Pope Francis' retaliation for revenge has found another victim at La Plata. Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Archdiocese of La Plata / MiL Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com ADMG
Bishop Sergio Osvaldo Buenanueva of San Francisco in
Cordoba, in photo as Auxiliary Bishop of Mendoza,
in the background is the former Archbishop of Buenos Aires,
Jorge Mario Bergoglio
(Rome) The betrayal of the priestly promise of chastity is as old as the priesthood, but it has always been an offense, both to the faithful and to the unbelievers, the latter being fond of using it as a moral charge against the Church. In Luther's time this was no different from today. After his ordination, Ulrich Zwingli, the Swiss "reformer", first fell into the mills of politics, then into the bed of a woman whom he impregnated, and finally pushed into the front row of the Reformation. In Argentina, the media, not unlike in Europe, are reporting with a mixture of scandal and schadenfreude on the third priest of the diocese of San Francisco and Cordoba, who had to give up his priesthood in the past year because he was not only in a "father" the spiritual sense but also in the physical. The most recent case concerns the priest Marcio Peironi.
The Diocese, established in 1961, has a total of thirty-two diocesan priests, which means that the loss of three its priests is a painful jolt for the diocese. For the time being, there is no indication that Rome intends to send the diocese a "fraternal visitation" as has already happened to the Diocese of Ciudad del Este in neighboring Paraguay in 2014.
The difference seems to lie in the fact that Bishop Rogelio Livieres Plano of Ciudad del Este, a traditional Bishop from the ranks of Opus Dei was, by his extensive pastoral work, had "shamed" the liberation theology-inspired Paraguayan Episcopal Conference. The Diocese of San Francisco de Cordoba does, however, constitute an "openness to the surprises of the Holy Spirit", as the newspaper La Capital wrote in yesterday's edition.
Bishop Livieres abandoned the nationwide unified education of the seminarians and in 2007 founded his own diocesan priestly seminary. There the candidates were trained in both forms of the Roman rite and in the traditional sense. The Ciudad del Este priestly seminary had enrolled two and a half times as many seminarians in 2014 as all other dioceses in Paraguay. Although only about ten per cent of Paraguayan faithful belong to this diocese, Bishop Livieres had 70 per cent of all seminarians in the country. This had to do with the different understanding of the priesthood and church. But that was not desired, as such an imbalance would soon have had country-wide consequences.
The "fraternal" inclination to Ciudad del Este
Bishop Livieres was regarded by the other bishops as a "troublemaker". One of them, the liberation theorist, Fernando Lugo, Bishop of San Pedro, the political commitment was so important that he had to be released from his episcopal rights and duties in order to become President of the Union as part of a left coalition. It turned out later that the confinement had more to do with the repeated violation of his celibacy promise. He is the father of at least two children from different women. He has had sexual relations with other women as a priest and bishop. As President of the Republic, he was removed from office after less than four years. Today, he sits as a representative of the Left Party Frente Guasu, which is a member of the Socialist International (SI), in the Paraguayan Senate.
Pope Francis sent a "brotherly visitor" to Bishop Livieres in 2014, he was so fraternal that the bishop was dismissed shortly afterwards, without mentioning a reason and under shameful circumstances, without being able to justify himself against the charge. Pope Francis even denied him audience. Francis will have to justify himself before God, wrote Bishop Livieres in a statement to his deposition. One year later the bishop sadly succumbed to a serious illness.
The priestly seminary of Ciudad del Este still exists, but has been rejoined by the new bishop to the National Seminary of Asuncion. The number of seminarians has fallen to a quarter after a massive purge of "conservative" candidates. Various traditional communities were dissolved, priests and orders were removed from the diocese, numerous changes took place.
The reaction is quite different in the diocese of San Francisco and Cordoba in Argentina. There is no "brotherly" visitation, because the diocese is considered "open to the surprises of the Holy Spirit". To which belongs, apparently, for the newspaper La Capital, also the procreation of children by priests.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Ciudad de San Francisco (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com Link to Katholisches...
(Buenos Aires) The bergoglian Argentine bishops, the greater the confusion seems to be (see The contradictions of the Church "the open doors": Argentine President Must not be Godfather ). The Archbishop of La Plata, the historic opponent of Jorge Mario Bergoglio in Argentine episcopate, criticized in a column the widespread "culture of fornication." His brother bishops distanced themselves from him.
The Case Macri and Political Antipathies
The newborn son from a Catholic family with many children was denied baptism in Bergoglio's Archdiocese of Buenos Aires because - according to an Argentine tradition, the sponsor for the seventh child is the President - who since December 2015, is the incumbent president Mauricio Macri, a remarried divorcee, who had been rejected as godfather.
Macri, who displaced the previously ruling (left) Peronist from power last fall, has ever since been the validly declared main enemy. It's a conflict that seems to have been transferred to the Church. That Pope Francis would have preferred the Left-Peronist candidate in the presidential palace, is an open secret. A donation of the new president to the Pontifical University Foundation Scholas Occurrentes was returned in April's return mail to the donor. In other words: The donation came from the wrong (political) area, with which one would not even have anything to do in terms of good works. It was a veritable papal disavowal of a head of state.
