The President of a Bishops' Conference is no Vice Pope.
Vatican (Catholic news / CF / The prefect of the Vatican congregation, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, has turned strongly against decentralizing the Church on the level of the national bishop conferences. "The Catholic Church is made up of local churches, but it is one," said the Prefect for the Italian daily newspaper "Corriere della sera": "There are no 'national' churches." - The Presidents of the Episcopal Conferences are "coordinators, not vice-popes" stressed the Vatican defender of the Faith. While the papacy and the office of bishop have "divine right", the Patriarchs and Bishops' Conferences to facilities work according to "human rights". Of course, these conferences also have doctrinal authority in certain areas, for instance when preparing local catechisms, liturgical books or the management of universities and Catholic schools: "The Pope can not know everything that happens in the individual countries," said Archbishop Müller. One must "find a practical balance." Pope Francis had recently announced in his letter "Evangelii Gaudium" considering more powers for national Bishops' Conferences. '
Photo: Archbishop Müller - image source: M. citizens,
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Showing posts with label Archbishop Mueller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Archbishop Mueller. Show all posts
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
Gänswein: "Many" Pope Enthusiasts "Will Have Their Joy Stuck in Their Throats" -- Who Interprets Francis Correctly?
(Cologne / Rome) The interview of Archbishop Curia Georg Gänswein only appears in the January edition of "Cicero". It has already reported several previously known statements. Also, the Vatican expert Matteo Matzuzzi of "Il Foglio" has commented about the Gänswein response. With the Pope Francis enthusiasts, for whom "the jubilation has been stuck in their throat", says the German Curial Archbishop and personal secretary of Benedict XVI since 2005., the virulence of nascent Church rebels in German speaking countries is increasing. They will remain disappointed, said Gänswein, because these are false hopes. Neither Archbishop Gänswein nor the article, however, go into the question to what extent Pope Francis might have abetted the nature of the rebellion with his unorthodox "pastoral" nature. Finally, the Pope has summoned none other than the chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, Archbishop Robert Zollitsch. Who interprets Pope Francis correctly? Why is it at all possible that conflicting positions can rely on him? In a Tornielli interview, referring to Matzuzzi, Pope Francis actually slows the flood of interpretations on the German rebel front. However, it is only a half-hearted correction because the Pope made no definitive position on the question of divorced and remarried. So the question remains open and continues to leave room for interpretation by both sides. The attitude of the Pope remains, through ambiguous, theologically poor precision, an ambivalent and contradictory opposition between teaching and pastoral care, and thus causes a wellspring of new outbreaks of rebelliousness, that under Benedict XVI were almost suffocated.
Gänswein's opinion, together with statements by Cardinal Kurt Koch, at any rate, is a signal that a resistance is being organized in the German speaking countries against the rebel faction.
The Prefect of Francis and Secretary of BXVI raises his Voice in Germany
"Many of those who were enthusiastic about Francis, will have their jubilation stuck in their throats". These are the harsh words which Monsignor Georg Gänswein, the Prefect of the Papal Household and Secretary of Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. expressed in the January issue of the renowned German cultural magazine Cicero. He can look at the situation of the Church in Germany, where a significant part imposes demands against Rome for rapid reform and an increase in the speed thereof. A turning point in the pastoral care of families as regards the sacraments is a starting point. It doesn't have to do with female Cardinals: whoever thinks so, "is suffering under a bit of clericalism", as Francis had said in published interview for the Third Sunday of Advent in a Tornielli interview. The discussion, however, could start at the Deaconess.
Gänswein Brakes
Gänswein brakes, however: "I hardly think the Pope the Pope will be compelled in his pontificate by certain German initiatives", thus referring to the possibility of allowing women to the diaconate, an idea that was also recently made by high-ranking wearers of the purple like Cardinal Walter Kasper . "Case closed", is the personal secretary of the Pope Emeritus' response to them.
During the recent Spring Plenary Meeting of the German Bishops' Conference in Trier, the former president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, said that it was his opinion, possibly to introduce the figure of the female deacon, who is capable of pastoral functions and fulfilling special liturgical services. There would be no dogmatic problems, as Cardinal Kasper adds: no consecration, it would suffice as a simple blessing.
False Hopes
Gänswein is very surprised and sees no changes on the horizon on this front, not even now that the Jesuit Pope, who has raised such high expectations in much of the world's episcopate, with whom he says he will cooperate "in trust and harmony." The Prefect of the Papal Household is sharply critical of "some forces that want to monopolize the new Pope for their own interests." Forces, which will remain disappointed, says Gänswein. It is sufficient to look at the handout of the Office of Family Pastoral Care of the Archdiocese of Freiburg, where the approval of remarried divorcees to the Sacraments is being suggested, especially as regards the re-admission to communion, in the name of Francis' so often mentioned mercy.
Papal Response to Cardinal Marx?
But it is the same pope who clarified in the Tornielli interview: "I spoke of baptism and the community, as spiritual food to go forward, as an aid and not as a bonus. Some have immediately thought of the sacraments for remarried divorcees, but I have not referred to specific cases., I only wanted to demonstrate a principle. "
An indirect response for those too, who with Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich-Freising, who accused the Prefect of the Congregation of the Faith, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller accused of putting the discussion on the pastoral care of marriage with a view to the next Synod of Bishops in October 2014 in chains and wanting to strangle it.
Cardinal Koch: "the Will of Jesus Christ" is Critical
These were described as absurd polemics a few days ago by the Swiss Cardinal Kurt Koch in a long interview. "For Archbishop Müller has done nothing other than the teaching of the Church to remember, and he has reiterated on what Cardinal Ratzinger has said himself as Prefect of the CDF to this problem area. Any serious examination of this problem comes to these teachings, which corresponds to the clear will of Jesus Christ, not over. "In what has now become a customary opposition between teaching and pastoral today" can not be the way of the Church, as such a contrast contradicts the very essence of being Church. New Pastoral was are only to be found in the light of the truth of the doctrine," Cardinal Koch is among other things the successor of Cardinal Kasper as President of the Pontifical Council Unity. A few days ago he met together with Patriarch of Moscow Kirill, during a visit to Russia.
Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons
image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred:
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Edit: Just a note about what the Archbishop said, it's an expression I had some trouble with, "wird Jubel im Hals steckenbleiben." It literally means to jam or have something jammed down, or die in your throat. It has a certain harshness to it, as pointed out by Mr. Nardi. I guess a way to describe it is to be the person jumping up, thinking he has won an academy award, only to find out that his exuberance was not only premature, but completely wrong.
