Showing posts with label April's Fool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label April's Fool. Show all posts

Thursday, March 27, 2025

Pope Francis may be Astrofreezed in the Basement of the Vatican...

As noted only on the Eponymous Flower here, there's a real possibility that popes have been punished in the past by being astrofreezed in the basement of the Vatican by the Vatican deep-state machine. Those days may have come upon us again. Apparently, Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi has told The New York Times, "They say we, the Roman Curia, keep Francis frozen so that we can do our scheming." How are we to discern that that assertion is not meant to be taken as literal, Gospel truth?

Connected to astrofreezing, would have to be the new technology developed alongside the Covid "vaccines" that enables people who are just too damn old to remain alive and to keep running the world into the latrine that it's becoming.

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Was the Second Vatican Council Properly Concluded? Probably Not…

Bishop Williamson agreed to depart in relative peace from the SSPX on condition that Bishop Fellay agree to send his agents to the basement of the Vatican to undo the astrofreezing of both Pope Paul VI and the real Sr. Lucia that happened in early 1965. The problem is not that “Pope Benedict” didn’t fill out the right canonical paperwork to resign or that he resigned under coercion (both of which are true), but that neither he, nor Bergolio, nor Popskie (a.k.a. “Pope John Paul II”) nor John Paul I (i.e., a Soviet plant taken out in secret by the Swiss Guard because he couldn’t distinguish between grana padano and pecorino toscano cheeses, something any true Italian pope would know for sure) were really elected popes at all. What this means, of course, is that the Second Vatican Council was never officially ended, and thus its errors can still be corrected if Pope Paul VI emerges from the astrofreezing inflicted upon him by the Masons and tries to reconvene Vatican II, like the Councils of Pisa and Pistoia. Although it is not clear who exactly besides Pope Paul would have voting rights, apparently the proposed agenda includes plans to excommunicate Pope Michael of Kansas, Pope Benedict XVI for being the modernist he clearly is (he went along with the Novus Ordo, after all), Ginés Jesús Hernández and Joseph Odermatt (i.e., “Pope Gregory XVIII” and “Pope Peter III” of the Palmarians), and Russell M. Nelson (the President of the Mormons), just to clear the air and make sure everyone’s on the same page. Also on the chopping block might be the editorial board of The National Catholic Reporter, Sister Joan Chittister (who by witchcraft and the handiwork of the Devil is still somehow alive), and notable bloggers and/or modernists, like Mark P. Shea, Mike Lewis (Where Peter Is), Sean Michael Winter, Austen Ivereigh (Francis’s biographer), and everyone who likes the PrayTell blog.

(As an aside: Black light has recently revealed that the Kabbalah was secretly copied with the filthiest and most blasphemous parts of the Talmud into the pages of the Collegeville Bible. All copies are to be assembled and used as kindling to burn all the known copies of The Remnant, because Michael Matt failed to maintain his commitment to the Social Reign of Christ the King and the Catholic Confessional State, as is evidenced by the fact that he has retreated into self-constructed, theatrical catacombs from which he digitally communicates with the cowardly. Moreover, he has failed to sufficiently condemn Rod Dreher for his apostasy to the Eastern Schismatics.)

On the other hand, it might be that formerly-“Cardinal” McCarrick, because the Vatican bureaucracy and the Italian Republic forgot to take away his keys, might also be trying to undo the astrofreezing of Pope Paul VI, because he’s bitter that at the time of the astrofreezing the Pontiff owed him about 70 Italian lira for a rent boy. Taking into consideration the unreliable banking situation in Italy and the Vatican and fluctuating interest rates, that sum might equal 900 Euros today. Little does McCarrick know, however, that the money has already been spent to ensure that Cardinal Wilton Gregory doesn’t reveal himself as the Black, transwoman, Atlanta prostitute he/she/they is. McCarrick is also bitter that he has been reduced to working as a delivery boy at Comet Ping Pong, where Pizzagate happened.

A third and more likely possibility is that Fellay’s agents and McCarrick are cooperating together. But why the urge to bring back Pope Paul VI to the scene, you might ask? The fact is, Fellay, Williamson, and the Israelis want President Trump to be declared Holy Roman Emperor by the real Pope, to lead us out of the mess of partisan politics and factionalism and into the universal peace promised by Our Lady of Fatima, but most CIA agents, virtually all non-observant Jews, the FBI, most Jesuits, half the Cardinals, and PETA do not want this, but especially to blame are the Jesuits, Jews, Masons, Communists, and Rastafarians (mostly the same people) and the Palmarians. To prevent the restoration of the Holy Roman Empire and the revelation to the world of Trump as the Holy Monarch of prophecy, former QAnon Shaman, Jake Angeli, currently a Palmarian “priest,” was planted by the CIA and Vice President Pence to orchestrate the illegal entry into the Capitol Building by Biden’s volunteers. (Clarence Thomas’s wife, Ginni, may have had something to do with it too.)

Remember that Mike Pence, “former” Catholic who attends Evangelical services, is still under the control of the modernist papacy, because all so-called former Catholics never properly abjure their former allegiance. He’s also probably a Mason from Indiana, based on the mere statistical fact of the high number of Masons per capita from Indiana. He decided to intervene on January 6, because Trump was coming very close to being declared Emperor. To that end, Trump was secretly confirmed a Catholic by Archbishop Viganò according to the traditional rite. But don’t worry about the validity of Trump’s confirmation, because Viganò conditionally received all the minor and major orders, including episcopal consecration, from Williamson himself. If Trump had been able to retain the Presidency, he might have been installed as Donald I, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire by the Pope and King Filipe VI of Spain. Unfortunately, “Fr.” Jake of the Palmarians communed with the Devil, the CIA, and Mike Pence to prevent the universal peace we all yearn for. May he burn in hell with his Satanic masters.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

I don't think I can go on any longer

My Personal Hero, Cardinal Lehmann
Edit: things have been proceeding steadily downhill for months and what with so much negative feedback, death threats, weird phone calls in the middle of the night, being followed, I've come to the conclusion that this has been a long hard road with few consolations and a lot of headaches.   I will have to hang up this blogger job. I can't even get people to donate to katholisches, a truly excellent weblog for the German reader which has insights and news stories.

This will probabaly be my last post. So long and thanks for all the good vibes!