The same had happened already in July 2015 at the Pope's visit to Latin America. While the Catholic Church leader met with the left presidents of Ecuador and Bolivia, dazzling the mind and also expressed this in front of the photographer, Francis went against the conservative President of Paraguay on a collision course. He made unheard of public criticisms of the head of state to thousands citizens and the highest dignitaries of the country and they were also completely groundless allegations . It would be difficult to express (political) sympathies and antipathies more outwardly.
No wonder then that Argentina's bishops and pastors, at least those who want to be particularly bergoglian, follow the example of the Pope, and in turn disavow President Macri. The reel of rejection of Macri as godfather was opened at the Cathedral of Buenos Aires, the long-term "domestic church" of the current Pope, where he made his successor Msgr. Mario Aurelio Poli, a close friend and even created him a cardinal.
The Case of Archbishop Aguer
There isn't just friction between the Pope and President. There had been friction long before the papal election between the Archbishop of Buenos Aires and the "conservative" Archbishop of La Plata, Msgr. Héctor Aguer. Jorge Mario Bergoglio in the Argentine Bishops' Conference was like a leader of the "doves", while Archbishop Héctor Aguer was the spokesman of the "hawks".
Archbishop Aguer: culture of fornication
Since Cardinal Bergoglio had become Pope, he has been undermining the "hawks" by his new appointments, stripping feathers. But still the pugnacious archbishop of La Plata is in his office. In May 2018 he completes his 75th year.
In the daily newspaper El Día of La Plata Archbishop Aguer writes a regular column in which he knows how to swim against the current, as well as in his most recent column of August 23. Under the title "La Fornicación" to English "Fornication," where he raised his voice against "lewd culture", sexuality and love "trivialized".
What does he mean by a "culture of fornication," the archbishop explained with a practical example. He cited the Brazilian press, which had calculated that in just 17 days an average of 42 condoms were used by each participant at the Summer Olympics. Sexual intercourse with multiple partners, who are often perfect strangers, is a behavior that are in themselves, "animalistic," said the Archbishop. He used a popular Latin American gutter expression.
Among other things, Msgr. Aguer criticized the gender ideology and "other unnatural relationships." The Archbishop took up the cudgel for lifelong marriage in mutual love and respect between a man and a woman, and for the ability to bond, which sees destroyed contra naturam through the fornication.
In this context, the archbishop engaged clear criticism of aberrosexual relationships and the possibility for them to adopt children.
The "trouble of the Church"
Archbishop Héctor Aguer drew with this column not only the wrath of liberals and the aberro-associations, but also his brother bishops.
In the issue from August 28 the newspaper La Nacion, the Argentine "house organ" of Pope Francis, published the article "Trouble in the Church on the Nature and Language of Msgr. Hector Aguer". The article "reflects," says the author, the "reaction of the Church" (!) to the column by Archbishop Aguer.
The article quotes three bishops who take a position against the Archbishop of La Plata but remain anonymous.
"The same bishops who insisted in a conservative position in the case of Macri, represented in case Aguer the exact opposite, and therefore a liberal position," said Secretum meum mihi .
The distancing from Archbishop Aguer is established by the first anonymous bishops with "his language" and "his method."
The second anonymous bishop is quoted as saying that the column of Msgr. Aguer "is not representing the concerns of the Church, especially in a moment like this, with its much more important problems."
A third anonymous bishop reiterates the statement that it is indeed important that the people to know what the Church teaches on sexual morality and marriage, "but now tries to mediate teaching in a context of respect for individual freedom of believers."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons / El Dia
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com Link to Katholisches...
Poor Little Tiziano Couldn't be Baptized in a Catholic Church Because His Godfather is the Divorced President, Mauricio Macri
(Buenos Aires) The new church line is coming snaking into the Argentina Church. Everything seems to have its order, but surely there is no one, let alone the people, who might pass by the signals into a skid. Or is it all just a matter of policy?
The double Synod of Bishops had the obvious target, remarried divorcees - to better integrate into the Church - with or without admission, to Holy Communion. In an interview with the Argentine newspaper La Nacion, Pope Francis said on December 7, 2014:
"They are not excommunicated, that's right. But they may not be godfathers, they may not be lectors at Mass, they may not give Holy Communion, they must not be catechists. They may not do seven things, I have the list here.Stop! When I put down the bill, then it seems as if they were de facto excommunicated! Therefore: we open the door a little. Why should they not be godfathers?"
That was shortly after the end of the first Synod of Bishops and before the Second Synod of Bishops on the Family.
Baptism as Aberro Spectacle
On 5 April 2014, and a few months earlier, a child conceived by artificial insemination was baptized in the Argentine city of Cordoba Cathedral whose mother lives in a lesbian relationship with another woman. The two women who are active in the gay scene were previously briefly in a "gay marriage".