Edit: Just a note about what the Archbishop said, it's an expression I had some trouble with, "wird Jubel im Hals steckenbleiben." It literally means to jam or have something jammed down, or die in your throat. It has a certain harshness to it, as pointed out by Mr. Nardi. I guess a way to describe it is to be the person jumping up, thinking he has won an academy award, only to find out that his exuberance was not only premature, but completely wrong.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Prefect Mueller: Remarried and Divorced May Not Go to Communion -- Rejection of Contradictory Demands and Orthodox Praxis
(Rome) Curial Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, the Roman Prefect of the Congregation of the Faith, has reaffirmed the Church's existing teaching on the indissolubility of marriage again. He was quoted in the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano which had already been published back in June in the Daily Mail ( see separate report ). This gives his remarks importance not only for the German-speaking world, but for the world Church.
Archbishop Mueller states in it that there is no possibility of admitting remarried divorcees to the sacraments. On this question there can be no exceptions, one can not even leave the decision to the person concerned, or justify it by a decision of conscience referring to "mercy".
Pope Francis' statements, which were made late July on the flight back from World Youth Day had spoken in terms of a "period of grace" for remarried Catholics, which was widely interpreted as an imminent change of course for the Church in these matters, as well as the Freiburg manipulations( see separate report ) had caused a considerable stir and confusion within the Catholic Church. With his detailed opinion, the Prefect of the Congregation relates with clarity the position and reaffirmed Catholic doctrine on the sacrament of marriage. The essay is an obvious answer to the Freiburg circular and especially to the German Church's increasingly vociferous desires and demands for "flexible" soltions from the tradition of the faith.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Sacri Pal azzi
Archbishop Mueller states in it that there is no possibility of admitting remarried divorcees to the sacraments. On this question there can be no exceptions, one can not even leave the decision to the person concerned, or justify it by a decision of conscience referring to "mercy".
Pope Francis' statements, which were made late July on the flight back from World Youth Day had spoken in terms of a "period of grace" for remarried Catholics, which was widely interpreted as an imminent change of course for the Church in these matters, as well as the Freiburg manipulations( see separate report ) had caused a considerable stir and confusion within the Catholic Church. With his detailed opinion, the Prefect of the Congregation relates with clarity the position and reaffirmed Catholic doctrine on the sacrament of marriage. The essay is an obvious answer to the Freiburg circular and especially to the German Church's increasingly vociferous desires and demands for "flexible" soltions from the tradition of the faith.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Sacri Pal azzi
Monday, September 23, 2013
Archbishop Di Noia: Instead of Vice President of "Ecclesia Dei", Number Three in CDF
(Vatican) The dismissal of Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy, and his appointment as Cardinal Poenitentiary had already been foreshadowed by, as well as the appointment of Monsignor Nikola Eterovic, the new Apostolic Nuncio to Germany and his replacement as Secretary of Bishops' Synod by Archbishop Lorenzo Baldisseri (see separate report Pope Francis Removes Cardinal Piacenza as Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy ). Pope Francis made some important personnel decisions this last Saturday: they concern the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei and the CDF.
The traditional American and Dominican Curial Archbishop, Monsignor Augustine Di Noia, was again named by Pope Francis, barely more than a year since being removed from the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei. The Pope appointed Archbishop Di Noia as Assistant Secretary of the Congregation.
After The Return of Msgr. Pozzo at Ecclesia Dei, Archbishop Augustine Di Noia Departs
Archbishop Di Noia was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI. on the 26th of June 2012 to the Commission Ecclesia Dei, which is responsible for the communion with Rome of traditional orders, communities and groups. It was for these especially that the office of Vice-President had been revived. The appointment was made less than two weeks after the collapse of the talks between the Holy See and the Priestly Society of St. Pius X, as the agreement receded in the distance again. On the 14th of June the Superior General of the SSPX, Bishop Bernard Fellay, met in Rome together with the then Prefect of the Congregation of the Faith, Cardinal William Levada. Instead of the expected agreement, the exact opposite happened. Since then, the unification efforts are on hold.
The appointment of the Dominican Di Noia was interpreted as a signal to give new impetus to the efforts, but it did not succeed. A few months after Archbishop Di Noia had become Vice-President of Ecclesia Dei, Pope Benedict XVI. then made Monsigor Guido Pozzo a Curial Archbishop and Papal Almoner on the 3rd of November. The resignation of Benedict XVI. could recognize in retrospect that the Pope already prepared his retreat, and he wanted to reward Msgr Pozzo, his faithful employee, with a promotion.
Pope Francis: Dismantling the Past Personnel Decisions of Benedict XVI. at Ecclesia Dei
Pope Francis has now dismantled the past personnel changes of Benedict XVI. to the Commission Ecclesia Dei. On the 3rd of August he appointed Archbishop Pozzo back as Secretary to the Commission. Now he has reassigned Curial Archbishop Di Noia back to the CDF. There, the American had been Under Secretary from 2002-2009. He then spent three years as Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship. Now he will be Assistant Secretary. For a better understanding: the Archbishop was formerly the number four at the Holy Office in 2009, which was until 2005 under then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, then Cardinal William Levada, he is now number three to Curial Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller in the Holy Office. Archbishop Di Noia enjoys a good reputation in traditional circles.
Archbishops Müller and Ladaria Ferrer are Confirmed as Prefects of the CDF and Secretary
In connection with this personnel change, Pope Francis has confirmed the current Prefect of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith, Archbishop Mueller, the former Archbishop of Regensburg, at the CDF. With the election of a pope all offices are automatically forfeit in the Roman Curia. Pope Francis habitually confirmed all incumbents provisionally until further notice. Now its proper acknowledgment in office is for the next five years for the Prefect of the Faith. Archbishop Mueller thus, with the newly appointed Secretary of State Monsignor Pietro Parolin also, the first contenders for the award of cardinal by Pope Francis.
Also confirmed in his office was Curial Archbishop Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer as Secretary and thus number two of the CDF. Archbishop Ladaria is responsible for writing prepared, official homilies and speeches of Pope Francis, which are used in Papal Masses and the traditional catechesis during the general audience every Wednesday (see separate report Luis Ladaria Ferrer - The Theologian Behind the Speeches of Pope Francis [Coming] ). The regular term of office of Secretary lasts three years.
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Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei / Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred
The traditional American and Dominican Curial Archbishop, Monsignor Augustine Di Noia, was again named by Pope Francis, barely more than a year since being removed from the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei. The Pope appointed Archbishop Di Noia as Assistant Secretary of the Congregation.
After The Return of Msgr. Pozzo at Ecclesia Dei, Archbishop Augustine Di Noia Departs
Archbishop Di Noia was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI. on the 26th of June 2012 to the Commission Ecclesia Dei, which is responsible for the communion with Rome of traditional orders, communities and groups. It was for these especially that the office of Vice-President had been revived. The appointment was made less than two weeks after the collapse of the talks between the Holy See and the Priestly Society of St. Pius X, as the agreement receded in the distance again. On the 14th of June the Superior General of the SSPX, Bishop Bernard Fellay, met in Rome together with the then Prefect of the Congregation of the Faith, Cardinal William Levada. Instead of the expected agreement, the exact opposite happened. Since then, the unification efforts are on hold.
The appointment of the Dominican Di Noia was interpreted as a signal to give new impetus to the efforts, but it did not succeed. A few months after Archbishop Di Noia had become Vice-President of Ecclesia Dei, Pope Benedict XVI. then made Monsigor Guido Pozzo a Curial Archbishop and Papal Almoner on the 3rd of November. The resignation of Benedict XVI. could recognize in retrospect that the Pope already prepared his retreat, and he wanted to reward Msgr Pozzo, his faithful employee, with a promotion.
Pope Francis: Dismantling the Past Personnel Decisions of Benedict XVI. at Ecclesia Dei
Pope Francis has now dismantled the past personnel changes of Benedict XVI. to the Commission Ecclesia Dei. On the 3rd of August he appointed Archbishop Pozzo back as Secretary to the Commission. Now he has reassigned Curial Archbishop Di Noia back to the CDF. There, the American had been Under Secretary from 2002-2009. He then spent three years as Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship. Now he will be Assistant Secretary. For a better understanding: the Archbishop was formerly the number four at the Holy Office in 2009, which was until 2005 under then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, then Cardinal William Levada, he is now number three to Curial Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller in the Holy Office. Archbishop Di Noia enjoys a good reputation in traditional circles.
Archbishops Müller and Ladaria Ferrer are Confirmed as Prefects of the CDF and Secretary
In connection with this personnel change, Pope Francis has confirmed the current Prefect of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith, Archbishop Mueller, the former Archbishop of Regensburg, at the CDF. With the election of a pope all offices are automatically forfeit in the Roman Curia. Pope Francis habitually confirmed all incumbents provisionally until further notice. Now its proper acknowledgment in office is for the next five years for the Prefect of the Faith. Archbishop Mueller thus, with the newly appointed Secretary of State Monsignor Pietro Parolin also, the first contenders for the award of cardinal by Pope Francis.
Also confirmed in his office was Curial Archbishop Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer as Secretary and thus number two of the CDF. Archbishop Ladaria is responsible for writing prepared, official homilies and speeches of Pope Francis, which are used in Papal Masses and the traditional catechesis during the general audience every Wednesday (see separate report Luis Ladaria Ferrer - The Theologian Behind the Speeches of Pope Francis [Coming] ). The regular term of office of Secretary lasts three years.
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Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei / Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred
Monday, September 16, 2013
Cardinal Cipriani: "Müller is a Bit Naive" -- Impulsive Clelia Luro: Has Liberation Theology Really Changed?
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Ripping my Collar Off to do some "Real" Theology! |
(Rome) on 11 September, Pope Francis received the "Father of Liberation Theology," the Peruvian Gustavo Gutierrez, in audience. Gutierrez had been invited to Rome by his friend, the new Prefect of the CDF Gerhard Archbishop Ludwig Müller. Müller presented with Gutierrez the recently published Italian edition of a book jointly written by the two. There was very little enthusiasm about it given by the highest representative of the Peruvian church, Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne, Archbishop of Lima. He described Müller's pretense toward the topic of Liberation Theology as, "a bit naive". The Papal reception for Gutierrez, was also announced by the impulsive-progressive "Bishop's Widow" Clelia Luro, according to her own definition describing herself as a "Pope-friend".
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Cardinal Cipriani Behind Cardinal Bergolio |
Cardinal Cipriani Criticizes New "Courting" of Gutierrez and Liberation Theology in Rome
Cardinal Cipriani was critical in courting the new Liberation Theology in Rome. It is a purified form of Marxism and Liberation Theology that has become quite toothless, but the word still evokes bad memories, as the "Liberation Theology" in the 70s and 80s, worked as a Marxist idea-gate into the Catholic Church. To those who have concerns, include the Archbishop of Lima, Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne. As a Latin American and a Peruvian, in particular, he really knows exactly the left slogans that reinterpreted a liberation from sin into a liberation of "social oppression". The South American cardinal is therefore also curt to the Roman "approach" to the theology of liberation, at least on Gutierrez. When asked about Archbishop Curia Müller the archbishop of Lima said, he is "a good German, a good theologian, a little naive." Thus, the unflattering commentary by Cardinal Cipriani last Friday on RPP radio .
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"Bishop's" Widow. |
About the audience between Gutierrez and Pope Francis, the Cardinal said: "My reading is that he [Müller] wanted to do a favor for his friend [Gutierrez], who is dear to him, wanted to do a favor, and wants to help him in any way, to correct himself and incorporate him in the Catholic Church." According to Cardinal Cipriani, the Pope had only received Gutierrez at the request of Curial Archbishop Müller and not officially.
Francis Pope (front), Cardinal Cipriani Thorne (rear) Cardinal Cipriani: Liberation Theology Caused the Church "Great Harm"
The Cardinal is of the opinion that the unofficial audience was abused last Thursday in order to gain recognition of a theology which has done "great harm to the Church". The cardinal recalled that Gutierrez was never actually found guilty of that in the first half of the 80s by the then Prefect of the Congregation of the Faith, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, but he asked him, to "correct two of his books", one of which was the book "Theology of Liberation" which was to give the whole movement the name. Whether Gutierrez is now "corrected, I do not know," said the Peruvian Cardinal.
The Church, says Cipriani Thorne, had never been closed to the social question and the misery of the people. It belongs to the distortion of liberation theology, claiming to have such an impact, in order to present itself as being the only truly "evangelical" theology. In fact, the liberation theologians, however, have swapped basic truths of the faith.
Pope Francis Has not Forgiven Gutierrez a Discourtesy
The Vatican expert Sandro Magister noted that Pope Francis, has truly received Gustavo Gutierrez but that the position of the Pope nevertheless is clearly distinct from that of the Prefect of the Congregation, Curial Archbishop Müller. As Latin Americans know, Pope Francis is very well aquatinted with Liberation Theology and its seduction. As a Jesuit provincial and even as a bishop in Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio sharply criticized Liberation Theology. In addition, still playing into a personal touch, there is that the distant relationship to the head of the Catholic Church with Gutierrez, says Magister.
Just the fact that Gutierrez does not appear in the official audience schedule of the Vatican and the Holy See after the meeting with the Pope, issued no opinion as to whether there is evidence of a benevolent attitude that the Curial Archbishop has toward his friend Gutierrez is shared by Pope Francis.