Baptism as Aberro spectacle (left the birth mother)
The baptism became a media event for the acceptance of homosexuality. The former Left-Peronist President Cristina Fernandez Kirchner was designated a godparent. The event caused a significant tempest, there was reasonable doubt that the lesbian couple could ensure a Christian education of the child. The same was true for the godmother, who had enforced the "gay marriage" in her term of office and wanted to foster the introduction of abortion.
All of the concerns were from the cathedral minister were brushed aside, not without the support of the Archdiocese. This is about the baptism of a child, period. The girl wasn't just baptized in any chapel and in the absence of the media, but in the Archdiocesan Church and under a lot of hype.
Since there was no accompanying explanation, the impression remained that the Catholic Church recognizes aberrosexuality, "gay marriage" and artificial insemination of lesbian women. The sponsorship by State President Kirchner also gave the event a clearly political aspect and presented the baptism in the service of the aberro lobby.
With artificial insemination there is also the suspicion of selective abortion is given in relation to aberrosexuals. Lesbians prefer girls, gays want to adopt boys or have the delivery by surrogate mothers.
Transsexual as "Godmother"
In March 2014 a "transsexual" Enrique Martinez aka Solange Lisette Luna Navarro, a prominent gay activist, complained that he could not be a "godmother" in an interview with Radio Fénix. "The law agrees with me," said the "transsexual" citing a "legal right", referring to the law of the state, not to the law of the Church. Catholic doctrine had no influence on Martinez.
Shortly thereafter, the competent Archdiocese La Rioja published a press statement by the Vicar General, who announced that the "transsexual" may very well be "godmother." The reasoning of the General Vicar was based, combined, on the "new legal order" of the papal pronouncement: "Who am I to judge."
The baptism of a girl with "two mothers" and sponsorship of a "transsexual," although in both cases the persons concerned expressed their rejection of a part of Catholic teaching in public statement, was for not a problem for the Argentine Church, nor for demonstrably politically tinged sponsorship of anti-Church State President.
Refusal of Sponsorship by President Macri
Things look quite different for the new conservative president Mauricio Macri. Macri has been married since 2010 in third marriage with businesswoman Juliana Awada. Awada, daughter of a famous Lebanese business family in Argentina with a Muslim father, Catholic mother (Syrian Catholic), had been baptized and brought up Catholic as had been her four siblings.
Pope Francis with Mauricio Macri and Juliana Awada in Vatican
Tiziano, the now four months old godson of the President had to be baptized in a Protestant church, because no Catholic parish had offered their services. The reason? Because the president is divorced and remarried.
Tiziano is the seventh child of a Catholic family. One tradition after it is customary for the President to be upon request the sponsor of the seventh child.
The mother of seven, Natalia Alcalle, went "very happily" to the cathedral, the former episcopal church of Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio to there to ask for baptism. The surprising answer was "No". Then she approached the most renowned Marian shrine of Argentina, the Basilica of Our Lady of Lujan. The answer was again negative.
In three parishes they asked. Once the name Macris was mentioned, "we were faced with a wall" Mediamza wrote, citing the mother two days ago. After three rejections she had become "so embarrassed" that she did not dare a fourth request. "I was told everywhere, that is not possible, because the president is divorced and lives in concubinage."
After some consultation with the Presidential Chancellery, Pastor Victor Doroschuk of the Protestant Church "Vida y Paz" was finally consulted.
Pontifical signal to remarried divorcees
It was Pope Francis, who significantly changed the protocol of the Holy See changed abruptly, and President Macri had received last February 27 with Juliana Awada. Until then, the spouse of remarried and divorced State representatives were greeted by the pope only separately, and briefly in a separate room. Also, there was no common photo with the Pope. The protocol was in order to engage clarity and the conscience, to underline the difference between a regular and an irregular marriage connection.
The change means a few scant months after the end of the Second Synod of Bishops on the Family, a dramatic intervention in the Vatican protocol and it was understood as a signal of a change of course towards divorce and remarriage.
Pope "really links nothing" with President Macri
Overall, however, it is known that Pope Francis had preferred Macri's Left-Peronist opponent in the presidential election. Since then there have been several taunts. This included that Macri, who took office as head of state on 10 December 2015 last March who offered the Pontifical Foundation Scholas Occurentes a grant of more than one million dollars. "As of May 30th when the news came to the Vatican, the Pope took the anti-Peronist and Liberal Macri's victory very poorly, according to what his Argentine friends said," wrote the Vatican expert Sandro Magister. The money was sent back by return mail. Take no money from governments. However, that was something different under Macri's predecessor Kirchner. Argentine media reported a "disavowal" of the President, with whom Pope Francis apparently does not want to be associated.
Should political affiliations be decisive for baptisms in Argentina's Church under Pope Francis? Homosexuals, transsexuals and LGBT activists, yes, conservative politicians, no?
Education, training and information on Catholic doctrine and Sacraments in all directions and to all situations seem to be subject to the time of day.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: SMM / MiL / Vatican.va (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com Link to Katholisches...