Impulsive "Bishop Widow" and "Pope friend" Clelia Luro Speaks Again
Clelia Luro appears with the picture of her husband Jeronimo Podesta, a former priest, ex-bishop, Marxist Liberation Theologian and probably excommunicated. The rudeness, that the Pope believes Gutierrez to be guilty of, according to Magister, is a grudge, which is admittedly a bit confused because it plays on a very personal level. The source is again, the impulsive Clelia Luro, who, however, shall not be the only one since the election of Pope Bergoglio who was used as a media tool, will call attention to their own interests. In early July, the Argentine widow received a certain noteriety in the German speaking world when the Austrian newspaper, Die Presse quoted her as saying that - in her opinion - Pope Francis will "soon" abolish priestly celibacy. It's a hobby horse of Luros' that has to do with her own personal flaw. A battle the now 87-year-old woman has led for decades. She proudly says that she had called the current Pope as Archbishop of Buenos Aires every Sunday. It's a practice that apparently arose after the death of her husband. Also, since his election as Pope, he had already called her several times, most recently on the 7th of September.
Clelia Luros message was not treated with disinterest. She is primarily a crusader on her own behalf or that of her late husband, around whom everything revolves with her and seeks the "honor" to defend it. Luro is immediately, not only the widow of a former Catholic priest, but a bishop. Her husband, Jose Jeronimo Podesta (1920-2000) was ordained a priest in 1962 and bishop in 1946. As the Diocesan Bishop of Avellaneda, located as a suffragan of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, Podesta mixed heavily in politics. The President Juan Carlos Ongania, who gained power through a military coup in 1966, urged his removal. In order to avoid a diplomatic clash, Podesta was led to resign as Bishop of Avellaneda in 1967 and appointed a titular bishop. Podesta continued his political activities, including the Union Christian Peace Conference (CFRP) steered by the Soviet Union. His political and religious radicalization led to an increasing distance from the Catholic Church. In 1971 he returned back to the Church back and in 1972 he married his secretary Clelia Luro that coincided with his anti-Church, Marxist political and religious struggle in the name of Liberation Theology.
"Bishopess" Mayr-Lumetzberger Received "Apostolic Succession" from Luros Mann
In old age, Jeronimo Podesta was discovered in all sorts of strange circles. These included the Austrian Christine Mayr-Lumetzberger from Linz and the German, Gisela Forster in Munich, both of whom happen to be for women priests in the Catholic Church. They were ordained by a "bishop" Romulo Braschi to become "priestesses" and consecrated "bishops". Braschi maintains for his side to have been illicitly but validly ordained by "Bishop" Podesta. But this in turn is contested by Podesta's widow, Clelia Luro, however. Besides the fact that the "apostolic succession" of would-be bishops is on thin ground, all parties, "consecration" and "sanctified" received excommunication anyway.
Podesta died in 2000 in poverty, but, the tradition, that the then Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio had hurried to his deathbed, who was the only one of the ecclesiastical hierarchy to do so. It is not known whether Podesta had died reconciled with the Church. Clelia Luro anyway confirms in Bergoglio, this gesture as an example of great humanity. From their previous battle positions, however, they have moved little.
Pope to Call Luro on the 7th of September? - Liberation from Liberation Theology?
Clelia Luro made this event public in a letter to Gustavo Gutierrez. Her letter was published on the progressive Catholic website Redes Cristiana. Luro writes this that she had received a phone call from Pope Francis on the 7th of September. The Pope told her he had not forgotten the impoliteness Gutierrez had shown to her husband, Podesta.
As Gutierrez was to have held a lecture at a meeting of the Association of Priests of the Third World in Cordoba, which also included the former Bishop Jeronimo Podesta, the Peruvian Liberation Theologian was invited to speak, but he refused to give his presentation, "if Jeronimo would have remained in the hall." Gutierrez only began to speak as Podesta had left the room.
In the same letter, Clelia Luro, makes accusations against Gutierrez but also equally against other famous Liberation Theologians, and also ex-priest Leonardo Boff. "If liberation theology brings us to be the judge our brothers, then we would also need liberation from this theology," this was what the "bishop's" widow wrote, utterly moralizing about the ideologues, as she still seems to have militant Liberation Theologians close by her. [Divide et Impera?]
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Iglesia Descalza / Marco Longari / Triregnum
Trans: Tancred
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Father Philippe Laguerie is Again the General Superior of the Institute of the Good Shepherd
Edit: the problem is the return of the creatures of +++Sodano and the Old Liberals against Benedict's regime.
(Paris) The General Chapter of the traditional Institut du Bon Pasteur (Institute of the Good Shepherd) was elected on the 12th of September, the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary in Fontgombault Abbé Philippe Laguerie back to the Superior General. Assistant to the Superior General, Father Abbot Vella Yannick, pastor of Saint Eloi and Father Paul Aulagnier, rector of the St. Vincent de Paul Seminary of the Institute were elected. This ends a dispute over the general management of the Institute, which had broken open at the General Chapter of 2012.
The Institute, a society of apostolic life of pontifical right, was recognized ad experimentum by Rome in September 2006,and thus returned to full communion with Rome. Father Laguerie had in common with others of the Society of St. Pius X, separated and founded his own institute.
In the wake of an Apostolic Visitation, which took place under the leadership of then and now renewed Secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, Monsignor Guido Pozzo, there was some internal unrest in the institute. The visitor had asked the Institute to affirm the Second Vatican Council in its formation of priests and to use the Catechism of the Catholic Church in its revised edition from 1997 as the authoritative basis of the Church's teaching. In addition, there can be given no categorical refusal of the celebration of the Novus Ordo. Reasons for criticism were also found in some critical articles about post-Conciliar developments that had been written by priests of the Institute.
The Roman measures have strengthened the critics an agreement with the Holy See within the SSPX, which appeared to be within reach in Spring of 2012.
At the General Chapter in May 2012, Father Laguerie was not confirmed as Superior General, but a younger Director was elected under the new Superior General Perell Roch, who took a more critical position against the Roman principles. However, the electoral process was controversial because of a re-election, and was challenged by Father Laguerie. In July 2012 the new CDF appointed by Pope Benedict XVI., Curial Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, became President of Ecclesia Dei confirmed the opposition to the former Superior General. In April 2013, the Vice-President appointed by Ecclesia Dei, Curial Archbishop Augustine Di Noia convened as acting superior general of the Institute with the Abbot Emeritus of Fontgombault, a new contract with the General Chapter and to repeat the election of the General Government. The term of office of the newly elected General Council will last until 2019.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Institut du Bon Pasteur
Trans: Tancred
(Paris) The General Chapter of the traditional Institut du Bon Pasteur (Institute of the Good Shepherd) was elected on the 12th of September, the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary in Fontgombault Abbé Philippe Laguerie back to the Superior General. Assistant to the Superior General, Father Abbot Vella Yannick, pastor of Saint Eloi and Father Paul Aulagnier, rector of the St. Vincent de Paul Seminary of the Institute were elected. This ends a dispute over the general management of the Institute, which had broken open at the General Chapter of 2012.
The Institute, a society of apostolic life of pontifical right, was recognized ad experimentum by Rome in September 2006,and thus returned to full communion with Rome. Father Laguerie had in common with others of the Society of St. Pius X, separated and founded his own institute.
In the wake of an Apostolic Visitation, which took place under the leadership of then and now renewed Secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, Monsignor Guido Pozzo, there was some internal unrest in the institute. The visitor had asked the Institute to affirm the Second Vatican Council in its formation of priests and to use the Catechism of the Catholic Church in its revised edition from 1997 as the authoritative basis of the Church's teaching. In addition, there can be given no categorical refusal of the celebration of the Novus Ordo. Reasons for criticism were also found in some critical articles about post-Conciliar developments that had been written by priests of the Institute.
The Roman measures have strengthened the critics an agreement with the Holy See within the SSPX, which appeared to be within reach in Spring of 2012.
At the General Chapter in May 2012, Father Laguerie was not confirmed as Superior General, but a younger Director was elected under the new Superior General Perell Roch, who took a more critical position against the Roman principles. However, the electoral process was controversial because of a re-election, and was challenged by Father Laguerie. In July 2012 the new CDF appointed by Pope Benedict XVI., Curial Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, became President of Ecclesia Dei confirmed the opposition to the former Superior General. In April 2013, the Vice-President appointed by Ecclesia Dei, Curial Archbishop Augustine Di Noia convened as acting superior general of the Institute with the Abbot Emeritus of Fontgombault, a new contract with the General Chapter and to repeat the election of the General Government. The term of office of the newly elected General Council will last until 2019.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Institut du Bon Pasteur
Trans: Tancred
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Will Pope Francis Announce the Naming of New Cardinals on September 30th?

Currently, nine seats are vacant in the College of Cardinals. On the 24th of September, there are ten, on the 19th of October eleven and there will be 12 on the 25th of December. On these days the Cardinals Raffaele Farina (Italy, 2007-2012 archivist and librarian of Holy Roman Church), Geraldo Agnelo (Brazil, 1999-2011 Archbishop of São Salvador da Bahia) and Joachim Meisner (Germany, since 1989 Archbishop of Cologne) will reach their 80th birthday and will cease to be active papal electors. Apart from this, the Pope could also temporarily exceed the number the number of 120 electoral cardinals, should he not be so eager to plan another consistory, or of course to continue expanding number.
On the future of the Cardinals who are in first place, is the recently appointed new Secretary Curia of Pope Francis Archbishop Pietro Parolin and the Prefect of the Congregation, Archbishop Curia Gerhard Ludwig Müller, appointed early July of 2012 by Pope Benedict.
Among the contenders for the Cardinalatial Purple are included, subject to surprises, also Archbishop Mario Aurelio of Buenos Aires, whom Pope Francis appointed after 15 days of his election as his successor in Argentina,. Archbishop Ricardo Ezzati Andrello SDB of Santiago de Chile (was appointed by Benedict XVI in 2010 ). Patriarch Francesco Moraglia of Venice (was appointed by Benedict XVI in 2012); Archbishop Andrew Yeom Soo-jung of Seoul (appointed by Benedict XVI in 2012).
Archbishop Jose Horacio Gomez of Los Angeles (appointed by Benedict XVI in 2011). However, his predecessor, Cardinal Roger Mahony will be in effect until the 27 of February 2016; Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard of Mechelen-Brussels (Appointed by Benedict XVI in 2010), who in the last two extraordinary consistories of Benedict XVI. was excluded because his predecessor Cardinal Godfried Danneels only celebrated his 80th birthday on the 4th of June. In accordance with church practice only one member of the College of Cardinals can be the Metropolitan Archbishop of the same district.
Other contenders are Archbishop Vincent Nicholas of Westminister (appointed by Benedict XVI. in 2009); Patriarch Manuel Jose Macario do Nascimento Clemente of Lisbon (appointed by Francis in 2013), but his predecessor Cardinal Jose da Cruz Policarpo reaches his 80th birthday on the 26th of February 2016; OCist Archbishop Orani Tempesta of Rio de Janeiro (appointed by Benedict XVI. in 2009); Cesare Nosiglia, Archbishop of Turin, Cardinal Severino Poletto is his predecessor and reached 80 this on the last 18th of March (appointed by Benedict XVI in 2010.) and he was just still able to attend the conclave.
Other p;ossible contenders for the cardinal's hat are also Archbishop Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmadjo from Jakarta (appointed by Benedict XVI. in 2010), although his predecessor Juliua Cardinal Darmaatmadja SJ only reached his 80th birthday on the 20th of December, 2014; Archbishop Charles Joseph Chaput, OFM Cap, again with the caveat that his predecessor, Cardinal Justin Rigali won’t turn 80 until the 19th of April, 2015. (appointed by Benedict XVI in 2011.) leaves the circle of papal electors.
Of the Eastern Churches united with Rome, Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk of Kiev-Halych, head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church whose predecessor Ljubomyr Cardinal Husar last considered Cardinal candidate, turned 80 in February, two days before the entry into force of the vacancy and is therefore no longer allowed to participate in the conclave. Likewise, patriarch Ibrahim Isaac Sidrak of Alexandria, head of the Coptic Catholic Church, whose predecessor Cardinal Antonios Naguib, however, resigns only on the 7th of March, 2015 as an active elector.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: La cigüeña de la torre
Trans: Tancred
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Petition to Support the Franciscans of the Immaculata
Edit: this just in which we found on Messa in Latino regarding the Franciscan Friars if the Immaculata. Here's a slight google translation with some editing. You can go to the main site and send an e-mail using Corispondenza Roma. Thanks. Please let us know in the comments if you've signed it. Hopefully it will embolden others to do so.
In support of the Franciscans of the Immaculate and the traditional MassLink to the petition which you can send already in Italian to the concerned Prelates in authority, here.
Dear friend,
on July 11, the Congregation for Religious has "police" the institution of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, forcing them to abandon the traditional Mass, which they celebrate freely, according to a universal law of the Church, never repealed and confirmed by the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI on 7 July 2007.
In the canon 212 of the Code of Canon Law currently in force states that the faithful "...have the right, indeed at times the duty, in keeping with their knowledge, competence and position, to manifest to the sacred Pastors their views on matters which concern the good of the Church. They have the right also to make their views known to others of Christ's faithful, but in doing so they must always respect the integrity of faith and morals, show due reverence to the Pastors and take into account both the common good and the dignity of individuals." In the light of this canon, and what forces the sensus fidei of every baptized person, I feel obliged to send an open letter to His Eminence Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, Prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life. If you share my concerns, I thank you if you will join this initiative, addressing the message shown in the window below.
Pressing the button below you will be able to send its message directly to the Prefect of the Congregation [in Italian] and, for information, to the Secretary of the Congregation, Archbishop José Rodriguez Carballo, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Vice President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, Archbishop Augustine Di Noia and the appointed Commissioner, Father Fidenzio Volpi, OFM Cap.
Do not forget to sign the letter with your name, with your e-mail address.
Thank you to join this initiative, promoted for the greater good of the Church and of souls.
With esteem and friendship,
Roberto de Mattei
The Letter as Follows:
A sua Eminenza Card. João Braz de Aviz
Your Eminence,
The decree of July 11th 2013, signed by you, by which the Franciscans of the Immaculate have been “commissioned” and forbidden to celebrate the Mass according to the ancient Roman rite, constitutes an unjust act in regard to this religious Institute, whose honour it diminishes, but above all it represents a violation of the universal laws of the Church, in particular of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum of July 7th 2007 of Benedict XVI, which has never been abrogated and which grants, to every priest, the freedom to celebrate the Mass according to the “extraordinary” form. This objective lesion of the right cannot but concern all those who believe and love the liturgical tradition of the Church and, also in the same spirit, who fight in defence of life, of the family, of the pontifical Magisterium and of Christian Civilisation.
The canonical law gives me the authority to express, in a respectful manner, my sorrowful perturbation, my strong protest and my vibrant appeal so that every obstacle to the free celebration of the traditional Mass for every priest may be removed and that the Franciscans of the Immaculate may continue their precious apostolate which has done so much good and will still do so for souls.
Yours respectfully in Christ
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Archbishop Müller Condemns Pastors' Initiative -- Defends the Right of a Child to a Mother and Father
(Augsburg) Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, the Prefect for the Congregation of Doctrine and the Faith sharply criticized the Pastor Initiative , an Austrian association of rebel priests. "The Call to Disobedience is against the truth of faith and canonical disobedience that has slandered ecclesiastical obedience as blind obedience and puts it at odds with the ripeness and maturity in faith, contradicts the ministry of the priest," said Müller to the Augsburger Allgemeine . The former Bishop of Regensburg referred to the decree on the Life and Ministry of the priest, where he mentions the joy of "high calling" which addresses the preachers of the gospel of Christ and ministers of the sacraments.
During the same interview Curia Archbishop Müller emphasized the inalienable right of a child to his own father and his own mother as a "fundamental human right". Although this human right can not be always achieved, perhaps because a parent dies, "or other fatal conditions," it should not "be thwarted." The human right is violated when "the marital union of man and woman has an equal footing with other forms of cohabitation, so that their being is deprived and discriminated against."
Link to katholisches...
During the same interview Curia Archbishop Müller emphasized the inalienable right of a child to his own father and his own mother as a "fundamental human right". Although this human right can not be always achieved, perhaps because a parent dies, "or other fatal conditions," it should not "be thwarted." The human right is violated when "the marital union of man and woman has an equal footing with other forms of cohabitation, so that their being is deprived and discriminated against."
Link to katholisches...
Sunday, April 14, 2013
No Exaggerated Skepticism Toward the Bible

Vatican City ( CBA) Catholic Biblical scholars may, according to the prefect of the Vatican's Congregation for Doctrine, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, not fall into a skepticism which questions all biblical statements. Such an attitude was necessary in order to overcome as a fundamentalist understanding of the Bible, he said on Friday upon the event of the reception of the Pontifical Biblical Commission by Pope Francis. The panel was convened from Monday to Friday at the Vatican for this year's General Assembly. The theme was "Inspiration and Truth of the Bible." Mueller is also President of the Biblical Commission.
Today's exegesis is being challenged by historical science, to judge biblical stories alone on the scale of their historicity, explained Müller. The other challenge for today's biblical scholarship exists in the numerous biblical depictions of violence. Many Christian readers were confused and helpless by their reading. At the same time, these texts would offer non-Christian readers an opportunity to brand Christianity as a violent religion, said the prefect of the CDF. Francis Pope has urged Catholic biblical scholars to be faithful to the Church in his speech.
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Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Imkamp Called to the Archive of the CDF

Edit: he’s one of the most conservative Prelates in Germany, his Masses are often packed and he delivers great sermons.
Ziemetshausen (KNA) Wilhelm Imkamp, pilgrimage director in Swabia’s Maria Vesperbild, is the newest member of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith in the Vatican. The 61 year old Prelate announced on Monday in Ziemteshausen that he had been summoned by Prefect Gerhard Ludwig Müller to the board.
Already at the end of January he was awarded his doctorate in Theology as a regular member of the Pontifical Theological Academy in Rome. It is one of eleven academies in the field of Catholic Church Government in Rome and serves as a “think tank”, which unifies the various theological schools of thought. According to the Papal Yearbook, there are 25 more regular members. The naming is in effective for life.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Archbishop Müller: Truth is Not Subjective -- Relativism Leads to Intolerance Against God

"I have been told regarding Italian politics before the election by politicians and representatives of the intelligista that the Church needs to speak of love, of charity and the mercy of God, but the truth, that is subjective and applies to the feelings. There is only my truth. There is no objective truth, they say," says the Prefect of the Congregation of Faith. "But without a foundational truth no reality is possible, because God is reality and mercy", as the new Prefect of the Pallazzo del Sant'Uffizio explained.
In this context, Müller wanted to speak to politics. "Without an ethical basis, with the rejection of God and without Faith, it is impossible in Europe and North America, to solve all the problems of today," he said. Because these issues affect "not only the market and economics."
His book takes the Regensburg speech of Pope Benedict XVI. in 2007. "The relativism applied to the truth is not only a philosophical conviction, but speaks unavoidably in its intolerance against God", he continues
With his new book, Archbishop Müller wants to offer readers with a hand up for an introduction to the collected works of Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Link to Katholisches...
Thursday, December 6, 2012
New Appointment to Replace ++Muller of Regesburg

Edit: and so ends the speculation that the Pope's Secretary, Msgr Ganswein would be getting a See.
Passau/Regensburg ( Rudolf Voderholzer (53), should be named as new Bishop of Regensburg says a report on Thursday. "Passauer Neuer Presse" reported on Wednesday under a statment from "very well informed Church circles". The Diocese hosted a press conference at 12 o'clock for an extraordinary press conference with Diocesan Administrator Wilhelm Gegenfurtner.
Voderholzer is a student of Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Muller, who has directed the Diocese of Regensburg since the beginning of July and was called as Prefect of the Roman Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith. The Munich born man's primary occupation is as a theology professor at the University of Trier. Otherwise he's been given an assignment by ++Muller to lead the Regensburg Institute of Pope Benedict XVI., which is republishing he work of [Pope] Joseph Ratzinger.
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Friday, November 9, 2012
Bishop Fellay: Stays Firm, Dealing With Two Different Agendas
Edit: first they are told that the SSPX can be accepted as is and that no expectations would be included, then others are insisting that the Society must adhere to the principles of Vatican II. Then Archbishop Mueller, the new CDF, insists that the "talks are over". A few weeks after that, another statement is issued from Rome saying that the talks are not over.
We've pointed out in the past that there are two different agendas at work in Rome. It's interesting that most people seem unaware of this. We'll keep pointing it out. In the meantime, Bishop Fellay will continue to assert what the Society has always asserted and that it will not compromise those principles.
Undeniably, there are reports that there is a lot of pressure against this deal taking place from governments, Old Liberals within the Church structure who fear the growing legitimacy of Tradition in the Church, Jews and even members within the SSPX.
Here's the Bishop's statement and commentary from DICI:
This is the sort of information that reached me. Obviously it is not clear, when on the one hand you have official documents to which you have to say no, because they are asking us to accept the Council and that is not possible, and when on the other hand such reports are communicated to you. Nevertheless I made an initial response in which I said no. Someone telephoned me to tell me: “Could you not be a little more precise?” I wrote a second time. They were no more content than the first time. And so we come to March 16, when they presented to me a letter, saying, “This letter comes from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, but it is approved by the Pope.” If I had in my hands nothing but this letter, our relations with Rome would be finished, because this letter said that no one has the right to set the past Magisterium against the Magisterium of today. Therefore no one has the right to say that today the Roman authorities are in contradiction with those of yesterday. It also said that rejecting the September 14 document which was explicitly approved by the Pope was tantamount in fact to rejecting the authority of the Pope. There was even a reference to the canons that talk about schism and about excommunication for schism. The letter continued: “The Pope, in his kindness, is allowing you another month to reflect; if you wish to change your decision, tell the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith about it.” Then it’s clear! There is nothing left to do. This letter that came to me by the official channel concludes the debate. It is over. But at the same time, I received informal advice that told me: “Yes, you will receive a harsh letter, but remain calm,” or actually: “don’t panic.”Read it in its entirety here...
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
The New CDF Doesn't Get a Hat at the Consistorium
Edit: wasn't the new CDF supposed to get a hat? I wouldn't want him voting for my successor either.
Today the Pope announces a new Consistorium for November 24th -- at the feast of Christ the King.
( At the end of the General Audience Pope Benedict XVI. announced a new Consistorium.
On Saturday, the 24th of November, he will name six new Cardinals:
- The Prefect of the Papal House, James Micheal Harvey (63) to Archpriest of the Papal Basilica of St. Paul Before the Walls.
- The Maronite Patriarch Béchara Boutros Rai (72) of Antioch, Lebanon.
- The Syro-Malabar Archbishop Baselaios Cleemis Thottunkal (53) of Trivandrum in India
- Archbishop John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan (68) of Abuja in Nigeria.
- Arcibhsop Ruben Salazar Gomez (70) of Bogota, Colombia.
- Archbishop Luis Antonio Table (55) of Manila, Philippines.
119 Voting Cardinals
The coming Consistorium is the fifth for Benedict XVI.
With that, the number of Cardinals climbs to 211.
At the end of November there will be 120 under eighty years of age, and thus are prepared, to elect the new Pope at the next Conclave.
Link kreuz...
Today the Pope announces a new Consistorium for November 24th -- at the feast of Christ the King.
( At the end of the General Audience Pope Benedict XVI. announced a new Consistorium.
On Saturday, the 24th of November, he will name six new Cardinals:
- The Prefect of the Papal House, James Micheal Harvey (63) to Archpriest of the Papal Basilica of St. Paul Before the Walls.
- The Maronite Patriarch Béchara Boutros Rai (72) of Antioch, Lebanon.
- The Syro-Malabar Archbishop Baselaios Cleemis Thottunkal (53) of Trivandrum in India
- Archbishop John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan (68) of Abuja in Nigeria.
- Arcibhsop Ruben Salazar Gomez (70) of Bogota, Colombia.
- Archbishop Luis Antonio Table (55) of Manila, Philippines.
119 Voting Cardinals
The coming Consistorium is the fifth for Benedict XVI.
With that, the number of Cardinals climbs to 211.
At the end of November there will be 120 under eighty years of age, and thus are prepared, to elect the new Pope at the next Conclave.
Link kreuz...
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
CDF Archbishop Mueller to Tackle LGBT-Masses
(Vatican) The New Prefect of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith Gerhard Ludwig is determined to end the problem of Mass for gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transexuals. The offensive event is offered two times every month in a Novus Ordo Eucharist in Warwick Street in the London district of Soho. The Homosexual-celebration takes place with the approval of the current Archbishop of Westminster, Msgr Vincent Nichols.
London LGBT-Mass with the Approval of Archbishop Nichols
London Catholics have turned after futile attempts to address the Ordinary, to Rome. Several contacts in the Roman Curia have shown themselves concerned by the action and have looked for an explanation of the London Andersrum-Service. Thereupon, the principle aspects were discussed principally in terms concerning pastoral validity and a ghettoization within the Church, if such specifically prescribed group-services are celebrated.
Catholics Pray the Rosary at the Church -- Their Petitions Unheard
London Catholics were especially offended by the form in which the Mass was celebrated. In a petition already sent a long time previously to Archbishop Nichols, several Roman Congregations were made aware, that they complained that in the preaching, the condition of homosexuality was justified and with that there was a position taken which contradicts the teaching of the Church. The Catholics then complained that with every positive approach toward pastoral support of people with homosexual inclinations it will then be nullified. The Catholic teaching of penance, contrition and forgiveness is not taught, but the "otherness" is celebrated as being-as-it-is.
In the Catholic Church in Warwick Street there are significant portrayals of the rainbow flag of the homosexuals. The rainbow flag, originally portrayed representing God's manifestation in the rainbow as a symbol of peace, has been usurped by homosexual groups in recent years to be perceived as a militant symbol of an offensive homosexual movement.
Altars and Holy Statues Draped with Flags and Banners
The Catholics of the English capital complained in their petition that numerous flags and banners of dubious content were draped over crosses, altars, Mary and Saints statues and other religious symbols in the Church. Most were encouraging transvestites and transexuals to declare themselves.
The Church of Our Lady of the Assumption and St. Gregory is covered in a dazzling twice a month, so that it veils from the faithful, not only the Catholic Faith, but also a holy place. As there is no one among the authorities, neither pastor, nor Archbishop to whom the faithful can give an ear but to "hustle and bustle", the faithful have resorted to self-help. They gather during the homo-Masses in front of the church and on the street and pray the rosary as a sign of disapproval, above all in any case as a gesture of reparation.
Archbishop Nichols Confirmed the Homo-Mass in February
Archbishop Nichols confirmed first in February 2012 the intention, to continue "pastoral care for Catholics with same-sex orientation" in the church on Warwick Street. The action was brought to life under his predecessor Cardinal Cormack Murphy O'Connor. On the internet site of the Archdiocese corresponding documents by Cardinal Murphy O'Connor and Cardinal Basil Hume are exhibited. The pastoral reality looks however clearly different. At the yearly "Gay Pride" there is a "Pride Mass" celebrated in Warwick Street for interested participants from the Gay Pride March through London. "The spectacle which is played out in our church is revolting", complained a Catholic from Soho.
In Great Britain as in several states in the western world the relatively small homo-lobby attempts, supported by strong left-Liberal powers to introduce legal equality of homosexual-"marriage" and the right of adoption. The "Soho-Masses" will be seen as a part of this homosexualization of society, which have introduced themselves into the Catholic Church, which shows the most resistance to the attack on marriage and family, on children and the social order. The question of the LGBT-Mass of Soho has then a religious dimension in relation to Catholic doctrine, evangelization and pastoral care, but even a political dimension.
Anglican "Concurence" influences the Catholic Ordinary
In nearby St. Anne Church, there is also Anglican "competition" with extended pastoral "services" for gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transsexuals. A "competition" that is not of the praying in front of the Catholic Church Catholics understood as such, but which was perceived at the diocesan level and has contributed to the establishment of a Catholic "counter offer".
From Rome, Archbishop Nichols, who is among the contenders for Cardinal, already suggested several times to act cautiously and complies with his duty of supervision. He was also warned that Rome would otherwise take over the duty of monitoring. The "advice" has recently have become more intense, because recently, the Archbishop of Westminster has publicly stated that everyone should be careful not to judge others.
Cardinal Levada let the matter sleep - Mueller wants to act
The former Prefect of the CDF, William Cardinal Levada, who asked in 2011 to be released from office for health reasons, let the matter lie in the final months of his term. His successor, the new Prefect of the CDF, Gerhard Ludwig Müller, wants to clarify the matter, however, and with determination, because the case is not as isolated as Soho. There are other churches in other countries, where dubious gay counseling takes place.
The homosexual issue is a hot button issue for the Church. It has developed into one of the major challenges for the Church and a central point of attack against the Church the last 15 years. Self-conscious homosexuals want to rebuild society, but they also wish to alter the legal order and to overcome the Christian teaching on homosexuality. In the last year, the appointment of Rainer Maria Cardinal Woelki as Archbishop of Berlin was perceived in the national media almost exclusively in terms of the gay question. That's surely the case because of the media's reportage, but it is also due to the contorted, rarely clear words of religious leaders with which they represent the Catholic Faith and the Catholic position.
Link to original...
London LGBT-Mass with the Approval of Archbishop Nichols
London Catholics have turned after futile attempts to address the Ordinary, to Rome. Several contacts in the Roman Curia have shown themselves concerned by the action and have looked for an explanation of the London Andersrum-Service. Thereupon, the principle aspects were discussed principally in terms concerning pastoral validity and a ghettoization within the Church, if such specifically prescribed group-services are celebrated.
Catholics Pray the Rosary at the Church -- Their Petitions Unheard
London Catholics were especially offended by the form in which the Mass was celebrated. In a petition already sent a long time previously to Archbishop Nichols, several Roman Congregations were made aware, that they complained that in the preaching, the condition of homosexuality was justified and with that there was a position taken which contradicts the teaching of the Church. The Catholics then complained that with every positive approach toward pastoral support of people with homosexual inclinations it will then be nullified. The Catholic teaching of penance, contrition and forgiveness is not taught, but the "otherness" is celebrated as being-as-it-is.
In the Catholic Church in Warwick Street there are significant portrayals of the rainbow flag of the homosexuals. The rainbow flag, originally portrayed representing God's manifestation in the rainbow as a symbol of peace, has been usurped by homosexual groups in recent years to be perceived as a militant symbol of an offensive homosexual movement.
Altars and Holy Statues Draped with Flags and Banners
The Catholics of the English capital complained in their petition that numerous flags and banners of dubious content were draped over crosses, altars, Mary and Saints statues and other religious symbols in the Church. Most were encouraging transvestites and transexuals to declare themselves.
The Church of Our Lady of the Assumption and St. Gregory is covered in a dazzling twice a month, so that it veils from the faithful, not only the Catholic Faith, but also a holy place. As there is no one among the authorities, neither pastor, nor Archbishop to whom the faithful can give an ear but to "hustle and bustle", the faithful have resorted to self-help. They gather during the homo-Masses in front of the church and on the street and pray the rosary as a sign of disapproval, above all in any case as a gesture of reparation.
Archbishop Nichols Confirmed the Homo-Mass in February
Archbishop Nichols confirmed first in February 2012 the intention, to continue "pastoral care for Catholics with same-sex orientation" in the church on Warwick Street. The action was brought to life under his predecessor Cardinal Cormack Murphy O'Connor. On the internet site of the Archdiocese corresponding documents by Cardinal Murphy O'Connor and Cardinal Basil Hume are exhibited. The pastoral reality looks however clearly different. At the yearly "Gay Pride" there is a "Pride Mass" celebrated in Warwick Street for interested participants from the Gay Pride March through London. "The spectacle which is played out in our church is revolting", complained a Catholic from Soho.
In Great Britain as in several states in the western world the relatively small homo-lobby attempts, supported by strong left-Liberal powers to introduce legal equality of homosexual-"marriage" and the right of adoption. The "Soho-Masses" will be seen as a part of this homosexualization of society, which have introduced themselves into the Catholic Church, which shows the most resistance to the attack on marriage and family, on children and the social order. The question of the LGBT-Mass of Soho has then a religious dimension in relation to Catholic doctrine, evangelization and pastoral care, but even a political dimension.
Anglican "Concurence" influences the Catholic Ordinary
In nearby St. Anne Church, there is also Anglican "competition" with extended pastoral "services" for gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transsexuals. A "competition" that is not of the praying in front of the Catholic Church Catholics understood as such, but which was perceived at the diocesan level and has contributed to the establishment of a Catholic "counter offer".
From Rome, Archbishop Nichols, who is among the contenders for Cardinal, already suggested several times to act cautiously and complies with his duty of supervision. He was also warned that Rome would otherwise take over the duty of monitoring. The "advice" has recently have become more intense, because recently, the Archbishop of Westminster has publicly stated that everyone should be careful not to judge others.
Cardinal Levada let the matter sleep - Mueller wants to act
The former Prefect of the CDF, William Cardinal Levada, who asked in 2011 to be released from office for health reasons, let the matter lie in the final months of his term. His successor, the new Prefect of the CDF, Gerhard Ludwig Müller, wants to clarify the matter, however, and with determination, because the case is not as isolated as Soho. There are other churches in other countries, where dubious gay counseling takes place.
The homosexual issue is a hot button issue for the Church. It has developed into one of the major challenges for the Church and a central point of attack against the Church the last 15 years. Self-conscious homosexuals want to rebuild society, but they also wish to alter the legal order and to overcome the Christian teaching on homosexuality. In the last year, the appointment of Rainer Maria Cardinal Woelki as Archbishop of Berlin was perceived in the national media almost exclusively in terms of the gay question. That's surely the case because of the media's reportage, but it is also due to the contorted, rarely clear words of religious leaders with which they represent the Catholic Faith and the Catholic position.
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